If people are getting the work done, who cares where they are working from?
If they're not getting the work done, then why aren't they getting fired?
For many, their productivity increases as they work from home because they're not constantly being interrupted by Chatty Cathies and office birthday parties and other such nonsense.
It's also positively hilarious that people think that just because someone shows up to an office to work that they are automatically productive. Obviously they've never seen anyone exhibit the fine art of looking busy while doing nothing at all. Just frown at your computer and click your mouse repeatedly and people will think you're super duper productive.
Remote workers save companies money by reducing the need to pay for office space.
The only people I really see getting upset over remote workers are middle management type of people. Those whose jobs are basically looking over their employees shoulders and scheduling endless rounds of office meetings that spend hours accomplishing the same thing an email or two will do.
If people are getting the work done, who cares where they are working from?
If they're not getting the work done, then why aren't they getting fired?
Remote workers save companies money by reducing the need to pay for office space.
The only people I really see getting upset over remote workers are middle management type of people. Those whose jobs are basically looking over their employees shoulders and scheduling endless rounds of office meetings that spend hours accomplishing the same thing an email or two will do.