I WANT to believe. And there is a strong part of me that DOES....
I’ve seen this man’s accomplishments and can’t comprehend how we’re in this spot. He did more than any President has done in my lifetime. I also see the wholly ineffable way in which the “system” has been against him. And it’s made me bolder.
Then the 20 election happened, which we all know he won. It made me apoplectic. It made things feel helpless to me. Q has made things seem more sane, but I’m still disheartened.
I want to believe. ... I am the biggest supporter of Trump of anyone I know. I want to trust the process, and I do, but I have a built in questioning process by way of the incessant, relentless and seemingly impossible hoard of Power, Greed, and Filth with which the powers that be have given me question.
It’s exhausting. I do believe Trump is anointed by God. And even THAT still grants me pause. It’s a dilemma the likes of which I hate to admit.
Please pray for our President
Many times, if I see a clip of DJT or a short video of him interacting with people, etc., tears of hope and gratitude and sorrow well from my eyes momentarily. "Please protect Donald Trump" comes a silent prayer to my lips, unstoppable. "Thank you Father" I pray.
And, fren, I'm not an American....
Yes, the election thing in 2020 and January 2021 was a period when anons like myself, and others like you, went through a dark night of the soul. As I mentioned, it took me 6 months just to process. Anons expected so many things to happen. Not just on Nov 3, but after, each week, each day, each moment. It was gut-wrenching.
"Sometimes you must walk through the darkness...."
Once Jan 20th, 2021 rolled over, I think many of us went into a form of shock. I did. I had to put Q aside. For several months. I just simply could not figure it out. What was going on? What was the purpose of the Q operation, if not for this election? So what was this about? Nothing made sense any more, so I put things aside, and focused on my home territory.
I happen to live in the most locked down city in the world. 20 and 21 were total Orwellian lunacy. Over 2 years, we had some 6 individual lockdowns, 263 days in total, the longest of any country or city around the world. No travel allowed more than 3 miles from your home, without a special permit. No working allowed except in special "essential services" and then you needed a work permit to travel. Maximum of 1 hour shopping per day, per home/family. Maximum of 1 person allowed to do that shopping. Maximum of 1 hour each day allowed for exercise outside of the home. Maximum of 2 people from the same home allowed to exercise together. Curfew of 9pm to 6am. Must wear mask at ALL times when outside the home. All public gatherings banned. Businesses shut down. People were being stopped, fined, threatened, etc, when violating any of these rules.
So, I had plenty to focus on. I began networking and organizing with others forming local groups and resistance networks.
But over the course of '21, I found myself coming back to the Q community. Slowly, things started to make sense. Slowly. If you ever tap in to Pepe Lives Matter on telegram, he constantly emphasizes how difficult the terrain has been for anons, but how important.
Keep your questioning process. This is NOT about simply believing. It's not. True and potent belief comes through understanding. The goal is understanding, and understanding guides and reinforces belief. We’re all in that maturing process, at one point or another.
The Great Awakening Is A Dual Process
To summarize, the great awakening is a dual process.
One, the external awakening, is about learning the truth about the world, the matrix, the mechanisms evil has been using to control and manipulate us.
Two, the internal awakening, is about developing understanding, fortitude, internal endurance, emotional strength, resilience, in order to digest and overcome the emotional / spiritual swings that the external awakening generates.
We are constantly hit by expectations & disappointments, but it's all part of the internal terrain we need to cross. It's part of the process of unplugging from the matrix.
What Is True Faith?
True faith never comes without confronting doubt, fear, questioning. In truth, there are three stages of faith: Childlike faith, adolescent-like faith, and mature faith.
Childlike faith is the first faith. We accept, embrace, without conditions and uncritically. It's a pure form of faith, but not mature, and not resilient.
Adolescent-like faith is the second faith. We begin to question. Our critical faculty starts working. We ask, doubt, wonder. We push and pull on the limits of what we believe and understand. We grapple and we struggle. This is the faith which is most difficult. It's faith being challenged, but its also the faith that, if traversed with perseverance, internal honesty and determination, leads to the third faith.
Mature faith is the third faith. It is faith with understanding. It is faith with endurance and balance. It is where reasoning and logic, where evidence have all worked together to support , enhance and refine our faith. And it is where faith shifts from 'belief' into 'knowing', where experience affirms our understanding and our understanding affirms our faith.
God Is Not Finished With America
It's not just America that needs to be free. American was created and founded by God to be the First Born, the Beacon, the Beachhead. God wants the world to be free. Yes, America has stumbled, but only because the Enemy has hated America more than any nation on the Earth. Every nation has stumbled, some far worse than America. But God is not finished with America. And God has done what he did and paid the price necessary to reclaim and restore America, and the world, at this time.
Ultimately, there is no getting away from the fact that part of the Great Awakening is our own internal journey. So be of good courage. Millions and millions and millions all around the world are experiencing this, right now. We are at the front of the wave, where the water is crashing and breaking and thundering the most. We get hit in the face by the wave. But the swell that is developing behind us..... Oh, fren.... It will sweep the Earth clean.
So let us be grateful for the tribulations, the exhaustions, the difficulty of this journey. This is how Truth forges Steel. This is how God makes Diamonds. And rejoice, because we are making it that much easier for those who will follow behind us.
Someone did that for us. Now it's our turn to do that for others.
God bless you fren. And welcome to the Great Awakening.
Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light. ~ Q4951 November 12, 2020
I WANT to believe. And there is a strong part of me that DOES....
I’ve seen this man’s accomplishments and can’t comprehend how we’re in this spot. He did more than any President has done in my lifetime. I also see the wholly ineffable way in which the “system” has been against him. And it’s made me bolder.
Then the 20 election happened, which we all know he won. It made me apoplectic. It made things feel helpless to me. Q has made things seem more sane, but I’m still disheartened.
I want to believe. ... I am the biggest supporter of Trump of anyone I know. I want to trust the process, and I do, but I have a built in questioning process by way of the incessant, relentless and seemingly impossible hoard of Power, Greed, and Filth with which the powers that be have given me question.
It’s exhausting. I do believe Trump is anointed by God. And even THAT still grants me pause. It’s a dilemma the likes of which I hate to admit.
Please pray for our President
Many times, if I see a clip of DJT or a short video of him interacting with people, etc., tears of hope and gratitude and sorrow well from my eyes momentarily. "Please protect Donald Trump" comes a silent prayer to my lips, unstoppable. "Thank you Father" I pray.
And, fren, I'm not an American....
Yes, the election thing in 2020 and January 2021 was a period when anons like myself, and others like you, went through a dark night of the soul. As I mentioned, it took me 6 months just to process. Anons expected so many things to happen. Not just on Nov 3, but after, each week, each day, each moment. It was gut-wrenching.
"Sometimes you must walk through the darkness...."
Once Jan 20th, 2021 rolled over, I think many of us went into a form of shock. I did. I had to put Q aside. For several months. I just simply could not figure it out. What was going on? What was the purpose of the Q operation, if not for this election? So what was this about? Nothing made sense any more, so I put things aside, and focused on my home territory.
I happen to live in the most locked down city in the world. 20 and 21 were total Orwellian lunacy. Over 2 years, we had some 6 individual lockdowns, 263 days in total, the longest of any country or city around the world. No travel allowed more than 3 miles from your home, without a special permit. No working allowed except in special "essential services" and then you needed a work permit to travel. Maximum of 1 hour shopping per day, per home/family. Maximum of 1 person allowed to do that shopping. Maximum of 1 hour each day allowed for exercise outside of the home. Maximum of 2 people from the same home allowed to exercise together. Curfew of 9pm to 6am. Must wear mask at ALL times when outside the home. People were being stopped, fined, threatened, etc, when violating any of these rules.
So, I had plenty to focus on. I began networking and organizing with others forming local groups and resistance networks.
But over the course of '21, I found myself coming back to the Q community. Slowly, things started to make sense. Slowly. If you ever tap in to Pepe Lives Matter on telegram, he constantly emphasizes how difficult the terrain has been for anons, but how important.
Keep your questioning process. This is NOT about simply believing. It's not. True and potent belief comes through understanding. The goal is understanding, and understanding guides and reinforces belief. We’re all in that maturing process, at one point or another.
The Great Awakening Is A Dual Process
To summarize, the great awakening is a dual process.
One, the external awakening, is about learning the truth about the world, the matrix, the mechanisms evil has been using to control and manipulate us.
Two, the internal awakening, is about developing understanding, fortitude, internal endurance, emotional strength, resilience, in order to digest and overcome the emotional / spiritual swings that the external awakening generates.
We are constantly hit by expectations & disappointments, but it's all part of the internal terrain we need to cross. It's part of the process of unplugging from the matrix.
What Is True Faith?
True faith never comes without confronting doubt, fear, questioning. In truth, there are three stages of faith: Childlike faith, adolescent-like faith, and mature faith.
Childlike faith is the first faith. We accept, embrace, without conditions and uncritically. It's a pure form of faith, but not mature, and not resilient.
Adolescent-like faith is the second faith. We begin to question. Our critical faculty starts working. We ask, doubt, wonder. We push and pull on the limits of what we believe and understand. We grapple and we struggle. This is the faith which is most difficult. It's faith being challenged, but its also the faith that, if traversed with perseverance, internal honesty and determination, leads to the third faith.
Mature faith is the third faith. It is faith with understanding. It is faith with endurance and balance. It is where reasoning and logic, where evidence have all worked together to support , enhance and refine our faith. And it is where faith shifts from 'belief' into 'knowing', where experience affirms our understanding and our understanding affirms our faith.
God Is Not Finished With America
It's not just America that needs to be free. American was created and founded by God to be the First Born, the Beacon, the Beachhead. God wants the world to be free. Yes, America has stumbled, but only because the Enemy has hated America more than any nation on the Earth. Every nation has stumbled, some far worse than America. But God is not finished with America. And God has done what he did and paid the price necessary to reclaim and restore America, and the world, at this time.
Ultimately, there is no getting away from the fact that part of the Great Awakening is our own internal journey. So be of good courage. Millions and millions and millions all around the world are experiencing this, right now. We are at the front of the wave, where the water is crashing and breaking and thundering the most. We get hit in the face by the wave. But the swell that is developing behind us..... Oh, fren.... It will sweep the Earth clean.
So let us be grateful for the tribulations, the exhaustions, the difficulty of this journey. This is how Truth forges Steel. This is how God makes Diamonds. And rejoice, because we are making it that much easier for those who will follow behind us.
Someone did that for us. Now it's our turn to do that for others.
God bless you fren. And welcome to the Great Awakening.
Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light. ~ Q4951 November 12, 2020
I WANT to believe. And there is a strong part of me that DOES....
I’ve seen this man’s accomplishments and can’t comprehend how we’re in this spot. He did more than any President has done in my lifetime. I also see the wholly ineffable way in which the “system” has been against him. And it’s made me bolder.
Then the 20 election happened, which we all know he won. It made me apoplectic. It made things feel helpless to me. Q has made things seem more sane, but I’m still disheartened.
I want to believe. ... I am the biggest supporter of Trump of anyone I know. I want to trust the process, and I do, but I have a built in questioning process by way of the incessant, relentless and seemingly impossible hoard of Power, Greed, and Filth with which the powers that be have given me question.
It’s exhausting. I do believe Trump is anointed by God. And even THAT still grants me pause. It’s a dilemma the likes of which I hate to admit.
Please pray for our President
Many times, if I see a clip of DJT or a short video of him interacting with people, etc., tears of hope and gratitude and sorrow well from my eyes momentarily. "Please protect Donald Trump" comes a silent prayer to my lips, unstoppable. "Thank you Father" I pray.
And, fren, I'm not an American....
Yes, the election thing in 2020 and January 2021 was a period that anons like myself, and others like you, went through a dark night of the soul. As I mentioned, it took me 6 months just to process. Anons expected so many things to happen. Not just on Nov 3, but after, each week, each day, each moment. It was gut-wrenching.
"Sometimes you must walk through the darkness...."
Once Jan 20th, 2021 rolled over, I think many of us went into a form of shock. I did. I had to put Q aside. For several months. I just simply could not figure it out. What was going on? What was the purpose of the Q operation, if not for this election? So what was this about? Nothing made sense any more, so I put things aside, and focused on my home territory.
I happen to live in the most locked down city in the world. 20 and 21 were total Orwellian lunacy. Over 2 years, we had some 6 individual lockdowns, 263 days in total, the longest of any country or city around the world. No travel allowed more than 3 miles from your home, without a special permit. No working allowed except in special "essential services" and then you needed a work permit to travel. Maximum of 1 hour shopping per day, per home/family. Maximum of 1 person allowed to do that shopping. Maximum of 1 hour each day allowed for exercise outside of the home. Maximum of 2 people from the same home allowed to exercise together. Curfew of 9pm to 6am. Must wear mask at ALL times when outside the home. People were being stopped, fined, threatened, etc, when violating any of these rules.
So, I had plenty to focus on. I began networking and organizing with others forming local groups and resistance networks.
But over the course of '21, I found myself coming back to the Q community. Slowly, things started to make sense. Slowly. If you ever tap in to Pepe Lives Matter on telegram, he constantly emphasizes how difficult the terrain has been for anons, but how important.
Keep your questioning process. This is NOT about simply believing. It's not. True and potent belief comes through understanding. The goal is understanding, and understanding guides and reinforces belief. We’re all in that maturing process, at one point or another.
The Great Awakening Is A Dual Process
To summarize, the great awakening is a dual process.
One, the external awakening, is about learning the truth about the world, the matrix, the mechanisms evil has been using to control and manipulate us.
Two, the internal awakening, is about developing understanding, fortitude, internal endurance, emotional strength, resilience, in order to digest and overcome the emotional / spiritual swings that the external awakening generates.
We are constantly hit by expectations & disappointments, but it's all part of the internal terrain we need to cross. It's part of the process of unplugging from the matrix.
What Is True Faith?
True faith never comes without confronting doubt, fear, questioning. In truth, there are three stages of faith: Childlike faith, adolescent-like faith, and mature faith.
Childlike faith is the first faith. We accept, embrace, without conditions and uncritically. It's a pure form of faith, but not mature, and not resilient.
Adolescent-like faith is the second faith. We begin to question. Our critical faculty starts working. We ask, doubt, wonder. We push and pull on the limits of what we believe and understand. We grapple and we struggle. This is the faith which is most difficult. It's faith being challenged, but its also the faith that, if traversed with perseverance, internal honesty and determination, leads to the third faith.
Mature faith is the third faith. It is faith with understanding. It is faith with endurance and balance. It is where reasoning and logic, where evidence have all worked together to support , enhance and refine our faith. And it is where faith shifts from 'belief' into 'knowing', where experience affirms our understanding and our understanding affirms our faith.
God Is Not Finished With America
It's not just America that needs to be free. American was created and founded by God to be the First Born, the Beacon, the Beachhead. God wants the world to be free. Yes, America has stumbled, but only because the Enemy has hated America more than any nation on the Earth. Every nation has stumbled, some far worse than America. But God is not finished with America. And God has done what he did and paid the price necessary to reclaim and restore America, and the world, at this time.
Ultimately, there is no getting away from the fact that part of the Great Awakening is our own internal journey. So be of good courage. Millions and millions and millions all around the world are experiencing this, right now. We are at the front of the wave, where the water is crashing and breaking and thundering the most. We get hit in the face by the wave. But the swell that is developing behind us..... Oh, fren.... It will sweep the Earth clean.
So let us be grateful for the tribulations, the exhaustions, the difficulty of this journey. This is how Truth forges Steel. This is how God makes Diamonds. And rejoice, because we are making it that much easier for those who will follow behind us.
Someone did that for us. Now it's our turn to do that for others.
God bless you fren. And welcome to the Great Awakening.
Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light. ~ Q4951 November 12, 2020