I came to the conclusion a long time back that Ardis is a shyster.
When he was hyping snake venom in our water supply and 5G killing us, I knew he was full of shit, and possibly working to make those revealing the truth to the people look like kooks.
Filling the air with utter bullshit is how they operate to make all the other reveals look ridiculous to the sheeple. It is the same principle that MOSSAD Jones has been operating on for decades.
I came to the conclusion a long time back that Ardis is a shyster.
When he was hyping snake venom in our water supply and 5G killing us, I knew he was full of shit, and possibly working to make those revealing the truth to the people look like kooks.
Filling the air with utter bullshit is how they operator to make all the other reveals look ridiculous to the sheeple. It is the same principle that MOSSAD Jones has been operating on for decades.