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Reason: Typo

On a limb, I'll post this conviction.

Trump says "45 - 47" because he knows there is no other 47. No Harris, no Obama, no Newsom. PLAN A is that he will become the 47th President (nominally) on 2025-01-20. OR BEFORE.

All the talk of installing Trump as Speaker has been quiet for months. All our enemies know it's possible even though Trump constantly downplays it. But AS OF TONIGHT all the enemy's hopes to create a scuttle scramble are dashed against the fact that the 25th must go through the House of Representatives.

It takes about 25 minutes in the event of any emergency that Johnson defines to assemble a quorum and appoint Trump the new Speaker.

As soon as Trump is Speaker it only takes half the Cabinet to remove Biden and Harris by negotiation with Johnson. That can happen at leisure, certainly within 10 days.

And suddenly the entire cabinet is motivated to throw in all their towels and go with Trump. He may even give a few of them honorable discharges, perhaps even allowing them to serve out their terms in exchange for full and mandatory compliance.

TRUMP could become the 47th president literally any hour now. No military front necessary.

The election proceeds normally between Trump, Biden, and other candidates. Trump, having completed Biden's term, Constitutionally serves until 2029, about 8.5 years.

NOW THINK ABOUT THE OPPO. Under Biden, sealed indictments are up from 200,000 to 500,000. Nobody can trust anyone, so many have signed plea deals and continued their pubic faces as double agents controlled by the white hats. Their sugar daddies are auctioning yachts and properties for millions and billions, they've folded. Nobody knows what to do. But tonight's very preplanned, very coordinated catapult of Biden into the outer darkness was intended to launch the 25th. But now we see that the 25th is their own defeat.

NCSWIC. No matter what it looks like for the DNC or the chatter, the House is an impenetrable barrier to them. As soon as they make the attempt the House will be ready. There will be no claim by the Cabinet that they can simply replace Biden with Harris. First, the old birth-certificate theory proves, and everyone knows, Harris cannot be president. But, second, behind the scenes they cannot negotiate while Johnson holds the power to impeach Harris faster than the Cabinet can declare insufficiency as a majority.

Plus, whether Biden is an actor or not, he has the cognitive ability to invoke the 25th himself and declare the Cabinet is wrong, and guess where the dispute goes: immediately to the House.

The armed forces of our country, quietly monitoring comms and performing rendition flights, have set up this scenario. They have surrounded the enemy with zero escape. The enemy can only call out defeat now or defeat on the 20th, two choices. Comply now or comply later, two choices. As Biblical as Jesus getting every knee to bow.

The enemy built the fences that protect the House and prevent their ability to interfere! The enemy set up J6 and unwittingly gave the Republican Congress the best protection in the world! The thousands of National Guard commissioned after J6 have not been decommissioned AFAIK.

I'm finally excited. Though there are still risks and possibilities of minor defaults along the way, Trump has kept so many more promises than any politician that I doubt they will be significant. This is what he meant by defeating them a third time. This is what he meant on 2020-01-15 2021-01-12 when he said the 25th held no fear for him but would come back to haunt Biden. NO ESCAPE, and we and they never saw it coming.

You just witnessed our D-Day: 2024-06-27.

All roads lead through the People's House now. It is up to the remaining enemies how soon they surrender. Lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes. Your prayers paid off and are still needed even more.

(Disclosure: I am still voting Randall Terry for President, Constitution Party, on moral grounds. Terry, of Operation Rescue, has been convicted of felonies more often.)

5 days ago
23 score
Reason: Original

On a limb, I'll post this conviction.

Trump says "45 - 47" because he knows there is no other 47. No Harris, no Obama, no Newsom. PLAN A is that he will become the 47th President (nominally) on 2025-01-20. OR BEFORE.

All the talk of installing Trump as Speaker has been quiet for months. All our enemies know it's possible even though Trump constantly downplays it. But AS OF TONIGHT all the enemy's hopes to create a scuttle scramble are dashed against the fact that the 25th must go through the House of Representatives.

It takes about 25 minutes in the event of any emergency that Johnson defines to assemble a quorum and appoint Trump the new Speaker.

As soon as Trump is Speaker it only takes half the Cabinet to remove Biden and Harris by negotiation with Johnson. That can happen at leisure, certainly within 10 days.

And suddenly the entire cabinet is motivated to throw in all their towels and go with Trump. He may even give a few of them honorable discharges, perhaps even allowing them to serve out their terms in exchange for full and mandatory compliance.

TRUMP could become the 47th president literally any hour now. No military front necessary.

The election proceeds normally between Trump, Biden, and other candidates. Trump, having completed Biden's term, Constitutionally serves until 2029, about 8.5 years.

NOW THINK ABOUT THE OPPO. Under Biden, sealed indictments are up from 200,000 to 500,000. Nobody can trust anyone, so many have signed plea deals and continued their pubic faces as double agents controlled by the white hats. Their sugar daddies are auctioning yachts and properties for millions and billions, they've folded. Nobody knows what to do. But tonight's very preplanned, very coordinated catapult of Biden into the outer darkness was intended to launch the 25th. But now we see that the 25th is their own defeat.

NCSWIC. No matter what it looks like for the DNC or the chatter, the House is an impenetrable barrier to them. As soon as they make the attempt the House will be ready. There will be no claim by the Cabinet that they can simply replace Biden with Harris. First, the old birth-certificate theory proves, and everyone knows, Harris cannot be president. But, second, behind the scenes they cannot negotiate while Johnson holds the power to impeach Harris faster than the Cabinet can declare insufficiency as a majority.

Plus, whether Biden is an actor or not, he has the cognitive ability to invoke the 25th himself and declare the Cabinet is wrong, and guess where the dispute goes: immediately to the House.

The armed forces of our country, quietly monitoring comms and performing rendition flights, have set up this scenario. They have surrounded the enemy with zero escape. The enemy can only call out defeat now or defeat on the 20th, two choices. Comply now or comply later, two choices. As Biblical as Jesus getting every knee to bow.

The enemy built the fences that protect the House and prevent their ability to interfere! The enemy set up J6 and unwittingly gave the Republican Congress the best protection in the world! The thousands of National Guard commissioned after J6 have not been decommissioned AFAIK.

I'm finally excited. Though there are still risks and possibilities of minor defaults along the way, Trump has kept so many more promises than any politician that I doubt they will be significant. This is what he meant by defeating them a third time. This is what he meant on 2020-01-15 when he said the 25th held no fear for him but would come back to haunt Biden. NO ESCAPE, and we and they never saw it coming.

You just witnessed our D-Day: 2024-06-27.

All roads lead through the People's House now. It is up to the remaining enemies how soon they surrender. Lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes. Your prayers paid off and are still needed even more.

(Disclosure: I am still voting Randall Terry for President, Constitution Party, on moral grounds. Terry, of Operation Rescue, has been convicted of felonies more often.)

5 days ago
1 score