Bubba1776 9 points ago +11 / -2

Yes send them!

This is the most important day in their life, one they will remember as old men and women after you are gone. Let them experience the shock, awe, and joy with their peers.

The momentous events of today will echo for a thousand years.

Bubba1776 3 points ago +3 / -0

She is just out of the loop, I know Trump humored her by letting her participate in this and that, but why would he share this world shattering secret with his daughter?

Trust the plan.

Bubba1776 4 points ago +5 / -1

Either misinformation or she is out of the loop. Trump is not giving up the Presidency tomorrow.

Bubba1776 2 points ago +3 / -1

I do not think it is necessary for Trump to wait that long. He can be reaffirmed as President tomorrow, but take a back seat while the trials take place. Given the volume of the accused, I expect something more akin to Nuremberg that takes better part of a year.

Bubba1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

Have you been paying attention to Q for the last few years? How about Flynn, Powel, and Lin Wood?

We are less than 24 hours from inauguration, it must all happened now, Biden cannot be allowed to become CIC. Democrats control both chambers of Congress and will never impeach if he is entrenched as President. The only time for The Plan to come into effect is in the next few hours!

Bubba1776 1 point ago +2 / -1

We are past all that. It is less than a day until the inauguration. No twit or forum post is going to change anything. We are in the action phase. The information gathering phase was 4+ years, it is done now.

The Storm is here.

Bubba1776 1 point ago +3 / -2

You know that feeling when you watch a really good movie or finish a really good book and think "I wish I could experience it again for the first time".

I envy people like you that get to experience the events of the next 24 hours as a surprise; knowing what will happened gives peace, but takes away the wonder.

Bubba1776 0 points ago +2 / -2

As we speak, thousands of troops are performing hundreds of arrests. The Storm is here.

Tomorrow Trump will be revealed as our current and future President. The charges against all the power brokers of this nation will be read. The nation will rejoice and justice will be done.

You are going to feel REAL silly tomorrow.

Bubba1776 4 points ago +7 / -3

People said that about Obama and his fake birth certificate, he did just fine until now.

If Biden is sworn in, the cabal wins. It will not and must not happen.

Bubba1776 2 points ago +7 / -5

You do not need to kill ten million people to send a message, unless you are Stalin.

Think about it, one Patriot woman gets shot in the Capital and all the fake patriots are cowed into silence.

I think that a few hundred arrests, two or three dozen convictions, and maybe a few executions will let everyone know that treason is no longer tolerable.

People talk about executing this or that Democrat, but having Nancy or Hillary, or best of all Obama publicly repent and turn on their co-conspirators in exchange for leniency may send a stronger message than a thousand hanging.

Bubba1776 -1 points ago +2 / -3

You mean if the Storm is stopped by a cabal/Chicom counter-coup?

It will be a bloodbath, and I am going to do same thing you will. Break rocks and eat rotten potatoes in a gulag. But at least we will be proven right, as small a victory as that is.

Bubba1776 1 point ago +4 / -3

They may not, but one way or another they WILL play out in the next 48 hours.

Bubba1776 78 points ago +82 / -4

"When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground." Cersei Lannister

You do not arrest a giant entrenched cabal of billionaires and politicians and get to walk away because you don't want to be divisive. He will remain in place for ATLEAST 4 more years.

Bubba1776 73 points ago +76 / -3

I have that feeling you get going up rollercoaster, mixture of fear, nervousness, and excitement.

Your brain tells you everything will be fine, it is just a rollercoaster, it gets inspected, you are the millionth guy on it this summer... Yet you still feel the adrenaline, your body still sends danger signals, somewhere deep in your soul a small part whispers that against all logic, you are about to die.

As much as I look forward to this day, as much as I know that Q has prepared us for this day, as strong as my faith is in Trump coming through as he always does, a small part of me still doubts. But not for long.

Bubba1776 32 points ago +35 / -3

Hopium is eternal friend.

But it is happening, after all these years it is finally all coming to a climax. It has to happened before the inauguration. No other choice, the Storm is finally upon us.

Bubba1776 47 points ago +50 / -3

I think that the absolute point of no return is having Biden inaugurated. There is millions of people who are only vaguely attentive to politics, once they are informed that there is a new President, they will innocently assume that is so. It would also put a Chinese compromised man in full control of US military. So all moves must be made in the next 48-72 hours.

The trials and tribunals will take months, maybe years given the sheer scope of the conspiracy. But the open phase of the operation must begin within 24 hours.

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