He has always had some issues with headaches, but they seem to be getting worse lately. Recently, he has a brief episode in the shower where the pain in his head became incredibly severe and he couldn't see or hear. It passed quickly, but I did convince him to go to medical. The doctor seems to think that this is some sort of migraine issue and gave him some pain meds without doing any diagnostic tests. There is at least one person in the family a few generations back who had migraines and died of a massive hemorrhage later in life which the doctor also knows. Apparently, his blood pressure and heart rate were elevated, and so, he had been having him come in for periodic checks on his vitals. Earlier this week, his resting HR was 112 bpm and the upper number for his BP was in the 140's. I didn't get his lower number. This is a guy who is 25, eats well, is not one to regularly drink to excess, and is in great physical shape. Cardiac issues do not run in the family. If anything, it's the opposite. I don't want to lose my son because of this shot or medical negligence. I don't understand why hasn't at least done an MRI. Am I overreacting? Doing this type of research is not my forte. I'd appreciate any helpful information/input and also prayer. Thank you!


I would be interested in giving. Hopefully, many others will too.


Our UPS driver told us that online orders are way down because people can't afford it.They are cracking down on drivers, telling them they will have to pay for extra mileage out of their own pockets. They are not allowed to gas up before returning their trucks in the evening. They have to do it at the start of their shift. He said it's like that everywhere. He expressed surprise that we didn't have cattle. He told us that people who have never had cattle are getting some and learning how to do it.

Friendly reminder that we need to focus on God, not the enemy. In Romans 12, God reminds us that, "Vengeance is mine." Our job is to pray, thank Him, and praise Him for what He is doing. God waits, gives opportunity,& it never goes well for those who refuse His mercy& truth.

Thank you to those of you who take this up. Many of the young adults in our family are either former enlisteds or active duty and stationed abroad. This means the world to me. Thank you!!!

Asking for myself and for a friend.

I envision some sort of site where someone with a need could post a request per region or location. This is an idea that obviously needs more fleshing out if it's viable. This is not something that falls under my skill set or I would be willing to help. Would love to hear you thoughts and, if it seems feasible, for some version of this idea to move forward.

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