AbjectDynamite 5 points ago +5 / -0

I find myself thinking the same thing. If I were in government right now, I sure as hell wouldn't want GEOTUS placing a spotlight on me. Time and again he puts someone in the limelight and we find another greedy, self-serving, traitor. Q said the ones we trust the most are the worst, and that makes perfect sense because we buy the bullshit of people we trust without much critical thinking. In other posts, anons likened JJ to Trey Gowdy which I can agree with. The all-talk-no-substance gives it away for me. For me, funding any other country for any reason is a non-starter at minimum until my own country is cleaned out, rebuilt, healed, and the stolen wealth of my own people is repaid with interest. Even then, I don't see "foreign aid" as a proper function of government anymore. Let foreign governments make their case to the world and raise their war coffers on small donations from individuals. Q affirmed what many of us suspected for years. Our labor, our wealth, and the literal blood of our families is (and has been) stolen from us not to fund wars, but to fund our own enslavement and death. Respectfully, IMHO, there is no way to fix this because man at his core is corrupt. We can clear out this current group of psychopaths, but the next group is already waiting to behave the same way. I can't imagine the WH's not having the same thoughts. Taking out the garbage is only a portion of the equation. I'm more interested in details about the quality of our future. How do we prevent the offices of public servants from weaponizing the institutions of government against their own citizens again? How do we protect currency from manipulation? And here's a nod to Killary's comment about deprogramming... i.e., How do we deprogram generations of people (including us) who have been lied to about almost everything for their entire lives? How do we rebuild bonds between people and families? For the young people who have little desire to work in factories, on farms, and work generally, how do we restore their faith and reward in capitalism? For me, the answer lies in the justice phase of this shit show. There's much more to this than can be said here.

AbjectDynamite 4 points ago +4 / -0

Only speculation here, but IMHO this makes perfect sense. What better way to push through banking changes than letting the people see and feel the pain of the banks stealing their deposits. We all know that something has to be in play to (attempt to) thwart corrupt bankers and politicians future stealing and control opportunities.

AbjectDynamite 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for your thoughts. I have been wondering about that possibility too. I'm definitely going to have her keep taking it for a bit.

AbjectDynamite 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for sharing your experience! I agree, 100%. I'm glad to hear about you taking the daily fenbendazole! I have some and plan on starting it as well.

AbjectDynamite 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's good stuff. Get Humble's books. They're pdfs but I had mine printed and bound. One of the anons posted links on where to get the ingredients. (You need to be careful with making sure you get quality ingredients, and you need to be precise in making it. If you decide to do it read Humble's books/recipe a couple of times. I like his method, and could not be happier with the results.)

AbjectDynamite 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks, man. I can't wait! Big Pharma and their cult followers can fuck off.

AbjectDynamite 1 point ago +1 / -0

More people had the same question you did, so I'm copying my answer from above for you: MMS is chlorine dioxide which is made when you combine sodium chlorite and an activator acid such as hydrochloric acid. The name MMS comes from Dr. Jim Humble. It's his acronym for Master Mineral Solution. Back when the coof bs started Trump mentioned he took it which sent the evil fucks off the deep end. That was the "omg, he's telling people to inject bleach" bs. In reality Trump was telling us what to use to kill the coof without taking their slab jab. Other anons have posted different ways to make chlorine dioxide (MMS) here on the site. Just search the community for "chlorine dioxide" or Dr Jim Humble. On the recommendation of other anons I bought Dr. Humble's books as another future back up plan for my family. I ended up getting sick with the worst bug I've ever had. Long story short, I was desperate enough to try the MMS to avoid going to the hospital. With 9 drops of this mixture that I made in my kitchen and took over a period of 4 hours, I went from not being able to take a full breath to breathing fully and coughing up major phlegm. My spouse couldn't believe it. Not only that, but this stuff helped me and others with more than that.

AbjectDynamite 1 point ago +1 / -0

More people had the same question you did, so I'm copying my answer from above for you: MMS is chlorine dioxide which is made when you combine sodium chlorite and an activator acid such as hydrochloric acid. The name MMS comes from Dr. Jim Humble. It's his acronym for Master Mineral Solution. Back when the coof bs started Trump mentioned he took it which sent the evil fucks off the deep end. That was the "omg, he's telling people to inject bleach" bs. In reality Trump was telling us what to use to kill the coof without taking their slab jab. Other anons have posted different ways to make chlorine dioxide (MMS) here on the site. Just search the community for "chlorine dioxide" or Dr Jim Humble. On the recommendation of other anons I bought Dr. Humble's books as another future back up plan for my family. I ended up getting sick with the worst bug I've ever had. Long story short, I was desperate enough to try the MMS to avoid going to the hospital. With 9 drops of this mixture that I made in my kitchen and took over a period of 4 hours, I went from not being able to take a full breath to breathing fully and coughing up major phlegm. My spouse couldn't believe it. Not only that, but this stuff helped me and others with more than that.

AbjectDynamite 2 points ago +2 / -0

More people had the same question you did, so I'm copying my answer from above for you: MMS is chlorine dioxide which is made when you combine sodium chlorite and an activator acid such as hydrochloric acid. The name MMS comes from Dr. Jim Humble. It's his acronym for Master Mineral Solution. Back when the coof bs started Trump mentioned he took it which sent the evil fucks off the deep end. That was the "omg, he's telling people to inject bleach" bs. In reality Trump was telling us what to use to kill the coof without taking their slab jab. Other anons have posted different ways to make chlorine dioxide (MMS) here on the site. Just search the community for "chlorine dioxide" or Dr Jim Humble. On the recommendation of other anons I bought Dr. Humble's books as another future back up plan for my family. I ended up getting sick with the worst bug I've ever had. Long story short, I was desperate enough to try the MMS to avoid going to the hospital. With 9 drops of this mixture that I made in my kitchen and took over a period of 4 hours, I went from not being able to take a full breath to breathing fully and coughing up major phlegm. My spouse couldn't believe it. Not only that, but this stuff helped me and others with more than that.

AbjectDynamite 1 point ago +1 / -0

More people had the same question you did, so I'm copying my answer from above for you: MMS is chlorine dioxide which is made when you combine sodium chlorite and an activator acid such as hydrochloric acid. The name MMS comes from Dr. Jim Humble. It's his acronym for Master Mineral Solution. Back when the coof bs started Trump mentioned he took it which sent the evil fucks off the deep end. That was the "omg, he's telling people to inject bleach" bs. In reality Trump was telling us what to use to kill the coof without taking their slab jab. Other anons have posted different ways to make chlorine dioxide (MMS) here on the site. Just search the community for "chlorine dioxide" or Dr Jim Humble. On the recommendation of other anons I bought Dr. Humble's books as another future back up plan for my family. I ended up getting sick with the worst bug I've ever had. Long story short, I was desperate enough to try the MMS to avoid going to the hospital. With 9 drops of this mixture that I made in my kitchen and took over a period of 4 hours, I went from not being able to take a full breath to breathing fully and coughing up major phlegm. My spouse couldn't believe it. Not only that, but this stuff helped me and others with more than that.

AbjectDynamite 1 point ago +1 / -0

MMS is chlorine dioxide which is made when you combine sodium chlorite and an activator acid such as hydrochloric acid. The name MMS comes from Dr. Jim Humble. It's his acronym for Master Mineral Solution. Back when the coof bs started Trump mentioned he took it which sent the evil fucks off the deep end. That was the "omg, he's telling people to inject bleach" bs. In reality Trump was telling us what to use to kill the coof without taking their slab jab. Other anons have posted different ways to make chlorine dioxide (MMS) here on the site. Just search the community for "chlorine dioxide" or Dr Jim Humble. On the recommendation of other anons I bought Dr. Humble's books as another future back up plan for my family. I ended up getting sick with the worst bug I've ever had. Long story short, I was desperate enough to try the MMS to avoid going to the hospital. With 9 drops of this mixture that I made in my kitchen and took over a period of 4 hours, I went from not being able to take a full breath to breathing fully and coughing up major phlegm. My spouse couldn't believe it. Not only that, but this stuff helped me and others with more than that.

AbjectDynamite 2 points ago +2 / -0

She uses a dropper to wet the q-tip. I don't know why maybe to control how much liquid she puts on.

AbjectDynamite 1 point ago +1 / -0

The ivermectin is just over the counter horse paste. The mms you make yourself using the source I talked about. It's all over this site.

AbjectDynamite 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trying to keep the area and the medicine as clean as possible.

AbjectDynamite 1 point ago +1 / -0

If it's right, yeah, it does smell when you mix a dose.

AbjectDynamite 5 points ago +5 / -0

I made mine following the instructions in Dr. Humbles' book. One of the anons here recommended it. Recently I was sick as hell with i don't know what. I took hydroxychloriquine and ivermectin and neither of them were working on me even though they both worked other times I was sick. I had the book as a shtf scenario and figured it was time to try it. Following the instructions I went from 1 drop up to 4 drops over a period of 4 hours. I went from not being able to breathe to breathing. It did take a few more days of taking the mms to kill that shit. But it was the only stuff that did. I'll never stop using it.

AbjectDynamite 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yeah, we agree re: a biopsy. The waterline is a reference to where women apply eyeliner. It's the ridge of the lower lid close to the eye ball itself. The ball wasn't red or sore until recently. My description sucks I know. It's like a knot. I've had styes and it's nothing like that. It's located more on the lower skin of the eye, but swelled or grown or whatever you call it, upward into the underneath of the waterline. Again, I know my description sucks. Whatever it is the ivermectin and mms are killing it as far as we can tell.

AbjectDynamite 11 points ago +11 / -0

Thank you. Really, I owe it to this site and all of you. Thank you doesn't cut it for how thankful and grateful we feel.

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