BusinessAsUsual 2 points ago +2 / -0

Shoot themselves in the foot with this kind of stuff has a name (depending on context/connotation) -> Streisand Effect or Boomerang

BusinessAsUsual 3 points ago +3 / -0
  1. The popular vote in ‘16 (tho still a dominating win for GEOTUS)

  2. A number of HoR and Senate seats in ‘18 esp in CA and AZ amongst other places. There were a number of Rs with big leads closing the night but “ballots were found” that flipped elections to Ds. It was mathematically impossible.

BusinessAsUsual 2 points ago +2 / -0

tigerdroppings is based af and has been on Q since very early on.

BusinessAsUsual 2 points ago +3 / -1

My guess is this tweet, if it ever comes, will be shortly before or shortly after 11/3. Most likely, imo, shortly after (no matter who “wins” or no winner declared). Or I could be wrong.

BusinessAsUsual 7 points ago +7 / -0

One would think with all the money they’re getting from multi-national corps, sports & entertainment, etc. that they could do better. Or maybe most of that money is getting shuffled somewhere else? What am I thinking... I’m sure Act Blue and Thousand Currents are all on the up and up.

BusinessAsUsual 3 points ago +3 / -0

Jordan just posted on parler that twatter inexplicably restored his account. He doesn’t know why as he didn’t change or do anything.

BusinessAsUsual 18 points ago +18 / -0


This post provides some great links. I was on 4chan when q started posting so have been following from the beginning. From links in the provided post, my suggestion would be to:

  1. watch Joe M’s videos
  2. Americanthinker intro
  3. go to qmap.pub; change sort by to the earliest so you’re starting from q post #1
  4. read all of q’s posts
  5. Praying medic is a good follow for beginners; peruse his analysis for examples; he’s on a number of platforms
  6. Most importantly do your own research and think for yourself
  7. It’s a lot of work but worth it

My $.02 anyways.