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Reason: None provided.

A citizen gives dominion over themselves to the Corp Gov control.

I suggest this is not quite right, or is at least incomplete. When it comes to trying to understand legal matters, it is essential to look to the source of legal definitions used by those who enforce legal matters, a la Black's Law Dictionary (BLD). Looking to BLD the word "Citizen" means:

Definition 1

One who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Definition 2

"Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights.

A Citizen is someone whom any governmental corporation can claim jurisdiction. All of the systems we call "government" on the planet that we know about today are, in the legal sense, "corporations". That includes your

  • town
  • county
  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

Every single one of those governmental corporations has claim to you. You are a subject to all of those Entities' Jurisdictions. They claim the right to rule all of the citizens under their jurisdiction (which is the definition of "jurisdiction"). I put them in the order I did because that is the hierarchy of the claim on you. The United Nations sits at the top of the heap. They have the greatest claim on you. Your town/city has the least claim, though it is still substantial, and is why you have to pay them lease payments on your house (we mislabel that lease payment "property taxes").

The way this hierarchy is set up is by treaty. The dynamic between a municipality and the state is a little bit different because the State is the authority that incorporates each of the municipalities, so the hierarchy I outlined above is not quite right (which is why the last three are capitalized as they are legally (by proclamation of law) Sovereign Entities). It would be more appropriate, in the concept of "treaties" (which I'm about to get to), to state the hierarchy of "Ownership" of you (effective ownership) is:

  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

It is by Treaty that these entities determine their claims to you as subject of their jurisdiction. The States (a corporation) have the first claim, but it is the lowest claim, as in, it can be overruled by the next higher entity. Next, the States have a Treaty with the Nation (United States Government, a corporation) which legally (AKA "by law" AKA by Treaty) subjects (claims as a subject to their authority) each of the people who are Citizens of that State to the National Government (U.S. Government). That Treaty we call "The Constitution." This Treaty gives the U.S. Government claim on you under certain conditions of “national security,” which they themselves determine. This didn't come about "recently" or in "1871". This Treaty gave the U.S. Government the right to claim you at any time they saw fit from the very first day it came online (9/17/1787).

The National Government (U.S. Government) then has a Treaty with the United Nations that gives them a greater claim to you. This Treaty gives the United Nations claim on you under certain conditions of "international threat", which they themselves determine.

You are worried about the method by which this is accomplished. That’s fine, it’s not unimportant, but the details are less important than understanding the larger structure that enables it, and the underlying fraud that makes it possible.

The fraud is what I was talking about before. It is their claim of “Right to Rule you” that they are making that is fraudulent. NO ONE has the right to rule you (tell you what you can or can’t do).

They make laws that give them claim to certain punishments for certain violations of action. They do it primarily through claim that they own all the property (that is why they can tax your property). Thus, even if you are on property you think you own, they can lay claim to you at any time for any reason they want. That is what a "warrant" is. It is just a part of the fraud, and we submit to it because it is "legal." It is also why the IRS doesn't need a warrant. They can come and take everything you own on suspicion of a “tax crime” (which even there is generally just a violation of IRS code which more often than not has no correlation in actual law).

Through this claim of ownership (and the legal system to back it up through the Banking system and their militant arm, the IRS and/or the various municipal/state/federal police departments, which were all created by the Banksters (Rockefeller et al)) there is no where you can go that they can’t tell you what you can or can’t do BECAUSE they own that land, you are on their property OR, you are on the States property and the Treaty says they can. There is no where you can go where they can’t lock you up and throw away the key at any time, at least from a legal standpoint.

What each of these actions really is, is an Act of War. A part of The Fraud is the claim that we are their subjects and they are our Liege Lord. We are not, and they are not. Such things as "subject" and "Liege Lord" are impossible by Natural Law. They only become possible by agreement. They make a claim of ownership, and you agree. The reality (Natural Law AKA The Laws of the Universe) is We are the Ultimate Authority of ourselves, and by extension, our property. ("Property" is a social construct, but if it is defined within a society, each individual is the "owner" of their "property" by understanding of social agreement of what "property" is.) "Ultimate Authority" means Sovereign. That is the definition. Thus, when they attack you (arrest you) it is an Act of War, one Sovereign Entity on another.

An Act of War is not necessarily a bad thing. The main part of The Fraud is that we don't realize that an arrest, or a fine, or property tax, etc. is an Act of War. We don't understand that all these fundamental processes of civil (and criminal) law are Acts of War, one Sovereign onto another. If that were really understood, none of the "governing bodies" would make hardly any of the laws that have been made because the laws are made assuming "Ruler" to "subject," not Sovereign to Sovereign. Also important to note, is that with that understanding there is implicit the understanding that each Sovereign has the fundamental Right to not enjoin the Treaty (be a part of the "City" e.g.), and/or the Right to exit the Treaty at any time, as a Sovereign. In such a case they would be "going it alone," which has its disadvantages, but it is still a fundamental Right of each Individual, each Ultimate Authority (with the Jurisdiction of themselves and their property), each Sovereign.

 If you look closely being a citizen puts your residence in the District of Columbia, a foreign territory.

It’s “foreign” because your state is a Sovereign Entity. ALL states are Sovereign Entities. Every state is “foreign” to every other state. The District of Columbia is, exactly like every other state, “foreign” to all states. It is NOT foreign to the United States Government. On the contrary, the U.S. Government owns that property. It also owns Puerto Rico and several other places, not the least of which are many places within the borders of each state (National Parks e.g.).

I suggest it is irrelevant whether your statement is true or not. The FRAUD is in their claim of You under their jurisdiction. That is the SAME EXACT FRAUD that the State makes, and your city/county. Thus it doesn’t matter that the U.S. Governmental corporation does that, because your State governmental corporation does it as well, etc.

Supposedly this is the huge hurdle hinging point. 

That it is a “huge hinging point” is, as I suggested before, the smokescreen that prevents people from seeing the actual fraud that I have mentioned (claim of jurisdiction).

1 year ago
2 score
Reason: None provided.

A citizen gives dominion over themselves to the Corp Gov control.

I suggest this is not quite right, or is at least incomplete. When it comes to trying to understand legal matters, it is essential to look to the source of legal definitions used by those who enforce legal matters, a la Black's Law Dictionary (BLD). Looking to BLD the word "Citizen" means:

Definition 1

One who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Definition 2

"Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights.

A Citizen is someone whom any governmental corporation can claim jurisdiction. All of the systems we call "government" on the planet that we know about today are, in the legal sense, "corporations". That includes your

  • town
  • county
  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

Every single one of those governmental corporations has claim to you. You are a subject to all of those Entities' Jurisdictions. They claim the right to rule all of the citizens under their jurisdiction (which is the definition of "jurisdiction"). I put them in the order I did because that is the hierarchy of the claim on you. The United Nations sits at the top of the heap. They have the greatest claim on you. Your town/city has the least claim, though it is still substantial, and is why you have to pay them lease payments on your house (we mislabel that lease payment "property taxes").

The way this hierarchy is set up is by treaty. The dynamic between a municipality and the state is a little bit different because the State is the authority that incorporates each of the municipalities, so the hierarchy I outlined above is not quite right (which is why the last three are capitalized as they are legally (by proclamation of law) Sovereign Entities). It would be more appropriate, in the concept of "treaties" (which I'm about to get to), to state the hierarchy of "Ownership" of you (effective ownership) is:

  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

It is by Treaty that these entities determine their claims to you as subject of their jurisdiction. The States (a corporation) have the first claim, but it is the lowest claim, as in, it can be overruled by the next higher entity. Next, the States have a Treaty with the Nation (United States Government, a corporation) which legally (AKA "by law" AKA by Treaty) subjects (claims as a subject to their authority) each of the people who are Citizens of that State to the National Government (U.S. Government). That Treaty we call "The Constitution." This Treaty gives the U.S. Government claim on you under certain conditions of “national security,” which they themselves determine. This didn't come about "recently" or in "1871". This Treaty gave the U.S. Government the right to claim you at any time they saw fit from the very first day it came online (9/17/1787).

The National Government (U.S. Government) then has a Treaty with the United Nations that gives them a greater claim to you. This Treaty gives the United Nations claim on you under certain conditions of "international threat", which they themselves determine.

You are worried about the method by which this is accomplished. That’s fine, it’s not unimportant, but the details are less important than understanding the larger structure that enables it, and the underlying fraud that makes it possible.

The fraud is what I was talking about before. It is their claim of “Right to Rule you” that they are making that is fraudulent. NO ONE has the right to rule you (tell you what you can or can’t do).

They make laws that give them claim to certain punishments for certain violations of action. They do it primarily through claim that they own all the property (that is why they can tax your property). Thus, even if you are on property you think you own, they can lay claim to you at any time for any reason they want. That is what a "warrant" is. It is just a part of the fraud, and we submit to it because it is "legal." It is also why the IRS doesn't need a warrant. They can come and take everything you own on suspicion of a “tax crime” (which even there is generally just a violation of IRS code which more often than not has no correlation in actual law).

Through this claim of ownership (and the legal system to back it up through the Banking system and their militant arm, the IRS and/or the various municipal/state/federal police departments, which were all created by the Banksters (Rockefeller et al)) there is no where you can go that they can’t tell you what you can or can’t do BECAUSE they own that land, you are on their property OR, you are on the States property and the Treaty says they can. There is no where you can go where they can’t lock you up and throw away the key at any time, at least from a legal standpoint.

What each of these actions really is, is an Act of War. A part of The Fraud is the claim that we are their subjects and they are our Liege Lord. We are not, and they are not. Such things as "subject" and "Liege Lord" are impossible by Natural Law. They only become possible by agreement. They make a claim of ownership, and you agree. The reality (Natural Law AKA The Laws of the Universe) is We are the Ultimate Authority of ourselves, and by extension, our property. ("Property" is a social construct, but if it is defined within a society, each individual is the "owner" of their "property" by understanding of social agreement of what "property" is.) "Ultimate Authority" means Sovereign. That is the definition. Thus, when they attack you (arrest you) it is an Act of War, one Sovereign Entity on another.

An Act of War is not necessarily a bad thing. The main part of The Fraud is that we don't realize that an arrest, or a fine, or property tax, etc. is an Act of War. We don't understand that all these fundamental processes of civil (and criminal) law are Acts of War, one Sovereign onto another. If that were really understood, none of the "governing bodies" would make hardly any of the laws that have been made because the laws are made assuming "Ruler" to "subject," not Sovereign to Sovereign. Also important to note, is that with that understanding there is implicit the understanding that each Sovereign has the fundamental Right to not enjoin the Treaty (be a part of the "City" e.g.), and/or the Right to exit the Treaty at any time, as a Sovereign. In such a case they would be "going it alone," which has its disadvantages, but it is still a fundamental Right of each Individual, each Ultimate Authority (with the Jurisdiction of themselves and their property), each Sovereign.

 If you look closely being a citizen puts your residence in the District of Columbia, a foreign territory.

It’s “foreign” because your state is a Sovereign Entity. ALL states are Sovereign Entities. Every state is “foreign” to every other state. The District of Columbia is, exactly like every other state, “foreign” to all states. It is NOT foreign to the United States Government. On the contrary, the U.S. Government owns that property. It also owns Puerto Rico and several other places, not the least of which are many places within the borders of each state (National Parks e.g.).

I suggest it is irrelevant whether your statement is true or not. The FRAUD is in their claim of You under their jurisdiction. That is the SAME EXACT FRAUD that the State makes, and your city/county. Thus it doesn’t matter that the U.S. Governmental corporation does that, because your State governmental corporation does it as well, etc.

Supposedly this is the huge hurdle hinging point. 

That it is a “huge hinging point” is, as I suggested before, the smokescreen that prevents people from seeing the actual fraud that I have mentioned (claim of jurisdiction).

1 year ago
2 score
Reason: None provided.

A citizen gives dominion over themselves to the Corp Gov control.

I suggest this is not quite right, or is at least incomplete. When it comes to trying to understand legal matters, it is essential to look to the source of legal definitions used by those who enforce legal matters, a la Black's Law Dictionary (BLD). Looking to BLD the word "Citizen" means:

Definition 1

One who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Definition 2

"Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights.

A Citizen is someone whom any governmental corporation can claim jurisdiction. All of the systems we call "government" on the planet that we know about today are, in the legal sense, "corporations". That includes your

  • town
  • county
  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

Every single one of those governmental corporations has claim to you. You are a subject to all of those Entities' Jurisdictions. They claim the right to rule all of the citizens under their jurisdiction (which is the definition of "jurisdiction"). I put them in the order I did because that is the hierarchy of the claim on you. The United Nations sits at the top of the heap. They have the greatest claim on you. Your town/city has the least claim, though it is still substantial, and is why you have to pay them lease payments on your house (we mislabel that lease payment "property taxes").

The way this hierarchy is set up is by treaty. The dynamic between a municipality and the state is a little bit different because the State is the authority that incorporates each of the municipalities, so the hierarchy I outlined above is not quite right (which is why the last three are capitalized as they are legally (by proclamation of law) Sovereign Entities). It would be more appropriate, in the concept of "treaties" (which I'm about to get to), to state the hierarchy of "Ownership" of you (effective ownership) is:

  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

It is by Treaty that these entities determine their claims to you as subject of their jurisdiction. The States (a corporation) have the first claim, but it is the lowest claim, as in, it can be overruled by the next higher entity. Next, the States have a Treaty with the Nation (United States Government, a corporation) which legally (AKA "by law" AKA by Treaty) subjects (claims as a subject to their authority) each of the people who are Citizens of that State to the National Government (U.S. Government). That Treaty we call "The Constitution." This Treaty gives the U.S. Government claim on you under certain conditions of “national security,” which they themselves determine. This didn't come about "recently" or in "1871". This Treaty gave the U.S. Government the right to claim you at any time they saw fit from the very first day it came online (9/17/1787).

The National Government (U.S. Government) then has a Treaty with the United Nations that gives them a greater claim to you. This Treaty gives the United Nations claim on you under certain conditions of "international threat", which they themselves determine.

You are worried about the method by which this is accomplished. That’s fine, it’s not unimportant, but the details are less important than understanding the larger structure that enables it, and the underlying fraud that makes it possible.

The fraud is what I was talking about before. It is their claim of “Right to Rule you” that they are making that is fraudulent. NO ONE has the right to rule you (tell you what you can or can’t do).

They make laws that give them claim to certain punishments for certain violations of action. They do it primarily through claim that they own all the property (that is why they can tax your property). Thus, even if you are on property you think you own, they can lay claim to you at any time for any reason they want. That is what a "warrant" is. It is just a part of the fraud, and we submit to it because it is "legal." It is also why the IRS doesn't need a warrant. They can come and take everything you own on suspicion of a “tax crime” (which even there is generally just a violation of IRS code which more often than not has no correlation in actual law).

Through this claim of ownership (and the legal system to back it up through the Banking system and their militant arm, the IRS and/or the various municipal/state/federal police departments, which were all created by the Banksters (Rockefeller et al)) there is no where you can go that they can’t tell you what you can or can’t do BECAUSE they own that land, you are on their property OR, you are on the States property and the Treaty says they can. There is no where you can go where they can’t lock you up and throw away the key at any time, at least from a legal standpoint.

What each of these actions really is, is an Act of War. A part of The Fraud is the claim that we are their subjects, we are not. We are the Ultimate Authority of ourselves, and by extension, our property. "Ultimate Authority" means Sovereign. That is the definition. Thus, when they attack you (arrest you) it is an Act of War, one Sovereign Entity on another.

An Act of War is not necessarily a bad thing. The main part of The Fraud is that we don't realize that an arrest, or a fine, or property tax, etc. is an Act of War. We don't understand that all these fundamental processes of civil (and criminal) law are Acts of War, one Sovereign onto another. If that were really understood, none of the "governing bodies" would make hardly any of the laws that have been made because the laws are made assuming "Ruler" to "subject," not Sovereign to Sovereign. Also important to note, is that with that understanding there is implicit the understanding that each Sovereign has the fundamental Right to not enjoin the Treaty (be a part of the "City" e.g.), and/or the Right to exit the Treaty at any time, as a Sovereign. In such a case they would be "going it alone," which has its disadvantages, but it is still a fundamental Right of each Individual, each Ultimate Authority (with the Jurisdiction of themselves and their property), each Sovereign.

 If you look closely being a citizen puts your residence in the District of Columbia, a foreign territory.

It’s “foreign” because your state is a Sovereign Entity. ALL states are Sovereign Entities. Every state is “foreign” to every other state. The District of Columbia is, exactly like every other state, “foreign” to all states. It is NOT foreign to the United States Government. On the contrary, the U.S. Government owns that property. It also owns Puerto Rico and several other places, not the least of which are many places within the borders of each state (National Parks e.g.).

I suggest it is irrelevant whether your statement is true or not. The FRAUD is in their claim of You under their jurisdiction. That is the SAME EXACT FRAUD that the State makes, and your city/county. Thus it doesn’t matter that the U.S. Governmental corporation does that, because your State governmental corporation does it as well, etc.

Supposedly this is the huge hurdle hinging point. 

That it is a “huge hinging point” is, as I suggested before, the smokescreen that prevents people from seeing the actual fraud that I have mentioned (claim of jurisdiction).

1 year ago
2 score
Reason: None provided.

A citizen gives dominion over themselves to the Corp Gov control.

I suggest this is not quite right, or is at least incomplete. When it comes to trying to understand legal matters, it is essential to look to the source of legal definitions used by those who enforce legal matters, a la Black's Law Dictionary (BLD). Looking to BLD the word "Citizen" means:

Definition 1

One who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Definition 2

"Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights.

A Citizen is someone whom any governmental corporation can claim jurisdiction. All of the systems we call "government" on the planet that we know about today are, in the legal sense, "corporations". That includes your

  • town
  • county
  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

Every single one of those governmental corporations has claim to you. You are a subject to all of those Entities' Jurisdictions. They claim the right to rule all of the citizens under their jurisdiction (which is the definition of "jurisdiction"). I put them in the order I did because that is the hierarchy of the claim on you. The United Nations sits at the top of the heap. They have the greatest claim on you. Your town/city has the least claim, though it is still substantial, and is why you have to pay them lease payments on your house (we mislabel that lease payment "property taxes").

The way this hierarchy is set up is by treaty. The dynamic between a municipality and the state is a little bit different because the State is the authority that incorporates each of the municipalities, so the hierarchy I outlined above is not quite right (which is why the last three are capitalized as they are legally (by proclamation of law) Sovereign Entities). It would be more appropriate, in the concept of "treaties" (which I'm about to get to), to state the hierarchy of "Ownership" of you (effective ownership) is:

  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

It is by Treaty that these entities determine their claims to you as subject of their jurisdiction. The States (a corporation) have the first claim, but it is the lowest claim, as in, it can be overruled by the next higher entity. Next, the States have a Treaty with the Nation (United States Government, a corporation) which legally (AKA "by law" AKA by Treaty) subjects (claims as a subject to their authority) each of the people who are Citizens of that State to the National Government (U.S. Government). That Treaty we call "The Constitution." This Treaty gives the U.S. Government claim on you under certain conditions of “national security,” which they themselves determine. This didn't come about "recently" or in "1871". This Treaty gave the U.S. Government the right to claim you at any time they saw fit from the very first day it came online (9/17/1787).

The National Government (U.S. Government) then has a Treaty with the United Nations that gives them a greater claim to you. This Treaty gives the United Nations claim on you under certain conditions of "international threat", which they themselves determine.

You are worried about the method by which this is accomplished. That’s fine, it’s not unimportant, but the details are less important than understanding the larger structure that enables it, and the underlying fraud that makes it possible.

The fraud is what I was talking about before. It is their claim of “Right to Rule you” that they are making that is fraudulent. NO ONE has the right to rule you (tell you what you can or can’t do).

They make laws that give them claim to certain punishments for certain violations of action. They do it primarily through claim that they own all the property (that is why they can tax your property). Thus, even if you are on property you think you own, they can lay claim to you at any time for any reason they want. That is what a "warrant" is. It is just a part of the fraud, and we submit to it because it is "legal." It is also why the IRS doesn't need a warrant. They can come and take everything you own on suspicion of a “tax crime” (which even there is generally just a violation of IRS code which more often than not has no correlation in actual law).

Through this claim of ownership (and the legal system to back it up through the Banking system and their militant arm, the IRS and/or the various municipal/state/federal police departments, which were all created by the Banksters (Rockefeller et al)) there is no where you can go that they can’t tell you what you can or can’t do. There is no where you can go where they can’t lock you up and throw away the key at any time, at least from a legal standpoint.

What each of these actions really is, is an Act of War. A part of The Fraud is the claim that we are their subjects, we are not. We are the Ultimate Authority of ourselves, and by extension, our property. "Ultimate Authority" means Sovereign. That is the definition. Thus, when they attack you (arrest you) it is an Act of War, one Sovereign Entity on another.

An Act of War is not necessarily a bad thing. The main part of The Fraud is that we don't realize that an arrest, or a fine, or property tax, etc. is an Act of War. We don't understand that all these fundamental processes of civil (and criminal) law are Acts of War, one Sovereign onto another. If that were really understood, none of the "governing bodies" would make hardly any of the laws that have been made because the laws are made assuming "Ruler" to "subject," not Sovereign to Sovereign. Also important to note, is that with that understanding there is implicit the understanding that each Sovereign has the fundamental Right to not enjoin the Treaty (be a part of the "City" e.g.), and/or the Right to exit the Treaty at any time, as a Sovereign. In such a case they would be "going it alone," which has its disadvantages, but it is still a fundamental Right of each Individual, each Ultimate Authority (with the Jurisdiction of themselves and their property), each Sovereign.

 If you look closely being a citizen puts your residence in the District of Columbia, a foreign territory.

It’s “foreign” because your state is a Sovereign Entity. ALL states are Sovereign Entities. Every state is “foreign” to every other state. The District of Columbia is, exactly like every other state, “foreign” to all states. It is NOT foreign to the United States Government. On the contrary, the U.S. Government owns that property. It also owns Puerto Rico and several other places, not the least of which are many places within the borders of each state (National Parks e.g.).

I suggest it is irrelevant whether your statement is true or not. The FRAUD is in their claim of You under their jurisdiction. That is the SAME EXACT FRAUD that the State makes, and your city/county. Thus it doesn’t matter that the U.S. Governmental corporation does that, because your State governmental corporation does it as well, etc.

Supposedly this is the huge hurdle hinging point. 

That it is a “huge hinging point” is, as I suggested before, the smokescreen that prevents people from seeing the actual fraud that I have mentioned (claim of jurisdiction).

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

A citizen gives dominion over themselves to the Corp Gov control.

I suggest this is not quite right, or is at least incomplete. When it comes to trying to understand legal matters, it is essential to look to the source of legal definitions used by those who enforce legal matters, a la Black's Law Dictionary (BLD). Looking to BLD the word "Citizen" means:

Definition 1

One who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Definition 2

"Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights.

A Citizen is someone whom any governmental corporation can claim jurisdiction. All of the systems we call "government" on the planet that we know about today are, in the legal sense, "corporations". That includes your

  • town
  • county
  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

Every single one of those governmental corporations has claim to you. You are a subject to all of those Entities' Jurisdictions. They claim the right to rule all of the citizens under their jurisdiction (which is the definition of "jurisdiction"). I put them in the order I did because that is the hierarchy of the claim on you. The United Nations sits at the top of the heap. They have the greatest claim on you. Your town/city has the least claim, though it is still substantial, and is why you have to pay them lease payments on your house (we mislabel that lease payment "property taxes").

The way this hierarchy is set up is by treaty. The dynamic between a municipality and the state is a little bit different because the State is the authority that incorporates each of the municipalities, so the hierarchy I outlined above is not quite right (which is why the last three are capitalized as they are legally (by proclamation of law) Sovereign Entities). It would be more appropriate, in the concept of "treaties" (which I'm about to get to), to state the hierarchy of "Ownership" of you (effective ownership) is:

  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

It is by Treaty that these entities determine their claims to you as subject of their jurisdiction. The States (a corporation) have the first claim, but it is the lowest claim, as in, it can be overruled by the next higher entity. Next, the States have a Treaty with the Nation (United States Government, a corporation) which legally (AKA "by law" AKA by Treaty) subjects (claims as a subject to their authority) each of the people who are Citizens of that State to the National Government (U.S. Government). That Treaty we call "The Constitution." This Treaty gives the U.S. Government claim on you under certain conditions of “national security,” which they themselves determine. This didn't come about "recently" or in "1871". This Treaty gave the U.S. Government the right to claim you at any time they saw fit from the very first day it came online (9/17/1787).

The National Government (U.S. Government) then has a Treaty with the United Nations that gives them a greater claim to you. This Treaty gives the United Nations claim on you under certain conditions of "international threat", which they themselves determine.

You are worried about the method by which this is accomplished. That’s fine, it’s not unimportant, but the details are less important than understanding the larger structure that enables it, and the underlying fraud that makes it possible.

The fraud is what I was talking about before. It is their claim of “Right to Rule you” that they are making that is fraudulent. NO ONE has the right to rule you (tell you what you can or can’t do).

They make laws that give them claim to certain punishments for certain violations of action. They do it primarily through claim that they own all the property (that is why they can tax your property). Thus, even if you are on property you think you own, they can lay claim to you at any time for any reason they want. That is what a "warrant" is. It is just a part of the fraud, and we submit to it because it is "legal." It is also why the IRS doesn't need a warrant. They can come and take everything you own on suspicion of a “tax crime” (which even there is generally just a violation of IRS code which more often than not has no correlation in actual law).

Through this claim of ownership (and the legal system to back it up through the Banking system and their militant arm, the IRS and/or the various municipal/state/federal police departments, which were all created by the Banksters (Rockefeller et al)) there is no where you can go that they can’t tell you what you can or can’t do. There is no where you can go where they can’t lock you up and throw away the key at any time, at least from a legal standpoint.

What each of these actions really is, is an Act of War. A part of The Fraud is the claim that we are their subjects, we are not. We are the Ultimate Authority of ourselves, and by extension, our property. "Ultimate Authority" means Sovereign. That is the definition. Thus, when they attack you (arrest you) it is an Act of War, one Sovereign Entity on another.

An Act of War is not necessarily a bad thing. The main part of The Fraud is that we don't realize that an arrest, or a fine, or property tax, etc. is an Act of War. We don't understand that all these fundamental processes of civil (and criminal) law are Acts of War, one Sovereign onto another. If that were really understood, none of the "governing bodies" would make hardly any of the laws that have been made because the laws are made assuming "Ruler" to "subject," not Sovereign to Sovereign. Also important to note, is that with that understanding there is implicit the understanding that each Sovereign has the fundamental Right to not enjoin the Treaty (be a part of the "City" e.g.), and/or the Right to exit the Treaty at any time, as a Sovereign. In such a case they would be "going it alone," which has its disadvantages, but it is still a fundamental Right of each Individual, each Ultimate Authority (with the Jurisdiction of themselves and their property), each Sovereign.

 If you look closely being a citizen puts your residence in the District of Columbia, a foreign territory.

It’s “foreign” because your state is a Sovereign Entity. ALL states are Sovereign Entities. Every state is “foreign” to every other state. The District of Columbia is “foreign” to all states. It is NOT foreign to the United States Government. On the contrary, the U.S. Government owns that property. It also owns Puerto Rico and several other places, not the least of which are many places within the borders of each state (National Parks e.g.).

I suggest it is irrelevant whether your statement is true or not. The FRAUD is in their claim of You under their jurisdiction. That is the SAME EXACT FRAUD that the State makes, and your city/county. Thus it doesn’t matter that the U.S. Governmental corporation does that, because your State governmental corporation does it as well, etc.

Supposedly this is the huge hurdle hinging point. 

That it is a “huge hinging point” is, as I suggested before, the smokescreen that prevents people from seeing the actual fraud that I have mentioned (claim of jurisdiction).

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

A citizen gives dominion over themselves to the Corp Gov control.

I suggest this is not quite right, or is at least incomplete. When it comes to trying to understand legal matters, it is essential to look to the source of legal definitions used by those who enforce legal matters, a la Black's Law Dictionary (BLD). Looking to BLD the word "Citizen" means:

Definition 1

One who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Definition 2

"Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights.

A Citizen is someone whom any governmental corporation can claim jurisdiction. All of the systems we call "government" on the planet that we know about today are, in the legal sense, "corporations". That includes your

  • town
  • county
  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

Every single one of those governmental corporations has claim to you. You are a subject to all of those Entities' Jurisdictions. They claim the right to rule all of the citizens under their jurisdiction (which is the definition of "jurisdiction"). I put them in the order I did because that is the hierarchy of the claim on you. The United Nations sits at the top of the heap. They have the greatest claim on you. Your town/city has the least claim, though it is still substantial, and is why you have to pay them lease payments on your house (we mislabel that lease payment "property taxes").

The way this hierarchy is set up is by treaty. The dynamic between a municipality and the state is a little bit different because the State is the authority that incorporates each of the municipalities, so the hierarchy I outlined above is not quite right (which is why the last three are capitalized as they are legally (by proclamation of law) Sovereign Entities). It would be more appropriate, in the concept of "treaties" (which I'm about to get to), to state the hierarchy of "Ownership" of you (effective ownership) is:

  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

It is by Treaty that these entities determine their claims to you as subject of their jurisdiction. The States (a corporation) have the first claim, but it is the lowest claim. Next, the States have a Treaty with the Nation (United States Government, a corporation) which legally (AKA "by law" AKA by Treaty) subjects (claims as a subject to their authority) each of the people who are Citizens of that State to the National Government (U.S. Government). That Treaty we call "The Constitution." This Treaty gives the U.S. Government claim on you under certain conditions of “national security,” which they themselves determine. This didn't come about "recently" or in "1871". This Treaty gave the U.S. Government the right to claim you at any time they saw fit from the very first day it came online (9/17/1787).

The National Government (U.S. Government) then has a Treaty with the United Nations that gives them a greater claim to you. This Treaty gives the United Nations claim on you under certain conditions of "international threat", which they themselves determine.

You are worried about the method by which this is accomplished. That’s fine, it’s not unimportant, but the details are less important than understanding the larger structure that enables it, and the underlying fraud that makes it possible.

The fraud is what I was talking about before. It is their claim of “Right to Rule you” that they are making that is fraudulent. NO ONE has the right to rule you (tell you what you can or can’t do).

They make laws that give them claim to certain punishments for certain violations of action. They do it primarily through claim that they own all the property (that is why they can tax your property). Thus, even if you are on property you think you own, they can lay claim to you at any time for any reason they want. That is what a "warrant" is. It is just a part of the fraud, and we submit to it because it is "legal." It is also why the IRS doesn't need a warrant. They can come and take everything you own on suspicion of a “tax crime” (which even there is generally just a violation of IRS code which more often than not has no correlation in actual law).

Through this claim of ownership (and the legal system to back it up through the Banking system and their militant arm, the IRS and/or the various municipal/state/federal police departments, which were all created by the Banksters (Rockefeller et al)) there is no where you can go that they can’t tell you what you can or can’t do. There is no where you can go where they can’t lock you up and throw away the key at any time, at least from a legal standpoint.

What each of these actions really is, is an Act of War. A part of The Fraud is the claim that we are their subjects, we are not. We are the Ultimate Authority of ourselves, and by extension, our property. "Ultimate Authority" means Sovereign. That is the definition. Thus, when they attack you (arrest you) it is an Act of War, one Sovereign Entity on another.

An Act of War is not necessarily a bad thing. The main part of The Fraud is that we don't realize that an arrest, or a fine, or property tax, etc. is an Act of War. We don't understand that all these fundamental processes of civil (and criminal) law are Acts of War, one Sovereign onto another. If that were really understood, none of the "governing bodies" would make hardly any of the laws that have been made because the laws are made assuming "Ruler" to "subject," not Sovereign to Sovereign. Also important to note, is that with that understanding there is implicit the understanding that each Sovereign has the fundamental Right to not enjoin the Treaty (be a part of the "City" e.g.), and/or the Right to exit the Treaty at any time, as a Sovereign. In such a case they would be "going it alone," which has its disadvantages, but it is still a fundamental Right of each Individual, each Ultimate Authority (with the Jurisdiction of themselves and their property), each Sovereign.

 If you look closely being a citizen puts your residence in the District of Columbia, a foreign territory.

It’s “foreign” because your state is a Sovereign Entity. ALL states are Sovereign Entities. Every state is “foreign” to every other state. The District of Columbia is “foreign” to all states. It is NOT foreign to the United States Government. On the contrary, the U.S. Government owns that property. It also owns Puerto Rico and several other places, not the least of which are many places within the borders of each state (National Parks e.g.).

I suggest it is irrelevant whether your statement is true or not. The FRAUD is in their claim of You under their jurisdiction. That is the SAME EXACT FRAUD that the State makes, and your city/county. Thus it doesn’t matter that the U.S. Governmental corporation does that, because your State governmental corporation does it as well, etc.

Supposedly this is the huge hurdle hinging point. 

That it is a “huge hinging point” is, as I suggested before, the smokescreen that prevents people from seeing the actual fraud that I have mentioned (claim of jurisdiction).

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

A citizen gives dominion over themselves to the Corp Gov control.

I suggest this is not quite right. When it comes to trying to understand legal matters, it is essential to look to the source of legal definitions used by those who enforce legal matters, a la Black's Law Dictionary (BLD). Looking to BLD the word "Citizen" means:

Definition 1

One who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Definition 2

"Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights.

A Citizen is someone whom any governmental corporation can claim jurisdiction. All of the systems we call "government" on the planet that we know about today are, in the legal sense, "corporations". That includes your

  • town
  • county
  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

Every single one of those governmental corporations has claim to you. You are a subject to all of those Entities' Jurisdictions. They claim the right to rule all of the citizens under their jurisdiction (which is the definition of "jurisdiction"). I put them in the order I did because that is the hierarchy of the claim on you. The United Nations sits at the top of the heap. They have the greatest claim on you. Your town/city has the least claim, though it is still substantial, and is why you have to pay them lease payments on your house (we mislabel that lease payment "property taxes").

The way this hierarchy is set up is by treaty. The dynamic between a municipality and the state is a little bit different because the State is the authority that incorporates each of the municipalities, so the hierarchy I outlined above is not quite right (which is why the last three are capitalized as they are legally (by proclamation of law) Sovereign Entities). It would be more appropriate, in the concept of "treaties" (which I'm about to get to), to state the hierarchy of "Ownership" of you (effective ownership) is:

  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

It is by Treaty that these entities determine their claims to you as subject of their jurisdiction. The States (a corporation) have the first claim, but it is the lowest claim. Next, the States have a Treaty with the Nation (United States Government, a corporation) which legally (AKA "by law" AKA by Treaty) subjects (claims as a subject to their authority) each of the people who are Citizens of that State to the National Government (U.S. Government). That Treaty we call "The Constitution." This Treaty gives the U.S. Government claim on you under certain conditions of “national security,” which they themselves determine. This didn't come about "recently" or in "1871". This Treaty gave the U.S. Government the right to claim you at any time they saw fit from the very first day it came online (9/17/1787).

The National Government (U.S. Government) then has a Treaty with the United Nations that gives them a greater claim to you. This Treaty gives the United Nations claim on you under certain conditions of "international threat", which they themselves determine.

You are worried about the method by which this is accomplished. That’s fine, it’s not unimportant, but the details are less important than understanding the larger structure that enables it, and the underlying fraud that makes it possible.

The fraud is what I was talking about before. It is their claim of “Right to Rule you” that they are making that is fraudulent. NO ONE has the right to rule you (tell you what you can or can’t do).

They make laws that give them claim to certain punishments for certain violations of action. They do it primarily through claim that they own all the property (that is why they can tax your property). Thus, even if you are on property you think you own, they can lay claim to you at any time for any reason they want. That is what a "warrant" is. It is just a part of the fraud, and we submit to it because it is "legal." It is also why the IRS doesn't need a warrant. They can come and take everything you own on suspicion of a “tax crime” (which even there is generally just a violation of IRS code which more often than not has no correlation in actual law).

Through this claim of ownership (and the legal system to back it up through the Banking system and their militant arm, the IRS and/or the various municipal/state/federal police departments, which were all created by the Banksters (Rockefeller et al)) there is no where you can go that they can’t tell you what you can or can’t do. There is no where you can go where they can’t lock you up and throw away the key at any time, at least from a legal standpoint.

What each of these actions really is, is an Act of War. A part of The Fraud is the claim that we are their subjects, we are not. We are the Ultimate Authority of ourselves, and by extension, our property. "Ultimate Authority" means Sovereign. That is the definition. Thus, when they attack you (arrest you) it is an Act of War, one Sovereign Entity on another.

An Act of War is not necessarily a bad thing. The main part of The Fraud is that we don't realize that an arrest, or a fine, or property tax, etc. is an Act of War. We don't understand that all these fundamental processes of civil (and criminal) law are Acts of War, one Sovereign onto another. If that were really understood, none of the "governing bodies" would make hardly any of the laws that have been made because the laws are made assuming "Ruler" to "subject," not Sovereign to Sovereign. Also important to note, is that with that understanding there is implicit the understanding that each Sovereign has the fundamental Right to not enjoin the Treaty (be a part of the "City" e.g.), and/or the Right to exit the Treaty at any time, as a Sovereign. In such a case they would be "going it alone," which has its disadvantages, but it is still a fundamental Right of each Individual, each Ultimate Authority (with the Jurisdiction of themselves and their property), each Sovereign.

 If you look closely being a citizen puts your residence in the District of Columbia, a foreign territory.

It’s “foreign” because your state is a Sovereign Entity. ALL states are Sovereign Entities. Every state is “foreign” to every other state. The District of Columbia is “foreign” to all states. It is NOT foreign to the United States Government. On the contrary, the U.S. Government owns that property. It also owns Puerto Rico and several other places, not the least of which are many places within the borders of each state (National Parks e.g.).

I suggest it is irrelevant whether your statement is true or not. The FRAUD is in their claim of You under their jurisdiction. That is the SAME EXACT FRAUD that the State makes, and your city/county. Thus it doesn’t matter that the U.S. Governmental corporation does that, because your State governmental corporation does it as well, etc.

Supposedly this is the huge hurdle hinging point. 

That it is a “huge hinging point” is, as I suggested before, the smokescreen that prevents people from seeing the actual fraud that I have mentioned (claim of jurisdiction).

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

A citizen gives dominion over themselves to the Corp Gov control.

I suggest this is not quite right. When it comes to trying to understand legal matters, it is essential to look to the source of legal definitions used by those who enforce legal matters, a la Black's Law Dictionary (BLD). Looking to BLD the word "Citizen" means:

Definition 1

One who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Definition 2

"Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights.

A Citizen is someone whom any governmental corporation can claim jurisdiction. All of the systems we call "government" on the planet that we know about today are, in the legal sense, "corporations". That includes your

  • town
  • county
  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

Every single one of those governmental corporations has claim to you. You are a subject to all of those Entities' Jurisdictions. They claim the right to rule all of the citizens under their jurisdiction (which is the definition of "jurisdiction"). I put them in the order I did because that is the hierarchy of the claim on you. The United Nations sits at the top of the heap. They have the greatest claim on you. Your town/city has the least claim, though it is still substantial, and is why you have to pay them lease payments on your house (we mislabel that lease payment "property taxes").

The way this hierarchy is set up is by treaty. The dynamic between a municipality and the state is a little bit different because the State is the authority that incorporates each of the municipalities, so the hierarchy I outlined above is not quite right (which is why the last three are capitalized as they are legally (by proclamation of law) Sovereign Entities). It would be more appropriate, in the concept of "treaties" (which I'm about to get to), to state the hierarchy of "Ownership" of you (effective ownership) is:

  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

It is by Treaty that these entities determine their claims to you as subject of their jurisdiction. The States (a corporation) have the first claim, but it is the lowest claim. Next, the States have a Treaty with the Nation (United States Government, a corporation) which legally (AKA "by law" AKA by Treaty) subjects (claims as a subject to their authority) each of the people who are Citizens of that State to the National Government (U.S. Government). That Treaty we call "The Constitution." This Treaty gives the U.S. Government claim on you under certain conditions of “national security,” which they themselves determine. This didn't come about "recently" or in "1871". This Treaty gave the U.S. Government the right to claim you at any time they saw fit from the very first day it came online (9/17/1787).

The National Government (U.S. Government) then has a Treaty with the United Nations that gives them a greater claim to you. This Treaty gives the United Nations claim on you under certain conditions of "international threat", which they themselves determine.

You are worried about the method by which this is accomplished. That’s fine, it’s not unimportant, but the details are less important than understanding the larger structure that enables it, and the underlying fraud that makes it possible.

The fraud is what I was talking about before. It is their claim of “Right to Rule you” that they are making that is fraudulent. NO ONE has the right to rule you (tell you what you can or can’t do).

They make laws that give them claim to certain punishments for certain violations of action. They do it primarily through claim that they own all the property (that is why they can tax your property). Thus, even if you are on property you think you own, they can lay claim to you at any time for any reason they want. That is what a "warrant" is. It is just a part of the fraud, and we submit to it because it is "legal." It is also why the IRS doesn't need a warrant. They can come and take everything you own on suspicion of a “tax crime” (which even there is generally just a violation of IRS code which more often than not has no correlation in actual law).

Through this claim of ownership (and the legal system to back it up through the Banking system and their militant arm, the IRS and/or the various municipal/state/federal police departments, which were all created by the Banksters (Rockefeller et al)) there is no where you can go that they can’t tell you what you can or can’t do. There is no where you can go where they can’t lock you up and throw away the key at any time, at least from a legal standpoint.

What each of these actions really is, is an Act of War. A part of The Fraud is the claim that we are their subjects, we are not. We are the Ultimate Authority of ourselves, and by extension, our property. "Ultimate Authority" means Sovereign. That is the definition. Thus, when they attack you (arrest you) it is an Act of War, one Sovereign Entity on another.

An Act of War is not necessarily a bad thing. The main part of The Fraud is that we don't realize that an arrest, or a fine, or property tax, etc. is an Act of War. We don't understand that all these fundamental processes of civil (and criminal) law are Acts of War, one Sovereign onto another. If that were really understood, none of the "governing bodies" would make hardly any of the laws that have been made because the laws are made assuming "Ruler" to "subject," not Sovereign to Sovereign. Also important to note, is that with that understanding there is implicit the understanding that each Sovereign has the fundamental Right to not enjoin the Treaty (be a part of the "City" e.g.), and/or the Right to exit the Treaty at any time, as a Sovereign.

 If you look closely being a citizen puts your residence in the District of Columbia, a foreign territory.

It’s “foreign” because your state is a Sovereign Entity. ALL states are Sovereign Entities. Every state is “foreign” to every other state. The District of Columbia is “foreign” to all states. It is NOT foreign to the United States Government. On the contrary, the U.S. Government owns that property. It also owns Puerto Rico and several other places, not the least of which are many places within the borders of each state (National Parks e.g.).

I suggest it is irrelevant whether your statement is true or not. The FRAUD is in their claim of You under their jurisdiction. That is the SAME EXACT FRAUD that the State makes, and your city/county. Thus it doesn’t matter that the U.S. Governmental corporation does that, because your State governmental corporation does it as well, etc.

Supposedly this is the huge hurdle hinging point. 

That it is a “huge hinging point” is, as I suggested before, the smokescreen that prevents people from seeing the actual fraud that I have mentioned (claim of jurisdiction).

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

A citizen gives dominion over themselves to the Corp Gov control.

I suggest this is not quite right. When it comes to trying to understand legal matters, it is essential to look to the source of legal definitions used by those who enforce legal matters, a la Black's Law Dictionary (BLD). Looking to BLD the word "Citizen" means:

Definition 1

One who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Definition 2

"Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights.

A Citizen is someone whom any governmental corporation can claim jurisdiction. All of the systems we call "government" on the planet that we know about today are, in the legal sense, "corporations". That includes your

  • town
  • county
  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

Every single one of those governmental corporations has claim to you. You are a subject to all of those Entities' Jurisdictions. They claim the right to rule all of the citizens under their jurisdiction (which is the definition of "jurisdiction"). I put them in the order I did because that is the hierarchy of the claim on you. The United Nations sits at the top of the heap. They have the greatest claim on you. Your town/city has the least claim, though it is still substantial, and is why you have to pay them lease payments on your house (we mislabel that lease payment "property taxes").

The way this hierarchy is set up is by treaty. The dynamic between a municipality and the state is a little bit different because the State is the authority that incorporates each of the municipalities, so the hierarchy I outlined above is not quite right (which is why the last three are capitalized as they are legally (by proclamation of law) Sovereign Entities). It would be more appropriate, in the concept of "treaties" (which I'm about to get to), to state the hierarchy of "Ownership" of you (effective ownership) is:

  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

It is by Treaty that these entities determine their claims to you as subject of their jurisdiction. The States (a corporation) have the first claim, but it is the lowest claim. Next, the States have a Treaty with the Nation (United States Government, a corporation) which legally (AKA "by law" AKA by Treaty) subjects (claims as a subject to their authority) each of the people who are Citizens of that State to the National Government (U.S. Government). That Treaty we call "The Constitution." This Treaty gives the U.S. Government claim on you under certain conditions of “national security,” which they themselves determine. This didn't come about "recently" or in "1871". This Treaty gave the U.S. Government the right to claim you at any time they saw fit from the very first day it came online (9/17/1787).

The National Government (U.S. Government) then has a Treaty with the United Nations that gives them a greater claim to you. This Treaty gives the United Nations claim on you under certain conditions of "international threat", which they themselves determine.

You are worried about the method by which this is accomplished. That’s fine, it’s not unimportant, but the details are less important than understanding the larger structure that enables it, and the underlying fraud that makes it possible.

The fraud is what I was talking about before. It is their claim of “Right to Rule you” that they are making that is fraudulent. NO ONE has the right to rule you (tell you what you can or can’t do).

They make laws that give them claim to certain punishments for certain violations of action. They do it primarily through claim that they own all the property (that is why they can tax your property). Thus, even if you are on property you think you own, they can lay claim to you at any time for any reason they want. That is what a "warrant" is. It is just a part of the fraud, and we submit to it because it is "legal." It is also why the IRS doesn't need a warrant. They can come and take everything you own on suspicion of a “tax crime” (which even there is generally just a violation of IRS code which more often than not has no correlation in actual law).

Through this claim of ownership (and the legal system to back it up through the Banking system and their militant arm, the IRS and/or the various municipal/state/federal police departments, which were all created by the Banksters (Rockefeller et al)) there is no where you can go that they can’t tell you what you can or can’t do. There is no where you can go where they can’t lock you up and throw away the key at any time, at least from a legal standpoint.

What each of these actions really is, is an Act of War. A part of The Fraud is the claim that we are their subjects, we are not. We are the Ultimate Authority of ourselves, and by extension, our property. "Ultimate Authority" means Sovereign. That is the definition. Thus, when they attack you (arrest you) it is an Act of War, one Sovereign Entity on another.

An Act of War is not necessarily a bad thing. The main part of The Fraud is that we don't realize that an arrest, or a fine, or property tax, etc. is an Act of War. We don't understand that all these fundamental processes of civil (and criminal) law are Acts of War, one Sovereign onto another. If that were really understood, none of the "governing bodies" would make hardly any of the laws that have been made because the laws are made assuming "Ruler" to "subject," not Sovereign to Sovereign.

 If you look closely being a citizen puts your residence in the District of Columbia, a foreign territory.

It’s “foreign” because your state is a Sovereign Entity. ALL states are Sovereign Entities. Every state is “foreign” to every other state. The District of Columbia is “foreign” to all states. It is NOT foreign to the United States Government. On the contrary, the U.S. Government owns that property. It also owns Puerto Rico and several other places, not the least of which are many places within the borders of each state (National Parks e.g.).

I suggest it is irrelevant whether your statement is true or not. The FRAUD is in their claim of You under their jurisdiction. That is the SAME EXACT FRAUD that the State makes, and your city/county. Thus it doesn’t matter that the U.S. Governmental corporation does that, because your State governmental corporation does it as well, etc.

Supposedly this is the huge hurdle hinging point. 

That it is a “huge hinging point” is, as I suggested before, the smokescreen that prevents people from seeing the actual fraud that I have mentioned (claim of jurisdiction).

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

A citizen gives dominion over themselves to the Corp Gov control.

I suggest this is not quite right. When it comes to trying to understand legal matters, it is essential to look to the source of legal definitions used by those who enforce legal matters, a la Black's Law Dictionary (BLD). Looking to BLD the word "Citizen" means:

Definition 1

One who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Definition 2

"Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights.

A Citizen is someone whom any governmental corporation can claim jurisdiction. All of the systems we call "government" on the planet that we know about today are, in the legal sense, "corporations". That includes your

  • town
  • county
  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

Every single one of those governmental corporations has claim to you. You are a subject to all of those Entities' Jurisdictions. They claim the right to rule all of the citizens under their jurisdiction (which is the definition of "jurisdiction"). I put them in the order I did because that is the hierarchy of the claim on you. The United Nations sits at the top of the heap. They have the greatest claim on you. Your town/city has the least claim, though it is still substantial, and is why you have to pay them lease payments on your house (we mislabel that lease payment "property taxes").

The way this hierarchy is set up is by treaty. The dynamic between a municipality and the state is a little bit different because the State is the authority that incorporates each of the municipalities, so the hierarchy I outlined above is not quite right (which is why the last three are capitalized as they are legally (by proclamation of law) Sovereign Entities). It would be more appropriate, in the concept of "treaties" (which I'm about to get to), to state the hierarchy of "Ownership" of you (effective ownership) is:

  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

It is by Treaty that these entities determine their claims to you as subject of their jurisdiction. The States (a corporation) have the first claim, but it is the lowest claim. Next, the States have a Treaty with the Nation (United States Government, a corporation) which legally (AKA "by law" AKA by Treaty) subjects (claims as a subject to their authority) each of the people who are Citizens of that State to the National Government (U.S. Government). That Treaty we call "The Constitution." This Treaty gives the U.S. Government claim on you under certain conditions of “national security,” which they themselves determine. This didn't come about "recently" or in "1871". This Treaty gave the U.S. Government the right to claim you at any time they saw fit from the very first day it came online (9/17/1787).

The National Government (U.S. Government) then has a Treaty with the United Nations that gives them a greater claim to you. This Treaty gives the United Nations claim on you under certain conditions of "international threat", which they themselves determine.

You are worried about the method by which this is accomplished. That’s fine, it’s not unimportant, but the details are less important than understanding the larger structure that enables it, and the underlying fraud that makes it possible.

The fraud is what I was talking about before. It is their claim of “Right to Rule you” that they are making that is fraudulent. NO ONE has the right to rule you (tell you what you can or can’t do).

They make laws that give them claim to certain punishments for certain violations of action. They do it primarily through claim that they own all the property (that is why they can tax your property). Thus, even if you are on property you think you own, they can lay claim to you at any time for any reason they want. That is what a "warrant" is. It is just a part of the fraud, and we submit to it because it is "legal." It is also why the IRS doesn't need a warrant. They can come and take everything you own on suspicion of a “tax crime” (which even there is generally just a violation of IRS code which more often than not has no correlation in actual law).

Through this claim of ownership (and the legal system to back it up through the Banking system and their militant arm, the IRS and/or the various municipal/state/federal police departments, which were all created by the Banksters (Rockefeller et al)) there is no where you can go that they can’t tell you what you can or can’t do. There is no where you can go where they can’t lock you up and throw away the key at any time, at least from a legal standpoint.

What each of these actions really is, is an Act of War. A part of The Fraud is the claim that we are their subjects, we are not. We are the Ultimate Authority of ourselves, and by extension, our property. "Ultimate Authority" means Sovereign. That is the definition. Thus, when they attack you (arrest you) it is an Act of War, one Sovereign Entity on another.

An Act of War is not necessarily a bad thing. The main part of The Fraud is that we don't realize that an arrest, or a fine, or property tax, etc. is an Act of War. We don't understand that all these fundamental processes of civil (and criminal) law are Acts of War, one Sovereign onto another. If that were really understood, none of the "governing bodies" would make hardly any of the laws that have been made.

 If you look closely being a citizen puts your residence in the District of Columbia, a foreign territory.

It’s “foreign” because your state is a Sovereign Entity. ALL states are Sovereign Entities. Every state is “foreign” to every other state. The District of Columbia is “foreign” to all states. It is NOT foreign to the United States Government. On the contrary, the U.S. Government owns that property. It also owns Puerto Rico and several other places, not the least of which are many places within the borders of each state (National Parks e.g.).

I suggest it is irrelevant whether your statement is true or not. The FRAUD is in their claim of You under their jurisdiction. That is the SAME EXACT FRAUD that the State makes, and your city/county. Thus it doesn’t matter that the U.S. Governmental corporation does that, because your State governmental corporation does it as well, etc.

Supposedly this is the huge hurdle hinging point. 

That it is a “huge hinging point” is, as I suggested before, the smokescreen that prevents people from seeing the actual fraud that I have mentioned (claim of jurisdiction).

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

A citizen gives dominion over themselves to the Corp Gov control.

I suggest this is not quite right. When it comes to trying to understand legal matters, it is essential to look to the source of legal definitions used by those who enforce legal matters, a la Black's Law Dictionary (BLD). Looking to BLD the word "Citizen" means:

Definition 1

One who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Definition 2

"Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights.

A Citizen is someone whom any governmental corporation can claim jurisdiction. All of the systems we call "government" on the planet that we know about today are, in the legal sense, "corporations". That includes your

  • town
  • county
  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

Every single one of those governmental corporations has claim to you. You are a subject to all of those Entities' Jurisdictions. They claim the right to rule all of the citizens under their jurisdiction (which is the definition of "jurisdiction"). I put them in the order I did because that is the hierarchy of the claim on you. The United Nations sits at the top of the heap. They have the greatest claim on you. Your town/city has the least claim, though it is still substantial, and is why you have to pay them lease payments on your house (we mislabel that lease payment "property taxes").

The way this hierarchy is set up is by treaty. The dynamic between a municipality and the state is a little bit different because the State is the authority that incorporates each of the municipalities, so the hierarchy I outlined above is not quite right (which is why the last three are capitalized as they are legally (by proclamation of law) Sovereign Entities). It would be more appropriate, in the concept of "treaties" (which I'm about to get to), to state the hierarchy of "Ownership" of you (effective ownership) is:

  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

It is by Treaty that these entities determine their claims to you as subject of their jurisdiction. The States (a corporation) have the first claim, but it is the lowest claim. Next, the States have a Treaty with the Nation (United States Government in this case, a corporation) which legally (AKA "by law" AKA by Treaty) subjects (claims as a subject to their authority) each of the people who are Citizens of that State to the National Government (U.S. Government). That Treaty we call "The Constitution." This Treaty gives the U.S. Government claim on you under certain conditions of “national security,” which they themselves determine. This didn't come about "recently" or in "1871". This Treaty gave the U.S. Government the right to claim you at any time they saw fit from the very first day it came online (9/17/1787).

The National Government (U.S. Government) then has a Treaty with the United Nations that gives them a greater claim to you. This Treaty gives the United Nations claim on you under certain conditions of "international threat", which they themselves determine.

You are worried about the method by which this is accomplished. That’s fine, it’s not unimportant, but the details are less important than understanding the larger structure that enables it, and the underlying fraud that makes it possible.

The fraud is what I was talking about before. It is their claim of “Right to Rule you” that they are making that is fraudulent. NO ONE has the right to rule you (tell you what you can or can’t do).

They make laws that give them claim to certain punishments for certain violations of action. They do it primarily through claim that they own all the property (that is why they can tax your property). Thus, even if you are on property you think you own, they can lay claim to you at any time for any reason they want. That is what a "warrant" is. It is just a part of the fraud, and we submit to it because it is "legal." It is also why the IRS doesn't need a warrant. They can come and take everything you own on suspicion of a “tax crime” (which even there is generally just a violation of IRS code which more often than not has no correlation in actual law).

Through this claim of ownership (and the legal system to back it up through the Banking system and their militant arm, the IRS and/or the various municipal/state/federal police departments, which were all created by the Banksters (Rockefeller et al)) there is no where you can go that they can’t tell you what you can or can’t do. There is no where you can go where they can’t lock you up and throw away the key at any time, at least from a legal standpoint.

What each of these actions really is, is an Act of War. A part of The Fraud is the claim that we are their subjects, we are not. We are the Ultimate Authority of ourselves, and by extension, our property. "Ultimate Authority" means Sovereign. That is the definition. Thus, when they attack you (arrest you) it is an Act of War, one Sovereign Entity on another.

An Act of War is not necessarily a bad thing. The main part of The Fraud is that we don't realize that an arrest, or a fine, or property tax, etc. is an Act of War. We don't understand that all these fundamental processes of civil (and criminal) law are Acts of War, one Sovereign onto another. If that were really understood, none of the "governing bodies" would make hardly any of the laws that have been made.

 If you look closely being a citizen puts your residence in the District of Columbia, a foreign territory.

It’s “foreign” because your state is a Sovereign Entity. ALL states are Sovereign Entities. Every state is “foreign” to every other state. The District of Columbia is “foreign” to all states. It is NOT foreign to the United States Government. On the contrary, the U.S. Government owns that property. It also owns Puerto Rico and several other places, not the least of which are many places within the borders of each state (National Parks e.g.).

I suggest it is irrelevant whether your statement is true or not. The FRAUD is in their claim of You under their jurisdiction. That is the SAME EXACT FRAUD that the State makes, and your city/county. Thus it doesn’t matter that the U.S. Governmental corporation does that, because your State governmental corporation does it as well, etc.

Supposedly this is the huge hurdle hinging point. 

That it is a “huge hinging point” is, as I suggested before, the smokescreen that prevents people from seeing the actual fraud that I have mentioned (claim of jurisdiction).

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

A citizen gives dominion over themselves to the Corp Gov control.

I suggest this is not quite right. When it comes to trying to understand legal matters, it is essential to look to the source of legal definitions used by those who enforce legal matters, a la Black's Law Dictionary (BLD). Looking to BLD the word "Citizen" means:

Definition 1

One who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Definition 2

"Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights.

A Citizen is someone whom any governmental corporation can claim jurisdiction. All of the systems we call "government" on the planet that we know about today are, in the legal sense, "corporations". That includes your

  • town
  • county
  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

Every single one of those governmental corporations has claim to you. You are a subject to all of those Entities' Jurisdictions. They claim the right to rule all of the citizens under their jurisdiction (which is the definition of "jurisdiction"). I put them in the order I did because that is the hierarchy of the claim on you. The United Nations sits at the top of the heap. They have the greatest claim on you. Your town/city has the least claim, though it is still substantial, and is why you have to pay them lease payments on your house (we mislabel that lease payment "property taxes").

The way this hierarchy is set up is by treaty. The dynamic between a municipality and the state is a little bit different because the State is the authority that incorporates each of the municipalities, so the hierarchy I outlined above is not quite right (which is why the last three are capitalized as they are legally (by proclamation of law) Sovereign Entities). It would be more appropriate, in the concept of "treaties" (which I'm about to get to), to state the hierarchy of "Ownership" of you (effective ownership) is:

  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

It is by Treaty that these entities determine their claims to you as subject of their jurisdiction. The States have the first claim, but it is the lowest claim. Next, the States have a Treaty with the Nation (United States in this case) which legally (AKA "by law" AKA by Treaty) subjects (claims as a subject to their authority) each of the people who are Citizens of that State to the National Government (U.S. Government). That Treaty we call "The Constitution." This Treaty gives the U.S. Government claim on you under certain conditions of “national security,” which they themselves determine. This didn't come about "recently" or in "1871". This Treaty gave the U.S. Government the right to claim you at any time they saw fit from the very first day it came online (9/17/1787).

The National Government (U.S. Government) then has a Treaty with the United Nations that gives them a greater claim to you. This Treaty gives the United Nations claim on you under certain conditions of "international threat", which they themselves determine.

You are worried about the method by which this is accomplished. That’s fine, it’s not unimportant, but the details are less important than understanding the larger structure that enables it, and the underlying fraud that makes it possible.

The fraud is what I was talking about before. It is their claim of “Right to Rule you” that they are making that is fraudulent. NO ONE has the right to rule you (tell you what you can or can’t do).

They make laws that give them claim to certain punishments for certain violations of action. They do it primarily through claim that they own all the property (that is why they can tax your property). Thus, even if you are on property you think you own, they can lay claim to you at any time for any reason they want. That is what a "warrant" is. It is just a part of the fraud, and we submit to it because it is "legal." It is also why the IRS doesn't need a warrant. They can come and take everything you own on suspicion of a “tax crime” (which even there is generally just a violation of IRS code which more often than not has no correlation in actual law).

Through this claim of ownership (and the legal system to back it up through the Banking system and their militant arm, the IRS and/or the various municipal/state/federal police departments, which were all created by the Banksters (Rockefeller et al)) there is no where you can go that they can’t tell you what you can or can’t do. There is no where you can go where they can’t lock you up and throw away the key at any time, at least from a legal standpoint.

What each of these actions really is, is an Act of War. A part of The Fraud is the claim that we are their subjects, we are not. We are the Ultimate Authority of ourselves, and by extension, our property. "Ultimate Authority" means Sovereign. That is the definition. Thus, when they attack you (arrest you) it is an Act of War, one Sovereign Entity on another.

An Act of War is not necessarily a bad thing. The main part of The Fraud is that we don't realize that an arrest, or a fine, or property tax, etc. is an Act of War. We don't understand that all these fundamental processes of civil (and criminal) law are Acts of War, one Sovereign onto another. If that were really understood, none of the "governing bodies" would make hardly any of the laws that have been made.

 If you look closely being a citizen puts your residence in the District of Columbia, a foreign territory.

It’s “foreign” because your state is a Sovereign Entity. ALL states are Sovereign Entities. Every state is “foreign” to every other state. The District of Columbia is “foreign” to all states. It is NOT foreign to the United States Government. On the contrary, the U.S. Government owns that property. It also owns Puerto Rico and several other places, not the least of which are many places within the borders of each state (National Parks e.g.).

I suggest it is irrelevant whether your statement is true or not. The FRAUD is in their claim of You under their jurisdiction. That is the SAME EXACT FRAUD that the State makes, and your city/county. Thus it doesn’t matter that the U.S. Governmental corporation does that, because your State governmental corporation does it as well, etc.

Supposedly this is the huge hurdle hinging point. 

That it is a “huge hinging point” is, as I suggested before, the smokescreen that prevents people from seeing the actual fraud that I have mentioned (claim of jurisdiction).

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

A citizen gives dominion over themselves to the Corp Gov control.

I suggest this is not quite right. When it comes to trying to understand legal matters, it is essential to look to the source of legal definitions used by those who enforce legal matters, a la Black's Law Dictionary (BLD). Looking to BLD the word "Citizen" means:

Definition 1

One who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Definition 2

"Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights.

A Citizen is someone whom any governmental corporation can claim jurisdiction. All of the systems we call "government" on the planet that we know about today are, in the legal sense, "corporations". That includes your

  • town
  • county
  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

Every single one of those governmental corporations has claim to you. You are a subject to all of those Entities' Jurisdictions. They claim the right to rule all of the citizens under their jurisdiction (which is the definition of "jurisdiction"). I put them in the order I did because that is the hierarchy of the claim on you. The United Nations sits at the top of the heap. They have the greatest claim on you. Your town/city has the least claim, though it is still substantial, and is why you have to pay them lease payments on your house (we mislabel that lease payment "property taxes").

The way this hierarchy is set up is by treaty. The dynamic between a municipality and the state is a little bit different because the State is the authority that incorporates each of the municipalities, so the hierarchy I outlined above is not quite right (which is why the last three are capitalized as they are legally (by proclamation of law) Sovereign Entities). It would be more appropriate, in the concept of "treaties" (which I'm about to get to), to state the hierarchy of "Ownership" of you (effective ownership) is:

  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

It is by Treaty that these entities determine their claims to you as subject of their jurisdiction. The States have the first claim, but it is the lowest claim. Next, the States have a Treaty with the Nation (United States in this case) which legally (AKA "by law" AKA by Treaty) subjects (claims as a subject to their authority) each of the people who are Citizens of that State to the National Government (U.S. Government). That Treaty we call "The Constitution." This Treaty gives the U.S. Government claim on you under certain conditions of “national security,” which they themselves determine.

The National Government (U.S. Government) then has a Treaty with the United Nations that gives them a greater claim to you. This Treaty gives the United Nations claim on you under certain conditions of "international threat", which they themselves determine. This didn't come about "recently" or in "1871". This Treaty gave the U.S. Government the right to claim you at any time they saw fit from the very first day it came online (9/17/1787).

You are worried about the method by which this is accomplished. That’s fine, it’s not unimportant, but the details are less important than understanding the larger structure that enables it, and the underlying fraud that makes it possible.

The fraud is what I was talking about before. It is their claim of “Right to Rule you” that they are making that is fraudulent. NO ONE has the right to rule you (tell you what you can or can’t do).

They make laws that give them claim to certain punishments for certain violations of action. They do it primarily through claim that they own all the property (that is why they can tax your property). Thus, even if you are on property you think you own, they can lay claim to you at any time for any reason they want. That is what a "warrant" is. It is just a part of the fraud, and we submit to it because it is "legal." It is also why the IRS doesn't need a warrant. They can come and take everything you own on suspicion of a “tax crime” (which even there is generally just a violation of IRS code which more often than not has no correlation in actual law).

Through this claim of ownership (and the legal system to back it up through the Banking system and their militant arm, the IRS and/or the various municipal/state/federal police departments, which were all created by the Banksters (Rockefeller et al)) there is no where you can go that they can’t tell you what you can or can’t do. There is no where you can go where they can’t lock you up and throw away the key at any time, at least from a legal standpoint.

What each of these actions really is, is an Act of War. A part of The Fraud is the claim that we are their subjects, we are not. We are the Ultimate Authority of ourselves, and by extension, our property. "Ultimate Authority" means Sovereign. That is the definition. Thus, when they attack you (arrest you) it is an Act of War, one Sovereign Entity on another.

An Act of War is not necessarily a bad thing. The main part of The Fraud is that we don't realize that an arrest, or a fine, or property tax, etc. is an Act of War. We don't understand that all these fundamental processes of civil (and criminal) law are Acts of War, one Sovereign onto another. If that were really understood, none of the "governing bodies" would make hardly any of the laws that have been made.

 If you look closely being a citizen puts your residence in the District of Columbia, a foreign territory.

It’s “foreign” because your state is a Sovereign Entity. ALL states are Sovereign Entities. Every state is “foreign” to every other state. The District of Columbia is “foreign” to all states. It is NOT foreign to the United States Government. On the contrary, the U.S. Government owns that property. It also owns Puerto Rico and several other places, not the least of which are many places within the borders of each state (National Parks e.g.).

I suggest it is irrelevant whether your statement is true or not. The FRAUD is in their claim of You under their jurisdiction. That is the SAME EXACT FRAUD that the State makes, and your city/county. Thus it doesn’t matter that the U.S. Governmental corporation does that, because your State governmental corporation does it as well, etc.

Supposedly this is the huge hurdle hinging point. 

That it is a “huge hinging point” is, as I suggested before, the smokescreen that prevents people from seeing the actual fraud that I have mentioned (claim of jurisdiction).

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

A citizen gives dominion over themselves to the Corp Gov control.

I suggest this is not quite right. When it comes to trying to understand legal matters, it is essential to look to the source of legal definitions used by those who enforce legal matters, a la Black's Law Dictionary (BLD). Looking to BLD the word "Citizen" means:

Definition 1

One who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Definition 2

"Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights.

A Citizen is someone whom any governmental corporation can claim jurisdiction. All of the systems we call "government" on the planet that we know about today are, in the legal sense, "corporations". That includes your

  • town
  • county
  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

Every single one of those governmental corporations has claim to you. You are a subject to all of those Entities' Jurisdictions. They claim the right to rule all of the citizens under their jurisdiction (which is the definition of "jurisdiction"). I put them in the order I did because that is the hierarchy of the claim on you. The United Nations sits at the top of the heap. They have the greatest claim on you. Your town/city has the least claim, though it is still substantial, and is why you have to pay them lease payments on your house (we mislabel that lease payment "property taxes").

The way this hierarchy is set up is by treaty. The dynamic between a municipality and the state is a little bit different because the State is the authority that incorporates each of the municipalities, so the hierarchy I outlined above is not quite right (which is why the last three are capitalized as they are legally (by proclamation of law) Sovereign Entities). It would be more appropriate, in the concept of "treaties" (which I'm about to get to), to state the hierarchy of "Ownership" of you (effective ownership) is:

  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

It is by Treaty that these entities determine their claims to you as subject of their jurisdiction. The States have the first claim, but it is the lowest claim. Next, the States have a Treaty with the Nation (United States in this case) which legally (AKA "by law" AKA by Treaty) subjects (claims as a subject to their authority) each of the people who are Citizens of that State to the National Government (U.S. Government). That Treaty we call "The Constitution." This Treaty gives the U.S. Government claim on you under certain conditions of “national security,” which they themselves determine.

The National Government (U.S. Government) then has a Treaty with the United Nations that gives them a greater claim to you. This Treaty gives the United Nations claim on you under certain conditions of "international threat", which they themselves determine. This didn't come about "recently" or in "1871". This Treaty gave the U.S. Government the right to claim you at any time they saw fit from the very first day it came online (9/17/1787).

You are worried about the method by which this is accomplished. That’s fine, it’s not unimportant, but the details are less important than understanding the larger structure that enables it, and the underlying fraud that makes it possible.

The fraud is what I was talking about before. It is their claim of “Right to Rule you” that they are making that is fraudulent. NO ONE has the right to rule you (tell you what you can or can’t do).

They make laws that give them claim to certain punishments for certain violations of action. They do it primarily through claim that they own all the property (that is why they can tax your property). Thus, even if you are on property you think you own, they can lay claim to you at any time for any reason they want. That is what a "warrant" is. It is just a part of the fraud, and we submit to it because it is "legal." It is also why the IRS doesn't need a warrant. They can come and take everything you own on suspicion of a “tax crime” (which even there is generally just a violation of IRS code which more often than not has no correlation in actual law).

Through this claim of ownership (and the legal system to back it up through the Banking system and their militant arm, the IRS and/or the various municipal/state/federal police departments, which were all created by the Banksters (Rockefeller et al)) there is no where you can go that they can’t tell you what you can or can’t do. There is no where you can go where they can’t lock you up and throw away the key at any time, at least from a legal standpoint.

What each of these actions really is, is an Act of War. A part of The Fraud is the claim that we are their subjects, we are not. We are the Ultimate Authority of ourselves, and by extension, our property. "Ultimate Authority" means Sovereign. That is the definition. Thus, when they attack you (arrest you) it is an Act of War, one Sovereign Entity on another.

An Act of War is not necessarily a bad thing. The main part of The Fraud is that we don't realize that an arrest is an Act of War. We don't understand that all these fundamental processes of civil (and criminal) law are Acts of War, one Sovereign onto another. If that were really understood, none of the "governing bodies" would make hardly any of the laws that have been made.

 If you look closely being a citizen puts your residence in the District of Columbia, a foreign territory.

It’s “foreign” because your state is a Sovereign Entity. ALL states are Sovereign Entities. Every state is “foreign” to every other state. The District of Columbia is “foreign” to all states. It is NOT foreign to the United States Government. On the contrary, the U.S. Government owns that property. It also owns Puerto Rico and several other places, not the least of which are many places within the borders of each state (National Parks e.g.).

I suggest it is irrelevant whether your statement is true or not. The FRAUD is in their claim of You under their jurisdiction. That is the SAME EXACT FRAUD that the State makes, and your city/county. Thus it doesn’t matter that the U.S. Governmental corporation does that, because your State governmental corporation does it as well, etc.

Supposedly this is the huge hurdle hinging point. 

That it is a “huge hinging point” is, as I suggested before, the smokescreen that prevents people from seeing the actual fraud that I have mentioned (claim of jurisdiction).

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

A citizen gives dominion over themselves to the Corp Gov control.

I suggest this is not quite right. When it comes to trying to understand legal matters, it is essential to look to the source of legal definitions used by those who enforce legal matters, a la Black's Law Dictionary (BLD). Looking to BLD the word "Citizen" means:

Definition 1

One who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Definition 2

"Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights.

A Citizen is someone whom any governmental corporation can claim jurisdiction. All of the systems we call "government" on the planet that we know about today are, in the legal sense, "corporations". That includes your

  • town
  • county
  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

Every single one of those governmental corporations has claim to you. You are a subject to all of those Entities' Jurisdictions. They claim the right to rule all of the citizens under their jurisdiction (which is the definition of "jurisdiction"). I put them in the order I did because that is the hierarchy of the claim on you. The United Nations sits at the top of the heap. They have the greatest claim on you. Your town/city has the least claim, though it is still substantial, and is why you have to pay them lease payments on your house (we mislabel that lease payment "property taxes").

The way this hierarchy is set up is by treaty. The dynamic between a municipality and the state is a little bit different because the State is the authority that incorporates each of the municipalities, so the hierarchy I outlined above is not quite right (which is why the last three are capitalized as they are legally (by proclamation of law) Sovereign Entities). It would be more appropriate, in the concept of "treaties" (which I'm about to get to), to state the hierarchy of "Ownership" of you (effective ownership) is:

  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

It is by Treaty that these entities determine their claims to you as subject of their jurisdiction. The States have the first claim, but it is the lowest claim. Next, the States have a Treaty with the Nation (United States in this case) which legally (AKA "by law" AKA by Treaty) subjects (claims as a subject to their authority) each of the people who are Citizens of that State to the National Government (U.S. Government). That Treaty we call "The Constitution." This Treaty gives the U.S. Government claim on you under certain conditions of “national security,” which they themselves determine.

The National Government (U.S. Government) then has a Treaty with the United Nations that gives them a greater claim to you. This Treaty gives the United Nations claim on you under certain conditions of "international threat", which they themselves determine. This didn't come about "recently" or in "1871". This Treaty gave the U.S. Government the right to claim you at any time they saw fit from the very first day it came online (9/17/1787).

You are worried about the method by which this is accomplished. That’s fine, it’s not unimportant, but the details are less important than understanding the larger structure that enables it, and the underlying fraud that makes it possible.

The fraud is what I was talking about before. It is their claim of “Right to Rule you” that they are making that is fraudulent. NO ONE has the right to rule you (tell you what you can or can’t do).

They make laws that give them claim to certain punishments for certain violations of action. They do it primarily through claim that they own all the property (that is why they can tax your property). Thus, even if you are on property you think you own, they can lay claim to you at any time for any reason they want. That is what a "warrant" is. It is just a part of the fraud, and we submit to it because it is "legal." It is also why the IRS doesn't need a warrant. They can come and take everything you own on suspicion of a “tax crime” (which even there is generally just a violation of IRS code which more often than not has no correlation in actual law).

Through this claim of ownership (and the legal system to back it up through the Banking system and their militant arm, the IRS and/or the various municipal/state/federal police departments, which were all created by the Banksters (Rockefeller et al)) there is no where you can go that they can’t tell you what you can or can’t do. There is no where you can go where they can’t lock you up and throw away the key at any time, at least from a legal standpoint.

 If you look closely being a citizen puts your residence in the District of Columbia, a foreign territory.

It’s “foreign” because your state is a Sovereign Entity. ALL states are Sovereign Entities. Every state is “foreign” to every other state. The District of Columbia is “foreign” to all states. It is NOT foreign to the United States Government. On the contrary, the U.S. Government owns that property. It also owns Puerto Rico and several other places, not the least of which are many places within the borders of each state (National Parks e.g.).

I suggest it is irrelevant whether your statement is true or not. The FRAUD is in their claim of You under their jurisdiction. That is the SAME EXACT FRAUD that the State makes, and your city/county. Thus it doesn’t matter that the U.S. Governmental corporation does that, because your State governmental corporation does it as well, etc.

Supposedly this is the huge hurdle hinging point. 

That it is a “huge hinging point” is, as I suggested before, the smokescreen that prevents people from seeing the actual fraud that I have mentioned (claim of jurisdiction).

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

A citizen gives dominion over themselves to the Corp Gov control.

I suggest this is not quite right. When it comes to trying to understand legal matters, it is essential to look to the source of legal definitions used by those who enforce legal matters, a la Black's Law Dictionary (BLD). Looking to BLD the word "Citizen" means:

Definition 1

One who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Definition 2

"Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights.

A Citizen is someone whom any governmental corporation can claim jurisdiction. All of the systems we call "government" on the planet that we know about today are, in the legal sense, "corporations". That includes your

  • town
  • county
  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

Every single one of those governmental corporations has claim to you. You are a subject to all of those Entities' Jurisdictions. They claim the right to rule all of the citizens under their jurisdiction (which is the definition of "jurisdiction"). I put them in the order I did because that is the hierarchy of the claim on you. The United Nations sits at the top of the heap. They have the greatest claim on you. Your town/city has the least claim, though it is still substantial, and is why you have to pay them lease payments on your house (we mislabel that lease payment "property taxes").

The way this hierarchy is set up is by treaty. The dynamic between a municipality and the state is a little bit different because the State is the authority that incorporates each of the municipalities, so the hierarchy I outlined above is not quite right (which is why the last three are capitalized as they are legally (by proclamation of law) Sovereign Entities). It would be more appropriate, in the concept of "treaties" (which I'm about to get to), to state the hierarchy of "Ownership" of you (effective ownership) is:

  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

It is by Treaty that these entities determine their claims to you as subject of their jurisdiction. The States have the first claim, but it is the lowest claim. Next, the States have a Treaty with the Nation (United States in this case) which legally (AKA "by law" AKA by Treaty) subjects (claims as a subject to their authority) each of the people who are Citizens of that State to the National Government (U.S. Government). That Treaty we call "The Constitution." This Treaty gives the U.S. Government claim on you under certain conditions of “national security,” which they themselves determine.

The National Government (U.S. Government) then has a Treaty with the United Nations that gives them a greater claim to you. This Treaty gives the United Nations claim on you under certain conditions of "international threat", which they themselves determine. This didn't come about "recently" or in "1871". This Treaty gave the U.S. Government the right to claim you at any time they saw fit from the very first day it came online (9/17/1787).

You are worried about the method by which this is accomplished. That’s fine, it’s not unimportant, but the details are less important than understanding the larger structure that enables it, and the underlying fraud that makes it possible.

The fraud is what I was talking about before. It is their claim of “Right to Rule you” that they are making that is fraudulent. NO ONE has the right to rule you (tell you what you can or can’t do).

They make laws that give them claim to certain punishments for certain violations of action. They do it primarily through claim that they own all the property (that is why they can tax your property). Thus, even if you are on property you think you own, they can lay claim to you at any time for any reason they want. That is what a "warrant" is. It is just a part of the fraud, and we submit to it because it is "legal." It is also why the IRS doesn't need a warrant. They can come and take everything you own on suspicion of a “tax crime” (which even there is generally just a violation of IRS code which more often than not has no correlation in actual law).

Through this claim of ownership (and the legal system to back it up through the Banking system and their militant arm, the IRS) there is no where you can go that they can’t tell you what you can or can’t do. There is no where you can go where they can’t lock you up and throw away the key at any time, at least from a legal standpoint.

 If you look closely being a citizen puts your residence in the District of Columbia, a foreign territory.

It’s “foreign” because your state is a Sovereign Entity. ALL states are Sovereign Entities. Every state is “foreign” to every other state. The District of Columbia is “foreign” to all states. It is NOT foreign to the United States Government. On the contrary, the U.S. Government owns that property. It also owns Puerto Rico and several other places, not the least of which are many places within the borders of each state (National Parks e.g.).

I suggest it is irrelevant whether your statement is true or not. The FRAUD is in their claim of You under their jurisdiction. That is the SAME EXACT FRAUD that the State makes, and your city/county. Thus it doesn’t matter that the U.S. Governmental corporation does that, because your State governmental corporation does it as well, etc.

Supposedly this is the huge hurdle hinging point. 

That it is a “huge hinging point” is, as I suggested before, the smokescreen that prevents people from seeing the actual fraud that I have mentioned (claim of jurisdiction).

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

A citizen gives dominion over themselves to the Corp Gov control.

I suggest this is not quite right. When it comes to trying to understand legal matters, it is essential to look to the source of legal definitions used by those who enforce legal matters, a la Black's Law Dictionary (BLD). Looking to BLD the word "Citizen" means:

Definition 1

One who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Definition 2

"Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights.

A Citizen is someone whom any governmental corporation can claim jurisdiction. All of the systems we call "government" on the planet that we know about today are, in the legal sense, "corporations". That includes your

  • town
  • county
  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

Every single one of those governmental corporations has claim to you. You are a subject to all of those Entities' Jurisdictions. They claim the right to rule all of the citizens under their jurisdiction (which is the definition of "jurisdiction"). I put them in the order I did because that is the hierarchy of the claim on you. The United Nations sits at the top of the heap. They have the greatest claim on you. Your town/city has the least claim, though it is still substantial, and is why you have to pay them lease payments on your house (we mislabel that lease payment "property taxes").

The way this hierarchy is set up is by treaty. The dynamic between a municipality and the state is a little bit different because the State is the authority that incorporates each of the municipalities, so the hierarchy I outlined above is not quite right (which is why the last three are capitalized as they are legally (by proclamation of law) Sovereign Entities). It would be more appropriate, in the concept of "treaties" (which I'm about to get to), to state the hierarchy of "Ownership" of you (effective ownership) is:

  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

It is by Treaty that these entities determine their claims to you as subject of their jurisdiction. The States have the first claim, but it is the lowest claim. Next, the States have a Treaty with the Nation (United States in this case) which legally (AKA "by law" AKA by Treaty) subjects (claims as a subject to their authority) each of the people who are Citizens of that State to the National Government (U.S. Government). That Treaty we call "The Constitution." This Treaty gives the U.S. Government claim on you under certain conditions of “national security,” which they themselves determine.

The National Government (U.S. Government) then has a Treaty with the United Nations that gives them a greater claim to you. This Treaty gives the United Nations claim on you under certain conditions of "international threat", which they themselves determine. This didn't come about "recently" or in "1871". This Treaty gave the U.S. Government the right to claim you at any time they saw fit from the very first day it came online (9/17/1787).

You are worried about the method by which this is accomplished. That’s fine, it’s not unimportant, but the details are less important than understanding the larger structure that enables it, and the underlying fraud that makes it possible.

The fraud is what I was talking about before. It is their claim of “Right to Rule you” that they are making that is fraudulent. NO ONE has the right to rule you (tell you what you can or can’t do).

They make laws that give them claim to certain punishments for certain violations of action. They do it primarily through claim that they own all the property (that is why they can tax your property). Thus, even if you are on property you think you own, they can lay claim to you at any time for any reason they want. That is why the IRS can come and take everything you own on suspicion of a “tax crime” (which even there is generally just a violation of IRS code which more often than not has no correlation in actual law). Through this claim of ownership (and the legal system to back it up through the Banking system and their militant arm, the IRS) there is no where you can go that they can’t tell you what you can or can’t do. There is no where you can go where they can’t lock you up and throw away the key at any time, at least from a legal standpoint.

 If you look closely being a citizen puts your residence in the District of Columbia, a foreign territory.

It’s “foreign” because your state is a Sovereign Entity. ALL states are Sovereign Entities. Every state is “foreign” to every other state. The District of Columbia is “foreign” to all states. It is NOT foreign to the United States Government. On the contrary, the U.S. Government owns that property. It also owns Puerto Rico and several other places, not the least of which are many places within the borders of each state (National Parks e.g.).

I suggest it is irrelevant whether your statement is true or not. The FRAUD is in their claim of You under their jurisdiction. That is the SAME EXACT FRAUD that the State makes, and your city/county. Thus it doesn’t matter that the U.S. Governmental corporation does that, because your State governmental corporation does it as well, etc.

Supposedly this is the huge hurdle hinging point. 

That it is a “huge hinging point” is, as I suggested before, the smokescreen that prevents people from seeing the actual fraud that I have mentioned (claim of jurisdiction).

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

A citizen gives dominion over themselves to the Corp Gov control.

I suggest this is not quite right. When it comes to trying to understand legal matters, it is essential to look to the source of legal definitions used by those who enforce legal matters, a la Black's Law Dictionary (BLD). Looking to BLD the word "Citizen" means:

Definition 1

One who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Definition 2

"Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights.

A Citizen is someone whom any governmental corporation can claim jurisdiction. All of the systems we call "government" on the planet that we know about today are, in the legal sense, "corporations". That includes your

  • town
  • county
  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

Every single one of those governmental corporations has claim to you. You are a subject to all of those Entities' Jurisdictions. They claim the right to rule all of the citizens under their jurisdiction (which is the definition of "jurisdiction"). I put them in the order I did because that is the hierarchy of the claim on you. The United Nations sits at the top of the heap. They have the greatest claim on you. Your town/city has the least claim, though it is still substantial, and is why you have to pay them lease payments on your house (we mislabel that lease payment "property taxes").

The way this hierarchy is set up is by treaty. The dynamic between a municipality and the state is a little bit different because the State is the authority that incorporates each of the municipalities, so the hierarchy I outlined above is not quite right (which is why the last three are capitalized as they are legally (by proclamation of law) Sovereign Entities). It would be more appropriate, in the concept of "treaties" (which I'm about to get to), to state the hierarchy of "Ownership" of you (effective ownership) is:

  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

It is by Treaty that these entities determine their claims to you as subject of their jurisdiction. The States have the first claim, but it is the lowest claim. Next, the States have a Treaty with the Nation (United States in this case) which legally (AKA "by law" AKA by Treaty) subjects (claims as a subject to their authority) each of the people who are Citizens of that State to the National Government (U.S. Government). That Treaty we call "The Constitution." This Treaty gives the U.S. Government claim on you under certain conditions of “national security,” which they themselves determine.

The National Government (U.S. Government) then has a Treaty with the United Nations that gives them a greater claim to you. This Treaty gives the United Nations claim on you under certain conditions of "international threat", which they themselves determine. This didn't come about "recently" or in "1871". This Treaty gave the U.S. Government the right to claim you at any time they saw fit from the very first day it came online (9/17/1787).

You are worried about the method by which this is accomplished. That’s fine, it’s not unimportant, but the details are less important than understanding the larger structure that enables it, and the underlying fraud that makes it possible.

The fraud is what I was talking about before. It is their claim of “Right to Rule” you that they are making that is fraudulent. NO ONE has the right to rule you (tell you what you can or can’t do). They make laws that give them claim to certain punishments for certain violations of action. They do it primarily through claim that they own all the property (that is why they can tax your property). Thus, even if you are on property you think you own, they can lay claim to you at any time for any reason they want. That is why the IRS can come and take everything you own on suspicion of a “tax crime” (which even there is generally just a violation of IRS code which more often than not has no correlation in actual law). Through this claim of ownership (and the legal system to back it up through the Banking system and their militant arm, the IRS) there is no where you can go that they can’t tell you what you can or can’t do. There is no where you can go where they can’t lock you up and throw away the key at any time, at least from a legal standpoint.

 If you look closely being a citizen puts your residence in the District of Columbia, a foreign territory.

It’s “foreign” because your state is a Sovereign Entity. ALL states are Sovereign Entities. Every state is “foreign” to every other state. The District of Columbia is “foreign” to all states. It is NOT foreign to the United States Government. On the contrary, the U.S. Government owns that property. It also owns Puerto Rico and several other places, not the least of which are many places within the borders of each state (National Parks e.g.).

I suggest it is irrelevant whether your statement is true or not. The FRAUD is in their claim of You under their jurisdiction. That is the SAME EXACT FRAUD that the State makes, and your city/county. Thus it doesn’t matter that the U.S. Governmental corporation does that, because your State governmental corporation does it as well, etc.

Supposedly this is the huge hurdle hinging point. 

That it is a “huge hinging point” is, as I suggested before, the smokescreen that prevents people from seeing the actual fraud that I have mentioned (claim of jurisdiction).

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

A citizen gives dominion over themselves to the Corp Gov control.

I suggest this is not quite right. When it comes to trying to understand legal matters, it is essential to look to the source of legal definitions used by those who enforce legal matters, a la Black's Law Dictionary (BLD). Looking to BLD the word "Citizen" means:

Definition 1

One who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Definition 2

"Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights.

A Citizen is someone whom any governmental corporation can claim jurisdiction. All of the systems we call "government" on the planet that we know about today are, in the legal sense, "corporations". That includes your

  • town
  • county
  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

Every single one of those governmental corporations has claim to you. You are a subject to all of those Entities' Jurisdictions. They claim the right to rule all of the citizens under their jurisdiction (which is the definition of "jurisdiction"). I put them in the order I did because that is the hierarchy of the claim on you. The United Nations sits at the top of the heap. They have the greatest claim on you. Your town/city has the least claim, though it is still substantial, and is why you have to pay them lease payments on your house (we mislabel that lease payment "property taxes").

The way this hierarchy is set up is by treaty. The dynamic between a municipality and the state is a little bit different because the State is the authority that incorporates each of the municipalities, so the hierarchy I outlined above is not quite right (which is why the last three are capitalized as they are legally (by proclamation of law) Sovereign Entities). It would be more appropriate, in the concept of "treaties" (which I'm about to get to), to state the hierarchy of "Ownership" of you (effective ownership) is:

  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

It is by Treaty that these entities determine their claims to you as subject of their jurisdiction. The States have the first claim, but it is the lowest claim. Next, the States have a Treaty with the Nation (United States in this case) which legally (AKA "by law" AKA by Treaty) subjects (claims as a subject to their authority) each of the people who are Citizens of that State to the National Government (U.S. Government). That Treaty we call "The Constitution." This Treaty gives the U.S. Government claim on you under certain conditions of “national security,” which they themselves determine.

The National Government (U.S. Government) then has a Treaty with the United Nations that gives them a greater claim to you. This Treaty gives the United Nations claim on you under certain conditions of "international threat", which they themselves determine.

You are worried about the method by which this is accomplished. That’s fine, it’s not unimportant, but the details are less important than understanding the larger structure that enables it, and the underlying fraud that makes it possible.

The fraud is what I was talking about before. It is their claim of “Right to Rule” you that they are making that is fraudulent. NO ONE has the right to rule you (tell you what you can or can’t do). They make laws that give them claim to certain punishments for certain violations of action. They do it primarily through claim that they own all the property (that is why they can tax your property). Thus, even if you are on property you think you own, they can lay claim to you at any time for any reason they want. That is why the IRS can come and take everything you own on suspicion of a “tax crime” (which even there is generally just a violation of IRS code which more often than not has no correlation in actual law). Through this claim of ownership (and the legal system to back it up through the Banking system and their militant arm, the IRS) there is no where you can go that they can’t tell you what you can or can’t do. There is no where you can go where they can’t lock you up and throw away the key at any time, at least from a legal standpoint.

 If you look closely being a citizen puts your residence in the District of Columbia, a foreign territory.

It’s “foreign” because your state is a Sovereign Entity. ALL states are Sovereign Entities. Every state is “foreign” to every other state. The District of Columbia is “foreign” to all states. It is NOT foreign to the United States Government. On the contrary, the U.S. Government owns that property. It also owns Puerto Rico and several other places, not the least of which are many places within the borders of each state (National Parks e.g.).

I suggest it is irrelevant whether your statement is true or not. The FRAUD is in their claim of You under their jurisdiction. That is the SAME EXACT FRAUD that the State makes, and your city/county. Thus it doesn’t matter that the U.S. Governmental corporation does that, because your State governmental corporation does it as well, etc.

Supposedly this is the huge hurdle hinging point. 

That it is a “huge hinging point” is, as I suggested before, the smokescreen that prevents people from seeing the actual fraud that I have mentioned (claim of jurisdiction).

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

A citizen gives dominion over themselves to the Corp Gov control.

I suggest this is not quite right. When it comes to trying to understand legal matters, it is essential to look to the source of legal definitions used by those who enforce legal matters, a la Black's Law Dictionary (BLD). Looking to BLD the word "Citizen" means:

Definition 1

One who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Definition 2

"Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights.

A Citizen is someone whom any governmental corporation can claim jurisdiction. All of the systems we call "government" on the planet that we know about today are, in the legal sense, "corporations". That includes your

  • town
  • county
  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

Every single one of those governmental corporations has claim to you. You are a subject to all of those Entities' Jurisdictions. They claim the right to rule all of the citizens under their jurisdiction (which is the definition of "jurisdiction"). I put them in the order I did because that is the hierarchy of the claim on you. The United Nations sits at the top of the heap. They have the greatest claim on you. Your town/city has the least claim, though it is still substantial, and is why you have to pay them lease payments on your house (we mislabel that lease payment "property taxes").

The way this hierarchy is set up is by treaty. The dynamic between a municipality and the state is a little bit different because the State is the authority that incorporates each of the municipalities, so the hierarchy I outlined above is not quite right (which is why the last three are capitalized as they are legally (by proclamation of law) Sovereign Entities). It would be more appropriate, in the concept of "treaties" (which I'm about to get to), to state the hierarchy of "Ownership" of you (effective ownership) is:

  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

It is by Treaty that these entities determine their claims to you as subject of their jurisdiction. The States have the first claim, but it is the lowest claim. Next, the States have a Treaty with the Nation (United States in this case) which legally subjects each of the people who are Citizens of that State to the National Government (U.S. Government). That Treaty we call "The Constitution." This Treaty gives the U.S. Government claim on you under certain conditions of “national security,” which they themselves determine.

The National Government (U.S. Government) then has a Treaty with the United Nations that gives them a greater claim to you. This Treaty gives the United Nations claim on you under certain conditions of "international threat", which they themselves determine.

You are worried about the method by which this is accomplished. That’s fine, it’s not unimportant, but the details are less important than understanding the larger structure that enables it, and the underlying fraud that makes it possible.

The fraud is what I was talking about before. It is their claim of “Right to Rule” you that they are making that is fraudulent. NO ONE has the right to rule you (tell you what you can or can’t do). They make laws that give them claim to certain punishments for certain violations of action. They do it primarily through claim that they own all the property (that is why they can tax your property). Thus, even if you are on property you think you own, they can lay claim to you at any time for any reason they want. That is why the IRS can come and take everything you own on suspicion of a “tax crime” (which even there is generally just a violation of IRS code which more often than not has no correlation in actual law). Through this claim of ownership (and the legal system to back it up through the Banking system and their militant arm, the IRS) there is no where you can go that they can’t tell you what you can or can’t do. There is no where you can go where they can’t lock you up and throw away the key at any time, at least from a legal standpoint.

 If you look closely being a citizen puts your residence in the District of Columbia, a foreign territory.

It’s “foreign” because your state is a Sovereign Entity. ALL states are Sovereign Entities. Every state is “foreign” to every other state. The District of Columbia is “foreign” to all states. It is NOT foreign to the United States Government. On the contrary, the U.S. Government owns that property. It also owns Puerto Rico and several other places, not the least of which are many places within the borders of each state (National Parks e.g.).

I suggest it is irrelevant whether your statement is true or not. The FRAUD is in their claim of You under their jurisdiction. That is the SAME EXACT FRAUD that the State makes, and your city/county. Thus it doesn’t matter that the U.S. Governmental corporation does that, because your State governmental corporation does it as well, etc.

Supposedly this is the huge hurdle hinging point. 

That it is a “huge hinging point” is, as I suggested before, the smokescreen that prevents people from seeing the actual fraud that I have mentioned (claim of jurisdiction).

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: Original

A citizen gives dominion over themselves to the Corp Gov control.

I suggest this is not quite right. When it comes to trying to understand legal matters, it is essential to look to the source of legal definitions used by those who enforce legal matters, a la Black's Law Dictionary (BLD). Looking to BLD the word "Citizen" means:

Definition 1

One who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Definition 2

"Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights.

A Citizen is someone whom any governmental corporation can claim jurisdiction. All of the systems we call "government" on the planet that we know about today are, in the legal sense, "corporations". That includes your

  • town
  • county
  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

Every single one of those governmental corporations has claim to you. You are a subject to all of those Entities' Jurisdictions. They claim the right to rule all of the citizens under their jurisdiction (which is the definition of "jurisdiction"). I put them in the order I did because that is the hierarchy of the claim on you. The United Nations sits at the top of the heap. They have the greatest claim on you. Your town/city has the least claim, though it is still substantial, and is why you have to pay them lease payments on your house (we mislabel that lease payment "property taxes").

The way this hierarchy is set up is by treaty. The dynamic between a municipality and the state is a little bit different because the State is the authority that incorporates each of the municipalities, so the hierarchy I outlined above is not quite right (which is why the last three are capitalized as they are legally (by proclamation of law) Sovereign Entities). It would be more appropriate, in the concept of "treaties" (which I'm about to get to), to state the hierarchy of "Ownership" of you (effective ownership) is:

  • State
  • Nation
  • United Nations

It is by Treaty that these entities determine their claims to you as subject of their jurisdiction. The States have a Treaty with the Nation (United States in this case) which legally subjects each of the people who are Citizens of that State to the National Government (U.S. Government). That Treaty we call "The Constitution." This Treaty gives the U.S. Government claim on you under certain conditions of “national security,” which they themselves determine.

The National Government (U.S. Government) then has a Treaty with the United Nations that gives them a greater claim to you. This Treaty gives the United Nations claim on you under certain conditions of "international threat", which they themselves determine.

You are worried about the method by which this is accomplished. That’s fine, it’s not unimportant, but the details are less important than understanding the larger structure that enables it, and the underlying fraud that makes it possible.

The fraud is what I was talking about before. It is their claim of “Right to Rule” you that they are making that is fraudulent. NO ONE has the right to rule you (tell you what you can or can’t do). They make laws that give them claim to certain punishments for certain violations of action. They do it primarily through claim that they own all the property (that is why they can tax your property). Thus, even if you are on property you think you own, they can lay claim to you at any time for any reason they want. That is why the IRS can come and take everything you own on suspicion of a “tax crime” (which even there is generally just a violation of IRS code which more often than not has no correlation in actual law). Through this claim of ownership (and the legal system to back it up through the Banking system and their militant arm, the IRS) there is no where you can go that they can’t tell you what you can or can’t do. There is no where you can go where they can’t lock you up and throw away the key at any time, at least from a legal standpoint.

 If you look closely being a citizen puts your residence in the District of Columbia, a foreign territory.

It’s “foreign” because your state is a Sovereign Entity. ALL states are Sovereign Entities. Every state is “foreign” to every other state. The District of Columbia is “foreign” to all states. It is NOT foreign to the United States Government. On the contrary, the U.S. Government owns that property. It also owns Puerto Rico and several other places, not the least of which are many places within the borders of each state (National Parks e.g.).

I suggest it is irrelevant whether your statement is true or not. The FRAUD is in their claim of You under their jurisdiction. That is the SAME EXACT FRAUD that the State makes, and your city/county. Thus it doesn’t matter that the U.S. Governmental corporation does that, because your State governmental corporation does it as well, etc.

Supposedly this is the huge hurdle hinging point. 

That it is a “huge hinging point” is, as I suggested before, the smokescreen that prevents people from seeing the actual fraud that I have mentioned (claim of jurisdiction).

1 year ago
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