Your welcome. FYI: natural medicine takes time because it heals the body. Unlike pharmaceuticals that only mask the symptoms. I try to use natural medicine however sometimes I do rely on RX, especially for pain. High BP could also be a symptom of another medication. Also stress and pain can cause high BP. I’ve had chronic pain over twenty years and at times it was very high when the pain got bad. I had high BP for many years and was on medication. Years ago I stopped the meds and just lived with high BP. Probably not smart! But eventually with diet and probably from one of many herbs it got normal.
I’ve lost weight and that’s helped. However many people who aren’t overweight still have high BP. If they eat processed foods that probably isn’t helping. Also so many foods are labeled “healthy” “heart smart” etc and it’s just marketing and lies. Seed oils are very bad, especially corn, canola, soy and palm. Then you got corn syrup, fructose and sugar (first two is sugar). Also artificial sweeteners and sweeteners from plants cause multiple health problems. It takes an education to understand ingredients. Basically if man makes it, it’s bad.
Your welcome.