BasedMechanic 5 points ago +5 / -0

In the shop I work at, my coworker just got vaccinated he is a 57 year old Brazilian born American. I don't know if it's related to this issue or not but he seems much more agitated and short tempered, very irritable and stays in the bathroom during breaks much longer than usual. What pissed me off is he has never been sick before since I've known him and we used to make fun and jokes about "being the guinea pig." So then he goes out and gets jabbed. His reasoning when I asked him was because he was worried about not being able to go see his relatives in Brazil (which he does like once a year) because of the proposed "vaccine passport". Before he got the shot he was the most laid back dude ever. I've worked with him for 3 years so this is pretty unusual. Just thought I'd put that out there.