Did anyone else happen to catch Watter's World last night(Saturday Jan. 8,2022)? I know! FFN, I was channel surfing and it popped up.
Any way, Watters had an epidemiologist on who says he has "proof" that Omicron came from a lab in South Africa, and the proof is in the DNA sequencing. Sadly I forgot to make note of the scientists name and have so far been unable to find the video posted anywhere. Any sauce would be greatly appreciated.
It actually makes a lot of sense seeing how it must occur after 11.3 is verified. All the other "The only way" drops are tied to "Transparency" of the fraud in Govt. and the pedo cabal.
I'm just looking for reasonable mature discussion, not claiming it is the end all answer.
Merry Christmas Frens!
He promised no vaccine mandates, and he hsn't placed one. BUT................................ He did sign an order allowing any school, business, or county/town/city leaders to impose them at will. Any bets on if he retracts this, or allows it to go forward? My money is on the later.
Breaking on WARROOM this morning, the NIH has changed their story and now admit they funded gain of function research on how to make the Bat Corona Virus more deadly. This means Fauci purposely lied to Congress on numerous occasions, and by LAW, should be arrested immediately. This could be the FIRST arrest we've been waiting for!