Take the only continent with a flag of its shape, draw the perimeter of the continent. Then use the air age map of our world and put it inside the ice walls of Antarctica. New stars discovered...space force gps emblem on the flag? Antarctic treaty with the UN? Atlantis Lemuria Mu? MOAR land folks... We only need to get in a ship(boat) and travel to more space beyond the globalist elites vision they had for us.. We are nationalists not globalists!
HE IS ON OUR SIDE AND PART OF THE PLAN!!!! Think space[X]... Remember the Original Q map with Rocket man and space X? He is exposing the global lie with obvious fake space footage! Think dummy Tesla driver flying around the moon! Its a hard pill to swallow, but its obvious we don't live on a globe.
KEK, lol.. I only put mine on in stores that won't sell unless I wear.. Just say to mask nazi's..... IF your so worried about people not wearing masks stay home!..or... I have a health issue that reQuires not wearing one! (If they ask your ailment they violate HIPPA)....or...Nah I don't believe in conspiracy theories...or...WHOA WHOA step back you're less than 6 feet away...or... I had covid and I am A symtomatic... GL:)
Look at the $ invested at 1/11 11:00 am that made the value of DAI go BOOOOM! I am thinking crypto might be taking the centalized banks down... Kinda like wallst bets but world wide and easy to access the digital market! GET IN YOU WON"T REGRET IT