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So he found that some basic agreed upon societal and social rules and standards regarding things like marriage and waiting for sex. Are good. And the absence of them leads to bad things, social decay and eventual collapse.

Or in short. Being a Hedonistic Libertine. Is ultimately hostile towards the long term health of society. And somewhere along the way within the last century. Large portions of the West on both sides of the political spectrum. Confused Libertine and Liberty as somehow meaning the same thing.

And will viciously oppose, belittle, and mock any attempt to restore basic societal and social rules the majority is willing to agree too. And accuse everyone who doesn’t agree with their philosophy of being a Bootlicker, Tyrant, Racist etc. With the insult depending on the politics of the person in question.

100 days ago
2 score
Reason: Original

So he found that some basic agreed upon societal and social rules and standards regarding things like marriage and waiting for sex. Are good. And the absence of them leads to bad things, social decay and eventual collapse.

Or in short. Being a Hedonistic Libertine. Is ultimately hostile towards the long term health of society. And somewhere along the way within the last century. Large portions of the West on both sides of the political spectrum. Confused Libertine and Liberty as somehow meaning the same thing.

And will viciously oppose, belittle, and mock any attempt to restore basic societal and social rules. And accuse everyone who doesn’t agree with their philosophy of being a Bootlicker, Tyrant, Racist etc. With the insult depending on the politics of the person in question.

100 days ago
1 score