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Don’t you think its strange, how (almost) the entire medical establishment went along with COVID vaccines,

Even after there were unmistakeable safety signals telling them to stop?

How did that even happen?

Why was the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine pulled for far less?

For the illusion of pharmacovigilance?

It happened because this new COVID vaccine rollout was more-or-less the same playbook they had been using for years and years, with every other vaccine!

Only this time, we had the internets to help everyone connect the dots in real time!

And we also had the entire worlds attention, for once, fixated on a single topic,

for hours, and days, and weeks, and months, and years…

Prior to the internet, the establishment could get away with things like “SIDS” and “SADS” (kek) because most of us simply didnt have the background knowledge necessary to understand what was happening,

And the few people who did understand, were either directly or indirectly involved with it, and exercising their right to remain silent…

or if they were whistleblowers, they were either drowned out by the pro-vaccine noise,

or otherwise silenced thru the various methods at the establishments disposal.

Like having you de-platformed for “spreading dangerous public health misinformation…”

Vaccines have always killed and maimed people.

The anti-vaccine movement was born with the first vaccine injury, which was very soon after the very first vaccine…

and the anti-vaccine movement has only gotten bigger and louder over the years, because more people now have vaccine injuries!

Vaccine scientists have always cooked their books to get the results they want.

They are so utterly sure of their “vaccines are safe and effective” narrative, that they literally look at safety and efficacy studies as a mere formality, to “prove” what is already known to to be true, to the true believers…

The big pharma sponsored big media has always dismissed vaccine criticisms as “misinformation” and “conspiracy theories”

And the medical establishment has always tried to marginalize or expell anyone who goes against the system,

especially when it comes to vaccines, which are the gateway drugs to a lifetime of pills for every vaccine induced problem like autoimmune, diabetes, dementia, ADHD, …

Thats why it was so easy for 90%? of doctors and nurses to go along with the COVID program.

And Remdesiver, Ivermectin, etc

However, i do believe these COVID vaccines were designed specifically to cause death and destruction,

While with other vaccines they may have actually been trying to do the right thing,

even if they were accidentally causing an autism epidemic afflicting 1 in 36 children…

Its like Rev Jim Jones and Jonestown Massacre

(CIA op, btw, watch ‘evidence of revision’)

The Jonestown playbook was to train and condition all of the followers to drink harmless flavorade on command,

and then one day they poisoned the flavorade and everyone died.

That is, if you still believe the official story after watching Evidence of Revision…

And like the Jonestown flavorade, the masses were trained and conditioned to take (less harmful) vaccines on command, in preparation for the day when they would roll out a (more harmful) vaccine.

Even the Disneyland Measles Outbreak was FAKE NEWS,

Concocted to give pretext to new vaccine laws in California.

We watched that unfold in real time, calling BS the entire time, yet helpless to stop Senator Richard Pan MD from ram-rodding his vaccine bills thru to law.

Taking away religious and personal belief “exemption”,

And also severely limiting the medical exemption, by putting all exemptions in front of a country health board, whose members are 100% pro-vaccine,

And they have a blacklist of all the reasons that are NOT acceptable for an exemption,

And family history or even personal history of adverse reactions was NOT considered a valid reason for medical exemption.

The very idea that anyone even “needs” an exemption from an unecessary medical treatment that they don’t want,

should be a BIG RED FLAG about the kind of totaliatarian, authoritarian regime we are living under.

And what if the SCOTUS overturner RvW, not because of abortion,

but because anti-vaccine activists had successfully hijacked the “my body, my choice” meme?

Now states are free to say you have no bodily automomy when it comes to vaccine mandates…

Even the mRNA tech that the establishment is now crowing about, was discussed in anti-vaccine circles, long prior to COVID,

And at the time, it seemed like they were trying to get the mRNA tech perfected, but they kept killing all the lab animals.

We assumed this meant their experiements were a failure, and we were laughing about how crazy these people were for persuing a tech that was such a long way away from “safe and effective”…

Little did we know, at the time, that these mRNA experiments were not actually a failure, but a wild success!

We had naively assumed that if a lab animal dies a few weeks or months after a shot, that would be considered a failure,

However, looking back on how this all played out, it seems that the delayed-death was exectly the tech they were persuing!

If they want to kill everyone with a vaccine, they can’t kill everyone on the same day as they are vaccinated, or else they would get caught!

So they tried to develop the tech where they could “vaccinate” 90% of the world population, before the first deaths spooked the rest of the flock out of compliance.

SV-40 gave millions of people cancer.

(Wikipedia lies)

When the vaccine scientists (Stanley Plotkin) found out what they had done, they literally laughed and shrugged their shoulders like, oops my bad! haha shit happens oh well…

So how did SV-40 wind up in COVID “vaccines”?

Makes me think Stanley Plotkin et al knew good-and-well what they were doing,

and putting SV-40 in COVID shots was the same playbook.

Remember when they demolished the Georgia Guidestones?

Then they memory-holed it?

Did they demolish the GG because they had served their purpose and the job was done?

Did they demolish the GG because too many people were becoming aware, and visiting, and posting on social media etc and exposing their agenda?

Anyway, i want to draw your attention to my username which is u/VaccinesCauseSIDS

The reason i picked this username, was because i wanted to continually broadcast this message, no matter what else i was posting or commenting on.

Why this particular message?

Because the implication is so big, so all encompassing, that it tells the entire vaccine story,

if anyone has an ear to hear it…

The establishment literally INVENTED the entire concept of SIDS, to coverup the fact that vaccines kill infants,

AND also to covertly communicate to other initiates, that a vaccine killed an infant, without actually mentioning the vaccine.

“Died Suddenly, Doctors Baffled”

We couldn’t have been TOLD, the vaccine playbook,

We had to be SHOWN!

And what we have been shown,

took like 4 long years to explain, in little bits, until you see the much bigger picture.

Its like we are watching a movie!

We have more than we know!

What is the definition of ‘anti-christ’?

King James Bible

2 John 1:7

For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist

1 John 4:3

And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world

1 John 2:18

Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

Do you see?

Its not “THE” antichrist, (singular),

But rather “AN” antichrist (plural)

Basically anyone who isn’t a Christian,

is “an” antiChrist

Also, i would like to mention that although i had been a regular on conspiracy type forums for many years, i had never even heard of WEF World Economic Forum,

And before COVID, i dont think too many of you had heard of WEF either.

So the fact that we were able to pluck the WEF out of the noise, and focus on the WEF long enough to expose them to the whole world,

Such that today Klaus Schwab can’t walk down the street without risking inciting a protest.

And Bill Gates has been given the negative publicity he deserves too.

Save these memes!

197 days ago
15 score
Reason: None provided.

Don’t you think its strange, how (almost) the entire medical establishment went along with COVID vaccines,

Even after there were unmistakeable safety signals telling them to stop?

How did that even happen?

Why was the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine pulled for far less?

For the illusion of pharmacovigilance?

It happened because this new COVID vaccine rollout was more-or-less the same playbook they had been using for years and years, with every other vaccine!

Only this time, we had the internets to help everyone connect the dots in real time!

And we also had the entire worlds attention, for once, fixated on a single topic,

for hours, and days, and weeks, and months, and years…

Prior to the internet, the establishment could get away with things like “SIDS” and “SADS” (kek) because most of us simply didnt have the background knowledge necessary to understand what was happening,

And the few people who did understand, were either directly or indirectly involved with it, and exercising their right to remain silent…

or if they were whistleblowers, they were either drowned out by the pro-vaccine noise,

or otherwise silenced thru the various methods at the establishments disposal.

Like having you de-platformed for “spreading dangerous public health misinformation…”

Vaccines have always killed and maimed people.

The anti-vaccine movement was born with the first vaccine injury, which was very soon after the very first vaccine…

and the anti-vaccine movement has only gotten bigger and louder over the years, because more people now have vaccine injuries!

Vaccine scientists have always cooked their books to get the results they want.

They are so utterly sure of their “vaccines are safe and effective” narrative, that they literally look at safety and efficacy studies as a mere formality, to “prove” what is already known to to be true, to the true believers…

The big pharma sponsored big media has always dismissed vaccine criticisms as “misinformation” and “conspiracy theories”

And the medical establishment has always tried to marginalize or expell anyone who goes against the system,

especially when it comes to vaccines, which are the gateway drugs to a lifetime of pills for every vaccine induced problem like autoimmune, diabetes, dementia, ADHD, …

Thats why it was so easy for 90%? of doctors and nurses to go along with the COVID program.

And Remdesiver, Ivermectin, etc

However, i do believe these COVID vaccines were designed specifically to cause death and destruction,

While with other vaccines they may have actually been trying to do the right thing,

even if they were accidentally causing an autism epidemic afflicting 1 in 36 children…

Its like Rev Jim Jones and Jonestown Massacre

(CIA op, btw, watch ‘evidence of revision’)

The Jonestown playbook was to train and condition all of the followers to drink harmless flavorade on command,

and then one day they poisoned the flavorade and everyone died.

That is, if you still believe the official story after watching Evidence of Revision…

And like the Jonestown flavorade, the masses were trained and conditioned to take (less harmful) vaccines on command, in preparation for the day when they would roll out a (more harmful) vaccine.

Even the Disneyland Measles Outbreak was FAKE NEWS,

Concocted to give pretext to new vaccine laws in California.

We watched that unfold in real time, calling BS the entire time, yet helpless to stop Senator Richard Pan MD from ram-rodding his vaccine bills thru to law.

Taking away religious and personal belief “exemption”,

And also severely limiting the medical exemption, by putting all exemptions in front of a country health board, whose members are 100% pro-vaccine,

And they have a blacklist of all the reasons that are NOT acceptable for an exemption,

And family history or even personal history of adverse reactions was NOT considered a valid reason for medical exemption.

The very idea that anyone even “needs” an exemption from an unecessary medical treatment that they don’t want,

should be a BIG RED FLAG about the kind of totaliatarian, authoritarian regime we are living under.

And what if the SCOTUS overturner RvW, not because of abortion,

but because anti-vaccine activists had successfully hijacked the “my body, my choice” meme?

Now states are free to say you have no bodily automomy when it comes to vaccine mandates…

Even the mRNA tech that the establishment is now crowing about, was discussed in anti-vaccine circles, long prior to COVID,

And at the time, it seemed like they were trying to get the mRNA tech perfected, but they kept killing all the lab animals.

We assumed this meant their experiements were a failure, and we were laughing about how crazy these people were for persuing a tech that was such a long way away from “safe and effective”…

Little did we know, at the time, that these mRNA experiments were not actually a failure, but a wild success!

We had naively assumed that if a lab animal dies a few weeks or months after a shot, that would be considered a failure,

However, looking back on how this all played out, it seems that the delayed-death was exectly the tech they were persuing!

If they want to kill everyone with a vaccine, they can’t kill everyone on the same day as they are vaccinated, or else they would get caught!

So they tried to develop the tech where they could “vaccinate” 90% of the world population, before the first deaths spooked the rest of the flock out of compliance.

SV-40 gave millions of people cancer.

(Wikipedia lies)

When the vaccine scientists (Stanley Plotkin) found out what they had done, they literally laughed and shrugged their shoulders like, oops my bad! haha shit happens oh well…

So how did SV-40 wind up in COVID “vaccines”?

Makes me think Stanley Plotkin et al knew good-and-well what they were doing,

and putting SV-40 in COVID shots was the same playbook.

Remember when they demolished the Georgia Guidestones?

Then they memory-holed it?

Did they demolish the GG because they had served their purpose and the job was done?

Did they demolish the GG because too many people were becoming aware, and visiting, and posting on social media etc and exposing their agenda?

Anyway, i want to draw your attention to my username which is u/VaccinesCauseSIDS

The reason i picked this username, was because i wanted to continually broadcast this message, no matter what else i was posting or commenting on.

Why this particular message?

Because the implication is so big, so all encompassing, that it tells the entire vaccine story,

if anyone has an ear to hear it…

The establishment literally INVENTED the entire concept of SIDS, to coverup the fact that vaccines kill infants,

AND also to covertly communicate to other initiates, that a vaccine killed an infant, without actually mentioning the vaccine.

“Died Suddenly, Doctors Baffled”

We couldn’t have been TOLD, the vaccine playbook,

We had to be SHOWN!

And what we have been shown,

took like 4 long years to explain, in little bits, until you see the much bigger picture.

Its like we are watching a movie!

We have more than we know!

What is the definition of ‘anti-christ’?

King James Bible

2 John 1:7

For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist

1 John 4:3

And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world

1 John 2:18

Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

Do you see?

Its not “THE” antichrist, (singular),

But rather “AN” antichrist (plural)

Basically anyone who isn’t a Christian,

is “an” antiChrist

Save these memes!

197 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Don’t you think its strange, how (almost) the entire medical establishment went along with COVID vaccines,

Even after there were unmistakeable safety signals telling them to stop?

How did that even happen?

Why was the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine pulled for far less?

For the illusion of pharmacovigilance?

It happened because this new COVID vaccine rollout was more-or-less the same playbook they had been using for years and years, with every other vaccine!

Only this time, we had the internets to help everyone connect the dots in real time!

And we also had the entire worlds attention, for once, fixated on a single topic,

for hours, and days, and weeks, and months, and years…

Prior to the internet, the establishment could get away with things like “SIDS” and “SADS” (kek) because most of us simply didnt have the background knowledge necessary to understand what was happening,

And the few people who did understand, were either directly or indirectly involved with it, and exercising their right to remain silent…

or if they were whistleblowers, they were either drowned out by the pro-vaccine noise,

or otherwise silenced thru the various methods at the establishments disposal.

Like having you de-platformed for “spreading dangerous public health misinformation…”

Vaccines have always killed and maimed people.

The anti-vaccine movement was born with the first vaccine injury, which was very soon after the very first vaccine…

and the anti-vaccine movement has only gotten bigger and louder over the years, because more people now have vaccine injuries!

Vaccine scientists have always cooked their books to get the results they want.

They are so utterly sure of their “vaccines are safe and effective” narrative, that they literally look at safety and efficacy studies as a mere formality, to “prove” what is already known to to be true, to the true believers…

The big pharma sponsored big media has always dismissed vaccine criticisms as “misinformation” and “conspiracy theories”

And the medical establishment has always tried to marginalize or expell anyone who goes against the system,

especially when it comes to vaccines, which are the gateway drugs to a lifetime of pills for every vaccine induced problem like autoimmune, diabetes, dementia, ADHD, …

Thats why it was so easy for 90%? of doctors and nurses to go along with the COVID program.

And Remdesiver, Ivermectin, etc

However, i do believe these COVID vaccines were designed specifically to cause death and destruction,

While with other vaccines they may have actually been trying to do the right thing,

even if they were accidentally causing an autism epidemic afflicting 1 in 36 children…

Its like Rev Jim Jones and Jonestown Massacre

(CIA op, btw, watch ‘evidence of revision’)

The Jonestown playbook was to train and condition all of the followers to drink harmless flavorade on command,

and then one day they poisoned the flavorade and everyone died.

That is, if you still believe the official story after watching Evidence of Revision…

And like the Jonestown flavorade, the masses were trained and conditioned to take (less harmful) vaccines on command, in preparation for the day when they would roll out a (more harmful) vaccine.

Even the Disneyland Measles Outbreak was FAKE NEWS,

Concocted to give pretext to new vaccine laws in California.

We watched that unfold in real time, calling BS the entire time, yet helpless to stop Senator Richard Pan MD from ram-rodding his vaccine bills thru to law.

Taking away religious and personal belief “exemption”,

And also severely limiting the medical exemption, by putting all exemptions in front of a country health board, whose members are 100% pro-vaccine,

And they have a blacklist of all the reasons that are NOT acceptable for an exemption,

And family history or even personal history of adverse reactions was NOT considered a valid reason for medical exemption.

The very idea that anyone even “needs” an exemption from an unecessary medical treatment that they don’t want,

should be a BIG RED FLAG about the kind of totaliatarian, authoritarian regime we are living under.

And what if the SCOTUS overturner RvW, not because of abortion,

but because anti-vaccine activists had successfully hijacked the “my body, my choice” meme?

Now states are free to say you have no bodily automomy when it comes to vaccine mandates…

Even the mRNA tech that the establishment is now crowing about, was discussed in anti-vaccine circles, long prior to COVID,

And at the time, it seemed like they were trying to get the mRNA tech perfected, but they kept killing all the lab animals.

We assumed this meant their experiements were a failure, and we were laughing about how crazy these people were for persuing a tech that was such a long way away from “safe and effective”…

Little did we know, at the time, that these mRNA experiments were not actually a failure, but a wild success!

We had naively assumed that if a lab animal dies a few weeks or months after a shot, that would be considered a failure,

However, looking back on how this all played out, it seems that the delayed-death was exectly the tech they were persuing!

If they want to kill everyone with a vaccine, they can’t kill everyone on the same day as they are vaccinated, or else they would get caught!

So they tried to develop the tech where they could “vaccinate” 90% of the world population, before the first deaths spooked the rest of the flock out of compliance.

SV-40 gave millions of people cancer.

(Wikipedia lies)

When the vaccine scientists (Stanley Plotkin) found out what they had done, they literally laughed and shrugged their shoulders like, oops my bad! haha shit happens oh well…

So how did SV-40 wind up in COVID “vaccines”?

Makes me think Stanley Plotkin et al knew good-and-well what they were doing,

and putting SV-40 in COVID shots was the same playbook.

Remember when they demolished the Georgia Guidestones?

Then they memory-holed it?

Did they demolish the GG because they had served their purpose and the job was done?

Did they demolish the GG because too many people were becoming aware, and visiting, and posting on social media etc and exposing their agenda?

Anyway, i want to draw your attention to my username which is u/VaccinesCauseSIDS

The reason i picked this username, was because i wanted to continually broadcast this message, no matter what else i was posting or commenting on.

Why this particular message?

Because the implication is so big, so all encompassing, that it tells the entire vaccine story,

if anyone has an ear to hear it…

The establishment literally INVENTED the entire concept of SIDS, to coverup the fact that vaccines kill infants,

AND also to covertly communicate to other initiates, that a vaccine killed an infant, without actually mentioning the vaccine.

“Died Suddenly, Doctors Baffled”

We couldn’t have been TOLD, the vaccine playbook,

We had to be SHOWN!

And what we have been shown,

took like 4 long years to explain, in little bits, until you see the much bigger picture.

Its like we are watching a movie!

We have more than we know!

What is the definition of ‘anti-christ’?

King James Bible

1 John 4:3

And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world

1 John 2:18

Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

Do you see?

Its not “THE” antichrist, (singular),

But rather “AN” antichrist (plural)

Basically anyone who isn’t a Christian,

is “an” antiChrist

Save these memes!

197 days ago
1 score