Micah 7:8-19 Israel Will Rise

8 Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light. 9 Because I have sinned against him, I will bear the Lord’s wrath, until he pleads my case and upholds my cause. He will bring me out into the light; I will see his righteousness. 10 Then my enemy will see it and will be covered with shame, she who said to me, “Where is the Lord your God?” My eyes will see her downfall; even now she will be trampled underfoot like mire in the streets. 11 The day for building your walls will come, the day for extending your boundaries. 12 In that day people will come to you from Assyria and the cities of Egypt, even from Egypt to the Euphrates and from sea to sea and from mountain to mountain. 13 The earth will become desolate because of its inhabitants, as the result of their deeds. Prayer and Praise

14 Shepherd your people with your staff, the flock of your inheritance, which lives by itself in a forest, in fertile pasturelands.[a] Let them feed in Bashan and Gilead as in days long ago. 15 “As in the days when you came out of Egypt, I will show them my wonders.” 16 Nations will see and be ashamed, deprived of all their power. They will put their hands over their mouths and their ears will become deaf. 17 They will lick dust like a snake, like creatures that crawl on the ground. They will come trembling out of their dens; they will turn in fear to the Lord our God and will be afraid of you. 18 Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. 19 You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.

Picture says it all (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Callmejuls ago by Callmejuls

I see a major ACT OF GOD coming, they have perverted ALL that He holds dear. They have stolen the rainbow, set depravity and perversion and immorality of all kinds upon a pedestal and attempted to destroy all that is good and right and just and God will NOT STAND FOR IT! He is soon going to do something the equivalent to the likes of the Great Flood or Sodom and Gomorrah’s destruction. I imagine something the likes of a tsunami as the result of them perverting His beautiful promise of the rainbow.

2 Corinthians 6:17 “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,”

Isaiah 5:20-24 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight! Woe to men mighty at drinking wine, Woe to men valiant for mixing intoxicating drink, Who justify the wicked for a bribe, And take away justice from the righteous man! Therefore, as the fire devours the stubble, And the flame consumes the chaff, So their root will be as rottenness, And their blossom will ascend like dust; Because they have rejected the law of the LORD of hosts, And despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.


I’ve got a story to tell

If I’d only written it down

It’s written down though

In the Lamb’s book of life

Grace and Mercy

I’ve been given plenty

Without them, I wouldn’t be alive

Blessings and miracles

I’ve seen a few

Because of them I know

God’s got a job for me to do

He drew me near

Pounded me into shape as His Potter’s clay

Refined me in the fires as gold

Because of all this painful shaping

I have been made anew

Now useful for His purpose

As He gives me this job to do

Now as I move forward

In obedience and humility

I will serve in Jesus name

To accomplish the goal

He has set before me


Proverbs 24:19,20 19 Do not fret because of evildoers or be envious of the wicked, 20 for the evildoer has no future hope, and the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out.

Matthew 10:30,31,32 30 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows. 32 “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.

Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

John 15:7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.


Had an idea last night for a Faith and Standing up T-Shirt design, then just a half hr ago, it hit me like a brick upside the head. I should get help to design (I can sketch out idea first), then sell and use as total fundraiser for EIN & either 501C3 or PMA for starting Camp Yesu. My idea is to say on the front of the shirt FROM WOMB TO TOMB HANDS OFF OUR BODIES HANDS OFF OUR LIVES Then have colored detailed pictures of a baby in the womb on far left and a person lying in a casket at funeral on far right and in between in fanned out faded black or grey silhouettes pictures of a baby, a toddler, a teen, young adult, older adult, old adult, then on back of shirt one of the following scriptures in large penmanship calligraphy.

1 Peter 2:4 So as you come to Him, A living stone rejected by men, But chosen and PRICELESS in God’s sight

Psalm 139:14 I praise You because I am FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY MADE; YOUR WORKS WONDERFUL, I know that full well.

Romans 5:8 But God demonstrated His love for us in this; WHILE WE WERE STILL SINNERS, CHRIST DIED FOR US.

So, if anyone can picture this and it sounds cool to them and they would like to help by donating time and effort to design and someone to donate all or most cost of some cool stylish shirts for this cause, please write me.


Tried to share property link of my top choice and someone (assumably mods) deleted it. Why?


Last week, when I was asking about alternatives to 501C3 for starting up Camp Yesu, some folks on here recommended that I start up PMA (Private Membership Association instead) so after searching around, I found one called Pro Advocate Group that I
like but rather than the $849 between EIN and 501C3 it costs $10,000 and includes setup assistance and lifetime legal representation and while you do still pay taxes, the government has no involvement. So I want to set up a checking account for givesendgo to start one up. My husband wants to see reviews before letting me do this part. Where is the best place for good reviews?


Made an appointment last week for this Monday for allergies and sinus gunk but mainly to see if I could get a better allergy med prescription because the pollens have really been causing me grief and I have a history with allergies and asthma. I recently switched to Mercy clinics from Ozark Healthcare because I found them worthless and my husband has been happy with Mercy doctor. Since I just recently switched I had to see the PA on short notice as they currently have only one MD. I had stated that I was having allergy congestion issues and asthma flair up from the pollens I’ve had my whole life when I scheduled. I showed up Monday with most symptoms gone and when I went to check in they asked if I minded seeing a different PA. I stated that I had an appointment and the receptionist got snippy with me and said that she wasn’t seeing any sick patients. I said “who said I was sick? I have allergies and asthma that I fought with my whole life.” She then shoved a mask at me (mask mandates have been dropped a while back around here). I said “I can’t breathe through them, I have asthma”. She said “Let me go talk to her.” She went and spoke to the PA and came back and said “she isn’t seeing anyone right now.”
Funny, why was she there working if she’s not seeing patients and isn’t the purpose of going to the doctor because you have a medical issue?


John 12:35-40 35-36 Jesus said, “For a brief time still, the light is among you. Walk by the light you have so darkness doesn’t destroy you. If you walk in darkness, you don’t know where you’re going. As you have the light, believe in the light. Then the light will be within you, and shining through your lives. You’ll be children of light.”

Their Eyes Are Blinded

36-40 Jesus said all this, and then went into hiding. All these God-signs he had given them and they still didn’t get it, still wouldn’t trust him. This proved that the prophet Isaiah was right:

God, who believed what we preached? Who recognized God’s arm, outstretched and ready to act? First they wouldn’t believe, then they couldn’t—again, just as Isaiah said:

Their eyes are blinded, their hearts are hardened, So that they wouldn’t see with their eyes and perceive with their hearts, And turn to me, God, so I could heal them.

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