Changing the G by vote, doesn't change those in the SES. See above
Not enough understand the connection. All big corps have overlapping BOD's. By design.
Then you have your vanguards and state streets.
The system is designed for control, from banking, to big corps, to aligning G interests. As far as the US goes, it's just several different mafia families.
Let's say CA Pelosi mob Chicago Mocha messiah mob Clinton NY mob
They all have their own interests in mind, enrich themselves at the expense of others. Some times their interests align and they can profit together, but 1 mob doesn't know what the other mob is doing.
Big corps are just the cash cow to be extorted.
Patrick Byrne is a great history lesson on how big business gets manipulated by the G and his experience had nothing to do with the SES. He was just a patsy to a compartmentalized intel op.
We really need to take a look at the SES and who they're corrupting.
The SES is the deep state.
Changing the G by vote, doesn't change those in the SES. See above Not enough understand the connection. All big corps have overlapping BOD's. By design. Then you have your vanguards and state streets. The system is designed for control, from banking, to big corps, to aligning G interests. As far as the US goes, it's just several different mafia families. Let's say CA Pelosi mobile Chicago Mocha messiah mob Clinton NY mob They all have their own interests in mind, enrich themselves at the expense of others. Some times their interests align and they can profit together, but 1 mob doesn't know what the other mob is doing. Big corps are just the cash cow to be extorted.
Patrick Byrne is a great history lesson on how big business gets manipulated by the G and his experience had nothing to do with the SES. He was just a patsy to a compartmentalized intel op.
We really need to take a look at the SES and who they're corrupting.
Changing the G by vote, doesn't change those in the SES. See above Not enough understand the connection.