Some choice quotes from the interview:
Nothing was happening apart from Medical Murder.
You can't do something in ten months which normally takes 6-10 years.
They wanted to create a product that induced toxicity and to cause illness and infertility - to prevent a disease that didn't exist.
Lipid NAno-particles accumulate in the ovaries. -- hence his position that these drugs were designed to cause infertility.
They were making intentionally dangerous materials. -- and why did the four major vaccine-producers all use the same mRNA platform?
Pandemics are not possible and have never happened.
My comment: Before the 'word' pandemic, we were told about epidemics - but even those were usually confined to limited areas. This is because a virus that kills its host rapidly, tends to not last. (Notice their hopes for making Ebola the thing, didn't pan out, despite vigorous horror/drama/action movies on the subject). That one just stayed in sad little pockets in Africa, and was arguably caused by vaccine injuries in the first place. Note that Africans roundly rejeced the vaccines, and serendipitously relied on Ivermectin, which their governments have advised them to take once a week (for parasites).
The biggest example of a deadly epidemic, that is trotted out, is the Bubonic plagues, which BTW, were not transmitted from human to human, but from the infected fleas on the backs of rodents. So, the advent or that deadly epidemic, was due to shocking living conditions, where people allowed rodents to just run about everywhere. They had them living in their long-drops (yep, outdoor poo-holes, right there, in the city), for example.
Arguably, this was due to superstition - there are umpteen Reddit and Quora threads about this hypothesis - people literally murdered cats during witch-trials, because cats were associated with witchcraft. Something about cats screaming like humans when they are in pain. Also note that even today, there are groups campaigning to kill cats, but I digress. Is there a correlation between witch-trials and plague?
Legislation to mandate forced vaccination (currently up for grabs in Ireland) is an Act of War. <--This is also my hypothesis. I had a very strong feeling that the first lockdown was a declaration of war against humanity.
Nothing was happening apart from Medical Murder.