There are two (occassionally three) plane style drones (big) that fly in the same part of the sky just Northwest of Austin just about every night. For hours on end. I thought they were helicopters for the longest time as they appear to hover in place. Been going on for at least a few years. I finally caught sight if one, I think, last year. Just before dusk. It flew right over me, and I was able to see what it was. I've been meaning to make a post to see if that happens anywhere else.
Edit: If anyone lives out this way look to the West just as you move from Austin to Round Rock on 35 (Pflugervilleish I believe around Grand Avenue). They will be two unusually bright lights not far above the horizon just after dark to at least eleven.
There are two (occassionally three) plane style drones (big) that fly in the same part of the sky just Northwest of Austin just about every night. For hours on end. I thought they were helicopters for the longest time as they appear to hover in place. Been going on for at least a few years. I finally caught sight if one, I think, last year. Just before dusk. It flew right over me, and I was able to see what it was. I've been meaning to make a post to see if that happens anywhere else.