

I’m red-pilling my son and wanted to show him all the fake & real Biden comparisons. Also a good video with the inauguration clips.

Hey frens,

What better way to grow in our faith then to do so with other Patriots!? I’d be willing to facilitate a weekly hour long Bible study via Zoom. No particular structure or plan just yet. Open to suggestions and allowing all to rotate the leadership of the study each week.

Let me know if you are interested. Let’s put on our breastplate of righteousness! The spiritual battle is real and we need to be ready when The Storm, as ordained by God, commences.


Hi frens,

My new friend is more awake than I realized. He does not know anything about Q though. He’s watched The Plan to Save the World and wants more Q info.

What is the best single resource for him to begin his journey of Q discovery? Other than the posts themselves.



I’d be happy to run a bracket tournament for anyone interested. Let me know what u think.




Hi Frens,

Been red-pilling hard lately. More people are waking up. Can I get some sauce on all the videos around 2020 inauguration that just didn’t add up? Like Pelosi being escorted around Capitol. Biden at wreath laying. 19 gun salute. Etc.



Hi Frens,

Trying to red pill someone. Does anyone have the clip of telling the reporters Biden will be 25th’ed?


I’m having a tough time following the person who is revealing the latest Twitter Files. Does anyone have a central source w/ links? Thx


‭‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭14‬-‭15‬ ‭NASB1995‬

-It’s going to be Biblical


Twitter sure is singing right now ya’all.

Twitter sure is singing right now ya’all.

I can’t copy anything directly from Twitter. Want to share the Twitter Files. Anyone have a link? Thx.

That is all. I have been a Q follower for 3 years and with the weak move by Trump to announce for Presidency in 2024 I’m convinced we’re all being played.

Trump, Q, “the military”, they’re all part of the deep state. They tricked us all. I’m so pissed right now.

Any articles links?

Hi all,

I’m trying to redpill a client. Does anyone have any good videos with a bunch of Q proofs?

Thanks in advance.


If you were stranded on a desert island with nothing but normies (mostly female...cuz, ya know), what is the one single red pill video/article/reseach piece you would show them all (other then JoeM's The Plan to Save the World).



Hey all,

I have some red-pilling to do and would like a good site/person I can have my friends follow regarding the Danchenko case.




I love you. I really do. But there’s no need for paragraph-long headlines. Sum up your post title in just a few words. Sort of exhausting. Plus it defeats the purpose of a title and subsequent text of post.




We all know the DS is gearing up for riots and controlled Civil War. We also know they have no way to cheat themselves into a 2022 MidTerm victory. We also know they want Trump dead/jailed like no other.

My theory is that they are going to indict Trump the days/week before the November elections. Prompting the Antifa/Nazi limp-wristers to dress as MAGA and riot; hopefully encouraging real MAGa to join in. This would help create the chaos they need to somehow steal/cancel/delay the MidTerms and rile up Trump’s base.

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