Will many continue their addiction or decide it's too much

It seems impossible to avoid the normie💤 whether it's work or a trip to the store. How do you protect yourself when exposed?
Dandelion tea, nac are some thoughts
She is reported to be the swing vote in the ken paxton impeachment trial.
512.463.0109 After 5pm but maybe voicemail?

I haven't seen much on this. Expectations were mixed. What was the end result?
Or does the discovery phase of the indictment mean it won't be revealed?
Seems other countries are helping get the truth out when it's blocked and covered up here.
Hadn't heard of Tommy G until today. https://twitter.com/votewichmann/status/1681428877443203072
Note: i don't appreciate the language used in video
More of the Ron Johnson interview. This part appears to be done by Jonathan Wichmann. (JW started out running for WI governor and then stepped back to potential lieutenant gov)
A search of Michael Obama brings up that Michaels mothers will refers to her son Michael because it isn't (or wasn't at the time) lawful to change gender in Illinois.

These are 65 miles west of Ft Worth https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X0FMn7uV3Hc
I know, i know. Everyone hates utube.

I don't see a conservative article about this to know what's what. Anyone have details on this?
Loy Brunson's Case: The Supreme Court has set a conference date (not a hearing date) but a date for them to discuss the case and vote if it is worthy for an official hearing. In order to have your case be heard by the US Supreme Court you have to get permission from them. You have to file what is called a "petition for writ of certiorari" where the Supremes will decide if they want to hear it or not. This conference date is set for June 22!!!