ChicagoforTrump 3 points ago +3 / -0

man, this made me laugh too hard.

ChicagoforTrump 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can't remember when the last time I watched tv programs on tv, probably the 90s. I watch sports but even that has gone to the dumps since Obama got the commies in charge. We rarely even watch a movie any more because it is all doom, white men bad, LGBT propaganda.

Get used to it. Support conservative values. We buy christian movies and go to the theatre when a movie with good values comes out.

ChicagoforTrump 13 points ago +13 / -0

Are you telling me we have to wait until January 19th for anything to happen? Wow.

ChicagoforTrump 4 points ago +4 / -0

I can't go on thedon anymore. No hope. My trust is in Jesus, not Trump, not the USA, not my riches, only Jesus. Of course God created this great country and has sustained us from the beginning, but I trust His perfect leadership all the days of my life.

ChicagoforTrump 12 points ago +12 / -0

If we let Biden and the dems control congress and the WH they will tear down the wall and import millions of illegals.

ChicagoforTrump 121 points ago +140 / -19

Yea. It doesn't look good. I'm holding out for a miracle before Jan. 20th, but if Biden gets in and the Q folks say "it's all part of the plan", I am out.

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