Merry Christmas to all the Frens! (media.greatawakening.win) 🎄 Gloria In Excelsis Deo 🎄
posted ago by BasedCitizen ago by BasedCitizen
Trump About to Speak in NH 🐸 (rumble.com) 🐸 FRONT ROW JOE 🐸
posted ago by BasedCitizen ago by BasedCitizen

Keep in mind we are in an information war. This is a theory and makes certain assumptions. You can tie yourself into knots trying to figure out the who and the why, and the honest answer is... none of us have the raw information to ascertain what is truth. That is why this is an exercise in outcomes only. I know that even outcomes can be less than the truth, but in the world of normies, this is not the case. And it is the normies that we are trying to save. If the world were mostly anons, we wouldn't be in this state.

If you disagree, that is ok, but before you throw your tendie at me, put some sauce on it.

The Backdrop

Before we begin, its important to understand that I believe Israel has been saved. ...at least partially. I think that Netanyahu is a white hat and I believe election fraud in Israel was disrupted to allow the people to vote him in.

This freaked out the cabal and they ran a very similar playbook against him as they did when Donald J Trump was elected.

  • His attempt to bring some sanity and common sense to government resulted in an attempt at a civil war / color revolution.
  • The media and other leftwing organizations constantly refer to him as a far right extremist and a radical.
  • They call him a danger to democracy.
  • They call him a dictator and a fascist.
  • Most recently and most egregiously, his intelligence agency set him up to be embarrassed and to hurt his reputation. There is no way they missed the infiltration on one of the most protected and surveilled borders in the world.

All of the cabal tricks were used to tear away at his power, his reputation, and his ability to lead. You could easily interchange Trump and Netanyahu in that list. Its the same game.

If this is accurate, then we need to let go of the Israeli sins of the past. [if]

With that out of the way, what has happened through the eyes of a normie?


Well, lets do a little rewind first. I think we will see there this has been a death by a thousand cuts. None of these individual events "saved a normie", but added all together...

  • First we showed the USA and the world that there was a thirst to bring back sanity and reasonableness to government when Donald J Trump won the 2016 election. He had no business winning, but it turns out he was an absolute lightning rod that brought most normal people together.
  • Through his sacrifices, he showed the world the US government was weaponized to protect itself from its own people.
  • We learned their playbook on how they try to systematically destroy an outsider with too much power and influence.
  • We learned how far they will go to protect power by releasing diseases upon the world to literally rewrite the rules of the game.
  • We saw blatant election theft that leveraged these new rules.
  • We see them continue to fire every weapon they have at these outsiders in order to protect their power, with these ridiculous lawsuits and investigations that never lead anywhere.
  • We now see their connections to literal NAZI's. Not even the LARPing neo-NAZI's but the real deal OG NAZI's.
  • We see their money laundering connections in UKR.
  • We see their grift with the CCP.
  • We see their radical border policies.
  • We see their connections to deviance and trafficking.
  • We see how they control social media.

And now...

  • We see their connections to Iran, hezbola, muslim brother hood, etc.
  • We see the money trails.
  • We see them align themselves with people targeting civilians, women, children, even babies. BLM and other leftwing entities literally celebrating this.
  • We see the real antisemites and its them.
  • We see that most the groups the ADL said should be out celebrating, are no where to be found.

Normies and moderate lefties are not inherently evil people. Most are good people that are... not "deep thinkers". They are over trusting, if not gullible. They live in a world that is filtered and manipulated by their televisions and their phones and they fail to question it.

But that world suddenly has many contradictions with reality. At some point, soon I believe, their little heads are going to pop and they are going to realize just how manipulated they are.

Its like someone that has a spouse that is cheating. They see something suspicious, but it conflicts with their reality and it makes them uncomfortable. So they make an excuse for it and dismiss it. Then they see something else. They make another excuse. But eventually they break down and realize their eyes are not lying.

I don't think we are quite to the precipice yet, but you can clearly see how their minds have been prepared for what is coming next. They have been peppered with so many inconstancies in what they believe is reality, that they are ripe for harvest.

How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ULTIMATE TRUTH? It must be compelling to avoid a divide (political attack/optics). We are the majority (growing). WW. Sheep no more. TOGETHER. Q"

PSA: The first basket of deplorables is now eligible for deprogramming. (media.greatawakening.win) 👮🏻 SINGLE FILE PLEASE! 👮🏻
posted ago by BasedCitizen (context) ago by BasedCitizen

This post is inspired by this post: https://greatawakening.win/p/17r9ILnZcn/somebody-in-maui-did-there-resea/c/

...where a gentlemen confronted a Maui public council meeting about their intentions for 15 minute cities. I was just going to comment, but it turned into something a little too big for a comment. So if you haven't watched the video yet, go there first.


I went and researched it a little myself. This guy didn't just read "we are building smart cities by 2040" on the Maui planning site. He read their plans and put 2 + 2 together. For the record, he is saying "Hele Mai Maui 2040".

I'm really impressed with this guy and consider him an honorary frog!

This plan is VERY deceptive. Some of the best modern commie propaganda I've seen. The artwork is a modern take of "socialist realism". Ideas are hidden behind twisted words. Statistics are completely misrepresented.

This is only about a few hour's worth of research by me, so if someone finds an error or additional import facts, let us know below.

You can find the plan here: https://mauimpo.org/hele-mai-maui-2040-long-range-transportation-plan


First Major Deception - The What

"Hele Mai Maui 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan"

The name implies that this is merely a road works project. "CALM DOWN YOU ULTRA-MAGA FAGGOT!!"

The "transportation" part of the plan is merely the launching point of a complete redesign of entire communities. They could have just said that, but they chose not to. Why? (anons know why)

Second Major Deception - The Why

Did you know that 20% of pedestrians killed on Maui roads are over 60 years of age?

Over 20% of collisions involving people walking and biking on Maui are with people over the age of 60... (page 57)

Gee, really? Seniors need to jump out in front of cars more, they are under represented!! According to the latest US Census, 65 and older represents 20.7% of their population. So 60 and up... 🤔

So how many TOTAL (not just seniors) people are getting killed by cars, that they need a major redesign of all their communities? Found an answer on page 42:

Maui police data show that between 2012 and 2017 there were about 11 fatalities annually due to crashes involving vehicles only.

Yep, tear it all down and start over.

It gets better. They go on to say that 75% of those vehicle related fatalities are due to drugs and alcohol (page 42 of the factbook). Meaning they have nothing to do with infrastructure.

Third Major Deception - The How

So what is the actual goal? Here's one:

Vision Zero - Implements a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all. (page 11 of the executive summary)

Just zero traffic related deaths. Zero. If they said, "we just want gun ownership to be safe, and will implement new policies to achieve zero gun deaths", you would know exactly what that means. Apply the same logic.

They break that down into 6 objectives for the plan (page 72 of the detailed plan):

1 - Eliminate traffic-related fatalities and reduce serious injuries from traffic collisions

2 - Increase the amount of safe facilities for people walking and biking

3 - Increase physical activity by making walking and biking preferred modes of travel

4 - Improve climate resilience and adaptability of infrastructure

5 - Reduce transportation-related air emissions

6 - Protect or enhance cultural resources

But what about muh 15 minute cities?!?

I have not seen where "15 minute city" is ever mentioned in the plan. But it is an exercise in "can you say 15 minute city, without saying 15 minute city".

Above, you can see there is a clear intention to make as many people bike and walk as much as possible. Not just say, a 10 or even 20% increase, but "the preferred mode of travel". Right now, and by there own statistics, cars are the preferred mode of travel by 72%. This would be a monumental change.

But if people are too spread out, you'll never get them to walk and bike most of the time. So how do you fix that. The short answer is, 15 minute cities. The long answer is, you increase the cost of living astronomically (well under way, we all see it), maybe you destroy some existing neighborhoods, and...

...you build government housing for the masses:

  • On page 34 of the Detailed Plan there is a a "ghost image" of a public housing building. Its clearly labeled in the photo and superimposed implying a future state. Is part of the plan to build government housing?

It would seems so:

  • On page 52 of the Detailed Plan you'll find this little hidden nugget: "As a catalyst for walkable, mixed-use development, transit hubs can also contribute to displacement or gentrification if affordable housing is not included."
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