I said it earlier this year, and even before that, and I say it even stronger now... 🐑🐐

For the states here in the U.S...I sense that we are in a "goat and sheep" time, and it is being decided in this hour! What is decided now will be very crucial and pivotal in the days, weeks, and months to come. Many are deciding what side they want to be on, and what they will align with. I'm not saying that can't change later, but things will be decided in this hour based on what the leadership and government in that states aligns with.

Some have already decided, and no amount of prayer will change it (for this season anyway). I'm not saying it can't ever be changed, but sometimes it has to come after a very difficult season of shaking. For some, that is what it may take, and what will happen in the very near future.

This is what I released earlier this year, after the overturning of Roe V Wade, and sending it back to the states...more is happening even now with these mid-term elections.👇🏻🙏🏻🔥

"A CLEAR & GREAT DIVIDE (Excerpt from June, 2022)

"With the overturning of Roe V Wade, I believe we will seeing the beginning (or maybe a continuation of) a clear divide between the different states within the "United" States of America. I believe this will continue and escalate in many ways over the next few months and years..." - End of excerpt

Pray with me for the states that are in the balance...pray that corruption be exposed, and "Samuel & Deborahs" will arise into power to lead as "Judges"/prophetic leaders! This is needed now more than ever. Pray for your state...#PrayForAmerica as a whole! We need it now more than ever!

In prayer & preparation,

Amanda Shiflett ~ Prophetic Reformer


Nov. 1, 2022 As I was in prayer this morning, asking the Lord to show me what He wanted me to learn, know, understand or do in His word, He lead me to the book of Hosea. In chapters 1-3, God told Hosea to go take an unfaithful wife. When she went astray, God used it as lessons and compared her to the nation of Israel. God said they will be called ‘Not my people’ when they went off and followed false gods and sinned against Him. When they did, He also withheld His blessings. I found this to be so in my own life as I have been guilty of the most heinous crimes against my husband. I used to place blame partially on things he was doing that pushed me there, but I was guilty of having an unfaithful and obstinate heart that wanted my own things and wandering far from God and His ways and instructions. When I did things in my life fell completely apart. This is what happened with Hosea’s wife and in Israel. God chose at that time to bless the nation of Judah instead and call them ‘My people’. Israel became a barren parched land with much horrible crimes, sickness and poverty. However God promised that those whom He called ‘Not my people’ would once again be called ‘My people’ when they returned to Him and He would once again bless them and reunite them with Judah and they would be brothers again. America has been undergoing the same crises as it has wandered far from God and chosen to go its own way. Crime has become rampant, the land is parched, crops are not thriving, sickness and disease are everywhere, people have chosen to be rebellious and worship false gods and go their own way. Because of this, God has withheld His blessings. Yet because of the faithful few who have been crying out to God, standing up for righteousness and pushing for a return to God, our nation is slowly beginning to heal.
We must continue to stand and fight against all kinds of evils that are running rampant in our land and when we can finally turn the hearts of the many back to God, He will bring back His blessings upon our land and its people in America. We must remain vigilant in His word and in close communion with Him. In order to withstand the wiles of the devil and his demons and stand victorious in bringing about a sharp u-turn for our country. In turn, God will bring back His many blessings from rain, crops, fish, health and peace in America and in our personal lives. This is our duty as disciples of Christ Jesus. If we wish to see peace and prosperity in America and in our own lives, we have much work ahead. Direct my path Lord, lead me in Your perfect will. Amen November 8, 2022 The Holy Spirit told me twice today to begin a Ladies Bible Study at our house.

November 9, 2022 On the way home from Bible study at our church this evening, my husband and I were discussing the unseasonable warmth today, it was 80*. I said “It’s almost like” and was about to say ‘an extended summer’ when I heard the Holy Spirit say “Sow your crops” and I saw someone planting seeds in our garden. I questioned “In November Lord?” A few minutes later, I heard it again twice In the Spirit, “Sow your crops———-Sow your crops” God is showing me that He is about to do the most extraordinary, unimaginable, seemingly impossible things. He want us to STEP OUT IN FAITH no matter how small and sow wherever He leads even though it may seem impossible. We MUST Sow our crops.

Luke 17:6 He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree. Be uprooted and planted in the sea and it will obey you.

Matthew 17:20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith, Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible but with God all things are possible.”

Mark 10:27 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God: all things are possible.”

Prophetic word

By Charlie Shamp February 27, 2020

I was recently taken in a vision where I saw a justice scale in the shape of a cross hovering over the United States of America. Upon each side there was placed a large letter C. This massive cross shaped scale came to rest in the center of the nation and I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “This nation is at a crossroads and is weighing in the balance. A choice will be made between one of two roads that will forever change the course of the country.” One of the C’s was illuminated and turned to the word Communism. I again heard the Lord say, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.” Then I saw the second C illuminated and turned to the word Capitalism. I heard the Lord say, “She considers a field and buys it; with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard. She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong. She perceives that her merchandise is profitable. Her lamp does not go out at night.” Suddenly I saw a third C illuminated and it turned to the word Church. I heard the Lord say, “My church must arise in this hour and decree the word of the Lord to tip the scale for freedom and liberty. She must open her mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy. She must arise and tip the scale to break the spirit of Communism that seeks to destroy the land of one nation under my hand. For you will decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee and the light will shine upon the the righteous way.”

-Prophet Charlie Shamp


So, I just watched watched one of the Dark Crystal for the first time with my Grandkids. It’s (whichever one has the pic of old heavyset character puppet as cover. . I’m talking Jim Hensen puppet movie. So, there’s a part where the old vultures draw a Gelfling into a cave and they hook her up to pumps and use a crystal to drain the life from her and collect some sort of whitish fluid into a vial from her.

Now that I have learned alot on here, I’m thinking Adrenochrome.


"A Word to the Modern-Day Noahs" Christa Elisha, Oxford, Ohio On October 24th, as I was spending time with the Lord, I went into a lovely encounter that I believe will greatly encourage you and position you for success in the days ahead! Leaning into the presence of God in my recliner, I said, "Lord, I have been so busy. Please come and refresh my heart. Is there anything You would like to speak to me?" Ever so gently, I heard Him speak: "Sometimes you do not need another word from Me. Instead, what you need is another moment immersed in My presence, wrapped up in My arms." Suddenly, I could feel His Spirit, like water, falling all around me. As I continued to soak in His reviving rain, the water level around me rose, and I began to experience a floating sensation. His Spirit was taking me higher as I simply rested and received. It was glorious, to say the least. The Noah Anointing In the midst of this encounter, I was reminded of Noah. Noah found favor with God because he trusted God. The name Noah means "rest" or "relaxation." When we fast forward to the New Testament in Mark 4:38, we read about Jesus taking a nap in the hull of the boat during another storm. His fearful disciples came to wake Him. At their plea, He rose, rebuked the storm and then rebuked His disciples for their lack of faith after all they had seen Him do. I have a conviction that every Believer today is called to operate in this "Noah anointing." We do this by simply trusting that God meant what He said in the Gospel message – that our sins have been erased by the Blood of Jesus, and His covenant to us, His children, is that we have PEACE with Him through the finished work of the Cross. Thus, we may enter into His REST.

We can stop trying to earn God's acceptance through our own efforts and religious activities. We can RELAX and stop worrying that God is not pleased with us, that He will punish us, or that He will not be there for us in our time of need. The Lord said in Psalm 95:9-11, "There your fathers tested Me and tried My patience even though they saw My miracles for forty years they still doubted Me! This ignited My anger with that generation and I said about them, 'They wander in their hearts just like they do with their feet, and they refuse to learn My ways.' My heart grieved over them so I decreed: 'They will not enter into My rest!'" We see in this passage that the Israelites could not experience peace with God or enter into rest because they lacked faith/trust in His love for them, despite all He had done. Reader, I bless you to comprehend the magnitude of His grace, love and faithfulness toward you so that you will not sin in your heart by doubting His goodness. The Father is satisfied with His Son, and now the Son of God lives in YOU, by His Spirit, so that the Father can be satisfied with YOU, TOO. An Invitation to a Season of Rest Corporately, I believe the Lord is inviting us into a season of resting and receiving from Him in this last quarter of the year. It will be through soaking or lingering in His presence that we will find rest. Just as the ark rose with the water level to rest on the mountain top, we too will float to the higher place He has prepared for us. This is a season to relinquish control, to surrender our fear and to refuse to doubt the finished work of the Cross which has accomplished its mission: peace between God and man. It is a season to sabbath from striving to make things happen, and to simply enjoy indulging in the stillness of quietly resting in His love for us. It will be in this place of trust that we will be infused with fresh vision and revelation, supercharged for the days ahead. (Photo via Pixabay) To the Modern-day Noahs I feel that the Lord wants to encourage the modern-day Noahs in this hour. You have seen what is coming and have faithfully built the ark. Now the Lord is sending His reviving rain to water His workers. You have done well in your labor, and now it is time to receive your REWARD of being able to RELAX and RECOVER physically, mentally and spiritually. Praise God! Some of you just need to take a nap like Jesus did! And this is no joke, since the Lord is saying that this season of relaxation is vital for your wellbeing in the days ahead! Remember, friends, Noah and his family did not live on the boat after the water receded... No, they left the ark and Noah got right back to work – this time planting a vineyard. See, the ark was merely the vehicle to get them to the mountain they were called to occupy. There are mountains of culture that many of you will need to begin to occupy with new wine skins when this season of sabbath ends. Rest well, saints, for there is still work to be done on the horizon! So just RELAX, guys! Even though we are certainly living in the days of Noah, just as Jesus talked about in Matthew 24:37, we are called to experience PEACE and REST as we trust in Him! The storm that rocks the world won't rock your boat, if you don't allow it to influence your faith! Rest is the posture required to take your mountain and His promises that, like the rainbow around His throne, never fade or fall. Hallelujah!


So, I think a mod blocked my ability to upload pics. If you can remove that block, I promise not to paint bomb you with my paintings. This turned out good and want y’all to see it.


"A Change Is Coming - in Your Favor!" Nellie O'Hara, Burlington, ON, Canada

Prophetic Word of the Lord from October 24, 2022:

I hear the Lord say, "There is a change, and it has to do with who you are, what you have become, and what you carry as a result of the last season you went through. You don't even realize what you carry; you carry more of a depth of Me – of the Holy Spirit – than you realize.

Clothed in Favor

"As you go – as you continue to go forward in this year of 5783 – it is of a greater 'knowing' of who I am and what My Word says. It's nothing in your efforts that you will be doing, but what you will be noticing. You will be noticing the atmosphere in situations changing in your favor. You will notice responses from people are different. You will notice you are clothed in My favor. You will notice the words that are coming from your mouth are creating and targeting what they are intending to... You will notice that you speak with clarity and bring clarity. You will notice how things open up as you enter into the proximity of many spheres.

"Be not surprised, beloved. Actually look for it; begin to discern it and notice the difference and, then, embrace it," says the Lord.

"For [even the whole] creation (all nature) waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God's sons to be made known [waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their sonship]." (Romans 8:19)

Focus on the Change

I hear the Lord say, "Focus on the change; discern the atmosphere – where once the spirit of intimidation was able to intimidate you, but now you respond as one who is firm and sure and steady. (Photo via Unsplash)

"Not one thing has been wasted that you have been through. Don't think that I have missed one thing you went through – one tear that rolled down your cheek, or those tears that you held back, or the gut-wrenching disappointments you endured. No, My beloved; I miss nothing.

All Things Are Working Together for Your Good

"The question is not, 'Are you ready?' but rather you are ready, and here we go! Where are we going? We are going into all things possible, and we are in ALL things working together for your good. Know this today and breathe it in. All things ARE working together for your good. Even though you cannot see it, you understand it. Now walk in that and focus on that."

"We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose." (Romans 8:28)

A Just Settlement

The God of peace is crushing the enemy under His feet. He is crushing those wicked assignments, and He is crushing that which has been withheld from you.

The Lord says, "There is a just settlement coming for you, even before you ask. I am rendering this. For this reason, pay close attention to who you have become...draw even closer to Me than ever before and do not drift away – not now, not at this critical time. I have so much for you," says the Lord.

"Are not the angels all ministering spirits (servants) sent out in the service [of God for the assistance] of those who are to inherit salvation? SINCE ALL this is true, we ought to pay much closer attention than ever to the truths that we have heard, lest in any way we drift past [them] and slip away." (Hebrews 1:14-2:1 emphasis mine)


By Deborah Waldron Fry November 1, 2022

11/1 A Fresh Fire is coming to My Fearless Ones, the Dawn is breaking!" I see the Children of God dancing with all their might! There is a Beautiful BLAZING Sky over them, with oranges and pinks and reds, like the most beautiful sunset you have ever seen, only it is a SUNRISE spelled SON RISE. As the Children of God dance with all their might, FIRE from the Heavens is coming upon their feet! Like David danced before the Lord with all his might, so shall you as you let go of all your burdens. You are the Fearless Ones on Fire for Jesus!

The devil has tried to hold you down, discourage you, steal your joy and take your dance away. The world will try to shame you for your display of emotion and devotion to your Abba Father, to Yahweh God, to Jesus your Savior. But you are chosen and appointed and anointed for such a time as this! Let the Fire come! God is raising you up for such a time as this! As you dance for your Audience of One, FIRE is coming upon your feet! You are the Fearless Ones on Fire! "BEHOLD, I give you Authority to TREAD upon serpents and scorpions and over ALL the power of the enemy and NOTHING shall by any means harm you!" He is under your feet!

“Beloved. Let the Fire come! You are My Fearless Ones. You do not care what others say about you. No one will stop My Burning Ones and the mighty move of God that is coming. My Chosen Ones dance and worship their Lord with all their might as David did. They don’t pay attention to the things happening around them. You don’t care who talks about you, judges you, or calls you names because you have no shame in your passion. You are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

"I have the same Passion for you, My Child, it is the very Flame of Yahweh burning within you. As you worship and dance in our Secret Place I fill you to overflowing with My Consuming Fire. It spreads from the souls of your feet to your hands and heart. This Holy Fire is purifying the walk of My Fearless Ones. My Fire is a refining Fire that destroys all that is not of Me. It purifies the works of gold, silver, and precious stones within, and destroys the works of wood, hay, and stubble.

"Let the Fire come! It is renewing your strength! It fills your inner man with a Fire that nothing and no one can put out. It kindles and brings a Fresh Fire to your heart of those who have had a circumcision. The circumcision of the heart is a sign of the true covenant. You are My Born Again, Spirit Filled, Blood Bought Child of God!

"I have not called you to fit in, but I have created you to stand out. In the midst of the fear and chaos of the world, you have chosen to follow Me. You do not fit any mold, your love and passion won't be quenched no matter what happens! You do not fit the mold of any religious system. You do not limit Me but give the Spirit free reign! Yes, My Child!

"The enemy cannot tame you, Dear One. You are untamed in your passion to see My next move. I do nothing without first revealing My Secrets to My Servants the Prophets. You are not looking to do your own thing, but have completely submitted your will to align with the will of your Father. You have undergone a death to self so you can be My Vessel full of Fire.

"You are My ILLUMINATED ONES, filled with My Fire, from the souls of your feet to the top of your head! Dance as if no one is watching, My Fearless One! Whom the Son has set free is free indeed! The enemy can no longer reign you in by his lies. The Freedom and the Fire in you shall illuminate others and set the captives free!

"The night of darkness has ended and now the Joy of the Bright and Morning Star has come! The Dawn is here and kindled by My all consuming Fire! Submit yourself to Me and dance with all your might with Me, Beloved! The prophets and prophetesses shall go before the Army of the Lord! I am in the midst of you; you shall not be moved; I will help you when morning dawns! My Fire is blazing in your eyes!

"Do you see the Heavens ablaze with Glorious Beauty?! It is time! The Fiery SON of Righteousness arises with healing in His Wings! Dance with Me, Beloved, and let the Fire come upon you now! You are shining like a Blazing Torch in My Salvation! It is time to rejoice! I am bringing forth your righteousness like the Dawn, your justice like the noonday sun! My FIRE is breaking forth like the Dawn, and your healing will come speedily! Your Righteousness will go before you, and the Glory of the LORD will be your rear guard!"

Song of Solomon 6:10 "Who is this who shines like the Dawn, Fair as the moon, Clear as the sun, Awesome as an army with banners?

Matthew 17:2 "There He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light."

Hebrews 12:28 "Therefore, since we are receiving an unshakable kingdom, let us be filled with gratitude, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe. 29“ For our God is a consuming fire.”

2 Samuel 6:14 "And David, wearing a linen ephod, danced with all his might before the LORD,"

Exodus 15:20 "Then Miriam the prophetess, Aaron's sister, took a tambourine in her hand, and all the women followed her with tambourines and dancing."

Isaiah 62:1 "For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not keep still, until her righteousness shines like a bright light, her salvation like a blazing torch."

Psalm 37:5 "Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him, and He will do it. 6 He will bring forth your righteousness like the dawn, your justice like the noonday sun. 7 Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for Him; do not fret when men prosper in their ways, when they carry out wicked schemes."

Psalm 46:5 "God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns."

Isaiah 58:8 "Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will come quickly. Your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard."

Revelation 22:16 “I, Jesus, have sent My angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the bright Morning Star.” 17The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” Let the one who hears say, “Come!” And let the one who is thirsty come, and the one who desires the water of life drink freely."

If anyone knows the artist I will post it! Thank you!

God's Great Dance Floor by Passion with Chris Tomlin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-WOneEXr00

Jesus is coming (elijahlist.com)
posted ago by Callmejuls ago by Callmejuls

Before the Storm

I see thunder clouds - storm clouds - billowing up all around the UK and America. I see people running for shelter even before the storm breaks. Normally, we talk about the lull before the storm, but this appears to be the opposite. There's something dramatic going to happen that will be a catalyst for the storm. I get the impression that it will be a crassly blatant attempt to release another bio weapon upon the UK and America, maybe even the world. It will involve politicians at the very highest level and will topple the governments of both countries - such will be the horror, dismay, and disgust at the discovery of this plan. It will be revealed in time to thwart it but it will cause a huge scandal.

I see the scandal breaking and, almost simultaneously, the Lord will show His power as a mighty wave of righteous indignation will herald in an equally mighty move of Holy Spirit that will bring a real storm of revival to the UK and to the world. I see this storm of revival totally dividing both the church and the country leading to the brink of serious civil unrest - some will say civil war - but a peacemaker will also be revealed. NOT the Antichrist but a forerunner without the charisma and miracles - a type of antichrist if you like but NOT the real thing!

In America everything points to Donald Trump returning as Gods anointed, but in the UK I see a new, Trump-like, politician emerging. An ‘unknown’ outside political circles - young and dynamic, charismatic too! See also https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10157883484760633&id=679460632

The effect of this storm on the Church will be equally dramatic. Revival always disrupts and divides the church between those who reject it and those who receive and welcome it! This coming season will be no different, as many in the church will reject any move of God. There will be those who welcome Holy Spirit and all that He brings, but equally there will be those who declare it to be not of God, even demonic, and who will eschew anything to do with it. It will be a bittersweet time.

This scandal and storm, I feel, is very close - almost imminent. The storm is almost upon us - God is ready to move now! Hang on - it's going to be a bumpy ride!

CGB MARCH 30 2022


Seeing several reports about people and businesses cutting ties with Kanye West for some supposed antisemitic remarks, yet can’t seem to find what he said anywhere that has all the lib nuts up in arms. What did he say?


October 26, 2022

while reading a prophetic message on FB, I had a vision of fields of green then l saw up into mountains, scooped down and drank clear, crisp water from a stream, walked by several cabins and knocked on several doors then we hiked in a group up into the mountains and saw all the provisions God gave for Camp Yesu. I saw again storm shelters un the hillside and lightning, I saw cows grazing in the wooded meadows, Holy Spirit then took me to where several children were in chains on a boat with many men about to use them and do horrible things to them. My group was armed with many weapons and we killed these evil monstrous predators and took the children. Then we were back at Camp Yesu with the children and a large group of Camp staff hugging and crying with these children. I saw us then in a small church building and many were on their knees praying. Then I saw children in a small schoolhouse with old fashioned desks, haying being done in fields, grain being milled and placed in storehouses, hunting for deer, and the foraging of plants and gardening, soaps and lotions being made and medicines being made. I saw men with workhorses tilling fields and horses being used to herd cows and rocks and minerals being mined and dug and jewelry and pottery and paintings being made. And basket weaving being done.


By Nate Johnston


Recently in a dream, the Lord took me into a hoarder's home filled with piles of boxes, old belongings, and rubbish that were stacked in this home and filling this home to the point that I could barely walk through it. And then I heard the Lord speak and He said, “Prophesy to the home, prophesy to the four corners of the home.” Exactly like it speaks about an Ezekiel 37:4-5

"Then he said to me, 'Prophesy to these bones and say to them, "Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life."'"

So I began to prophesy and speak to the home. I began to speak God's heart and intentions over every room of the house, and suddenly a torrential wind entered and started helping, it came through the house lifting up every box, trash, and piece of clutter and blowing it out of the house. Then the Lord said “ I'm sweeping out the home. I'm cleaning it out, and I'm going to shut the doors on the enemy where he has had rule and reign because doors have been opened and families have been left vulnerable and wide open to the attack of the enemy.” And I heard Him say, “This is an hour that I'm coming to heal and repair generations upon generations of damage. And I'm restoring families back to their original design that I intended for them," says the Lord.

"For many years addiction and dysfunction have been the legacy of families but this will be a season that I turn the enemy's agenda on its head, and I begin to shift families into powerful kingdom legacy instead of the addiction and dysfunction and endless cycles. These families will suddenly step into blessing, into favor, and into health. In a moment I'm coming to sweep out the issues and the constant sickness that has been pervading marriages and families for generations. And I'm coming to establish My Kingdom in homes where there's been open reign for the enemy to come and plant cancerous weeds."

PULLING OUT THE WEEDS "Yes, I am pulling out the weeds that have been planted and have been growing in the dark where the light has not been allowed to shine. The unspoken conversations where sickness has been allowed to fester and grow for years, and I am shining My light upon them so that the weeds can be pulled out once and for all!"

THE BOX OF LOST & FOUND And so as I looked out, I saw this home that was swept out and the doors were flinging wide open as the wind of heaven was blowing through this home. I looked over in the corner of this home and I saw a small box. As I came over to it, I noticed it said lost and found. And as I opened this box, I saw what was inside. There were scrolls and deeds and there were family crests that had family names written on them. And inside there were homes. Inside there were promises of prodigals coming home, finances restored, and promises of a full bill of health. And I knew that this box was the redemption of the war on families. It was the place of restoration where things had been lost and stolen.

This box represented the Lord's plan to turn every assignment of the enemy on its head and flip the script for families who have faced endless warfare and robbery for generations. And in its place, He was giving the deeds to clean bill of health in every way. So many families have had endless sicknesses coming against their families, family illnesses running in their family line for generations. I saw where there'd been addictions and there'd been perversions and there'd been many sins that had been handed down from father to son and from mother to daughter for many generations, yet in a moment it was completely severed. And God was restoring health and wholeness.

I saw where there'd been a poverty spirit over family generations for many generations and God was healing it. And I saw prodigals that were coming home. I saw husbands that were returning back to the Lord. I saw that this box represented the season we're entering into of the restoration of the family of God. You see, the enemy has targeted the family. He's brought his battle more than ever before in the last 20 years to the family living room. He placed this war in the living room for a purpose because he wanted to destroy families from the inside out—he wanted to crumble families from the inside out. But the Lord says, “In this hour, I am putting a mantle upon My Church to be restorers of the breach and they will expel the enemy. They will throw him out, they will cast him out into the darkness and they will build up the foundations that for many generations have torn down!” says the Lord. And that is what He's doing.

"And it shall come to pass in that day, declares the Lord of hosts, that I will break his yoke from off your neck, and I will burst your bonds, and foreigners shall no more make a servant of him." (Jeremiah 30:8)

And as I'm writing this, I hear the Lord saying that there is deliverance coming upon you. There is freedom coming upon you where your family has been in torment for many generations. The Lord says, "In this hour, I'm taking the reproach of many generations off your shoulders, you're going to feel a yolk break off you that has been on your shoulders for many, many generations," says the Lord. "I am breaking the heavy yokes that have been around your neck and you will no longer identify with them!"

"They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations." (Isaiah 61:4)

BREAKING OFF JEZEBEL'S SLAVERY I even see many different spirits that have followed families for generations, that have gone from father to son, and they are being broken. In this hour I see where the Jezebel spirit has been jumping from family member to family member down the generational line, and this has been taking place for many generations. And narcissism has been following. And I hear the Lord saying, "I am breaking the yoke that has been slaving My people." And the Lord said, "In this hour, I declare let My people go—they are being set free in Jesus' name. They will no longer tolerate her or appease her. They will no longer let her into their marriages and relationships!

"And in this hour I am breaking off all access to Jezebel's minions that have plagued your home with UNREST and CHAOS! Familiar spirits are being shut off from their access. Surveilling and monitoring spirits are having their access removed so they can no longer see into your homes and marriages. Witchcraft and control are being severed and the roots and all connection points are being disconnected so that My FREEDOM would be able to break out in homes.

"For it's a time to fortify the homes and turn dens of brokenness into places of My glory!"

RAISING A STANDARD OVER HOMES I feel the Spirit of the Lord saying that "I am raising up a standard right now over families."

"When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.” (Isaiah 59:19)

 I see the walls of the Red Sea receding—I see the families crossing through on the dry ground. I see the places where it felt like there are obstacles on every side. Where many have even asked, "How can this marriage pass through this obstacle? How can my children find Jesus in the midst of the cultural wars? How can my child find their God-given identity again in such a time of gender confusion?"

The Lord says, "I have promised you that your children and your families will cross through on the dry ground. This is a time in an hour that I'm leading the family of God out of Egypt. I'm leading those who've been through dysfunction through many, many, many generations of warfare and demonic attack—I'm leading them out." says the Lord. "This is the hour that I'm raising up the former devastations of the family."

And even right now, I prophesy over you. I take authority over every single assignment and principality that's been sent to disassemble and dismantle your family for many generations, it shall be broken. Every vow, every agreement that was made by your forefathers, by your family from many generations ago, we right now immerse them under the blood of Jesus and we make a better covenant right now. And Lord, we just ask for a new bloodline to be set over those reading this right now, that You would set a new bloodline in Jesus' mighty name.

Yes, the Lord says He is setting a new bloodline from this day forward and you will no longer identify from where you have come. "You will honor and respect your family line but will step into MY bloodline from this day forward! It is a new day and everything that is behind you is immersed under the blood of Jesus!”

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." (1 Peter 2:9)

Maybe you have been wrestling with addiction. Maybe you are wrestling with infidelity. Maybe you're wrestling with a broken marriage. Maybe you're wrestling with the grief of prodigal sons and daughters. Maybe you're wrestling with being isolated and alienated. Maybe you're wrestling with not finding who God's called you to run with—your partner, and your soulmate—whatever it is and in whatever way the enemy has warred against you, today, the Lord wants to set you free.

I believe today there is an anointing on this to break bondages, especially for those who've grown up in narcissistic households and for many generations have experienced narcissism and have even seen the fruit and patterns in their own life. The Lord is breaking that Jezebel spirit that's been trying to put itself on you and wanting you to identify with it. Today, it breaks!

And the Lord says to you today that you are pure. The Lord says to you today that you are holy. The Lord says to you today that you no longer have to identify with the sins of your forefathers in Jesus' mighty name.


5 For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a person is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.[a] 6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. 7 Therefore do not be partners with them.

8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light 9 (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) 10 and find out what pleases the Lord. 11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. 14 This is why it is said:

“Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” 15 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. 18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, 19 speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, 20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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