Thanks for the link. I'll take a gander at 2 & 3 later. As for #1 (watched) - someone has to know the true history of these, seems rather morbid.
As far as the down-voter(s), some may consider this as "topic-sliding" as it segues into ancient history, but I think your point is there are some very dark secrets going back centuries, that certain "churches" have always been antithetical to God, but just hide their dark cores either under their actual buildings (like those bones) or cloaked in flowery words and obfuscation (like OP is sharing with us in this post).
Thanks for the link. I'll take a gander at 2 & 3 later. As for #1 (watched) - someone has to know the true history of these, seems rather morbid.
As far as the down-voter(s), some may consider this as "topic-sliding" as it segues into ancient history, but I think your point is there are some very dark secrets going back centuries, that certain "churches" have always been antithetical to God, but just hide their dark cores either under their actual buildings or cloaked in flowery words and obfuscation.