What else is new...Meanwhile normies be like "bu-Buh-but what about muh crypto moon. I was promised a crypto moon!? All the experts said this qantum stuff was sci-fi nonsense!....and now congress is talking about aliens non stop!....omg I should have listened to all the conspiracy tin foil hat nuts! Man on TV lied to me about the nature of reality. And I believed them instead of doing my own research and now I'm mad at them instead of myself.... 😲🤬"
What else is new...Meanwhile normies be like "bu-Buh-but what about muh crypto moon. I was promised a crypto moon!? All the experts said this qantum stuff was sci-fi nonsense!....and now congress is talking about aliens non stop!....omg I should have listened to all the conspiracy tin foil hat nuts! Man on TV lied to me about the nature of reality. I believed them instead of doing my own research and now I'm mad at them instead of myself.... 😲🤬"