Brioux 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've never heard a great option. "It removes the straight ballot choice" and "We couldn't foresee there being a 'pandemic', causing an influx of mail in votes"

Neither answer is great. Truth is, many are compromised. I think PA is easily in the top 5 most corrupt states, potentially top 3. Same with the unconstitutional redistricting and mandate to upgrade the voting machines under the guise of election security (election security means getting dominion machines? Come on).

Brioux 9 points ago +9 / -0

Likewise. South Eastern PA here, life long resident.

Brioux 82 points ago +82 / -0

Another PA pede here, seconded. I trust Mastriano greatly and think there are plenty of false flags planned to trick us.

Brioux 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hillary Clinton. Speaker of the house resigning was Paul Ryan, I believe

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