CeramicLady 2 points ago +2 / -0

She posted updates here: https://www.tiktok.com/@paigeunavailable

She did a urine sample and it was black...

CeramicLady 5 points ago +5 / -0

No, infants would not go to hell because they have not reached the age of accountability. They can't understand right from wrong yet.


CeramicLady 2 points ago +2 / -0

I love this, thank you for this post! Regardless of the end result, you can see God's hand in what's going on. If Q is real (which it is) and the plan works (not as sure about this, but I'm very hopeful!), I also predict we'll see a great revival.

And if the plan fails and Biden gets inaugurated and we are all oppressed under Communist rule, that also sets the stage for a revival and the gospel will be spread. I'm reading a book called Tortured for Christ and it describes exactly this - the spreading of the gospel in Communist Romania through underground churches and other secret means.

Either way, people need hope and answers and they can find both in Jesus. We are so blessed to have hope in our Savior regardless of our circumstances. Many don't know Him and they are confused and afraid right now and in the days to come and it's our responsibility to share the truth with them (Matthew 28:19-20).