Excuse you, I do my research Anon. No need to be rude, but it’s true you don’t know what he was doing for 20 years. We factually have apocryphal texts and then scrolls out of both Ethiopia and across south-west Asia, as far as Nepal stating what Christ was doing, but not much from Israel. And the Vatican won’t release info neither. Why? Because it would destroy their religious narrative strangle hold that Christ was studying the other people within 20yr walking or riding distance, and rising religions that would soon spread across the world.
Now again besides your unfounded getting personal attack, tell me with facts where he was and what exactly you are for sure knowing Christ of all divine people, was doing for 20+ years before coming out of Egypt to Israel/Palestine? I assume you rode the donkey with him and scribed all he did like all the other (non-existant for sure 100% fact) clarifying info?
Again, I’ll wait since all we have are scrolls of possible info/here-say, that did not come out of Israel, because they have no clear clue.
Just so we’re clear on facts I’ve laid for study; Ethiopia’s scrolls kinda do tell though and I’d believe them waaaaaaay before you sir. Unless you can come up with and prove their older or old as Dead Sea Scrolls, wrong. 😉 With actual facts please.
Excuse you, I do my research Anon. No need to be rude, but it’s true you don’t know what he was doing for 20 years. We factually have apocryphal texts and then scrolls out of both Ethiopia and across south-west Asia, as far as Nepal stating what Christ was doing, but not much from Israel. And the Vatican won’t release info neither. Why? Because it would destroy their religious narrative strangle hold that Christ was studying the other people within 20yr walking or riding distance, and rising religions that would soon spread across the world.
Now again besides your unfounded getting personal attack, tell me with facts where he was and what exactly you are for sure knowing Christ of all divine people, was doing for 20+ years before coming out of Egypt to Israel/Palestine? I assume you rode the donkey with him and scribed all he did like all the other (non-existant for sure 100% fact) clarifying info?
Again, I’ll wait since all we have are scrolls of possible info/here-say, that did not out of Israel, because they have no clear clue.
Ethiopia kinda does though and I’d believe them waaaaaaay before you sir, unless you can prove their older or old as Dead Sea Scrolls wrong. 😉
Excuse you, I do my research Anon. No need to be rude, but it’s true you don’t know what he was doing for 20 years. We factually have apocryphal texts and then scrolls out of both Ethiopia and across south-west Asia, as far as Nepal stating what Christ was doing, but not much from Israel. And the Vatican won’t release info neither. Why? Because it would destroy their religious narrative strangle hold that Christ was studying the other people within 20yr walking or riding distance, and rising religions that would soon spread across the world.
Now again besides your unfounded getting personal attack, tell me with facts where he was and what exactly you are for sure knowing Christ of all divine people, was doing for 20+ years before coming out of Egypt to Israel/Palestine? I assume you rode the donkey with him and scribed all he did like all the other (non-existant for sure 100% fact) clarifying info?
Again, I’ll wait.
Excuse you, I do my research Anon. No need to be rude, but it’s true you don’t know what he was doing for 20 years. We factually have apocryphal texts and then scrolls out of both Ethiopia and across south-west Asia, as far as Nepal stating what Christ was doing, but not much from Israel. And the Vatican won’t release info neither. Why? Because it would destroy their religious narrative strangle hold that Christ was studying the other people within 20yr walking or riding distance, and rising religions that would soon spread across the world.
Now again besides your unfounded getting personal attack, tell me with facts where he was and what exactly you are for sure knowing Christ of all divine people, was doing for 20+ years before coming out of Egypt to Israel/Palestine? I assume you rode the donkey with him and scribed all he did like all the other (non-existant) clarifying info?
Again, I’ll wait.
Excuse you, I do my research Anon. No need to be rude, but it’s true you don’t know what he was doing for 20 years. We factually have apocryphal texts and then scriptures out of both Ethiopia and across south-west Asia, as far as Nepal stating what Christ was doing, but not much from Israel. And the Vatican won’t release info neither. Why? Because it would destroy their religious narrative strangle hold that Christ was studying the other people within 20yr walking or riding distance, and rising religions that would soon spread across the world.
Now again besides your unfounded getting personal attack, tell me with facts where he was and what exactly you are for sure knowing Christ of all divine people, was doing for 20+ years before coming out of Egypt to Israel/Palestine? I assume you rode the donkey with him and scribed all he did like all the other (non-existant) clarifying info?
Again, I’ll wait.