Immediately AFTER an emotionally-charged significant event or incident, that is when the Clickbaiters have a field day.
Before the factual information has come out, before time has allowed assertions, reactions, claims, etc, to be vetted and sifted, CLICKBAITERS and Disinfo Operatives can have a field day. On X, on Faesbook, on InstaHam, on all forms of Social Media.
How Does That Work?
Because the more serious or impactful something seems, the more likely it is to elicit an emotional response.
Because in a state of heightened emotions, people, including you and I, are normally and naturally more inclined to act first and think second. It's programmed into us, embedded in our biology and in our nervous system. It's the fight or flight response.
For that reason, when some very significant event or incident or development occurs, that is precisely when the clickbaiters and the disinfo operatives flood the information sphere with all their garbage and crap.
It's the optimal time for them. It's much harder for them to penetrate the public sphere when people are settled down, starting to think a bit more critically, and have acquired more real information.
Instead, directly after the incident, or news, in the midst of information chaos and heightened emotions, this is when the clickbaiters go in to full gear overdrive.
Any and all claims are injected into the public sphere in order to get people to leap at the information, react to it and then share it out. Instead, this is really when people should be putting on the brakes, applying the 24-hour / 72-hour rule and be most on their guard.
When To Apply Maximum Discernment and Patience
"Make this go VIRAL!"
etc, etc.
If you see this, your first response should be to NOT share this, and NOT make this "go viral". If you are a digital soldier, anyway.
Immediately after some news drops, like an assassination attempt, or a Biden step down, or a Koala Harris rise to candidacy, etc, THAT is when we frogs should be on our guard the most. It's when we should be MOST careful to filter and vet the information that we let in to our minds.
This may mean taking a specific time to let our emotions do what they do, but then when we deal with information (including theories, claims, ideas, 'news', etc), we have to be able to put our emotions and prejudices aside and then sift the disinformation, misinformation, clickbait claims from the actual facts, verifiable evidence and real concrete data.
This means not necessarily dismissing claims out of hand, but also not necessarily accepting claims just because they fit one's biases or preconceived notions of who a good guy is, who the bad guys are, and who should be blamed for what.
And, the days and weeks immediately following intense events and incidents, etc., are precisely the time to do this, because the very nature of clickbait and fake news is that once it takes hold, it is MUCH harder to dislodge.
2024: Where We Are Now
Now, after almost FOUR YEARS since Q stopped posting, the community of the Great Awakening out there is truly massive. The 'normie' world and the Awakening are converging. More and more each day, the narratives and information that the Awakening introduced us to become part of the mainstream.
However, at the same time, as the Awakening has grown, there are many more 'less than discerning' people awake, and we do not have Q right now to pull us in, scold us, direct us or inspire us.
So we have to do that ourselves, and that means applying important practices in HOW we handle the information we take on board and HOW to handle WHAT information that we share.
This is more important now that it has ever been. With the recent assassination attempt on our champion DJT, things have risen to a whole new level. Biden has stepped down, and events are quickly unfolding.
The next several months, leading up to November and beyond to January, are going to get bumpier and likely more chaotic than they have ever been. And as things progress, the role that Q called us to play is going to be more relevant than ever.
Protect and Comfort Those Around You
Q admonished us to "protect and comfort those around you".
But just like the parent on a flight with endangered cabin pressure, we should always first look to ourselves and how WE interact with information.
On a plane, a parent on a flight with endangered cabin pressure should always apply their own oxygen mask first and then see to their kids, because if you pass out from lack of oxygen, you're about as useful to your kids as sack of potatoes.
Likewise, frogs and anons should always look to ourselves first as the FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE against disinformation, clickbait narratives, misinformation and untruths.
That means serious diligence. If we aspire to share the Truth, then we have to be serious about NOT sharing untruths.
WHY? Because the normie world out there is far more susceptible to fake news, clickbait nonsense, disinformation/misinformation and narrative manipulation than your average awakened frog. But being at GAW or any other awakened medium for sharing doesn't mean we should let our guard down.
Protecting "those around us" really starts with us beefing up our best practice and applying critical thinking skills, scepticism, putting aside our emotions when considering evidence, facts, what we DO know and what we DON'T know (which are equally important). It means vetting things BEFORE posting, and in many cases, taking time to research or think before just jumping in and upvoting (or downvoting) or commenting.
Comfort, likewise, arrives not in the form of vapid hopium or pumped up outrage (although to be honest, many of us can at one time or another find emotional comfort in these). Real comfort comes in the form of a sense of surety, confidence, trust in what we know, and in knowing or feeling more confident that we know what is going on.
So providing comfort to those around us also requires that we do best practice and pass on quality information, ourselves having first applied as much rigor and discernment (and research) as we can, so that we can be honestly confident in what we share.
And if we aren't sure, or we don't know, or we are speculating, then its important to make that clear to our friends and others around us. They will trust us more because we are not simply spouting our beliefs, but are applying solid, based and grounded approaches to what we hear.
We should be a model for them in HOW we approach information, not just a source of things that they haven't heard or do not know about.
Don't Make G.A.W. Our Fox News Or CNN
I mean, just because something is posted, or stickied, it doesn't mean we should just consume that "news" and that "information" like normies do sitting around CNN and Fox News.
We have to make the effort ourselves to make NOT make OUR CNN, our FOX News, etc.
The news items and information points and theories that come across the board are wide and varied, but it is incumbent on us, as per the mission given us by Q, to vet and treat with discernment and with an UNBIASED approach the information that comes out on GAW, just as much as we want Normies to vet and treat with discernment and with an UNBIASED approach the information what they get via the Propaganda Machines like CNN, Fox, Washington Post, or any other corporate news org, for that matter.
If you are NOT spending at least 10 minutes of research for every 20 minutes you spend consuming the information here at GAW, then are you really making this a "Q research board"?
The Great Awakening must not be about just switching the SOURCE of the information we ingest. It has to be about HOW we approach the information, ALL the information we ingest, regardless of where it comes from.
Unless we do that, we're actually leaving our normie and mainstream compatriots vulnerable.
Are We Good Enough?
It's not good enough to just read post headlines, or 'news' or claims here and then just comment, vent your disgust or distaste for this villain or chime in with the OP because they post something that you agree with.
Claims Without Sauce should ALWAYS be questioned. Assertions without evidence should ALWAYS be vetted and researched. Opinions should ALWAYS be expressed as opinions, not posted or paraded as Facts. Ideally, outside headlines should be identified as such, not simply as the OPs own idea.
As we move forward in the coming weeks and months, if we are truly to live up to Q's mission and calling, we have to be serious about vetting 'untruths' as much as we are about sharing 'truths'. The one goes with the other. And, the only way we can seriously be able to identify untruths from truths is to research. To back up with evidence. To be diligent about HOW we handle the information we take in, and HOW we handle the information we share.
If you have an opinion, say so. But don't present it as a fact. If you have a theory, say so, but don't present it as a fact. And if you encounter an opinion, or theory, without evidence, sauces or reference points attached, then TREAT IT AS potential misinformation or disinformation.
If it is false or disinfo, it will gain a lot LESS traction here. If it isn't false or disinfo, then it will be all the MORE robust and convincing when it gets shared, because it has undergone a process of applied discernment and discrimination.
It's not only for us that we have to do this. If Q is right, and frogs and anons and digital warriors are truly the force they want us to be, then we are the FIRST LINE of defense for the normies and the mainstream. The better we are at what WE do, the more truth will gain traction and the less fake, false or misleading theories will take hold.
Are we good enough? Potentially, we are. But we have to improve. And we can. But it will take overall collective effort, all frogs alike.
And note: that's my opinion. Whether it's a fact or not remains to be seen.
In information warfare, "information" means any content or detail about something that is conveyed or represented in some form by a particular arrangement or sequence of words, images or sound.
In other words, theories are information, claims are information, assertions are information, facts are information, evidence is information, ideas are information.
Some information is subject to true/false verification. Other information is subjective, and a matter of opinion and perspective. We must learn to distinguish between the two.
Some information is 'narrative' in nature: telling a particular story. It may be either true or false, but it's value as a narrative component is determined by what the story teller is trying to achieve. Learn to discern what narratives the information you come across are building. Do they help them? Do they help us? Which?
Clickbait is sensationalist or emotionally (positive or negative) triggering information put out by people regardless of veracity, etc, primarily for the purpose of getting clicks. There may be economic incentive, egoistic incentives, or even disinformation (psywar) incentives.
Information without veracity can have a chaotic effect and generate "noise" which blocks our or reduces the effectiveness of "signal". Signal is what you want to hear and what you want others to hear. Noise is not.
Disclaimer: I'm personally not immune from conflating opinion with fact, or stating my assertions in the form of a factual turn of phrase, so yeah, me too. mea culpa. "physician heal thyself"
Immediately AFTER an emotionally-charged significant event or incident, that is when the Clickbaiters have a field day.
Before the factual information has come out, before time has allowed assertions, reactions, claims, etc, to be vetted and sifted, CLICKBAITERS and Disinfo Operatives can have a field day. On X, on Faesbook, on InstaHam, on all forms of Social Media.
How Does That Work?
Because the more serious or impactful something seems, the more likely it is to elicit an emotional response.
Because in a state of heightened emotions, people, including you and I, are normally and naturally more inclined to act first and think second. It's programmed into us, embedded in our biology and in our nervous system. It's the fight or flight response.
For that reason, when some very significant event or incident or development occurs, that is precisely when the clickbaiters and the disinfo operatives flood the information sphere with all their garbage and crap.
It's the optimal time for them. It's much harder for them to penetrate the public sphere when people are settled down, starting to think a bit more critically, and have acquired more real information.
Instead, directly after the incident, or news, in the midst of information chaos and heightened emotions, this is when the clickbaiters go in to full gear overdrive.
Any and all claims are injected into the public sphere in order to get people to leap at the information, react to it and then share it out. Instead, this is really when people should be putting on the brakes, applying the 24-hour / 72-hour rule and be most on their guard.
When To Apply Maximum Discernment and Patience
"Make this go VIRAL!"
etc, etc.
If you see this, your first response should be to NOT share this, and NOT make this "go viral". If you are a digital soldier, anyway.
Immediately after some news drops, like an assassination attempt, or a Biden step down, or a Koala Harris rise to candidacy, etc, THAT is when we frogs should be on our guard the most. It's when we should be MOST careful to filter and vet the information that we let in to our minds.
This may mean taking a specific time to let our emotions do what they do, but then when we deal with information (including theories, claims, ideas, 'news', etc), we have to be able to put our emotions and prejudices aside and then sift the disinformation, misinformation, clickbait claims from the actual facts, verifiable evidence and real concrete data.
This means not necessarily dismissing claims out of hand, but also not necessarily accepting claims just because they fit one's biases or preconceived notions of who a good guy is, who the bad guys are, and who should be blamed for what.
And, the days and weeks immediately following intense events and incidents, etc., are precisely the time to do this, because the very nature of clickbait and fake news is that once it takes hold, it is MUCH harder to dislodge.
2024: Where We Are Now
Now, after almost FOUR YEARS since Q stopped posting, the community of the Great Awakening out there is truly massive. The 'normie' world and the Awakening are converging. More and more each day, the narratives and information that the Awakening introduced us to become part of the mainstream.
However, at the same time, as the Awakening has grown, there are many more 'less than discerning' people awake, and we do not have Q right now to pull us in, scold us, direct us or inspire us.
So we have to do that ourselves, and that means applying important practices in HOW we handle the information we take on board and HOW to handle WHAT information that we share.
This is more important now that it has ever been. With the recent assassination attempt on our champion DJT, things have risen to a whole new level. Biden has stepped down, and events are quickly unfolding.
The next several months, leading up to November and beyond to January, are going to get bumpier and likely more chaotic than they have ever been. And as things progress, the role that Q called us to play is going to be more relevant than ever.
Protect and Comfort Those Around You
Q admonished us to "protect and comfort those around you".
But just like the parent on a flight with endangered cabin pressure, we should always first look to ourselves and how WE interact with information.
On a plane, a parent on a flight with endangered cabin pressure should always apply their own oxygen mask first and then see to their kids, because if you pass out from lack of oxygen, you're about as useful to your kids as sack of potatoes.
Likewise, frogs and anons should always look to ourselves first as the FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE against disinformation, clickbait narratives, misinformation and untruths.
That means serious diligence. If we aspire to share the Truth, then we have to be serious about NOT sharing untruths.
WHY? Because the normie world out there is far more susceptible to fake news, clickbait nonsense, disinformation/misinformation and narrative manipulation than your average awakened frog. But being at GAW or any other awakened medium for sharing doesn't mean we should let our guard down.
Protecting "those around us" really starts with us beefing up our best practice and applying critical thinking skills, scepticism, putting aside our emotions when considering evidence, facts, what we DO know and what we DON'T know (which are equally important). It means vetting things BEFORE posting, and in many cases, taking time to research or think before just jumping in and upvoting (or downvoting) or commenting.
Comfort, likewise, arrives not in the form of vapid hopium or pumped up outrage (although to be honest, many of us can at one time or another find emotional comfort in these). Real comfort comes in the form of a sense of surety, confidence, trust in what we know, and in knowing or feeling more confident that we know what is going on.
So providing comfort to those around us also requires that we do best practice and pass on quality information, ourselves having first applied as much rigor and discernment (and research) as we can, so that we can be honestly confident in what we share.
And if we aren't sure, or we don't know, or we are speculating, then its important to make that clear to our friends and others around us. They will trust us more because we are not simply spouting our beliefs, but are applying solid, based and grounded approaches to what we hear.
We should be a model for them in HOW we approach information, not just a source of things that they haven't heard or do not know about.
Don't Make G.A.W. Our Fox News Or CNN
I mean, just because something is posted, or stickied, it doesn't mean we should just consume that "news" and that "information" like normies do sitting around CNN and Fox News.
We have to make the effort ourselves to make NOT make OUR CNN, our FOX News, etc.
The news items and information points and theories that come across the board are wide and varied, but it is incumbent on us, as per the mission given us by Q, to vet and treat with discernment and with an UNBIASED approach the information that comes out on GAW, just as much as we want Normies to vet and treat with discernment and with an UNBIASED approach the information what they get via the Propaganda Machines like CNN, Fox, Washington Post, or any other corporate news org, for that matter.
If you are NOT spending at least 10 minutes of research for every 20 minutes you spend consuming the information here at GAW, then are you really making this a "Q research board"?
The Great Awakening must not be about just switching the SOURCE of the information we ingest. It has to be about HOW we approach the information, ALL the information we ingest, regardless of where it comes from.
Unless we do that, we're actually leaving our normie and mainstream compatriots vulnerable.
Are We Good Enough?
It's not good enough to just read post headlines, or 'news' or claims here and then just comment, vent your disgust or distaste for this villain or chime in with the OP because they post something that you agree with.
Claims Without Sauce should ALWAYS be questioned. Assertions without evidence should ALWAYS be vetted and researched. Opinions should ALWAYS be expressed as opinions, not posted or paraded as Facts. Ideally, outside headlines should be identified as such, not simply as the OPs own idea.
As we move forward in the coming weeks and months, if we are truly to live up to Q's mission and calling, we have to be serious about vetting 'untruths' as much as we are about sharing 'truths'. The one goes with the other. And, the only way we can seriously be able to identify untruths from truths is to research. To back up with evidence. To be diligent about HOW we handle the information we take in, and HOW we handle the information we share.
If you have an opinion, say so. But don't present it as a fact. If you have a theory, say so, but don't present it as a fact. And if you encounter an opinion, or theory, without evidence, sauces or reference points attached, then TREAT IT AS potential misinformation or disinformation.
If it is false or disinfo, it will gain a lot LESS traction here. If it isn't false or disinfo, then it will be all the MORE robust and convincing when it gets shared, because it has undergone a process of applied discernment and discrimination.
It's not only for us that we have to do this. If Q is right, and frogs and anons and digital warriors are truly the force they want us to be, then we are the FIRST LINE of defense for the normies and the mainstream. The better we are at what WE do, the more truth will gain traction and the less fake, false or misleading theories will take hold.
Are we good enough? Potentially, we are. But we have to improve. And we can. But it will take overall collective effort, all frogs alike.
And note: that's my opinion. Whether it's a fact or not remains to be seen.
In information warfare, "information" means any content or detail about something that is conveyed or represented in some form by a particular arrangement or sequence of words, images or sound.
In other words, theories are information, claims are information, assertions are information, facts are information, evidence is information, ideas are information.
Some information is subject to true/false verification. Other information is subjective, and a matter of opinion and perspective. We must learn to distinguish between the two.
Some information is 'narrative' in nature: telling a particular story. It may be either true or false, but it's value as a narrative component is determined by what the story teller is trying to achieve.
Clickbait is sensationalist or emotionally (positive or negative) triggering claims put out by people regardless of veracity, etc, primarily for the purpose of getting clicks. There may be economic incentive, egoistic incentives, or even disinformation (psywar) incentives.
Disclaimer: I'm personally not immune from conflating opinion with fact, or stating my assertions in the form of a factual turn of phrase, so yeah, me too. mea culpa. "physician heal thyself"
Immediately AFTER an emotionally-charged significant event or incident, that is when the Clickbaiters have a field day.
Before the factual information has come out, before time has allowed assertions, reactions, claims, etc, to be vetted and sifted, CLICKBAITERS and Disinfo Operatives can have a field day. On X, on Faesbook, on InstaHam, on all forms of Social Media.
How Does That Work?
Because the more serious or impactful something seems, the more likely it is to elicit an emotional response.
Because in a state of heightened emotions, people, including you and I, are normally and naturally more inclined to act first and think second. It's programmed into us, embedded in our biology and in our nervous system. It's the fight or flight response.
For that reason, when some very significant event or incident or development occurs, that is precisely when the clickbaiters and the disinfo operatives flood the information sphere with all their garbage and crap.
It's the optimal time for them. It's much harder for them to penetrate the public sphere when people are settled down, starting to think a bit more critically, and have acquired more real information.
Instead, directly after the incident, or news, in the midst of information chaos and heightened emotions, this is when the clickbaiters go in to full gear overdrive.
Any and all claims are injected into the public sphere in order to get people to leap at the information, react to it and then share it out. Instead, this is really when people should be putting on the brakes, applying the 24-hour / 72-hour rule and be most on their guard.
When To Apply Maximum Discernment and Patience
"Make this go VIRAL!"
etc, etc.
If you see this, your first response should be to NOT share this, and NOT make this "go viral". If you are a digital soldier, anyway.
Immediately after some news drops, like an assassination attempt, or a Biden step down, or a Koala Harris rise to candidacy, etc, THAT is when we frogs should be on our guard the most. It's when we should be MOST careful to filter and vet the information that we let in to our minds.
This may mean taking a specific time to let our emotions do what they do, but then when we deal with information (including theories, claims, ideas, 'news', etc), we have to be able to put our emotions and prejudices aside and then sift the disinformation, misinformation, clickbait claims from the actual facts, verifiable evidence and real concrete data.
This means not necessarily dismissing claims out of hand, but also not necessarily accepting claims just because they fit one's biases or preconceived notions of who a good guy is, who the bad guys are, and who should be blamed for what.
And, the days and weeks immediately following intense events and incidents, etc., are precisely the time to do this, because the very nature of clickbait and fake news is that once it takes hold, it is MUCH harder to dislodge.
2024: Where We Are Now
Now, after almost FOUR YEARS since Q stopped posting, the community of the Great Awakening out there is truly massive. The 'normie' world and the Awakening are converging. More and more each day, the narratives and information that the Awakening introduced us to become part of the mainstream.
However, at the same time, as the Awakening has grown, there are many more 'less than discerning' people awake, and we do not have Q right now to pull us in, scold us, direct us or inspire us.
So we have to do that ourselves, and that means applying important practices in HOW we handle the information we take on board and HOW to handle WHAT information that we share.
This is more important now that it has ever been. With the recent assassination attempt on our champion DJT, things have risen to a whole new level. Biden has stepped down, and events are quickly unfolding.
The next several months, leading up to November and beyond to January, are going to get bumpier and likely more chaotic than they have ever been. And as things progress, the role that Q called us to play is going to be more relevant than ever.
Protect and Comfort Those Around You
Q admonished us to "protect and comfort those around you".
But just like the parent on a flight with endangered cabin pressure, we should always first look to ourselves and how WE interact with information.
On a plane, a parent on a flight with endangered cabin pressure should always apply their own oxygen mask first and then see to their kids, because if you pass out from lack of oxygen, you're about as useful to your kids as sack of potatoes.
Likewise, frogs and anons should always look to ourselves first as the FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE against disinformation, clickbait narratives, misinformation and untruths.
That means serious diligence. If we aspire to share the Truth, then we have to be serious about NOT sharing untruths.
WHY? Because the normie world out there is far more susceptible to fake news, clickbait nonsense, disinformation/misinformation and narrative manipulation than your average awakened frog. But being at GAW or any other awakened medium for sharing doesn't mean we should let our guard down.
Protecting "those around us" really starts with us beefing up our best practice and applying critical thinking skills, scepticism, putting aside our emotions when considering evidence, facts, what we DO know and what we DON'T know (which are equally important). It means vetting things BEFORE posting, and in many cases, taking time to research or think before just jumping in and upvoting (or downvoting) or commenting.
Comfort, likewise, arrives not in the form of vapid hopium or pumped up outrage (although to be honest, many of us can at one time or another find emotional comfort in these). Real comfort comes in the form of a sense of surety, confidence, trust in what we know, and in knowing or feeling more confident that we know what is going on.
So providing comfort to those around us also requires that we do best practice and pass on quality information, ourselves having first applied as much rigor and discernment (and research) as we can, so that we can be honestly confident in what we share.
And if we aren't sure, or we don't know, or we are speculating, then its important to make that clear to our friends and others around us. They will trust us more because we are not simply spouting our beliefs, but are applying solid, based and grounded approaches to what we hear.
We should be a model for them in HOW we approach information, not just a source of things that they haven't heard or do not know about.
Down Make G.A.W. Our Fox News Or CNN
I mean, just because something is posted, or stickied, it doesn't mean we should just consume that "news" and that "information" like normies do sitting around CNN and Fox News.
We have to make the effort ourselves to make NOT make OUR CNN, our FOX News, etc.
The news items and information points and theories that come across the board are wide and varied, but it is incumbent on us, as per the mission given us by Q, to vet and treat with discernment and with an UNBIASED approach the information that comes out on GAW, just as much as we want Normies to vet and treat with discernment and with an UNBIASED approach the information what they get via the Propaganda Machines like CNN, Fox, Washington Post, or any other corporate news org, for that matter.
If you are NOT spending at least 10 minutes of research for every 20 minutes you spend consuming the information here at GAW, then are you really making this a "Q research board"?
The Great Awakening must not be about just switching the SOURCE of the information we ingest. It has to be about HOW we approach the information, ALL the information we ingest, regardless of where it comes from.
Unless we do that, we're actually leaving our normie and mainstream compatriots vulnerable.
Are We Good Enough?
It's not good enough to just read post headlines, or 'news' or claims here and then just comment, vent your disgust or distaste for this villain or chime in with the OP because they post something that you agree with.
Claims Without Sauce should ALWAYS be questioned. Assertions without evidence should ALWAYS be vetted and researched. Opinions should ALWAYS be expressed as opinions, not posted or paraded as Facts. Ideally, outside headlines should be identified as such, not simply as the OPs own idea.
As we move forward in the coming weeks and months, if we are truly to live up to Q's mission and calling, we have to be serious about vetting 'untruths' as much as we are about sharing 'truths'. The one goes with the other. And, the only way we can seriously be able to identify untruths from truths is to research. To back up with evidence. To be diligent about HOW we handle the information we take in, and HOW we handle the information we share.
If you have an opinion, say so. But don't present it as a fact. If you have a theory, say so, but don't present it as a fact. And if you encounter an opinion, or theory, without evidence, sauces or reference points attached, then TREAT IT AS potential misinformation or disinformation.
If it is false or disinfo, it will gain a lot LESS traction here. If it isn't false or disinfo, then it will be all the MORE robust and convincing when it gets shared, because it has undergone a process of applied discernment and discrimination.
It's not only for us that we have to do this. If Q is right, and frogs and anons and digital warriors are truly the force they want us to be, then we are the FIRST LINE of defense for the normies and the mainstream. The better we are at what WE do, the more truth will gain traction and the less fake, false or misleading theories will take hold.
Are we good enough? Potentially, we are. But we have to improve. And we can. But it will take overall collective effort, all frogs alike.
And note: that's my opinion. Whether it's a fact or not remains to be seen.
In information warfare, "information" means any content or detail about something that is conveyed or represented in some form by a particular arrangement or sequence of words, images or sound.
In other words, theories are information, claims are information, assertions are information, facts are information, evidence is information, ideas are information.
Some information is subject to true/false verification. Other information is subjective, and a matter of opinion and perspective. We must learn to distinguish between the two.
Some information is 'narrative' in nature: telling a particular story. It may be either true or false, but it's value as a narrative component is determined by what the story teller is trying to achieve.
Clickbait is sensationalist or emotionally (positive or negative) triggering claims put out by people regardless of veracity, etc, primarily for the purpose of getting clicks. There may be economic incentive, egoistic incentives, or even disinformation (psywar) incentives.
Disclaimer: I'm personally not immune from conflating opinion with fact, or stating my assertions in the form of a factual turn of phrase, so yeah, me too. mea culpa. "physician heal thyself"
Immediately AFTER an emotionally-charged significant event or incident, that is when the Clickbaiters have a field day.
Before the factual information has come out, before time has allowed assertions, reactions, claims, etc, to be vetted and sifted, CLICKBAITERS and Disinfo Operatives can have a field day. On X, on Faesbook, on InstaHam, on all forms of Social Media.
How Does That Work?
Because the more serious or impactful something seems, the more likely it is to elicit an emotional response.
Because in a state of heightened emotions, people, including you and I, are normally and naturally more inclined to act first and think second. It's programmed into us, embedded in our biology and in our nervous system. It's the fight or flight response.
For that reason, when some very significant event or incident or development occurs, that is precisely when the clickbaiters and the disinfo operatives flood the information sphere with all their garbage and crap.
It's the optimal time for them. It's much harder for them to penetrate the public sphere when people are settled down, starting to think a bit more critically, and have acquired more real information.
Instead, directly after the incident, or news, in the midst of information chaos and heightened emotions, this is when the clickbaiters go in to full gear overdrive.
Any and all claims are injected into the public sphere in order to get people to leap at the information, react to it and then share it out. Instead, this is really when people should be putting on the brakes, applying the 24-hour / 72-hour rule and be most on their guard.
When To Apply Maximum Discernment and Patience
"Make this go VIRAL!"
etc, etc.
If you see this, your first response should be to NOT share this, and NOT make this "go viral". If you are a digital soldier, anyway.
Immediately after some news drops, like an assassination attempt, or a Biden step down, or a Koala Harris rise to candidacy, etc, THAT is when we frogs should be on our guard the most. It's when we should be MOST careful to filter and vet the information that we let in to our minds.
This may mean taking a specific time to let our emotions do what they do, but then when we deal with information (including theories, claims, ideas, 'news', etc), we have to be able to put our emotions and prejudices aside and then sift the disinformation, misinformation, clickbait claims from the actual facts, verifiable evidence and real concrete data.
This means not necessarily dismissing claims out of hand, but also not necessarily accepting claims just because they fit one's biases or preconceived notions of who a good guy is, who the bad guys are, and who should be blamed for what.
And, the days and weeks immediately following intense events and incidents, etc., are precisely the time to do this, because the very nature of clickbait and fake news is that once it takes hold, it is MUCH harder to dislodge.
2024: Where We Are Now
Now, after almost FOUR YEARS since Q stopped posting, the community of the Great Awakening out there is truly massive. The 'normie' world and the Awakening are converging. More and more each day, the narratives and information that the Awakening introduced us to become part of the mainstream.
However, at the same time, as the Awakening has grown, there are many more 'less than discerning' people awake, and we do not have Q right now to pull us in, scold us, direct us or inspire us.
So we have to do that ourselves, and that means applying important practices in HOW we handle the information we take on board and HOW to handle WHAT information that we share.
This is more important now that it has ever been. With the recent assassination attempt on our champion DJT, things have risen to a whole new level. Biden has stepped down, and events are quickly unfolding.
The next several months, leading up to November and beyond to January, are going to get bumpier and likely more chaotic than they have ever been. And as things progress, the role that Q called us to play is going to be more relevant than ever.
Protect and Comfort Those Around You
Q admonished us to "protect and comfort those around you".
But just like the parent on a flight with endangered cabin pressure, we should always first look to ourselves and how WE interact with information.
On a plane, a parent on a flight with endangered cabin pressure should always apply their own oxygen mask first and then see to their kids, because if you pass out from lack of oxygen, you're about as useful to your kids as sack of potatoes.
Likewise, frogs and anons should always look to ourselves first as the FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE against disinformation, clickbait narratives, misinformation and untruths.
That means serious diligence. If we aspire to share the Truth, then we have to be serious about NOT sharing untruths.
WHY? Because the normie world out there is far more susceptible to fake news, clickbait nonsense, disinformation/misinformation and narrative manipulation than your average awakened frog. But being at GAW or any other awakened medium for sharing doesn't mean we should let our guard down.
Protecting "those around us" really starts with us beefing up our best practice and applying critical thinking skills, scepticism, putting aside our emotions when considering evidence, facts, what we DO know and what we DON'T know (which are equally important). It means vetting things BEFORE posting, and in many cases, taking time to research or think before just jumping in and upvoting (or downvoting) or commenting.
Comfort, likewise, arrives not in the form of vapid hopium or pumped up outrage (although to be honest, many of us can at one time or another find emotional comfort in these). Real comfort comes in the form of a sense of surety, confidence, trust in what we know, and in knowing or feeling more confident that we know what is going on.
So providing comfort to those around us also requires that we do best practice and pass on quality information, ourselves having first applied as much rigor and discernment (and research) as we can, so that we can be honestly confident in what we share.
And if we aren't sure, or we don't know, or we are speculating, then its important to make that clear to our friends and others around us. They will trust us more because we are not simply spouting our beliefs, but are applying solid, based and grounded approach to what we hear.
We should be a model for them in HOW we approach information, not just a source of things that they haven't heard or do not know about.
Down Make G.A.W. Our Fox News Or CNN
I mean, just because something is posted, or stickied, it doesn't mean we should just consume that "news" and that "information" like normies do sitting around CNN and Fox News.
We have to make the effort ourselves to make NOT make OUR CNN, our FOX News, etc.
The news items and information points and theories that come across the board are wide and varied, but it is incumbent on us, as per the mission given us by Q, to vet and treat with discernment and with an UNBIASED approach the information that comes out on GAW, just as much as we want Normies to vet and treat with discernment and with an UNBIASED approach the information what they get via the Propaganda Machines like CNN, Fox, Washington Post, or any other corporate news org, for that matter.
If you are NOT spending at least 10 minutes of research for every 20 minutes you spend consuming the information here at GAW, then are you really making this a "Q research board"?
The Great Awakening must not be about just switching the SOURCE of the information we ingest. It has to be about HOW we approach the information, ALL the information we ingest, regardless of where it comes from.
Unless we do that, we're actually leaving our normie and mainstream compatriots vulnerable.
Are We Good Enough?
It's not good enough to just read post headlines, or 'news' or claims here and then just comment, vent your disgust or distaste for this villain or chime in with the OP because they post something that you agree with.
Claims Without Sauce should ALWAYS be questioned. Assertions without evidence should ALWAYS be vetted and researched. Opinions should ALWAYS be expressed as opinions, not posted or paraded as Facts. Ideally, outside headlines should be identified as such, not simply as the OPs own idea.
As we move forward in the coming weeks and months, if we are truly to live up to Q's mission and calling, we have to be serious about vetting 'untruths' as much as we are about sharing 'truths'. The one goes with the other. And, the only way we can seriously be able to identify untruths from truths is to research. To back up with evidence. To be diligent about HOW we handle the information we take in, and HOW we handle the information we share.
If you have an opinion, say so. But don't present it as a fact. If you have a theory, say so, but don't present it as a fact. And if you encounter an opinion, or theory, without evidence, sauces or reference points attached, then TREAT IT AS potential misinformation or disinformation.
If it is false or disinfo, it will gain a lot LESS traction here. If it isn't false or disinfo, then it will be all the MORE robust and convincing when it gets shared, because it has undergone a process of applied discernment and discrimination.
It's not only for us that we have to do this. If Q is right, and frogs and anons and digital warriors are truly the force they want us to be, then we are the FIRST LINE of defense for the normies and the mainstream. The better we are at what WE do, the more truth will gain traction and the less fake, false or misleading theories will take hold.
Are we good enough? Potentially, we are. But we have to improve. And we can. But it will take overall collective effort, all frogs alike.
And note: that's my opinion. Whether it's a fact or not remains to be seen.
In information warfare, "information" means any content or detail about something that is conveyed or represented in some form by a particular arrangement or sequence of words, images or sound.
In other words, theories are information, claims are information, assertions are information, facts are information, evidence is information, ideas are information.
Some information is subject to true/false verification. Other information is subjective, and a matter of opinion and perspective. We must learn to distinguish between the two.
Some information is 'narrative' in nature: telling a particular story. It may be either true or false, but it's value as a narrative component is determined by what the story teller is trying to achieve.
Clickbait is sensationalist or emotionally (positive or negative) triggering claims put out by people regardless of veracity, etc, primarily for the purpose of getting clicks. There may be economic incentive, egoistic incentives, or even disinformation (psywar) incentives.
Disclaimer: I'm personally not immune from conflating opinion with fact, or stating my assertions in the form of a factual turn of phrase, so yeah, me too. mea culpa. "physician heal thyself"
Immediately AFTER an emotionally-charged significant event or incident, that is when the Clickbaiters have a field day.
Before the factual information has come out, before time has allowed assertions, reactions, claims, etc, to be vetted and sifted, CLICKBAITERS and Disinfo Operatives can have a field day. On X, on Faesbook, on InstaHam, on all forms of Social Media.
How Does That Work?
Because the more serious or impactful something seems, the more likely it is to elicit an emotional response.
Because in a state of heightened emotions, people, including you and I, are normally and naturally more inclined to act first and think second. It's programmed into us, embedded in our biology and in our nervous system. It's the fight or flight response.
For that reason, when some very significant event or incident or development occurs, that is precisely when the clickbaiters and the disinfo operatives flood the information sphere with all their garbage and crap.
It's the optimal time for them. It's much harder for them to penetrate the public sphere when people are settled down, starting to think a bit more critically, and have acquired more real information.
Instead, directly after the incident, or news, in the midst of information chaos and heightened emotions, this is when the clickbaiters go in to full gear overdrive.
Any and all claims are injected into the public sphere in order to get people to leap at the information, react to it and then share it out. Instead, this is really when people should be putting on the brakes, applying the 24-hour / 72-hour rule and be most on their guard.
When To Apply Maximum Discernment and Patience
"Make this go VIRAL!"
etc, etc.
If you see this, your first response should be to NOT share this, and NOT make this "go viral". If you are a digital soldier, anyway.
Immediately after some news drops, like an assassination attempt, or a Biden step down, or a Koala Harris rise to candidacy, etc, THAT is when we frogs should be on our guard the most. It's when we should be MOST careful to filter and vet the information that we let in to our minds.
This may mean taking a specific time to let our emotions do what they do, but then when we deal with information (including theories, claims, ideas, 'news', etc), we have to be able to put our emotions and prejudices aside and then sift the disinformation, misinformation, clickbait claims from the actual facts, verifiable evidence and real concrete data.
This means not necessarily dismissing claims out of hand, but also not necessarily accepting claims just because they fit one's biases or preconceived notions of who a good guy is, who the bad guys are, and who should be blamed for what.
And, the days and weeks immediately following intense events and incidents, etc., are precisely the time to do this, because the very nature of clickbait and fake news is that once it takes hold, it is MUCH harder to dislodge.
2024: Where We Are Now
Now, after almost FOUR YEARS since Q stopped posting, the community of the Great Awakening out there is truly massive. The 'normie' world and the Awakening are converging. More and more each day, the narratives and information that the Awakening introduced us to become part of the mainstream.
However, at the same time, as the Awakening has grown, there are many more 'less than discerning' people awake, and we do not have Q right now to pull us in, scold us, direct us or inspire us.
So we have to do that ourselves, and that means applying important practices in HOW we handle the information we take on board and HOW to handle WHAT information that we share.
This is more important now that it has ever been. With the recent assassination attempt on our champion DJT, things have risen to a whole new level. Biden has stepped down, and events are quickly unfolding.
The next several months, leading up to November and beyond to January, are going to get bumpier and likely more chaotic than they have ever been. And as things progress, the role that Q called us to play is going to be more relevant than ever.
Protect and Comfort Those Around You
Q admonished us to "protect and comfort those around you".
But just like the parent on a flight with endangered cabin pressure, we should always first look to ourselves and how WE interact with information.
On a plane, a parent on a flight with endangered cabin pressure should always apply their own oxygen mask first and then see to their kids, because if you pass out from lack of oxygen, you're about as useful to your kids as sack of potatoes.
Likewise, frogs and anons should always look to ourselves first as the FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE against disinformation, clickbait narratives, misinformation and untruths.
That means serious diligence. If we aspire to share the Truth, then we have to be serious about NOT sharing untruths.
WHY? Because the normie world out there is far more susceptible to fake news, clickbait nonsense, disinformation/misinformation and narrative manipulation than your average awakened frog. But being at GAW or any other awakened medium for sharing doesn't mean we should let our guard down.
Protecting "those around us" really starts with us beefing up our best practice and applying critical thinking skills, scepticism, putting aside our emotions when considering evidence, facts, what we DO know and what we DON'T know (which are equally important). I means really vetting things BEFORE posting, and in many cases, taking time to research or think before just jumping in and upvoting (or downvoting) or commenting.
Comfort, likewise, arrives not in the form of vapid hopium or pumped up outrage (although to be honest, many of us can at one time or another find emotional comfort in these). Real comfort comes in the form of a sense of surety, confidence, trust in what we know, and in knowing or feeling more confident that we know what is going on.
So providing comfort to those around us also requires that we do best practice and pass on quality information, ourselves having first applied as much rigor and discernment (and research) as we can, so that we can be honestly confident in what we share.
And if we aren't sure, or we don't know, or we are speculating, then its important to make that clear to our friends and others around us. They will trust us more because we are not simply spouting our beliefs, but are applying solid, based and grounded approach to what we hear.
We should be a model for them in HOW we approach information, not just a source of things that they haven't heard or do not know about.
Down Make G.A.W. Our Fox News Or CNN
I mean, just because something is posted, or stickied, it doesn't mean we should just consume that "news" and that "information" like normies do sitting around CNN and Fox News.
We have to make the effort ourselves to make NOT make OUR CNN, our FOX News, etc.
The news items and information points and theories that come across the board are wide and varied, but it is incumbent on us, as per the mission given us by Q, to vet and treat with discernment and with an UNBIASED approach the information that comes out on GAW, just as much as we want Normies to vet and treat with discernment and with an UNBIASED approach the information what they get via the Propaganda Machines like CNN, Fox, Washington Post, or any other corporate news org, for that matter.
If you are NOT spending at least 10 minutes of research for every 20 minutes you spend consuming the information here at GAW, then are you really making this a "Q research board"?
The Great Awakening must not be about just switching the SOURCE of the information we ingest. It has to be about HOW we approach the information, ALL the information we ingest, regardless of where it comes from.
Unless we do that, we're actually leaving our normie and mainstream compatriots vulnerable.
Are We Good Enough?
It's not good enough to just read post headlines, or 'news' or claims here and then just comment, vent your disgust or distaste for this villain or chime in with the OP because they post something that you agree with.
Claims Without Sauce should ALWAYS be questioned. Assertions without evidence should ALWAYS be vetted and researched. Opinions should ALWAYS be expressed as opinions, not posted or paraded as Facts. Ideally, outside headlines should be identified as such, not simply as the OPs own idea.
As we move forward in the coming weeks and months, if we are truly to live up to Q's mission and calling, we have to be serious about vetting 'untruths' as much as we are about sharing 'truths'. The one goes with the other. And, the only way we can seriously be able to identify untruths from truths is to research. To back up with evidence. To be diligent about HOW we handle the information we take in, and HOW we handle the information we share.
If you have an opinion, say so. But don't present it as a fact. If you have a theory, say so, but don't present it as a fact. And if you encounter an opinion, or theory, without evidence, sauces or reference points attached, then TREAT IT AS potential misinformation or disinformation.
If it is false or disinfo, it will gain a lot LESS traction here. If it isn't false or disinfo, then it will be all the MORE robust and convincing when it gets shared, because it has undergone a process of applied discernment and discrimination.
It's not only for us that we have to do this. If Q is right, and frogs and anons and digital warriors are truly the force they want us to be, then we are the FIRST LINE of defense for the normies and the mainstream. The better we are at what WE do, the more truth will gain traction and the less fake, false or misleading theories will take hold.
Are we good enough? Potentially, we are. But we have to improve. And we can. But it will take overall collective effort, all frogs alike.
And note: that's my opinion. Whether it's a fact or not remains to be seen.
In information warfare, "information" means any content or detail about something that is conveyed or represented in some form by a particular arrangement or sequence of words, images or sound.
In other words, theories are information, claims are information, assertions are information, facts are information, evidence is information, ideas are information.
Some information is subject to true/false verification. Other information is subjective, and a matter of opinion and perspective. We must learn to distinguish between the two.
Some information is 'narrative' in nature: telling a particular story. It may be either true or false, but it's value as a narrative component is determined by what the story teller is trying to achieve.
Clickbait is sensationalist or emotionally (positive or negative) triggering claims put out by people regardless of veracity, etc, primarily for the purpose of getting clicks. There may be economic incentive, egoistic incentives, or even disinformation (psywar) incentives.
Disclaimer: I'm personally not immune from conflating opinion with fact, or stating my assertions in the form of a factual turn of phrase, so yeah, me too. mea culpa. "physician heal thyself"