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I have been wanting to do this for a while. I knew it would be long and most likely not sit well with people. Let me show you, it was not Pence that screwed up Jan 6th delegate count, IT WAS YOUR SENATORS.

I am in no way defending Mike Pence, I think he is guilty of crimes against humanity for many years prior, but we won't get into that. However, I want to show you, Pence had zero control over the outcome of the delegate count on Jan 6th and he did exactly what the people expected him to do that day. I think Pence was made the fall guy by the media when ALL the blame should have been directed at our Senators.

Here is the timeline to the Joint Session Electoral Delegate count that took place on Jan 6th 2021. I have gone through these 3 videos and pointed out the important parts. People say Pence refused to accept the alternate delegates which is false. If anyone is to blame here it is our Senators. When it was time to dispute the fraudulent delegates with a vote, 93 of them walked away.

In part 1 video at the 15:35 mark, Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) formally made the objection and refused to accept the Arizona delegates. At that point it was 1:12pm, VP Pence stopped the vote count and sent both houses out to discuss the objection to the Arizona delegates and have a vote.

Part 1:

So Mike Pence did exactly what we expected him to do and what US Code instructs him to do. Here is the code:

Section 15 and 17 of Title 3 of US Code says:

[Section 15]

(1) Ministerial in nature. —

Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the role of the President of the Senate while presiding over the joint session shall be limited to performing solely ministerial duties.

(2) Powers explicitly denied. —

The President of the Senate shall have no power to solely determine, accept, reject, or otherwise adjudicate or resolve disputes over the proper certificate of ascertainment of appointment of electors, the validity of electors, or the votes of electors.

[Section 17]

(2) each Senator and Representative may speak to such objections or questions for up to five minutes, and not more than once.

(3) the total time for debate for all such objections and questions with respect to such State shall not exceed two hours in each House, equally divided and controlled by the Majority Leader and Minority Leader, or their respective designees; and

(4) at the close of such debate, it shall be the duty of the presiding officer of each House to put each of the objections and questions to a vote without further debate.,a%20vote%20without%20further%20debate.

Mike Pences responsibility was recess the House and Senate, send them back to debate the opposing delegates and have a vote. That is what Pence did.

Both houses were in conference discussing the objections to Arizona delegates for aprox one hour when the breach at the Capital happened. Everyone was evacuated.

According to this wiki timeline the breach of the Capital happened at 2:13pm. Two windows were broken, and people started entering into the Capital. So one hour after Joint Session was halted (1:12pm) the closed-door debate on the alternate delegates stopped because of the security breach.

Our politicians returned to the Capital approx. 9 hours later.

This is when many of the Senators who had previously supported the objections to the delegates had withdrawn their support.

"Key Republican senators withdraw objections to Electoral College count after Capitol siege"

In part 2 here, the Senate and House returned to Joint Session and it was announced that the objection to the original Arizona delegates was rejected. Find this at the 7:50 mark of the Part 2 video, the vote was 93 - 6 to reject the alternate delegates.

Part 2:

Four more states delegates were objected to in the Part 2 video: Georgia at 15:15, Michigan at 26:50, Nevada at 32:40 and Pennsylvania at 41:15. Unfortunately, like I said above the Senators withdrew their objections for Georgia, Michigan and Nevada, they did not have a Senator name attached to them, they were rejected on the floor. This rule comes from Section 18 of Title 3 US Code.

"While the two Houses shall be in session as provided in this chapter, the President of the Senate shall have power to preserve order; and no debate shall be allowed and no question shall be put by the presiding officer except to either House on a motion to withdraw under section 15(d)(2)(C)(i)."

Pennsylvania objection did have a Senators name associated and this is when Mike Pence once again stopped the delegate count and both Houses were put in recess, they were sent back to debate and have a vote.

When the Houses returned from debate the objection was rejected in a 92 - 7 vote. Mike Pence had no control over that vote, it was our Senators that voted away and rejected the alternate delegates. This is announced at the start of the part 3 video.

Part 3:

There was one more objection to Wisconsin delegates in part 3 at 15:00 minute mark, this was also rejected because there was no Seante name attached to it.

I have lots of questions.

I have to think the breach was planned to occur when they were in conference discussing the first set of delegates. The breach then become the rationale for 93 Senators to walk away from debate and reject all upcoming objections. Why would they do this? Perhaps they all guilty of crimes, being blackmailed and saw a chance to get rid of Trump?

When Pence says he followed the Constitution, he is correct. He had no control over the Seante votes. When the media says Pence had no power to change the delegates, they are correct, Pence's duty was all ministerial in nature. In the public eye we were led to believe Pence fucked things up, was your Senators who fucked things up. Perhaps, saving their own reputations, they let Pence take the heat.

I have to ask myself, did the entire Senate know the riot was planned, played along and took the opportunity to remove Trump from office to save their own asses from criminal prosecution for crimes against the United States of America? Treason if so.

But then I wonder, did Trump tell the Senators to walk away. Remember, Trump was in contact by phone with Matt Gaetz when the Speaker of the House vote was taking place. Perhaps Trump knew civil unrest would result if the election was overturned. Perhaps Trump wanted to take us through this 4 year wake up process to open the eyes of the normies and told the Senators to reject the alternate delegates.

I think Trump knows the enemy's playbook. Trump could be countering every move by enemy. Each time the movie changes, Trump changes his countermoves. How did we get in a position where Trump has the opportunity to expose the election fraud based on an indictment for Jan 6th? These indictments were predicted by Q years ago. I am now wondering if Jack Smith is working for President Trump. Like Jan Halper said, "This indictment was a GREAT mistake by Jack Smith." Is Jack that stupid to hand Trump a chance to show the public the election fraud? I don't think so, its a movie, pass the popcorn.

Stay say my frens!!!


1 year ago
4 score
Reason: Original

I have been wanting to do this for a while. I knew it would be long and most likely not sit well with people. Let me show you, it was not Pence that screwed up Jan 6th delegate count, IT WAS YOUR SENATORS.

I am in no way defending Mike Pence, I think he is guilty of crimes against humanity for many years prior, but we won't get into that. However, I want to show you, Pence had zero control over the outcome of the delegate count on Jan 6th and he did exactly what the people expected him to do that day. I think Pence was made the fall guy by the media when ALL the blame should have been directed at our Senators.

Here is the timeline to the Joint Session Electoral Delegate count that took place on Jan 6th 2021. I have gone through these 3 videos and pointed out the important parts. People say Pence refused to accept the alternate delegates which is false. If anyone is to blame here it is our Senators. When it was time to dispute the fraudulent delegates with a vote, 93 of them walked away.

In part 1 video at the 15:35 mark, Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) formally made the objection and refused to accept the Arizona delegates. At that point it was 1:12pm, VP Pence stopped the vote count and sent both houses out to discuss the objection to the Arizona delegates and have a vote.

Part 1:

So Mike Pence did exactly what we expected him to do and what US Code instructs him to do. Here is the code:

Section 15 and 17 of Title 3 of US Code says:

[Section 15]

(1) Ministerial in nature. —

Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the role of the President of the Senate while presiding over the joint session shall be limited to performing solely ministerial duties.

(2) Powers explicitly denied. —

The President of the Senate shall have no power to solely determine, accept, reject, or otherwise adjudicate or resolve disputes over the proper certificate of ascertainment of appointment of electors, the validity of electors, or the votes of electors.

[Section 17]

(2) each Senator and Representative may speak to such objections or questions for up to five minutes, and not more than once.

(3) the total time for debate for all such objections and questions with respect to such State shall not exceed two hours in each House, equally divided and controlled by the Majority Leader and Minority Leader, or their respective designees; and

(4) at the close of such debate, it shall be the duty of the presiding officer of each House to put each of the objections and questions to a vote without further debate.,a%20vote%20without%20further%20debate.

Mike Pences responsibility was recess the House and Senate, send them back to debate the opposing delegates and have a vote. That is what Pence did.

Both houses were in conference discussing the objections to Arizona delegates for aprox one hour when the breach at the Capital happened. Everyone was evacuated.

According to this wiki timeline the breach of the Capital happened at 2:13pm. Two windows were broken, and people started entering into the Capital. So one hour after Joint Session was halted (1:12pm) the closed-door debate on the alternate delegates stopped because of the security breach.

Our politicians returned to the Capital approx. 9 hours later.

This is when many of the Senators who had previously supported the objections to the delegates had withdrawn their support.

"Key Republican senators withdraw objections to Electoral College count after Capitol siege"

In part 2 here, the Senate and House returned to Joint Session and it was announced that the objection to the original Arizona delegates was rejected. Find this at the 7:50 mark of the Part 2 video, the vote was 93 - 6 to reject the alternate delegates.

Part 2:

Four more states delegates were objected to in the Part 2 video: Georgia at 15:15, Michigan at 26:50, Nevada at 32:40 and Pennsylvania at 41:15. Unfortunately, like I said above the Senators withdrew their objections for Georgia, Michigan and Nevada, they did not have a Senator name attached to them, they were rejected on the floor. This rule comes from Section 18 of Title 3 US Code.

"While the two Houses shall be in session as provided in this chapter, the President of the Senate shall have power to preserve order; and no debate shall be allowed and no question shall be put by the presiding officer except to either House on a motion to withdraw under section 15(d)(2)(C)(i)."

Pennsylvania objection did have a Senators name associated and this is when Mike Pence once again stopped the delegate count and both Houses were put in recess, they were sent back to debate and have a vote.

When the Houses returned from debate the objection was rejected in a 92 - 7 vote. Mike Pence had no control over that vote, it was our Senators that voted away and rejected the alternate delegates. This is announced at the start of the part 3 video.

Part 3:

There were no more objections after Pennsylvania.

I have lots of questions.

I have to think the breach was planned to occur when they were in conference discussing the first set of delegates. The breach then become the rationale for 93 Senators to walk away from debate and reject all upcoming objections. Why would they do this? Perhaps they all guilty of crimes, being blackmailed and saw a chance to get rid of Trump?

When Pence says he followed the Constitution, he is correct. He had no control over the Seante votes. When the media says Pence had no power to change the delegates, they are correct, Pence's duty was all ministerial in nature. In the public eye we were led to believe Pence fucked things up, was your Senators who fucked things up. Perhaps, saving their own reputations, they let Pence take the heat.

I have to ask myself, did the entire Senate know the riot was planned, played along and took the opportunity to remove Trump from office to save their own asses from criminal prosecution for crimes against the United States of America? Treason if so.

But then I wonder, did Trump tell the Senators to walk away. Remember, Trump was in contact by phone with Matt Gaetz when the Speaker of the House vote was taking place. Perhaps Trump knew civil unrest would result if the election was overturned. Perhaps Trump wanted to take us through this 4 year wake up process to open the eyes of the normies and told the Senators to reject the alternate delegates.

I think Trump knows the enemy's playbook. Trump could be countering every move by enemy. Each time the movie changes, Trump changes his countermoves. How did we get in a position where Trump has the opportunity to expose the election fraud based on an indictment for Jan 6th? These indictments were predicted by Q years ago. I am now wondering if Jack Smith is working for President Trump. Like Jan Halper said, "This indictment was a GREAT mistake by Jack Smith." Is Jack that stupid to hand Trump a chance to show the public the election fraud? I don't think so, its a movie, pass the popcorn.

Stay say my frens!!!


1 year ago
1 score