I think we are. I am seeing a lot of things, the Pandora stuff being an example, where it now appears bad guys are saying or reporting truthful things.
All the resignations - from foreign leaders, to Medical leaders, to the Federal Reserve leaders, etc.
It is all out of the Q playbook - as he said, we have more than we know.
One thing I noticed too, is that the last Q drop was the first week of December of last year. After that - NO MORE DELTAS. So, really, I have a hunch we will be over with no later than that, and I think we will have huge morale-boosting victories before then.
That is exactly what has been going on. We are in Control, Q said it enough times.
How can the Left complain, who can they blame, when everything thing Trump wanted is now being done by their own guy..? It's frickin genius. The narrative is that it is being done to stop us, to hurt us, lol.
Pull back up to 40,000 feet above, you can see it all.
Well, we can agree on one great thing: Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.
I will tell you though, don't be surprised to find out very soon that we are MUCH further along than many people here apparently expect.
We have some more crazy shit to go - economy problems, and a WWIII type scare - perhaps Iran and/or NK and/or Taiwan vs. China. Nothing is what it appears.
I stopped looking at all media (theirs and ours) like a consumer, but instead, as an Intelligence Analyst. Look at for 40,000 feet above, see how that information is being used. As Q says repeatedly: Game Theory.
This whole thing is a great big show... and we are within 60 days of the finish line, probably a lot less.
Soros, and Bezos, et al, the WaPo, The NYT, etc... we don't listen to or read any of that stuff... it isn't for us, we are awake.
How do we wake the Idiots up? They only listen to their OWN News Outlets, right?
So you flip them, infiltrate, remove the blackmail pressure, etc.
It is all in the Q drops, my friend. We are near the end if you now have their own outlets waking them up.
(Copied from me answering someone else):
The show going on right now with FB whistleblower is perfect example. Trump wanted FB regulated, and couldn't do it as him. Now, We control Puppet Biden, and FB will be regulated under the guise of controlling "the crazy Trumpers". End Result? FB, big tech, Socials, all of them get regulated, and it is done by Dems themselves.
We are destroying Big Pharma (Trump wanted that too), We are destroying the Wall Street Banking Cabal (We want that too), All of this is getting done with Biden appearing to be in charge. But He Isn't. The Dems can't fight anybody, because it their own party doing it.
So many people here are not seeing the full picture.
Patriots Are In Control.
The show going on right now with FB whistleblower is perfect example. Trump wanted FB regulated, and couldn't do it as him. Now, We control Puppet Biden, and FB will be regulated under the guise of controlling "the crazy Trumper's". End Result? FB, big tech, Socials, all of them get regulated, and it is done by Dems themselves.
We are destroying Big Pharma (Trump wanted that too), We are destroying the Wall Street Banking Cabal (We want that too), All of this is getting done with Biden appearing to be in charge. But He Isn't. The Dems can't fight anybody, because it their own party doing it.
So many people here are not seeing the full picture.
I do vaguely remember the call. You gotta remember these articles aren't for us.
They are for the folks still asleep, the ones who read the WaPo, etc. The sentence you quote above is called background info, for the reader to be brought up to speed, at least what I can gather from what you are asking.
Think Bigger. The sheep don't listen to anything but THEIR news sources. If Q has infiltrated or flipped them, and they are now the ones reporting red-pill stories, then the sheep listen.
I don't care who makes the alarm clock - as long as people wake up.
Importance of controlled MSM [propaganda][what you see is not true _ what we say is true not what you see]?
Importance of controlling the narrative?
All assets deployed.
Nothing to lose.
Information warfare.
Irregular warfare.
Infiltration not invasion.
Think Bigger. The sheep don't listen to anything but THEIR news sources. If Q has infiltrated or flipped them, and they are now the ones reporting red-pills, the sheep listen.
I don't care who makes the alarm clock - as long as people wake up.
Or perhaps we are further along in flipping things around than we thought. WaPo has even been posting the stories.
"Appear Weak When You Are Strong."
Time will tell. If they are the enemy, they are delivering a lot of red-pills and alarm clocks to the sleepers...
I have a feeling that we have conquered Soros & Org. already. Washington Post has also been publishing stories about this. We have many enemies on a leash now. Final awakening occurring.
I could well be wrong, too. But we'll see.
Regarding the stock squeeze, I think the perfect trap has been set for Wall Street.
If D.C. doesn't raise the debt ceiling, USA will default, and the crash will result in MOASS, wiping them all out.
If D.C. does raise the debt ceiling, the Dems will be responsible for runaway inflation, resulting in higher interest rates. The shorts are extremely leveraged, and the higher interest rates will cause huge margin calls they can't meet, resulting in MOASS, wiping them all out.
If D.C. somehow kicks the can right between default and hyperinflation, then the DRS at computershare continues until we have the entire share count (not just the float, but all shares outstanding), and Ryan Cohen either issues the NFT dividend causing MOASS, or removes the shares from the market over to a new blockchain based clearing house. There have been plenty of hints that is what the NFT Team really is doing, they are building a fraud-proof, blockchain-based replacement for the DTCC.
Tl;dr: We Win no matter what.
We know it is coming:
Not Commie aligned. Think Bigger. Deep State/Cabal aligned.
CCP is a creation of the Rockefeller foundation and Rothschilds...
Trump always said we couldn't wait until 2022... He said many times we have to take care of this now, in 2021. I believe it will be over soon.
You go there, and click the calendar tab. Look at 2020 - all the drops for October 2020, then just 3 drops for Nov 2020, then, a final, single drop on December 8th, 2020. Reading those last few drops in Nov/Dec - you get the feeling the real MEAT of this operation is right now, in RED OCTOBER. We are close, dty6!
Now watch, I just jinxed us all with the calendar! 🤪