I am dead set against masks. I will not wear one for any reason.ive told many businesses to go fuck themselves. Ive been making my customers go get thier own parts from the parts stores and salvage yards.
The laundromat i been going to has tge mask signs up.everybody including the owner masked. I walj right in and do my thing.the owner has talked to me. Never told me to mask or leave.
But everytime ive gone ive had wicked anxiety attacks cuz im waiting for somebody to say something and give me a reason to knock some teeth out.
Mask mandate was lifted saturday. Walked into the laundromat feeling like a BOSS last night. No anxiety,no panic attack.
And of course i was the only one without a mask in the place.
Just seen a lady in a full blown bright yellow hazmat suits with the built in clear face shield wearing a fucking mask pushing her cart down the street.
I tried to get a picture but my phone is sooooo fucking slow.