2.7 billion people will die worldwide by 12/31/24. It’s clear the governments want us dead.


Accountsble in This World!

Some questions Every American Has Demand Answers as to WHY – Did Moderna have a COVID 19 vax patent Agreement with Fauci’s NIAID in 2019? – DID the DoD Run the COVID 19 response including getting engaging Pfizer and Moderna to produce the injections – Did the DoD use Other Authorized Transactions (“OTA”) that bypasses All Congressional oversight to get the injections produced? – Was it because under OTAs the injections do Not require clinical trials, FDA approval/ authorization or any manufacturing oversight? – Did Pfizer in it Court response to a civil liability suit for clinical trial study violations regarding its COVID 19 Injections claim that Pfizer is immune from ALL civil liabilities “because Pfizer was following DOD orders”? – The Rockefellar Foundation Ran Project “Lock Step” about a pandemic in 2010 calling for Top Down Control – DARPA funded Fauci NIH to research gain of function

– The USthe Funded the building of over 20 Bio labs in Ukraine occurred after us interference in Ukraine in 2014 led to pro western govt. – University of NC at Chapel Beric was involved with gain of function with the NIH – Obama Administration ordered ALL NIH gain of function offshored in 2014 – Fauci used Daszak’s Eco Health Alliance to continue to fund gain of fuction at the Wuhan Lab in 2015 – Jeff Bright presented prior to 2020 that since the public do not take flu serious or value “vaccines” that perhaps a “novel flu from China” might change their view – In January 2017 prior to President Trump’s innugaration Fauci at a Georgetown presentation stated Presudent Trump WILL face a pandemic before the end if his first term – John Hopkins ran the “Spars Pandemic Event” in November 2017 – Event 201 ran a pandemic event in rge Fall of 2019 – The CDC, NIH and Moderna were negotiating an agreement for sharing rights to a COVID 19 vaccine in November 2019 – The pandemic models chosen that were the basis for the lock downs were the Imperial College in London and The U of Washingtin IHME Both Funded By The Gates Foundation – During Holy Week 2020 the CDC changed the definition of a COVID Death from “dying from COVID” to “dying WITH COVID” – Fauci lied about and fought Against Hydroxychloroquine – Fauci pushed Remdesivir knowing it shuts down kidney function leading to respiratory failure – The CDC, FDA nor Fauci identify that 75% of ALL COVID ICU and Deaths had Vitamin D levels below 30

– According to the DOD Inspector General Report as disclosed by Project Veritas, members of the DOD Knew in May 2020 that Ivermectin STOPPED COVID but kept this secret – For the First Time in History Government Locked Down the Healthy and Did Not Protect elderly, sick or those with pre existing conditions – The Senate was provided in December 2020 with over 20 peer reviewed studies of Ivermectin’s effectiveness as a Prophylactic and Therapeutic by Dr. Kory and Did Nothing – 100-200 Members of Congress During 2021 secretly took Ivermectin to Stop COVID but Americans Are Denied Ivermectin – Uttar Pradesh, Indonesia and Japan Used Ivermectin, combined populations of 600 Million, to Stop COVID in less than 2 Months but the CDC and FDA Stops Americans from getting Ivermectin – The CDC has over 50 vaccine patents – The FDA get Over 50% of its funds from Big Pharma – The CDC and FDA Refuse to Acknowledge over 80 peer reviewd studies including from Cleveland Clinic, Harvard, Israel and Columbia U, that Natural Immunity is as Effective if Not Better than ALL the vaccines – Pfizer and Moderna choose a PEG lipo nano particle that was developed to pierce the blood brain barrier as the delivery mechanism for a ‘vaccine’ that is supppsed to Stay At The Injection site – Doctors are finding the spike protein in the liver, kidneys, bone marrow and other organs of the vaccinated – There has Never been a successful SARS COVID vaccine – These mRNA injections are reverse transcribing DNA – The FDA in August 2021changed the definition of a vaccine as anything “that stimulates an immune response” from the previous definition that a vaccine MUST “imunize the recipient from the virus” And “limit the transmission of the virus”

– the CDC and Fauci admit those who are vaccinated can spread the virus as easily as the unvaccinated

–the CDC, Fauci and WH will not address the Lancet published study of 167 countries that the countries with the highest rates of fully vaccinated populations, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Germany, Gibraltar, The UK, The US and Denmark have the highest rates of COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths while the countries with low rates, India, Indonesia and South Africa have the lowest.

– if the vaccine doesn’t harm or weaken the immune system, recipients need boosters while unvaccinated do not

– the FDA has filed Court documents to prevent the FOIA request disclosure of the Pfizer study that was the basis for the FDA authorization of the Pfizer mRNA – the FDA “approved” Pfizer “vaccine” Comirnaty for which Pfizer can be held liable but Comirnaty IS NOT AVAILABLE IN THE US – the NHL was fully “vaccinated” yet had to stop its season because so many fully “vaccinated” players Got COVID they could Not put enough teams on the ice – Columbia University researchers have found that the true number of people in the USA and other territories who have died as a result of getting one of the experimental Covid-19 injections is significantly higher than the official figures from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

– While The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) run by The CDC claims that just over 30,000 people have died following Covid-19 vaccination, Columbia University’s analysis indicates that the VAERS has an underreporting factor estimate that is 20 times that number, or around 600,000 deaths, as being far more accurate.

– Was there a 40 Percent Increase in EXCESS Overall Morta in the U.S. in Q3 and Q4 of 2021 just after the biden illegal ‘vaccine’ mandates

– Did the FDA and Pfizer unsuccessfully fight to Hide Pfizer’s clinical studies from Americans

– the surgeon general of Florida announced new guidelines about the vaccine that show the jab causes a stunning 84% increase in cardiac-related death among 18-39-year-old men.

– The state of Florida now officially recommends that young males refrain from receiving the mRNA vaccine completely.


May Our Lord Protect ALL who were coherced, forced or took these injections under the fraud perpetrared by the CDC, FDA, Moderna and Pfizer.

God Bless my Fellow American Patriots who did the research, held strong against this evil and Never Gave Up




I believe their plan is to utterly destroy the USA and hand total control to the globalists within the next 2 years. They have no one to run in 2024 and know they can’t win even though cheating. They will do anything to avoid losing power and being held accountable. WW3? Cyber pandemic? Global food shortage? Vax genocide? CBDC? Economic collapse? And much much more?


I have no idea what it will be but I think this will be a memorable and great week for patriots.


We need to start playing a new game.


It feels like we are losing on every front. For every “win” we have the Dems have 20. If you have any good news please share. If it sounds like I’m dooming I’m sorry I don’t mean to but I sure could use some good news and I suspect others could as well. Thanks in advance for the comments.


The only question is what is the limit on your obedience?


They need the lockdown to implement digital ID and currency and to round up the dissidents.


Our government has been taken over by globalists who prefer we were dead.

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