I have spent too many hours digging up the NASA bs....what is funny is that so much of their fraud is NOT even that hard to find since they keep the "moon" photos online and they are numbered by mission and photo cartridge...
And one can simply go through public archives and find objects moved , and entire sets changed in between shots....its almost as if someone back then WANTED the public to find out at a later date ala whistleblower like.
This is one of my favorite "errors"
These shots are from Apollo 15 and can be found in the Nasa archives they are taken just about 20 shots apart.
.....How is this even possible?
Its the same EXACT background but somehow the Module is gone and the scenery has changed.....if this doesnt AT LEAST make you wonder WTF then I guess you dont want to know.
I have spent too many hours digging up the NASA bs....what is funny is that so much of their fraud is NOT even that hard to find since they keep the "moon" photos online and they are numbered by mission and photo cartidge...
And one can simply go through public archives and find objects moved , and entire sets changed in between shots....its almost as if someone back then WANTED the public to find out a later date ala whistleblower like.
This is one of my favorite "errors"
These shots are from Apollo 15 and can be found in the Nasa archives they are taken just about 20 shots apart.
.....How is this even possible?
Its the same EXACT background but somehow the Module is gone and the scenery has changed.....if this doesnt AT LEAST make you wonder WTF then I guess you dont want to know.