Yeah, ugly day.
I just wish I was trading it (on the short side), but I don't trade on FOMC days.
The market, overall, has been VERY weak in MOST sectors. A small number of stocks have been holding up the indexes. But even those got hit hard today.
I suspect that Powell/Fed are going to war with Trump.
They will try to screw up his admin, possibly to save the Federal Reserve itself from being replaced (we can hope, right?).
I would not be suprised to see a bear market gaining strength, as the establishment tries to destroy Trump's agenda. Expect to see the Fed and others coming out with stories to disrupt the markets.
Yeah, ugly day.
I just wish I was trading it (on the short side), but I don't trade on FOMC days for this very reason.
The market, overall, has been VERY weak in MOST sectors. A small number of stocks have been holding up the indexes. But even those got blasted today.
Powell/FOMC are going to war with Trump.
They will try to screw up his admin, possible to save the Federal Reserve itself from being replaced.
I would not be suprised to see a bear market gaining strength, as the establishment tries to destroy Trump's agenda. Expect to see the Fed and others coming out with stories to disrupt the markets.