I always wondered what it would take for a father to send their child to "be killed". What father could do that? Especially en masse like the passage tells us will be? What if parents thought they were doing a good thing by taking their kids to get the clot shot? They would WILLINGLY take them to the slaughter. Brother would be more than happy to make their sibling "get the vax" in order to "protect" them. I'm not saying this is what the passage means. Who the heck knows when or how the below would happen or if it already has. Revelation is such an enigma. But it's there. And you certainly don't need to be a Christian to see how freaking things are getting...

Matthew 10:21-23 Easy-to-Read Version 21 “Brothers will turn against their own brothers and hand them over to be killed. Fathers will hand over their own children to be killed. Children will fight against their own parents and will have them killed. 22 Everyone will hate you because you follow me. But the one who remains faithful to the end will be saved. 23 When you are treated badly in one city, go to another city. I promise you that you will not finish going to all the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes again.


wait what?


Crowder had a bit on Bernays' father today. The founder of "PR".


u/trustthetruth has probably dug on this before but I have not seen him mentioned so wanted to bring it up.


Whenever I bring up the audits, the doomers are always "muh well who will cover it".

It doesn't matter.


Okay wtf how did I just find this out now, and not even in its own thread but in a comment by u/trustthetruth on some other thread.


So Tucker was buddies with Hunter in 2014-15 and Hunter wrote a LOR for his kid? Why the heck isn't this being talked about here or on doomers.win? This was the first I saw of it just today.

Is this true? Can anyone else verify? Seems pretty legit.

Explains why Cucker treated Powell so poorly and "lost the evidence" that was sent to him.


They're discussing Q today it seems...




Today on Bannon Mike said "If I'm picked for this big thing" in reference to him leaving his drug addict life and becoming a pillow merchant and having a purpose for God.

But I think, although that is true, he slipped a little. I think he was "picked for this thing" by the white hats. Literally. He's an asset and has been for years.

  1. He said he would not kill himself.

  2. If the DS wanted (and was able to) murder him, they would have already had done it prior to his "suicide".

That's it. Pretty simple.


Perhaps it does not refer to a bunch of suicides but just one. Mcafees

On suicide weekend the info drops

This is suicide weekend... ?


Remember in 2019 late summer/fall there was that "outbreak" of "vaping deaths"? A lot of them in Wisconsin?


Interesting symptoms:

Overview: In Wisconsin and across the U.S., cases of e-cigarette, or vaping, associated lung injury (EVALI) have declined after a nationwide outbreak occurred in the summer and fall of 2019. New cases continued to be reported in Wisconsin and the U.S. throughout 2020.

Symptoms. Patients with EVALI may have a range of initial symptoms, including shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, nausea, vomiting, fever, and weight loss. Severity. Some patients with EVALI develop severe breathing problems requiring hospitalization, and may have to be put on ventilators in order to breathe. No EVALI-related deaths have been reported in Wisconsin, but deaths have occurred in other states.




I was thinking about the AZ audit last night and how the MSM is already getting ahead of it by discrediting it at every turn.

So after the audit exposes the fraud, normies will still not be convinced. We don't care, but I think Q does.

So then HOW will normies EVER be convinced there was fraud??? Even if the audits in other states show mass fraud, the MSM will just keep spinning it to normies who will NEVER be convinced by these "partisan" state audits. Right?

So then how?

This occurred to me... perhaps what we are needing is after the audits show fraud in multiple states, the MILITARY takes all the ballots and does their OWN audit. Normies and D's can't cry about it being "partisan" because guess what? POTATUS is "in charge" of the military right?

Trump is "out of the picture" so there can't be any "Orange man rigged the audit" claims.

What if this is the way!?


Sorry for not linking the article but yeah I'm not gonna link it. Trust me. I almost got eye cancer from reading most of it...


I'm considering ordering some HCQ by going through the FLD telmed. Has anyone here done it and what was your experience if so?




Christos anesti!


I think Q clearly states optics are important but a few here argue with me. Thx


Stolen from Patriots.doomers

"Justice Bolick at the Arizona Supreme Court has taken the case. He praised Coury and gave the dem plaintiffs until Wednesday to file a Response. And the audit continues.

permalink save report block reply –lordvon 28 points 3 hours ago +28 / -0 this is the first concrete bit of info, way down deep into the comments. thank you.

permalink parent save report block reply –POTUS_DonnieJ 15 points 2 hours ago +15 / -0 Source please?

permalink parent save report block reply –rocco_saint 6 points 1 hour ago +6 / -0 So is it this guy?


Goldwater Institute which sounds good. But there's a lot of shit that the republican party is doing that would have Barry Goldwater rolling over in his grave."


So I made a comment on the AZ audit thread. Simply that yeah the hand recount probably won't do much but the forensic and door knocking might be very different.

Then this shill chimes in:

" u/giantrabbit1 0 points 5 minutes ago +2 / -2

just another grift from the same Q-tard LARPers that brought you the kraken and other non-happenings

these audits will turn up nothing as usual since all the evidence has already been scrubbed months ago. and then the QTARDS will still continue to LARP about trump coming back in August while they continue to grift Trump supporters out of their money!"

This mothereffer has 278k comment Karma and over 20k post carma. He's not even attacking my argument. This is 100% china bullshit.

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