Ten Days.
Sounds almost biblical.
Like maybe Ten Days of (Fill In The Blank)
Biblical / Ten Days of Repentance.
From Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur. 10 days.
Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement, the last of the Ten Days of Repentance...
Ring a bell, like 1973 Yom Kippur War...
Ring a bell, like Tom Clancy's book, The Sum Of All Fears... you know the one dedicated in 1991 to "Mike and Peggy Rodgers, a sailor and his lady -
Yes... that Mike Rodgers... in 1991?.
What did Tom know and when did he know it?
Some interesting differences between the book and the movie... like in the book the bomb was intended to create the provocation for America and Russia to go to war with each other in order to derail a Middle East Peace plan that was successful and more Arab states began joining that initial peace agreement.
In the movie the bomb was intended to create a provocation for America and Russia to go to war with each other to create a vacuum of power an underground Nazi inspired cabal would then fill.
Which one of those two plot narratives is closer to "reality" today?
Was something unleashed on the world, creating friction between two world powers, framing one side and tempting another to retaliate?
Now WHO would do such a thing?
So, President Trump goes into quarantine on Thursday evening 1 October 2020.
That means he comes out of quarantine on Sunday evening 11 October 2020.
Sunday... can't get much more biblical than that.
And what happens between 1 October 2020 and 11 October 2020?
Kippur, in addition to having a meaning of 'to atone'... has a secondary meaning...
To cleanse.
Wonder if President Trump will be giving a speech similar to words spoken to the public by President Lyman (from the book, Seven Days In May) after the the military led coup attempt against him has been uncovered and subsequently fails (the coup attempt is kept secret from the American public in order not to create widespread PANIC IN D.C., as well as the rest of the country.
From a speech made to the nation on television, and in answering a reporter's question two days later at a press briefing, Lyman makes the following remarks:
(From TV broadcast remarks)
"Somewhere, this afternoon, there are listening men who will one day occupy this office. I would betray my obligation to them and to their generation of Americans, as well as my duty to the past and to all of you today, if I failed to act as I have.
I would close with one final observation. There has been abroad in this land, in recent months, a whisper that we have somehow lost our greatness; that we do not have the strength to win - without war - the struggle for liberty throughout the world; that we do not have the fortitude to face, without surrender or blind violence, the present challenge of men who would use tools as old as tyranny itself to make the future theirs.
I say to you today that this whisper is a vile slander - a slander on America, on its people, on its institutions which we hold dear and which in turn sustain us. Our country is strong - strong enough to be a peacemaker. It is proud - proud enough to be patient. We love our good life - love it enough to die for it if need be, or to forgo some of its benefits to help others less fortunate to come closer to achieving it.
So, my fellow citizens, go back to this lovely day in May. Do not weep for your country. Do not listen to the whispers, for they are wrong. We remain strong and proud, peaceful and patient, ready to sacrifice, always willing to help others who seek their way out of the long tunnels of tyranny into the bright sunshine of liberty."
(From press briefing two days later)
"Now this country has been in existence almost two hundred years, and our roots as a republic go back farther than that. We were given the finest Constitution ever written by men. You know, it is unique. There is no political document like it in history, because it was written all at once, from scratch, but it still has lasted and it has been adaptable to changes that the founding fathers could not have dreamed of.
That Constitution and the whole governmental structure that flows from it are taught as basic subjects, bread and butter, at the service academies, even more than at our other colleges and schools. The cadets and midshipmen there absorb it. And throughout their careers they live with it much more than do most civilians. They read it on their commissions, and it is part of their oath of office. They fight for it, of course, as junior officers, and as senior officers they never question its arrangements for ultimate civilian authority, no matter how much they may differ with the elected officials on some particular issue.
So, when you think about it, this is perhaps the finest tradition of our military services, and it is certainly one of its most important now, because now with missiles and satellites and nuclear weapons, military commanders could take control of any nation just by pushing some buttons.
I am sure the American people do not believe that any such thought ever entered the mind of any general officer in our services since the day the country began. Let us pray that it never will."
(Have a feeling that that last paragraph will never be in any speech that President Trump will be giving... to our collective shame.)
Seven Days in May
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Days_in_May (film)
And if you're having any doubts, get the film, go to minute 09:56 and freeze frame. Add up those digits on the model destroyer behind the Senator (with the Clark Kent glasses on)... COINcidence?
Of course there is more Q synchronicity...
https://youtu.be/OUX_caAr1L8 (1 min / 13 sec)
Ten Days.
Sounds almost biblical.
Like maybe Ten Days of (Fill In The Blank)
Biblical / Ten Days of Repentance.
From Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur. 10 days.
Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement, the last of the Ten Days of Repentance...
Ring a bell, like 1973 Yom Kippur War...
Ring a bell, like Tom Clancy's book, The Sum Of All Fears... you know the one dedicated in 1991 to "Mike and Peggy Rodgers, a sailor and his lady -
Yes... that Mike Rodgers... in 1991?.
What did Tom know and when did he know it?
Some interesting differences between the book and the movie... like in the book the bomb was intended to create the provocation for America and Russia to go to war with each other in order to derail a Middle East Peace plan that was successful and more Arab states began joining that initial peace agreement.
In the book the bomb was intended to create a provocation for America and Russia to go to war with each other to create a vacuum of power an underground Nazi inspired cabal would then fill.
Which one of those two plot narratives is closer to "reality" today?
Was something unleashed on the world, creating friction between two world powers, framing one side and tempting another to retaliate?
Now WHO would do such a thing?
So, President Trump goes into quarantine on Thursday evening 1 October 2020.
That means he comes out of quarantine on Sunday evening 11 October 2020.
Sunday... can't get much more biblical than that.
And what happens between 1 October 2020 and 11 October 2020?
Kippur, in addition to having a meaning of 'to atone'... has a secondary meaning...
To cleanse.
Wonder if President Trump will be giving a speech similar to words spoken to the public by President Lyman (from the book, Seven Days In May) after the the military led coup attempt against him has been uncovered and subsequently fails (the coup attempt is kept secret from the American public in order not to create widespread PANIC IN D.C., as well as the rest of the country.
From a speech made to the nation on television, and in answering a reporter's question two days later at a press briefing, Lyman makes the following remarks:
(From TV broadcast remarks)
"Somewhere, this afternoon, there are listening men who will one day occupy this office. I would betray my obligation to them and to their generation of Americans, as well as my duty to the past and to all of you today, if I failed to act as I have.
I would close with one final observation. There has been abroad in this land, in recent months, a whisper that we have somehow lost our greatness; that we do not have the strength to win - without war - the struggle for liberty throughout the world; that we do not have the fortitude to face, without surrender or blind violence, the present challenge of men who would use tools as old as tyranny itself to make the future theirs.
I say to you today that this whisper is a vile slander - a slander on America, on its people, on its institutions which we hold dear and which in turn sustain us. Our country is strong - strong enough to be a peacemaker. It is proud - proud enough to be patient. We love our good life - love it enough to die for it if need be, or to forgo some of its benefits to help others less fortunate to come closer to achieving it.
So, my fellow citizens, go back to this lovely day in May. Do not weep for your country. Do not listen to the whispers, for they are wrong. We remain strong and proud, peaceful and patient, ready to sacrifice, always willing to help others who seek their way out of the long tunnels of tyranny into the bright sunshine of liberty."
(From press briefing two days later)
"Now this country has been in existence almost two hundred years, and our roots as a republic go back farther than that. We were given the finest Constitution ever written by men. You know, it is unique. There is no political document like it in history, because it was written all at once, from scratch, but it still has lasted and it has been adaptable to changes that the founding fathers could not have dreamed of.
That Constitution and the whole governmental structure that flows from it are taught as basic subjects, bread and butter, at the service academies, even more than at our other colleges and schools. The cadets and midshipmen there absorb it. And throughout their careers they live with it much more than do most civilians. They read it on their commissions, and it is part of their oath of office. They fight for it, of course, as junior officers, and as senior officers they never question its arrangements for ultimate civilian authority, no matter how much they may differ with the elected officials on some particular issue.
So, when you think about it, this is perhaps the finest tradition of our military services, and it is certainly one of its most important now, because now with missiles and satellites and nuclear weapons, military commanders could take control of any nation just by pushing some buttons.
I am sure the American people do not believe that any such thought ever entered the mind of any general officer in our services since the day the country began. Let us pray that it never will."
(Have a feeling that that last paragraph will never be in any speech that President Trump will be giving... to our collective shame.)
Seven Days in May
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Days_in_May (film)
And if you're having any doubts, get the film, go to minute 09:56 and freeze frame. Add up those digits on the model destroyer behind the Senator (with the Clark Kent glasses on)... COINcidence?
Of course there is more Q synchronicity...
https://youtu.be/OUX_caAr1L8 (1 min / 13 sec)