Reason: None provided.
But always a CLOWN...very dependable CLOWN...even took on the appearence of a CLOWN... only a very dedicated CLOWN can achieve a bodily change so remarkedly...I suggest CLOWN awards for several catagories of CLOWN appotheosis...Joyless Reid meets them all in CLOWN WORLD!....So you have it, Joyless is nominated for KWEEN KLOWN !!
69 days ago
2 score
Reason: Original
But always a CLOWN...very dependable CLOWN...even took on the appearence of a CLOWN... only a very dedicated CLOWN can achieve a bodily change so remarkedly...I suggest CLOWN awards for several catagories of CLOWN appotheosis...Joyless Reid meets them all in CLOWN WORLD!
69 days ago
1 score