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Reason: None provided.

Assertion: "Pence said America is not his concern"

Watch, then read.

1 minute view.

I'm seeing people posting stuff about Pence saying America is NOT his concern. One example is a meme by Turning Point Action, posted in GAW 6 hours ago, declaring Pence committed political suicide.

Now, some folks think Pence is a DJT loyalist who is doing Kayfabe and is running for candidacy for strategic reasons. Others think Pence is a scumbag and DS asset.

Personally I'm the former. But whatever one's position personally on Pence (which has to include your view on Q, devolution, the Plan, etc), it behooves each of us to approach the information with critical and rational thinking, rather than emotional reaction. In other words, we should let our prejudices and biases just lead us around like a dog on a chain.

In my view, the narrative being thrown around about this Pence issue now is

FAKE NEWS. 100% It's a distortion, malinformation.

Here's why I think that.

There are essentially FOUR key data points that I consider re: how to analyse and breakdown this news.

ONE The discourse and its whole context

TWO The language of Pence in response to Tucker

THREE The illogicality of Pence even saying "America is not my concern"

FOUR Donald Trump's recent words regarding Pence

1. Take the whole discourse and understand the context.

Tucker said "XXX American situation, and YOUR concern is .... how many tanks Ukraine has". Despite all the other things in a very long sentence, this is Tuckers basic premise and assertion to Pence.

How does Pence respond? Pence responds "that is NOT my concern"

Listen to the above (short) clip a few times. It becomes very clear when you take the statement in context.

Pence Immediately goes on to clarify he is concerned about the American situation. He's rebutting the idea that Pence has no concern for the USA, clarifying that the way Tucker framed 'his' concern is not factual.

Tucker said "your concern is.... that Ukraine doesn't have enough tanks" Then says other stuff and "where's the concern for America in that?"

Pence said "that is not my concern" OBVIOUSLY talking about Tucker's assertion that Pence's concern is for the Ukraine having tanks.

He rebutts Tucker by saying "Tucker, I've heard that routine from you before, but that's not my concern."

2. Why does Pence say "I've heard that Routine from you before"?

What routine? Clearly, it's the routine where Tucker is asserting that "Pence is more concerned about ukrainian tanks than he is about America".

Pence is accepting Tucker's dialog as a clear provocative question/assertion, and responds by saying "it's a routine" as any politician with half a brain would, let alone someone who was TRUMP's VP.

Pence then goes on to clarify WHY he is running for President, essentially rebutting Tuckers assertion that Pence is NOT concerned about America.

"I'm running for President of the United States because I think this country is in a lot of trouble. I think Joe Biden has weakened America at home and abroad."

So A) Pence rebutts Tuckers assertion, B) reinforces that by stating Tucker's assertion is a routine (designed to provoke or irritate the interviewee, Pence) and C) then proceeds to say exactly WHY he is concerned about America.

3. Does it make any sense that Pence would state "America is not my concern"?

Contextually, it makes NO sense to think that Pence would say, openly, at an interview "I'm not concerned about America at all".

That's idiotic. He'd have to be drunk or shot up with sodium pentathol to say anything like that IF it were in fact true. It's ludicrous, and really ONLY believable if you have severe biases and prejudices about Pence.

If Pence was truly Deep state, would he say that openly? He'd be the first politician in the history of the deep state, with some reall rippers in there like Obama, Clinton(s), Bushes, and pretty much every other owned Deep State congressman or woman.

I'll admit, Pence's manner in responding is unfortunate. Grammatically (I mean, in terms of logic, facts, etc) Pence is correct, because he's responding to Tuckers main assertion that "X is your concern" Like a nerd who isn't paying attention to how it sounds. He's just answering factually.

BUT to someone NOT paying actually attention, it sounds like he's saying America is not my concern.

4. DJT's comments and talk about Pence

I get that a LOT of people including anons are upset about the stolen election (who isn't) and that they blame Pence on the basis of a lot of DJT's rhetoric.

But if devolution is really in play, if DJT KNEW they were going to steal the election and his plan involved letting them get away with it because of a larger sting operation, then Pence HAD to do what he did. AND, if he actually intervened in the process, it would have set a precedent that ANY VP could do this. Anytime.

IF DJT knew they would and did steal the election, then it means he violated his vow to the American people and simply let them get away. But that's not DJT, so some sort of Devolution / Continuity of Government HAS to be in play.

More importantly, in the past few months, DJT has come out and said essentially positive and supportive things about Pence, even though previously he's blamed Pence for the Jan 6 situation, etc. Why? Because blaming Pence was necessary Kayfabe to create a distance between them. Just like many others.

Do you think there is a reason why DJT's rhetoric so often sounds like a WWF wrestler haranguing his opponent? The WWF wrestling is literally KAYFABE.

If DJT's rhetoric around Pence was NOT kayfabe, how could DJT now say, one or two months ago, at that major CPAC conference, that literally "Pence never did a bad thing in his life"? and "He's an honorable man" etc on other recent occasions.

kayfabe is real.

Why Spread The Pence Said This Narrative?

Who benefits from spreading this narrative designed to trigger hate for Peace? Who is it that constantly puts out rage bait to trigger 'conservatives' and Maga folks, so that they are reacting instead of thinking clearly? Controlled Opposition aka Conservative inc. The likes of Candace Owens, the likes of Ben Shapiro, the likes of other establishment conservatives.

Rage baiting is a way that controlled opposition get the Maga and conservative base (and anons, actually) off kilter. You become so worked up with 'hating' the target or 'fearing' the outcome that you are simply acting from emotional reaction, instead of dispassionately reasoning, thinking critically and balanced (based).

It's a clear and obvious strategy that Controlled Oppo would use. It doesn't really matter if the object of the hate or fear is bad or not. If they are bad, then even better, because it's all the easier to trigger your reactive emotional knee-jerk responses and to condition you to think less, react more.

I can only conclude that people or organizations who are spreading this narrative ("Pence said America is not his concern") narrative are EITHER:

Disinformation operatives (controlled opposition, etc)

Persons so biased by their view of Pence that they believe mostly anything that the bias confirms (aka they react instead of thinking)

Persons who hate Pence either way and don't care whether he said it or not. Spread anything because Pence is Scum

Persons who are simply ill-informed but whose biases lead them to repost and accept the narrative without really checking the facts and the context.

The FACTS and the CONTEXT are clear.

Does Turning Point Action expose themselves here as controlled opposition? Why else would they attack Pence with this sort of fake news, and spread fakeness around? Or are they simply totally incompetent and without journalistic integrity?


Putting aside one's own view of whether Pence is a Patriot doing Kayfabe, or a Deep State asset scum, it should be pretty obvious that in this instance, Pence is NOT saying "America is not my concern".

If after examining the evidence, you still think he's saying that, then i have a really big Bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.

This news - Pence said America is NOT his concern - is FAKE.

It's a misread/mishear of what was said at best. At worst, it's actually dis/mal info.

The war is real. The news is fake. Q

Do not let personal (EMOTIONal) desires ("do it now""now""what is taking so long""NOW!") take over. 
Logical thinking and strategy should always be applied. 
Those who push simply do not understand warfare tactics. 
EMOTIONs cloud judgement.
EMOTIONs cloud logic.
You have more than you know.


It's a sad day when Maga influencers stoop to the level of fake news to destroy an opponent, perceived or real.

That's what the Cabal propaganda machine does. Maga has to do better.

1 year ago
37 score
Reason: None provided.

Assertion: "Pence said America is not his concern"

Watch, then read.

1 minute view.

I'm seeing people posting stuff about Pence saying America is NOT his concern. One example is a meme by Turning Point Action, posted in GAW 6 hours ago, declaring Pence committed political suicide.

Now, some folks think Pence is a DJT loyalist who is doing Kayfabe and is running for candidacy for strategic reasons. Others think Pence is a scumbag and DS asset.

Personally I'm the former. But whatever one's position personally on Pence (which has to include your view on Q, devolution, the Plan, etc), it behooves each of us to approach the information with critical and rational thinking, rather than emotional reaction. In other words, we should let our prejudices and biases just lead us around like a dog on a chain.

In my view, the narrative being thrown around about this Pence issue now is

FAKE NEWS. 100% It's a distortion, malinformation.

Here's why I think that.

There are essentially FOUR key data points that I consider re: how to analyse and breakdown this news.

ONE The discourse and its whole context

TWO The language of Pence in response to Tucker

THREE The illogicality of Pence even saying "America is not my concern"

FOUR Donald Trump's recent words regarding Pence

1. Take the whole discourse and understand the context.

Tucker said "XXX American situation, and YOUR concern is .... how many tanks Ukraine has". Despite all the other things in a very long sentence, this is Tuckers basic premise and assertion to Pence.

How does Pence respond? Pence responds "that is NOT my concern"

Listen to the above (short) clip a few times. It becomes very clear when you take the statement in context.

Pence Immediately goes on to clarify he is concerned about the American situation. He's rebutting the idea that Pence has no concern for the USA, clarifying that the way Tucker framed 'his' concern is not factual.

Tucker said "your concern is.... that Ukraine doesn't have enough tanks" Then says other stuff and "where's the concern for America in that?"

Pence said "that is not my concern" OBVIOUSLY talking about Tucker's assertion that Pence's concern is for the Ukraine having tanks.

He rebutts Tucker by saying "Tucker, I've heard that routine from you before, but that's not my concern."

2. Why does Pence say "I've heard that Routine from you before"?

What routine? Clearly, it's the routine where Tucker is asserting that "Pence is more concerned about ukrainian tanks than he is about America".

Pence is accepting Tucker's dialog as a clear provocative question/assertion, and responds by saying "it's a routine" as any politician with half a brain would, let alone someone who was TRUMP's VP.

Pence then goes on to clarify WHY he is running for President, essentially rebutting Tuckers assertion that Pence is NOT concerned about America.

"I'm running for President of the United States because I think this country is in a lot of trouble. I think Joe Biden has weakened America at home and abroad."

So A) Pence rebutts Tuckers assertion, B) reinforces that by stating Tucker's assertion is a routine (designed to provoke or irritate the interviewee, Pence) and C) then proceeds to say exactly WHY he is concerned about America.

3. Does it make any sense that Pence would state "America is not my concern"?

Contextually, it makes NO sense to think that Pence would say, openly, at an interview "I'm not concerned about America at all".

That's idiotic. He'd have to be drunk or shot up with sodium pentathol to say anything like that IF it were in fact true. It's ludicrous, and really ONLY believable if you have severe biases and prejudices about Pence.

If Pence was truly Deep state, would he say that openly? He'd be the first politician in the history of the deep state, with some reall rippers in there like Obama, Clinton(s), Bushes, and pretty much every other owned Deep State congressman or woman.

I'll admit, Pence's manner in responding is unfortunate. Grammatically (I mean, in terms of logic, facts, etc) Pence is correct, because he's responding to Tuckers main assertion that "X is your concern" Like a nerd who isn't paying attention to how it sounds. He's just answering factually.

BUT to someone NOT paying actually attention, it sounds like he's saying America is not my concern.

4. DJT's comments and talk about Pence

I get that a LOT of people including anons are upset about the stolen election (who isn't) and that they blame Pence on the basis of a lot of DJT's rhetoric.

But if devolution is really in play, if DJT KNEW they were going to steal the election and his plan involved letting them get away with it because of a larger sting operation, then Pence HAD to do what he did. AND, if he actually intervened in the process, it would have set a precedent that ANY VP could do this. Anytime.

IF DJT knew they would and did steal the election, then it means he violated his vow to the American people and simply let them get away. But that's not DJT, so some sort of Devolution / Continuity of Government HAS to be in play.

More importantly, in the past few months, DJT has come out and said essentially positive and supportive things about Pence, even though previously he's blamed Pence for the Jan 6 situation, etc. Why? Because blaming Pence was necessary Kayfabe to create a distance between them. Just like many others.

Do you think there is a reason why DJT's rhetoric so often sounds like a WWF wrestler haranguing his opponent? The WWF wrestling is literally KAYFABE.

If DJT's rhetoric around Pence was NOT kayfabe, how could DJT now say, one or two months ago, at that major CPAC conference, that literally "Pence never did a bad thing in his life"? and "He's an honorable man" etc on other recent occasions.

kayfabe is real.

Why Spread The Pence Said This Narrative?

Who benefits from spreading this narrative designed to trigger hate for Peace? Who is it that constantly puts out rage bait to trigger 'conservatives' and Maga folks, so that they are reacting instead of thinking clearly? Controlled Opposition aka Conservative inc. The likes of Candace Owens, the likes of Ben Shapiro, the likes of other establishment conservatives.

Rage baiting is a way that controlled opposition get the Maga and conservative base (and anons, actually) off kilter. You become so worked up with 'hating' the target or 'fearing' the outcome that you are simply acting from emotional reaction, instead of dispassionately reasoning, thinking critically and balanced (based).

It's a clear and obvious strategy that Controlled Oppo would use. It doesn't really matter if the object of the hate or fear is bad or not. If they are bad, then even better, because it's all the easier to trigger your reactive emotional knee-jerk responses and to condition you to think less, react more.

I can only conclude that people or organizations who are spreading this narrative ("Pence said America is not his concern") narrative are EITHER:

Disinformation operatives (controlled opposition, etc)

Persons so biased by their view of Pence that they believe mostly anything that the bias confirms (aka they react instead of thinking)

Persons who hate Pence either way and don't care whether he said it or not. Spread anything because Pence is Scum

Persons who are simply ill-informed but whose biases lead them to repost and accept the narrative without really checking the facts and the context.

The FACTS and the CONTEXT are clear.

Does Turning Point Action expose themselves here as controlled opposition? Why else would they attack Pence with this sort of fake news, and spread fakeness around? Or are they simply totally incompetent and without journalistic integrity?


Putting aside one's own view of whether Pence is a Patriot doing Kayfabe, or a Deep State asset scum, it should be pretty obvious that in this instance, Pence is NOT saying "America is not my concern".

If after examining the evidence, you still think he's saying that, then i have a really big Bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.

This news - Pence said America is NOT his concern - is FAKE.

It's a misread/mishear of what was said at best. At worst, it's actually dis/mal info.

The war is real. The news is fake. Q

Do not let personal (EMOTIONal) desires ("do it now""now""what is taking so long""NOW!") take over. 
Logical thinking and strategy should always be applied. 
Those who push simply do not understand warfare tactics. 
EMOTIONs cloud judgement.
EMOTIONs cloud logic.
You have more than you know.
1 year ago
6 score
Reason: None provided.

Assertion: "Pence said America is not his concern"

Watch, then read.

1 minute view.

I'm seeing people posting stuff about Pence saying America is NOT his concern. One example is a meme by Turning Point Action, posted in GAW 6 hours ago, declaring Pence committed political suicide.

Now, some folks think Pence is a DJT loyalist who is doing Kayfabe and is running for candidacy for strategic reasons. Others think Pence is a scumbag and DS asset.

Personally I'm the former. But whatever one's position personally on Pence (which has to include your view on Q, devolution, the Plan, etc), it behooves each of us to approach the information with critical and rational thinking, rather than emotional reaction. In other words, we should let our prejudices and biases just lead us around like a dog on a chain.

In my view, the narrative being thrown around about this Pence issue now is

FAKE NEWS. 100% It's a distortion, malinformation.

Here's why I think that.

There are essentially FOUR key data points that I consider re: how to analyse and breakdown this news.

ONE The discourse and its whole context

TWO The language of Pence in response to Tucker

THREE The illogicality of Pence even saying "America is not my concern"

FOUR Donald Trump's recent words regarding Pence

1. Take the whole discourse and understand the context.

Tucker said "XXX American situation, and YOUR concern is .... how many tanks Ukraine has". Despite all the other things in a very long sentence, this is Tuckers basic premise and assertion to Pence.

How does Pence respond? Pence responds "that is NOT my concern"

Listen to the above (short) clip a few times. It becomes very clear when you take the statement in context.

Pence Immediately goes on to clarify he is concerned about the American situation. He's rebutting the idea that Pence has no concern for the USA, clarifying that the way Tucker framed 'his' concern is not factual.

Tucker said "your concern is.... that Ukraine doesn't have enough tanks" Then says other stuff and "where's the concern for America in that?"

Pence said "that is not my concern" OBVIOUSLY talking about Tucker's assertion that Pence's concern is for the Ukraine having tanks.

He rebutts Tucker by saying "Tucker, I've heard that routine from you before, but that's not my concern."

2. Why does Pence say "I've heard that Routine from you before"?

What routine? Clearly, it's the routine where Tucker is asserting that "Pence is more concerned about ukrainian tanks than he is about America".

Pence is accepting Tucker's dialog as a clear provocative question/assertion, and responds by saying "it's a routine" as any politician with half a brain would, let alone someone who was TRUMP's VP.

Pence then goes on to clarify WHY he is running for President, essentially rebutting Tuckers assertion that Pence is NOT concerned about America.

"I'm running for President of the United States because I think this country is in a lot of trouble. I think Joe Biden has weakened America at home and abroad."

So A) Pence rebutts Tuckers assertion, B) reinforces that by stating Tucker's assertion is a routine (designed to provoke or irritate the interviewee, Pence) and C) then proceeds to say exactly WHY he is concerned about America.

3. Does it make any sense that Pence would state "America is not my concern"?

Contextually, it makes NO sense to think that Pence would say, openly, at an interview "I'm not concerned about America at all".

That's idiotic. He'd have to be drunk or shot up with sodium pentathol to say anything like that IF it were in fact true. It's ludicrous, and really ONLY believable if you have severe biases and prejudices about Pence.

If Pence was truly Deep state, would he say that openly? He'd be the first politician in the history of the deep state, with some reall rippers in there like Obama, Clinton(s), Bushes, and pretty much every other owned Deep State congressman or woman.

I'll admit, Pence's manner in responding is unfortunate. Grammatically (I mean, in terms of logic, facts, etc) Pence is correct, because he's responding to Tuckers main assertion that "X is your concern" Like a nerd who isn't paying attention to how it sounds. He's just answering factually.

BUT to someone NOT paying actually attention, it sounds like he's saying America is not my concern.

4. DJT's comments and talk about Pence

I get that a LOT of people including anons are upset about the stolen election (who isn't) and that they blame Pence on the basis of a lot of DJT's rhetoric.

But if devolution is really in play, if DJT KNEW they were going to steal the election and his plan involved letting them get away with it because of a larger sting operation, then Pence HAD to do what he did. AND, if he actually intervened in the process, it would have set a precedent that ANY VP could do this. Anytime.

IF DJT knew they would and did steal the election, then it means he violated his vow to the American people and simply let them get away. But that's not DJT, so some sort of Devolution / Continuity of Government HAS to be in play.

More importantly, in the past few months, DJT has come out and said essentially positive and supportive things about Pence, even though previously he's blamed Pence for the Jan 6 situation, etc. Why? Because blaming Pence was necessary Kayfabe to create a distance between them. Just like many others.

Do you think there is a reason why DJT's rhetoric so often sounds like a WWF wrestler haranguing his opponent? The WWF wrestling is literally KAYFABE.

If DJT's rhetoric around Pence was NOT kayfabe, how could DJT now say, one or two months ago, at that major CPAC conference, that literally "Pence never did a bad thing in his life"? and "He's an honorable man" etc on other recent occasions.

kayfabe is real.

Why Spread The Pence Said This Narrative?

Who benefits from spreading this narrative designed to trigger hate for Peace? Who is it that constantly puts out rage bait to trigger 'conservatives' and Maga folks, so that they are reacting instead of thinking clearly? Controlled Opposition aka Conservative inc. The likes of Candace Owens, the likes of Ben Shapiro, the likes of other establishment conservatives.

Rage baiting is a way that controlled opposition get the Maga and conservative base (and anons, actually) off kilter. You become so worked up with 'hating' the target or 'fearing' the outcome that you are simply acting from emotional reaction, instead of dispassionately reasoning, thinking critically and balanced (based).

It's a clear and obvious strategy that Controlled Oppo would use. It doesn't really matter if the object of the hate or fear is bad or not. If they are bad, then even better, because its all the easier to trigger your reactive emotional knee-jerk responses and condition you to think less, react more.

I can only conclude that people or organizations who are spreading this narrative ("Pence said America is not his concern") narrative are EITHER:

Disinformation operatives (controlled opposition, etc)

Persons so biased by their view of Pence that they believe mostly anything that the bias confirms (aka they react instead of thinking)

Persons who hate Pence either way and don't care whether he said it or not. Spread anything because Pence is Scum

Persons who are simply ill-informed but whose biases lead them to repost and accept the narrative without really checking the facts and the context.

The FACTS and the CONTEXT are clear.

Does Turning Point Action expose themselves here as controlled opposition? Why else would they attack Pence with this sort of fake news, and spread fakeness around? Or are they simply totally incompetent and without journalistic integrity?


Putting aside one's own view of whether Pence is a Patriot doing Kayfabe, or a Deep State asset scum, it should be pretty obvious that in this instance, Pence is NOT saying "America is not my concern".

If after examining the evidence, you still think he's saying that, then i have a really big Bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.

This news - Pence said America is NOT his concern - is FAKE.

It's a misread/mishear of what was said at best. At worst, it's actually dis/mal info.

The war is real. The news is fake. Q

Do not let personal (EMOTIONal) desires ("do it now""now""what is taking so long""NOW!") take over. 
Logical thinking and strategy should always be applied. 
Those who push simply do not understand warfare tactics. 
EMOTIONs cloud judgement.
EMOTIONs cloud logic.
You have more than you know.
1 year ago
6 score
Reason: None provided.

Assertion: "Pence said America is not his concern"

Watch, then read.

1 minute view.

I'm seeing people posting stuff about Pence saying America is NOT his concern. One example is a meme by Turning Point Action, posted in GAW 6 hours ago, declaring Pence committed political suicide.

Now, some folks think Pence is a DJT loyalist who is doing Kayfabe and is running for candidacy for strategic reasons. Others think Pence is a scumbag and DS asset.

Personally I'm the former. But whatever one's position personally on Pence (which has to include your view on Q, devolution, the Plan, etc), it behooves each of us to approach the information with critical and rational thinking, rather than emotional reaction. In other words, we should let our prejudices and biases just lead us around like a dog on a chain.

In my view, the narrative being thrown around about this Pence issue now is

FAKE NEWS. 100% It's a distortion, malinformation.

Here's why I think that.

There are essentially FOUR key data points that I consider re: how to analyse and breakdown this news.

ONE The discourse and its whole context

TWO The language of Pence in response to Tucker

THREE The illogicality of Pence even saying "America is not my concern"

FOUR Donald Trump's recent words regarding Pence

1. Take the whole discourse and understand the context.

Tucker said "XXX American situation, and YOUR concern is .... how many tanks Ukraine has". Despite all the other things in a very long sentence, this is Tuckers basic premise and assertion to Pence.

How does Pence respond? Pence responds "that is NOT my concern"

Listen to the above (short) clip a few times. It becomes very clear when you take the statement in context.

Pence Immediately goes on to clarify he is concerned about the American situation. He's rebutting the idea that Pence has no concern for the USA, clarifying that the way Tucker framed 'his' concern is not factual.

Tucker said "your concern is.... that Ukraine doesn't have enough tanks" Then says other stuff and "where's the concern for America in that?"

Pence said "that is not my concern" OBVIOUSLY talking about Tucker's assertion that Pence's concern is for the Ukraine having tanks.

He rebutts Tucker by saying "Tucker, I've heard that routine from you before, but that's not my concern."

2. Why does Pence say "I've heard that Routine from you before"?

What routine? Clearly, it's the routine where Tucker is asserting that "Pence is more concerned about ukrainian tanks than he is about America".

Pence is accepting Tucker's dialog as a clear provocative question/assertion, and responds by saying "it's a routine" as any politician with half a brain would, let alone someone who was TRUMP's VP.

Pence then goes on to clarify WHY he is running for President, essentially rebutting Tuckers assertion that Pence is NOT concerned about America.

"I'm running for President of the United States because I think this country is in a lot of trouble. I think Joe Biden has weakened America at home and abroad."

So A) Pence rebutts Tuckers assertion, B) reinforces that by stating Tucker's assertion is a routine (designed to provoke or irritate the interviewee, Pence) and C) then proceeds to say exactly WHY he is concerned about America.

3. Does it make any sense that Pence would state "America is not my concern"?

Contextually, it makes NO sense to think that Pence would say, openly, at an interview "I'm not concerned about America at all".

That's idiotic. He'd have to be drunk or shot up with sodium pentathol to say anything like that IF it were in fact true. It's ludicrous, and really ONLY believable if you have severe biases and prejudices about Pence.

If Pence was truly Deep state, would he say that openly? He'd be the first politician in the history of the deep state, with some reall rippers in there like Obama, Clinton(s), Bushes, and pretty much every other owned Deep State congressman or woman.

I'll admit, Pence's manner in responding is unfortunate. Grammatically (I mean, in terms of logic, facts, etc) Pence is correct, because he's responding to Tuckers main assertion that "X is your concern" Like a nerd who isn't paying attention to how it sounds. He's just answering factually.

BUT to someone NOT paying actually attention, it sounds like he's saying America is not my concern.

4. DJT's comments and talk about Pence

I get that a LOT of people including anons are upset about the stolen election (who isn't) and that they blame Pence on the basis of a lot of DJT's rhetoric.

But if devolution is really in play, if DJT KNEW they were going to steal the election and his plan involved letting them get away with it because of a larger sting operation, then Pence HAD to do what he did. AND, if he actually intervened in the process, it would have set a precedent that ANY VP could do this. Anytime.

IF DJT knew they would and did steal the election, then it means he violated his vow to the American people and simply let them get away. But that's not DJT, so some sort of Devolution / Continuity of Government HAS to be in play.

More importantly, in the past few months, DJT has come out and said essentially positive and supportive things about Pence, even though previously he's blamed Pence for the Jan 6 situation, etc. Why? Because blaming Pence was necessary Kayfabe to create a distance between them. Just like many others.

Do you think there is a reason why DJT's rhetoric so often sounds like a WWF wrestler haranguing his opponent? The WWF wrestling is literally KAYFABE.

If DJT's rhetoric around Pence was NOT kayfabe, how could DJT now say, one or two months ago, at that major CPAC conference, that literally "Pence never did a bad thing in his life"? and "He's an honorable man" etc on other recent occasions.

kayfabe is real.

Why Spread The Pence Said This Narrative?

Who benefits from spreading this narrative designed to trigger hate for Peace? Who is it that constantly puts out rage bait to trigger 'conservatives' and Maga folks, so that they are reacting instead of thinking clearly? Controlled Opposition aka Conservative inc. The likes of Candace Owens, the likes of Ben Shapiro, the likes of other establishment conservatives.

Rage baiting is a way that controlled opposition get the Maga and conservative base (and anons, actually) off kilter. You become so worked up with 'hating' the target or 'fearing' the outcome that you are simply acting from emotional reaction, instead of dispassionately reasoning, thinking critically, and balances (based).

It's a clear and obvious strategy that Controlled Oppo would use. It doesn't really matter if the object of the hate or fear is bad or not. If they are bad, then even better, because its all the easier to trigger your reactive emotional knee-jerk responses and condition you to think less, react more.

I can only conclude that people or organizations who are spreading this narrative ("Pence said America is not his concern") narrative are EITHER:

Disinformation operatives (controlled opposition, etc)

Persons so biased by their view of Pence that they believe mostly anything that the bias confirms (aka they react instead of thinking)

Persons who hate Pence either way and don't care whether he said it or not. Spread anything because Pence is Scum

Persons who are simply ill-informed but whose biases lead them to repost and accept the narrative without really checking the facts and the context.

The FACTS and the CONTEXT are clear.

Does Turning Point Action expose themselves here as controlled opposition? Why else would they attack Pence with this sort of fake news, and spread fakeness around? Or are they simply totally incompetent and without journalistic integrity?


Putting aside one's own view of whether Pence is a Patriot doing Kayfabe, or a Deep State asset scum, it should be pretty obvious that in this instance, Pence is NOT saying "America is not my concern".

If after examining the evidence, you still think he's saying that, then i have a really big Bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.

This news - Pence said America is NOT his concern - is FAKE.

It's a misread/mishear of what was said at best. At worst, it's actually dis/mal info.

The war is real. The news is fake. Q

Do not let personal (EMOTIONal) desires ("do it now""now""what is taking so long""NOW!") take over. 
Logical thinking and strategy should always be applied. 
Those who push simply do not understand warfare tactics. 
EMOTIONs cloud judgement.
EMOTIONs cloud logic.
You have more than you know.
1 year ago
6 score
Reason: None provided.

Assertion: "Pence said America is not his concern"

Watch, then read.

1 minute view.

I'm seeing people posting stuff about Pence saying America is NOT his concern. One example is a meme by Turning Point Action, posted in GAW 6 hours ago, declaring Pence committed political suicide.

Now, some folks think Pence is a DJT loyalist who is doing Kayfabe and is running for candidacy for strategic reasons. Others think Pence is a scumbag and DS asset.

Personally I'm the former. But whatever one's position personally on Pence (which has to include your view on Q, devolution, the Plan, etc), it behooves each of us to approach the information with critical and rational thinking, rather than emotional reaction. In other words, we should let our prejudices and biases just lead us around like a dog on a chain.

In my view, the narrative being thrown around about this Pence issue now is

FAKE NEWS. 100% It's a distortion, malinformation.

Here's why I think that.

There are essentially FOUR key data points that I consider re: how to analyse and breakdown this news.

ONE The discourse and its whole context

TWO The language of Pence in response to Tucker

THREE The illogicality of Pence even saying "America is not my concern"

FOUR Donald Trump's recent words regarding Pence

1. Take the whole discourse and understand the context.

Tucker said "XXX American situation, and YOUR concern is .... how many tanks Ukraine has". Despite all the other things in a very long sentence, this is Tuckers basic premise and assertion to Pence.

How does Pence respond? Pence responds "that is NOT my concern"

Listen to the above (short) clip a few times. It becomes very clear when you take the statement in context.

Pence Immediately goes on to clarify he is concerned about the American situation. He's rebutting the idea that Pence has no concern for the USA, clarifying that the way Tucker framed 'his' concern is not factual.

Tucker said "your concern is.... that Ukraine doesn't have enough tanks" Then says other stuff and "where's the concern for America in that?"

Pence said "that is not my concern" OBVIOUSLY talking about Tucker's assertion that Pence's concern is for the Ukraine having tanks.

He rebutts Tucker by saying "Tucker, I've heard that routine from you before, but that's not my concern."

2. Why does Pence say "I've heard that Routine from you before"?

What routine? Clearly, it's the routine where Tucker is asserting that "Pence is more concerned about ukrainian tanks than he is about America".

Pence is accepting Tucker's dialog as a clear provocative question/assertion, and responds by saying "it's a routine" as any politician with half a brain would, let alone someone who was TRUMP's VP.

Pence then goes on to clarify WHY he is running for President, essentially rebutting Tuckers assertion that Pence is NOT concerned about America.

"I'm running for President of the United States because I think this country is in a lot of trouble. I think Joe Biden has weakened America at home and abroad."

So A) Pence rebutts Tuckers assertion, B) reinforces that by stating Tucker's assertion is a routine (designed to provoke or irritate the interviewee, Pence) and C) then proceeds to say exactly WHY he is concerned about America.

3. Does it make any sense that Pence would state "America is not my concern"?

Contextually, it makes NO sense to think that Pence would say, openly, at an interview "I'm not concerned about America at all".

That's idiotic. He'd have to be drunk or shot up with sodium pentathol to say anything like that IF it were in fact true. It's ludicrous, and really ONLY believable if you have severe biases and prejudices about Pence.

If Pence was truly Deep state, would he say that openly? He'd be the first politician in the history of the deep state, with some reall rippers in there like Obama, Clinton(s), Bushes, and pretty much every other owned Deep State congressman or woman.

I'll admit, Pence's manner in responding is unfortunate. Grammatically (I mean, in terms of logic, facts, etc) Pence is correct, because he's responding to Tuckers main assertion that "X is your concern" Like a nerd who isn't paying attention to how it sounds. He's just answering factually.

BUT to someone NOT paying actually attention, it sounds like he's saying America is not my concern.

4. DJT's comments and talk about Pence

I get that a LOT of people including anons are upset about the stolen election (who isn't) and that they blame Pence on the basis of a lot of DJT's rhetoric.

But if devolution is really in play, if DJT KNEW they were going to steal the election and his plan involved letting them get away with it because of a larger sting operation, then Pence HAD to do what he did. AND, if he actually intervened in the process, it would have set a precedent that ANY VP could do this. Anytime.

IF DJT knew they would and did steal the election, then it means he violated his vow to the American people and simply let them get away. But that's not DJT, so some sort of Devolution / Continuity of Government HAS to be in play.

More importantly, in the past few months, DJT has come out and said essentially positive and supportive things about Pence, even though previously he's blamed Pence for the Jan 6 situation, etc. Why? Because blaming Pence was necessary Kayfabe to create a distance between them. Just like many others.

Do you think there is a reason why DJT's rhetoric so often sounds like a WWF wrestler haranguing his opponent? The WWF wrestling is literally KAYFABE.

If DJT's rhetoric around Pence was NOT kayfabe, how could DJT now say, one or two months ago, at that major CPAC conference, that literally "Pence never did a bad thing in his life"? and "He's an honorable man" etc on other recent occasions.

kayfabe is real.

Why Spread The Pence Said This Narrative?

Who benefits from spreading this narrative designed to trigger hate for Peace? Who is it that constantly puts out rage bait to trigger 'conservatives' and Maga folks, so that they are reacting instead of thinking clearly? Controlled Opposition aka Conservative inc. The likes of Candace Owens, the likes of Ben Shapiro, the Like of other establishment conservatives.

Rage baiting is a way that controlled opposition get the Maga and conservative base (and anons, actually) off kilter. You become so worked up with 'hating' the target or 'fearing' the outcome that you are simply acting from emotional reaction, instead of dispassionately reasoning, thinking critically, and balances (based).

It's a clear and obvious strategy that Controlled Oppo would use. It doesn't really matter if the object of the hate or fear is bad or not. If they are bad, then even better, because its all the easier to trigger your reactive emotional knee-jerk responses and condition you to think less, react more.

I can only conclude that people or organizations who are spreading this narrative ("Pence said America is not his concern") narrative are EITHER:

Disinformation operatives (controlled opposition, etc)

Persons so biased by their view of Pence that they believe mostly anything that the bias confirms (aka they react instead of thinking)

Persons who hate Pence either way and don't care whether he said it or not. Spread anything because Pence is Scum

Persons who are simply ill-informed but whose biases lead them to repost and accept the narrative without really checking the facts and the context.

The FACTS and the CONTEXT are clear.

Does Turning Point Action expose themselves here as controlled opposition? Why else would they attack Pence with this sort of fake news, and spread fakeness around? Or are they simply totally incompetent and without journalistic integrity?


Putting aside one's own view of whether Pence is a Patriot doing Kayfabe, or a Deep State asset scum, it should be pretty obvious that in this instance, Pence is NOT saying "America is not my concern".

If after examining the evidence, you still think he's saying that, then i have a really big Bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.

This news - Pence said America is NOT his concern - is FAKE.

It's a misread/mishear of what was said at best. At worst, it's actually dis/mal info.

The war is real. The news is fake. Q

Do not let personal (EMOTIONal) desires ("do it now""now""what is taking so long""NOW!") take over. 
Logical thinking and strategy should always be applied. 
Those who push simply do not understand warfare tactics. 
EMOTIONs cloud judgement.
EMOTIONs cloud logic.
You have more than you know.
1 year ago
6 score
Reason: None provided.

Assertion: "Pence said America is not his concern"

Watch, then read.

1 minute view.

I'm seeing people posting stuff about Pence saying America is NOT his concern. One example is a meme by Turning Point Action, posted in GAW 6 hours ago, declaring Pence committed political suicide.

Now, some folks think Pence is a DJT loyalist who is doing Kayfabe and is running for candidacy for strategic reasons. Others think Pence is a scumbag and DS asset.

Personally I'm the former. But whatever one's position personally on Pence (which has to include your view on Q, devolution, the Plan, etc), it behooves each of us to approach the information with critical and rational thinking, rather than emotional reaction. In other words, we should let our prejudices and biases just lead us around like a dog on a chain.

In my view, the narrative being thrown around about this Pence issue now is

FAKE NEWS. 100% It's a distortion, malinformation.

Here's why I think that.

There are essentially FOUR key data points that I consider re: how to analyse and breakdown this news.

ONE The discourse and its whole context

TWO The language of Pence in response to Tucker

THREE The illogicality of Pence even saying "America is not my concern"

FOUR Donald Trump's recent words regarding Pence

1. Take the whole discourse and understand the context.

Tucker said "XXX American situation, and YOUR concern is .... how many tanks Ukraine has". Despite all the other things in a very long sentence, this is Tuckers basic premise and assertion to Pence.

How does Pence respond? Pence responds "that is NOT my concern"

Listen to the above (short) clip a few times. It becomes very clear when you take the statement in context.

Pence Immediately goes on to clarify he is concerned about the American situation. He's rebutting the idea that Pence has no concern for the USA, clarifying that the way Tucker framed 'his' concern is not factual.

Tucker said "your concern is.... that Ukraine doesn't have enough tanks" Then says other stuff and "where's the concern for America in that?"

Pence said "that is not my concern" OBVIOUSLY talking about Tucker's assertion that Pence's concern is for the Ukraine having tanks.

He rebutts Tucker by saying "Tucker, I've heard that routine from you before, but that's not my concern."

2. Why does Pence say "I've heard that Routine from you before"?

What routine? Clearly, it's the routine where Tucker is asserting that "Pence is more concerned about ukrainian tanks than he is about America".

Pence is accepting Tucker's dialog as a clear provocative question/assertion, and responds by saying "it's a routine" as any politician with half a brain would, let alone someone who was TRUMP's VP.

Pence then goes on to clarify WHY he is running for President, essentially rebutting Tuckers assertion that Pence is NOT concerned about America.

"I'm running for President of the United States because I think this country is in a lot of trouble. I think Joe Biden has weakened America at home and abroad."

So A) Pence rebutts Tuckers assertion, B) reinforces that by stating Tucker's assertion is a routine (designed to provoke or irritate the interviewee, Pence) and C) then proceeds to say exactly WHY he is concerned about America.

3. Does it make any sense that Pence would state "America is not my concern"?

Contextually, it makes NO sense to think that Pence would say, openly, at an interview "I'm not concerned about America at all".

That's idiotic. He'd have to be drunk or shot up with sodium pentathol to say anything like that IF it were in fact true. It's ludicrous, and really ONLY believable if you have severe biases and prejudices about Pence.

If Pence was truly Deep state, would he say that openly? He'd be the first politician in the history of the deep state, with some reall rippers in there like Obama, Clinton(s), Bushes, and pretty much every other owned Deep State congressman or woman.

I'll admit, Pence's manner in responding is unfortunate. Grammatically (I mean, in terms of logic, facts, etc) Pence is correct, because he's responding to Tuckers main assertion that "X is your concern" Like a nerd who isn't paying attention to how it sounds. He's just answering factually.

BUT to someone NOT paying actually attention, it sounds like he's saying America is not my concern.

4. DJT's comments and talk about Pence

I get that a LOT of people including anons are upset about the stolen election (who isn't) and that they blame Pence on the basis of a lot of DJT's rhetoric.

But if devolution is really in play, if DJT KNEW they were going to steal the election and his plan involved letting them get away with it because of a larger sting operation, then Pence HAD to do what he did. AND, if he actually intervened in the process, it would have set a precedent that ANY VP could do this. Anytime.

IF DJT knew they would and did steal the election, then it means he violated his vow to the American people and simply let them get away. But that's not DJT, so some sort of Devolution / Continuity of Government HAS to be in play.

More importantly, in the past few months, DJT has come out and said essentially positive and supportive things about Pence, even though in previously he's blamed Pence for the Jan 6 situation, etc. Why? Because blaming Pence was necessary Kayfabe to create a distance between them. Just like many others.

Do you think there is a reason why DJT's rhetoric so often sounds like a WWF wrestler haranguing his opponent? The WWF wrestling was literally KAYFABE.

If DJT's rhetoric around Pence was NOT kayfabe, how could DJT now say, one or two months ago, at that major CPAC conference, that literally "Pence never did a bad thing in his life"? and "He's an honorable man" etc on other recent occasions.

kayfabe is real.

Why Spread The Pence Said This Narrative?

Who benefits from spreading this narrative designed to trigger hate for Peace? Who is it that constantly puts out rage bait to trigger 'conservatives' and Maga folks, so that they are reacting instead of thinking clearly? Controlled Opposition aka Conservative inc. The likes of Candace Owens, the likes of Ben Shapiro, the Like of other establishment conservatives.

Rage baiting is a way that controlled opposition get the Maga and conservative base (and anons, actually) off kilter. You become so worked up with 'hating' the target or 'fearing' the outcome that you are simply acting from emotional reaction, instead of dispassionately reasoning, thinking critically, and balances (based).

It's a clear and obvious strategy that Controlled Oppo would use. It doesn't really matter if the object of the hate or fear is bad or not. If they are bad, then even better, because its all the easier to trigger your reactive emotional knee-jerk responses and condition you to think less, react more.

I can only conclude that people or organizations who are spreading this narrative ("Pence said America is not his concern") narrative are EITHER:

Disinformation operatives (controlled opposition, etc)

Persons so biased by their view of Pence that they believe mostly anything that the bias confirms (aka they react instead of thinking)

Persons who hate Pence either way and don't care whether he said it or not. Spread anything because Pence is Scum

Persons who are simply ill-informed but whose biases lead them to repost and accept the narrative without really checking the facts and the context.

The FACTS and the CONTEXT are clear.

Does Turning Point Action expose themselves here as controlled opposition? Why else would they attack Pence with this sort of fake news, and spread fakeness around? Or are they simply totally incompetent and without journalistic integrity?


Putting aside one's own view of whether Pence is a Patriot doing Kayfabe, or a Deep State asset scum, it should be pretty obvious that in this instance, Pence is NOT saying "America is not my concern".

If after examining the evidence, you still think he's saying that, then i have a really big Bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.

This news - Pence said America is NOT his concern - is FAKE.

It's a misread/mishear of what was said at best. At worst, it's actually dis/mal info.

The war is real. The news is fake. Q

Do not let personal (EMOTIONal) desires ("do it now""now""what is taking so long""NOW!") take over. 
Logical thinking and strategy should always be applied. 
Those who push simply do not understand warfare tactics. 
EMOTIONs cloud judgement.
EMOTIONs cloud logic.
You have more than you know.
1 year ago
6 score
Reason: None provided.

Assertion: "Pence said America is not his concern"

Watch, then read.

1 minute view.

I'm seeing people posting stuff about Pence saying America is NOT his concern. One example is a meme by Turning Point Action, posted in GAW 6 hours ago, declaring Pence committed political suicide.

Now, some folks think Pence is a DJT loyalist who is doing Kayfabe and is running for candidacy for strategic reasons. Others think Pence is a scumbag and DS asset.

Personally I'm the former. But whatever one's position personally on Pence (which has to include your view on Q, devolution, the Plan, etc), it behooves each of us to approach the information with critical and rational thinking, rather than emotional reaction. In other words, we should let our prejudices and biases just lead us around like a dog on a chain.

In my view, the narrative being thrown around about this Pence issue now is

FAKE NEWS. 100% It's a distortion, malinformation.

Here's why I think that.

There are essentially FOUR key data points that I consider re: how to analyse and breakdown this news.

ONE The discourse and its whole context

TWO The language of Pence in response to Tucker

THREE The illogicality of Pence even saying "America is not my concern"

FOUR Donald Trump's recent words regarding Pence

1. Take the whole discourse and understand the context.

Tucker said "XXX American situation, and YOUR concern is .... how many tanks Ukraine has". Despite all the other things in a very long sentence, this is Tuckers basic premise and assertion to Pence.

How does Pence respond? Pence responds "that is NOT my concern"

Listen to the above (short) clip a few times. It becomes very clear when you take the statement in context.

Pence Immediately goes on to clarify he is concerned about the American situation. He's rebutting the idea that Pence has no concern for the USA, clarifying that the way Tucker framed 'his' concern is not factual.

Tucker said "your concern is.... that Ukraine doesn't have enough tanks" Then says other stuff and "where's the concern for America in that?"

Pence said "that is not my concern" OBVIOUSLY talking about Tucker's assertion that Pence's concern is for the Ukraine having tanks.

He rebutts Tucker by saying "Tucker, I've heard that routine from you before, but that's not my concern."

2. Why does Pence say "I've heard that Routine from you before"?

What routine? Clearly, it's the routine where Tucker is asserting that "Pence is more concerned about ukrainian tanks than he is about America".

Pence is accepting Tucker's dialog as a clear provocative question/assertion, and responds by saying "it's a routine" as any politician with half a brain would, let alone someone who was TRUMP's VP.

Pence then goes on to clarify WHY he is running for President, essentially rebutting Tuckers assertion that Pence is NOT concerned about America.

"I'm running for President of the United States because I think this country is in a lot of trouble. I think Joe Biden has weakened America at home and abroad."

So A) Pence rebutts Tuckers assertion, B) reinforces that by stating Tucker's assertion is a routine (designed to provoke or irritate the interviewee, Pence) and C) then proceeds to say exactly WHY he is concerned about America.

3. Does it make any sense that Pence would state "America is not my concern"?

Contextually, it makes NO sense to think that Pence would say, openly, at an interview "I'm not concerned about America at all".

That's idiotic. He'd have to be drunk or shot up with sodium pentathol to say anything like that IF it were in fact true. It's ludicrous, and really ONLY believable if you have severe biases and prejudices about Pence.

If Pence was truly Deep state, would he say that openly? He'd be the first politician in the history of the deep state, with some reall rippers in there like Obama, Clinton(s), Bushes, and pretty much every other owned Deep State congressman or woman.

I'll admit, Pence's manner in responding is unfortunate. Grammatically (I mean, in terms of logic, facts, etc) Pence is correct, because he's responding to Tuckers main assertion that "X is your concern" Like a nerd who isn't paying attention to how it sounds. He's just answering factually.

BUT to someone NOT paying actually attention, it sounds like he's saying America is not my concern.

4. DJT's comments and talk about Pence

I get that a LOT of people including anons are upset about the stolen election (who isn't) and that they blame Pence on the basis of a lot of DJT's rhetoric.

But if devolution is really in play, if DJT KNEW they were going to steal the election and his plan involved letting them get away with it because of a larger sting operation, then Pence HAD to do what he did. AND, if he actually intervened in the process, it would have set a precedent that ANY VP could do this. Anytime.

IF DJT knew they would and did steal the election, then it means he violate his vow to the American people and simply let them get away. But that's not DJT, so some sort of Devolution / Continuity of Government HAS to be in play.

More importantly, in the past few months, DJT has come out and said essentially positive and supportive things about Pence, even though in previously he's blamed Pence for the Jan 6 situation, etc. Why? Because blaming Pence was necessary Kayfabe to create a distance between them. Just like many others.

Do you think there is a reason why DJT's rhetoric so often sounds like a WWF wrestler haranguing his opponent? The WWF wrestling was literally KAYFABE.

If DJT's rhetoric around Pence was NOT kayfabe, how could DJT now say, one or two months ago, at that major CPAC conference, that literally "Pence never did a bad thing in his life"? and "He's an honorable man" etc on other recent occasions.

kayfabe is real.

Why Spread The Pence Said This Narrative?

Who benefits from spreading this narrative designed to trigger hate for Peace? Who is it that constantly puts out rage bait to trigger 'conservatives' and Maga folks, so that they are reacting instead of thinking clearly? Controlled Opposition aka Conservative inc. The likes of Candace Owens, the likes of Ben Shapiro, the Like of other establishment conservatives.

Rage baiting is a way that controlled opposition get the Maga and conservative base (and anons, actually) off kilter. You become so worked up with 'hating' the target or 'fearing' the outcome that you are simply acting from emotional reaction, instead of dispassionately reasoning, thinking critically, and balances (based).

It's a clear and obvious strategy that Controlled Oppo would use. It doesn't really matter if the object of the hate or fear is bad or not. If they are bad, then even better, because its all the easier to trigger your reactive emotional knee-jerk responses and condition you to think less, react more.

I can only conclude that people or organizations who are spreading this narrative ("Pence said America is not his concern") narrative are EITHER:

Disinformation operatives (controlled opposition, etc)

Persons so biased by their view of Pence that they believe mostly anything that the bias confirms (aka they react instead of thinking)

Persons who hate Pence either way and don't care whether he said it or not. Spread anything because Pence is Scum

Persons who are simply ill-informed but whose biases lead them to repost and accept the narrative without really checking the facts and the context.

The FACTS and the CONTEXT are clear.

Does Turning Point Action expose themselves here as controlled opposition? Why else would they attack Pence with this sort of fake news, and spread fakeness around? Or are they simply totally incompetent and without journalistic integrity?


Putting aside one's own view of whether Pence is a Patriot doing Kayfabe, or a Deep State asset scum, it should be pretty obvious that in this instance, Pence is NOT saying "America is not my concern".

If after examining the evidence, you still think he's saying that, then i have a really big Bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.

This news - Pence said America is NOT his concern - is FAKE.

It's a misread/mishear of what was said at best. At worst, it's actually dis/mal info.

The war is real. The news is fake. Q

Do not let personal (EMOTIONal) desires ("do it now""now""what is taking so long""NOW!") take over. 
Logical thinking and strategy should always be applied. 
Those who push simply do not understand warfare tactics. 
EMOTIONs cloud judgement.
EMOTIONs cloud logic.
You have more than you know.
1 year ago
5 score
Reason: None provided.

Assertion: "Pence said America is not his concern"

Watch, then read.

1 minute view.

I'm seeing people posting stuff about Pence saying America is NOT his concern. One example is a meme by Turning Point Action, posted in GAW 6 hours ago, declaring Pence committed political suicide.

Now, some folks think Pence is a DJT loyalist who is doing Kayfabe and is running for candidacy for strategic reasons. Others think Pence is a scumbag and DS asset.

Personally I'm the former. But whatever one's position personally on Pence (which has to include your view on Q, devolution, the Plan, etc), it behooves each of us to approach the information with critical and rational thinking, rather than emotional reaction. In other words, we should let our prejudices and biases just lead us around like a dog on a chain.

In my view, the narrative being thrown around about this Pence issue now is

FAKE NEWS. 100% It's a distortion, malinformation.

Here's why I think that.

There are essentially FOUR key data points that I consider re: how to analyse and breakdown this news.

ONE The discourse and its whole context

TWO The language of Pence in response to Tucker

THREE The illogicality of Pence even saying "America is not my concern"

FOUR Donald Trump's recent words regarding Pence

1. Take the whole discourse and understand the context.

Tucker said "XXX American situation, and YOUR concern is .... how many tanks Ukraine has". Despite all the other things in a very long sentence, this is Tuckers basic premise and assertion to Pence.

How does Pence respond? Pence responds "that is NOT my concern"

Listen to the above (short) clip a few times. It becomes very clear when you take the statement in context.

Pence Immediately goes on to clarify he is concerned about the American situation. He's rebutting the idea that Pence has no concern for the USA, clarifying that the way Tucker framed 'his' concern is not factual.

Tucker said "your concern is.... that Ukraine doesn't have enough tanks" Then says other stuff and "where's the concern for America in that?"

Pence said "that is not my concern" OBVIOUSLY talking about Tucker's assertion that Pence's concern is for the Ukraine having tanks.

He rebutts Tucker by saying "Tucker, I've heard that routine from you before, but that's not my concern."

2. Why does Pence say "I've heard that Routine from you before"?

What routine? Clearly, it's the routine where Tucker is asserting that "Pence is more concerned about ukrainian tanks than he is about America".

Pence is accepting Tucker's dialog as a clear provocative question/assertion, and responds by saying "it's a routine" as any politician with half a brain would, let alone someone who was TRUMP's VP.

Pence then goes on to clarify WHY he is running for President, essentially rebutting Tuckers assertion that Pence is NOT concerned about America.

"I'm running for President of the united States because I think this country is in a lot of trouble. I think Joe Biden has weakened America at home and abroad."

So A) Pence rebuts Tuckers assertion, B) reinforces that by stating his assertion is a routine (designed to provoke or irritate the interviewee, Pence) and C) then Proceeds to say exactly WHY he is concerned about America.

3. Does it make any sense that Pence would state "America is not my concern"?

Contextually, it makes NO sense to think that Pence would say, openly, at an interview "I'm not concerned about America at all".

That's idiotic. He'd have to be drunk or shot up with sodium pentathol to say anything like that IF it were in fact true. It's ludicrous, and really ONLY believable if you have severe biases and prejudices about Pence.

If Pence was truly Deep state, would he say that openly? He'd be the first politician in the history of the deep state, with some reall rippers in there like Obama, Clinton(s), Bushes, and pretty much every other owned Deep State congressman or woman.

I'll admit, Pence's manner in responding is unfortunate. Grammatically (I mean, in terms of logic, facts, etc) Pence is correct, because he's responding to Tuckers main assertion that "X is your concern" Like a nerd who isn't paying attention to how it sounds. He's just answering factually.

BUT to someone NOT paying actually attention, it sounds like he's saying America is not my concern.

4. DJT's comments and talk about Pence

I get that a LOT of people including anons are upset about the stolen election (who isn't) and that they blame Pence on the basis of a lot of DJT's rhetoric.

But if devolution is really in play, if DJT KNEW they were going to steal the election and his plan involved letting them get away with it because of a larger sting operation, then Pence HAD to do what he did. AND, if he actually intervened in the process, it would have set a precedent that ANY VP could do this. Anytime.

IF DJT knew they would and did steal the election, then it means he violate his vow to the American people and simply let them get away. But that's not DJT, so some sort of Devolution / Continuity of Government HAS to be in play.

More importantly, in the past few months, DJT has come out and said essentially positive and supportive things about Pence, even though in previously he's blamed Pence for the Jan 6 situation, etc. Why? Because blaming Pence was necessary Kayfabe to create a distance between them. Just like many others.

Do you think there is a reason why DJT's rhetoric so often sounds like a WWF wrestler haranguing his opponent? The WWF wrestling was literally KAYFABE.

If DJT's rhetoric around Pence was NOT kayfabe, how could DJT now say, one or two months ago, at that major CPAC conference, that literally "Pence never did a bad thing in his life"? and "He's an honorable man" etc on other recent occasions.

kayfabe is real.

Why Spread The Pence Said This Narrative?

Who benefits from spreading this narrative designed to trigger hate for Peace? Who is it that constantly puts out rage bait to trigger 'conservatives' and Maga folks, so that they are reacting instead of thinking clearly? Controlled Opposition aka Conservative inc. The likes of Candace Owens, the likes of Ben Shapiro, the Like of other establishment conservatives.

Rage baiting is a way that controlled opposition get the Maga and conservative base (and anons, actually) off kilter. You become so worked up with 'hating' the target or 'fearing' the outcome that you are simply acting from emotional reaction, instead of dispassionately reasoning, thinking critically, and balances (based).

It's a clear and obvious strategy that Controlled Oppo would use. It doesn't really matter if the object of the hate or fear is bad or not. If they are bad, then even better, because its all the easier to trigger your reactive emotional knee-jerk responses and condition you to think less, react more.

I can only conclude that people or organizations who are spreading this narrative ("Pence said America is not his concern") narrative are EITHER:

Disinformation operatives (controlled opposition, etc)

Persons so biased by their view of Pence that they believe mostly anything that the bias confirms (aka they react instead of thinking)

Persons who hate Pence either way and don't care whether he said it or not. Spread anything because Pence is Scum

Persons who are simply ill-informed but whose biases lead them to repost and accept the narrative without really checking the facts and the context.

The FACTS and the CONTEXT are clear.

Does Turning Point Action expose themselves here as controlled opposition? Why else would they attack Pence with this sort of fake news, and spread fakeness around? Or are they simply totally incompetent and without journalistic integrity?


Putting aside one's own view of whether Pence is a Patriot doing Kayfabe, or a Deep State asset scum, it should be pretty obvious that in this instance, Pence is NOT saying "America is not my concern".

If after examining the evidence, you still think he's saying that, then i have a really big Bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.

This news - Pence said America is NOT his concern - is FAKE.

It's a misread/mishear of what was said at best. At worst, it's actually dis/mal info.

The war is real. The news is fake. Q

Do not let personal (EMOTIONal) desires ("do it now""now""what is taking so long""NOW!") take over. 
Logical thinking and strategy should always be applied. 
Those who push simply do not understand warfare tactics. 
EMOTIONs cloud judgement.
EMOTIONs cloud logic.
You have more than you know.
1 year ago
5 score
Reason: None provided.

Assertion: "Pence said America is not his concern"

Watch, then read.

1 minute view.

I'm seeing people posting stuff about Pence saying America is NOT his concern. One example is a meme by Turning Point Action, posted in GAW 6 hours ago, declaring Pence committed political suicide.

Now, some folks think Pence is a DJT loyalist who is doing Kayfabe and is running for candidacy for strategic reasons. Others think Pence is a scumbag and DS asset.

Personally I'm the former. But whatever one's position personally on Pence (which has to include your view on Q, devolution, the Plan, etc), it behooves each of us to approach the information with critical and rational thinking, rather than emotional reaction. In other words, we should let our prejudices and biases just lead us around like a dog on a chain.

In my view, the narrative being thrown around about this Pence issue now is

FAKE NEWS. 100% It's a distortion, malinformation.

Here's why I think that.

There are essentially FOUR key data points that I consider re: how to analyse and breakdown this news.

ONE The discourse and its whole context

TWO The language of Pence in response to Tucker

THREE The illogicality of Pence even saying "America is not my concern"

FOUR Donald Trump's recent words regarding Pence

1. Take the whole discourse and understand the context.

Tucker said "XXX American situation, and YOUR concern is .... how many tanks Ukraine has". Despite all the other things in a very long sentence, this is Tuckers basic premise and assertion to Pence.

How does Pence respond? Pence responds "that is NOT my concern"

Listen to the above (short) clip a few times. It becomes very clear when you take the statement in context.

Pence Immediately goes on to clarify he is concerned about the American situation. He's rebutting the idea that Pence has no concern for the USA, clarifying that the way Tucker framed 'his' concern is not factual.

Tucker said "your concern is.... that Ukraine doesn't have enough tanks" Then says other stuff and "where's the concern for America in that?"

Pence said "that is not my concern" OBVIOUSLY talking about Tucker's assertion that Pence's concern is for the Ukraine having tanks.

He rebuts Tucker by saying "Tucker, I've heard that routine from you before, but that's not my concern.

2. Why does Pence say "I've heard that Routine from you before"?

What routine? Clearly, it's the routine where Tucker is asserting that "Pence is more concerned about ukrainian tanks than he is about America".

Pence is accepting Tucker's dialog as a clear provocative question/assertion, and responds by saying "it's a routine" as any politician with half a brain would, let alone someone who was TRUMP's VP.

Pence then goes on to clarify WHY he is running for President, essentially rebutting Tuckers assertion that Pence is NOT concerned about America.

"I'm running for President of the united States because I think this country is in a lot of trouble. I think Joe Biden has weakened America at home and abroad."

So A) Pence rebuts Tuckers assertion, B) reinforces that by stating his assertion is a routine (designed to provoke or irritate the interviewee, Pence) and C) then Proceeds to say exactly WHY he is concerned about America.

3. Does it make any sense that Pence would state "America is not my concern"?

Contextually, it makes NO sense to think that Pence would say, openly, at an interview "I'm not concerned about America at all".

That's idiotic. He'd have to be drunk or shot up with sodium pentathol to say anything like that IF it were in fact true. It's ludicrous, and really ONLY believable if you have severe biases and prejudices about Pence.

If Pence was truly Deep state, would he say that openly? He'd be the first politician in the history of the deep state, with some reall rippers in there like Obama, Clinton(s), Bushes, and pretty much every other owned Deep State congressman or woman.

I'll admit, Pence's manner in responding is unfortunate. Grammatically (I mean, in terms of logic, facts, etc) Pence is correct, because he's responding to Tuckers main assertion that "X is your concern" Like a nerd who isn't paying attention to how it sounds. He's just answering factually.

BUT to someone NOT paying actually attention, it sounds like he's saying America is not my concern.

4. DJT's comments and talk about Pence

I get that a LOT of people including anons are upset about the stolen election (who isn't) and that they blame Pence on the basis of a lot of DJT's rhetoric.

But if devolution is really in play, if DJT KNEW they were going to steal the election and his plan involved letting them get away with it because of a larger sting operation, then Pence HAD to do what he did. AND, if he actually intervened in the process, it would have set a precedent that ANY VP could do this. Anytime.

IF DJT knew they would and did steal the election, then it means he violate his vow to the American people and simply let them get away. But that's not DJT, so some sort of Devolution / Continuity of Government HAS to be in play.

More importantly, in the past few months, DJT has come out and said essentially positive and supportive things about Pence, even though in previously he's blamed Pence for the Jan 6 situation, etc. Why? Because blaming Pence was necessary Kayfabe to create a distance between them. Just like many others.

Do you think there is a reason why DJT's rhetoric so often sounds like a WWF wrestler haranguing his opponent? The WWF wrestling was literally KAYFABE.

If DJT's rhetoric around Pence was NOT kayfabe, how could DJT now say, one or two months ago, at that major CPAC conference, that literally "Pence never did a bad thing in his life"? and "He's an honorable man" etc on other recent occasions.

kayfabe is real.

Why Spread The Pence Said This Narrative?

Who benefits from spreading this narrative designed to trigger hate for Peace? Who is it that constantly puts out rage bait to trigger 'conservatives' and Maga folks, so that they are reacting instead of thinking clearly? Controlled Opposition aka Conservative inc. The likes of Candace Owens, the likes of Ben Shapiro, the Like of other establishment conservatives.

Rage baiting is a way that controlled opposition get the Maga and conservative base (and anons, actually) off kilter. You become so worked up with 'hating' the target or 'fearing' the outcome that you are simply acting from emotional reaction, instead of dispassionately reasoning, thinking critically, and balances (based).

It's a clear and obvious strategy that Controlled Oppo would use. It doesn't really matter if the object of the hate or fear is bad or not. If they are bad, then even better, because its all the easier to trigger your reactive emotional knee-jerk responses and condition you to think less, react more.

I can only conclude that people or organizations who are spreading this narrative ("Pence said America is not his concern") narrative are EITHER:

Disinformation operatives (controlled opposition, etc)

Persons so biased by their view of Pence that they believe mostly anything that the bias confirms (aka they react instead of thinking)

Persons who hate Pence either way and don't care whether he said it or not. Spread anything because Pence is Scum

Persons who are simply ill-informed but whose biases lead them to repost and accept the narrative without really checking the facts and the context.

The FACTS and the CONTEXT are clear.

Does Turning Point Action expose themselves here as controlled opposition? Why else would they attack Pence with this sort of fake news, and spread fakeness around? Or are they simply totally incompetent and without journalistic integrity?


Putting aside one's own view of whether Pence is a Patriot doing Kayfabe, or a Deep State asset scum, it should be pretty obvious that in this instance, Pence is NOT saying "America is not my concern".

If after examining the evidence, you still think he's saying that, then i have a really big Bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.

This news - Pence said America is NOT his concern - is FAKE.

It's a misread/mishear of what was said at best. At worst, it's actually dis/mal info.

The war is real. The news is fake. Q

Do not let personal (EMOTIONal) desires ("do it now""now""what is taking so long""NOW!") take over. 
Logical thinking and strategy should always be applied. 
Those who push simply do not understand warfare tactics. 
EMOTIONs cloud judgement.
EMOTIONs cloud logic.
You have more than you know.
1 year ago
5 score
Reason: None provided.

Assertion: "Pence said America is not his concern"

Watch, then read.

1 minute view.

I'm seeing people posting stuff about Pence saying America is NOT his concern. One example is a meme by Turning Point Action, posted in GAW 6 hours ago, declaring Pence committed political suicide.

Now, some folks think Pence is a DJT loyalist who is doing Kayfabe and is running for candidacy for strategic reasons. Others think Pence is a scumbag and DS asset.

Personally I'm the former. But whatever one's position personally on Pence (which has to include your view on Q, devolution, the Plan, etc), it behooves each of us to approach the information with critical and rational thinking, rather than emotional reaction. In other words, we should let our prejudices and biases just lead us around like a dog on a chain.

In my view, the narrative being thrown around about this Pence issue now is

FAKE NEWS. 100% It's a distortion, malinformation.

Here's why I think that.

There are essentially FOUR key data points that I consider re: how to analyse and breakdown this news.

ONE The discourse and its whole context

TWO The language of Pence in response to Tucker

THREE The illogicality of Pence even saying "America is not my concern"

FOUR Donald Trump's recent words regarding Pence

1. Take the whole discourse and understand the context.

Tucker said "XXX American situation, and YOUR concern is .... how many tanks Ukraine has". Despite all the other things in a very long sentence, this is Tuckers basic premise and assertion to Pence.

How does Pence respond? Pence responds "that is NOT my concern"

Listen to the above (short) clip a few times. It becomes very clear when you take the statement in context.

Pence Immediately goes on to clarify he is concerned about the American situation. He's rebutting the idea that Pence has no concern for the USA. stated that the way Tucker framed 'his' concern is not factual.

Tucker said "your concern is.... that Ukraine doesn't have enough tanks" Then says other stuff and "where's the concern for America in that?"

Pence said "that is not my concern" OBVIOUSLY talking about Tucker's assertion that Pence's concern is for the Ukraine having tanks.

He rebuts Tucker by saying "Tucker, I've heard that routine from you before, but that's not my concern.

2. Why does Pence say "I've heard that Routine from you before"?

What routine? Clearly, it's the routine where Tucker is asserting that "Pence is more concerned about ukrainian tanks than he is about America".

Pence is accepting Tucker's dialog as a clear provocative question/assertion, and responds by saying "it's a routine" as any politician with half a brain would, let alone someone who was TRUMP's VP.

Pence then goes on to clarify WHY he is running for President, essentially rebutting Tuckers assertion that Pence is NOT concerned about America.

"I'm running for President of the united States because I think this country is in a lot of trouble. I think Joe Biden has weakened America at home and abroad."

So A) Pence rebuts Tuckers assertion, B) reinforces that by stating his assertion is a routine (designed to provoke or irritate the interviewee, Pence) and C) then Proceeds to say exactly WHY he is concerned about America.

3. Does it make any sense that Pence would state "America is not my concern"?

Contextually, it makes NO sense to think that Pence would say, openly, at an interview "I'm not concerned about America at all".

That's idiotic. He'd have to be drunk or shot up with sodium pentathol to say anything like that IF it were in fact true. It's ludicrous, and really ONLY believable if you have severe biases and prejudices about Pence.

If Pence was truly Deep state, would he say that openly? He'd be the first politician in the history of the deep state, with some reall rippers in there like Obama, Clinton(s), Bushes, and pretty much every other owned Deep State congressman or woman.

I'll admit, Pence's manner in responding is unfortunate. Grammatically (I mean, in terms of logic, facts, etc) Pence is correct, because he's responding to Tuckers main assertion that "X is your concern" Like a nerd who isn't paying attention to how it sounds. He's just answering factually.

BUT to someone NOT paying actually attention, it sounds like he's saying America is not my concern.

4. DJT's comments and talk about Pence

I get that a LOT of people including anons are upset about the stolen election (who isn't) and that they blame Pence on the basis of a lot of DJT's rhetoric.

But if devolution is really in play, if DJT KNEW they were going to steal the election and his plan involved letting them get away with it because of a larger sting operation, then Pence HAD to do what he did. AND, if he actually intervened in the process, it would have set a precedent that ANY VP could do this. Anytime.

IF DJT knew they would and did steal the election, then it means he violate his vow to the American people and simply let them get away. But that's not DJT, so some sort of Devolution / Continuity of Government HAS to be in play.

More importantly, in the past few months, DJT has come out and said essentially positive and supportive things about Pence, even though in previously he's blamed Pence for the Jan 6 situation, etc. Why? Because blaming Pence was necessary Kayfabe to create a distance between them. Just like many others.

Do you think there is a reason why DJT's rhetoric so often sounds like a WWF wrestler haranguing his opponent? The WWF wrestling was literally KAYFABE.

If DJT's rhetoric around Pence was NOT kayfabe, how could DJT now say, one or two months ago, at that major CPAC conference, that literally "Pence never did a bad thing in his life"? and "He's an honorable man" etc on other recent occasions.

kayfabe is real.

Why Spread The Pence Said This Narrative?

Who benefits from spreading this narrative designed to trigger hate for Peace? Who is it that constantly puts out rage bait to trigger 'conservatives' and Maga folks, so that they are reacting instead of thinking clearly? Controlled Opposition aka Conservative inc. The likes of Candace Owens, the likes of Ben Shapiro, the Like of other establishment conservatives.

Rage baiting is a way that controlled opposition get the Maga and conservative base (and anons, actually) off kilter. You become so worked up with 'hating' the target or 'fearing' the outcome that you are simply acting from emotional reaction, instead of dispassionately reasoning, thinking critically, and balances (based).

It's a clear and obvious strategy that Controlled Oppo would use. It doesn't really matter if the object of the hate or fear is bad or not. If they are bad, then even better, because its all the easier to trigger your reactive emotional knee-jerk responses and condition you to think less, react more.

I can only conclude that people or organizations who are spreading this narrative ("Pence said America is not his concern") narrative are EITHER:

Disinformation operatives (controlled opposition, etc)

Persons so biased by their view of Pence that they believe mostly anything that the bias confirms (aka they react instead of thinking)

Persons who hate Pence either way and don't care whether he said it or not. Spread anything because Pence is Scum

Persons who are simply ill-informed but whose biases lead them to repost and accept the narrative without really checking the facts and the context.

The FACTS and the CONTEXT are clear.

Does Turning Point Action expose themselves here as controlled opposition? Why else would they attack Pence with this sort of fake news, and spread fakeness around? Or are they simply totally incompetent and without journalistic integrity?


Putting aside one's own view of whether Pence is a Patriot doing Kayfabe, or a Deep State asset scum, it should be pretty obvious that in this instance, Pence is NOT saying "America is not my concern".

If after examining the evidence, you still think he's saying that, then i have a really big Bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.

This news - Pence said America is NOT his concern - is FAKE.

It's a misread/mishear of what was said at best. At worst, it's actually dis/mal info.

The war is real. The news is fake. Q

Do not let personal (EMOTIONal) desires ("do it now""now""what is taking so long""NOW!") take over. 
Logical thinking and strategy should always be applied. 
Those who push simply do not understand warfare tactics. 
EMOTIONs cloud judgement.
EMOTIONs cloud logic.
You have more than you know.
1 year ago
5 score
Reason: Original

Assertion: "Pence said America is not his concern"

Watch, then read.

1 minute view.

I'm seeing people posting stuff about Pence saying America is NOT his concern. One example is a meme by Turning Point Action, posted in GAW 6 hours ago, declaring Pence committed political suicide.

Now, some folks think Pence is a DJT loyalist who is doing Kayfabe and is running for candidacy for strategic reasons. Others think Pence is a scumbag and DS asset.

Personally I'm the former. But whatever one's position personally on Pence (which has to include your view on Q, devolution, the Plan, etc), it behooves each of us to approach the information with critical and rational thinking, rather than emotional reaction. In other words, we should let our prejudices and biases just lead us around like a dog on a chain.

In my view, the narrative being thrown around about this Pence issue now is

FAKE NEWS. 100% It's a distortion, malinformation.

Here's why I think that.

There are essentially FOUR key data points that I consider re: how to analyse and breakdown this news.

ONE The discourse and its whole context

TWO The language of Pence in response to Tucker

THREE The illogicality of Pence even saying "America is not my concern"

FOUR Donald Trump's recent words regarding Pence

1. Take the whole discourse and understand the context.

Tucker said "XXX American situation, and YOUR concern is .... how many tanks Ukraine has". Despite all the other things in a very long sentence, this is Tuckers basic premise and assertion to Pence.

How does Pence respond? Pence respond "that is NOT my concern"

Listen to the above (short) clip a few times. It becomes very clear when you take the statement in context.

Pence Immediately goes on to clarify he is concerned about the American situation. He's rebutting the idea that Pence has no concern for the USA. stated that the way Tucker framed 'his' concern is not factual.

Tucker said "your concern is.... that Ukraine doesn't have enough tanks" Then says other stuff and "where's the concern for America in that?"

Pence said "that is not my concern" OBVIOUSLY talking about Tucker's assertion that Pence's concern is for the Ukraine having tanks.

He rebuts Tucker by saying "Tucker, I've heard that routine from you before, but that's not my concern.

2. Why does Pence say "I've heard that Routine from you before"?

What routine? Clearly, it's the routine where Tucker is asserting that "Pence is more concerned about ukrainian tanks than he is about America".

Pence is accepting Tucker's dialog as a clear provocative question/assertion, and responds by saying "it's a routine" as any politician with half a brain would, let alone someone who was TRUMP's VP.

Pence then goes on to clarify WHY he is running for President, essentially rebutting Tuckers assertion that Pence is NOT concerned about America.

"I'm running for President of the united States because I think this country is in a lot of trouble. I think Joe Biden has weakened America at home and abroad."

So A) Pence rebuts Tuckers assertion, B) reinforces that by stating his assertion is a routine (designed to provoke or irritate the interviewee, Pence) and C) then Proceeds to say exactly WHY he is concerned about America.

3. Does it make any sense that Pence would state "America is not my concern"?

Contextually, it makes NO sense to think that Pence would say, openly, at an interview "I'm not concerned about America at all".

That's idiotic. He'd have to be drunk or shot up with sodium pentathol to say anything like that IF it were in fact true. It's ludicrous, and really ONLY believable if you have severe biases and prejudices about Pence.

If Pence was truly Deep state, would he say that openly? He'd be the first politician in the history of the deep state, with some reall rippers in there like Obama, Clinton(s), Bushes, and pretty much every other owned Deep State congressman or woman.

I'll admit, Pence's manner in responding is unfortunate. Grammatically (I mean, in terms of logic, facts, etc) Pence is correct, because he's responding to Tuckers main assertion that "X is your concern" Like a nerd who isn't paying attention to how it sounds. He's just answering factually.

BUT to someone NOT paying actually attention, it sounds like he's saying America is not my concern.

4. DJT's comments and talk about Pence

I get that a LOT of people including anons are upset about the stolen election (who isn't) and that they blame Pence on the basis of a lot of DJT's rhetoric.

But if devolution is really in play, if DJT KNEW they were going to steal the election and his plan involved letting them get away with it because of a larger sting operation, then Pence HAD to do what he did. AND, if he actually intervened in the process, it would have set a precedent that ANY VP could do this. Anytime.

IF DJT knew they would and did steal the election, then it means he violate his vow to the American people and simply let them get away. But that's not DJT, so some sort of Devolution / Continuity of Government HAS to be in play.

More importantly, in the past few months, DJT has come out and said essentially positive and supportive things about Pence, even though in previously he's blamed Pence for the Jan 6 situation, etc. Why? Because blaming Pence was necessary Kayfabe to create a distance between them. Just like many others.

Do you think there is a reason why DJT's rhetoric so often sounds like a WWF wrestler haranguing his opponent? The WWF wrestling was literally KAYFABE.

If DJT's rhetoric around Pence was NOT kayfabe, how could DJT now say, one or two months ago, at that major CPAC conference, that literally "Pence never did a bad thing in his life"? and "He's an honorable man" etc on other recent occasions.

kayfabe is real.

Why Spread The Pence Said This Narrative?

Who benefits from spreading this narrative designed to trigger hate for Peace? Who is it that constantly puts out rage bait to trigger 'conservatives' and Maga folks, so that they are reacting instead of thinking clearly? Controlled Opposition aka Conservative inc. The likes of Candace Owens, the likes of Ben Shapiro, the Like of other establishment conservatives.

Rage baiting is a way that controlled opposition get the Maga and conservative base (and anons, actually) off kilter. You become so worked up with 'hating' the target or 'fearing' the outcome that you are simply acting from emotional reaction, instead of dispassionately reasoning, thinking critically, and balances (based).

It's a clear and obvious strategy that Controlled Oppo would use. It doesn't really matter if the object of the hate or fear is bad or not. If they are bad, then even better, because its all the easier to trigger your reactive emotional knee-jerk responses and condition you to think less, react more.

I can only conclude that people or organizations who are spreading this narrative ("Pence said America is not his concern") narrative are EITHER:

Disinformation operatives (controlled opposition, etc)

Persons so biased by their view of Pence that they believe mostly anything that the bias confirms (aka they react instead of thinking)

Persons who hate Pence either way and don't care whether he said it or not. Spread anything because Pence is Scum

Persons who are simply ill-informed but whose biases lead them to repost and accept the narrative without really checking the facts and the context.

The FACTS and the CONTEXT are clear.

Does Turning Point Action expose themselves here as controlled opposition? Why else would they attack Pence with this sort of fake news, and spread fakeness around? Or are they simply totally incompetent and without journalistic integrity?


Putting aside one's own view of whether Pence is a Patriot doing Kayfabe, or a Deep State asset scum, it should be pretty obvious that in this instance, Pence is NOT saying "America is not my concern".

If after examining the evidence, you still think he's saying that, then i have a really big Bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.

This news - Pence said America is NOT his concern - is FAKE.

It's a misread/mishear of what was said at best. At worst, it's actually dis/mal info.

The war is real. The news is fake. Q

Do not let personal (EMOTIONal) desires ("do it now""now""what is taking so long""NOW!") take over. 
Logical thinking and strategy should always be applied. 
Those who push simply do not understand warfare tactics. 
EMOTIONs cloud judgement.
EMOTIONs cloud logic.
You have more than you know.
1 year ago
1 score