Chukna -1 points ago +1 / -2

The translation is bad, it should read that Finland pulled out from the alliance because it includes support to the degenerate rainbow freaks. I couldn't find article in English.

Chukna -1 points ago +1 / -2

What's not a positive? Not participating the plan that includes support for LGBTIQ+? That's definitely positive.

Ukraine rebuilding plan including support for LGBTIQ+? That's not a positive.

Chukna 0 points ago +2 / -2

"since he also intends to advance" means the alliance means to advance, not Tavio. Bad translation.

Tavio decided to decline Finland's participation because the plan included support for satanic LGBTIQ+.

Chukna 1 point ago +2 / -1

USA is not a democracy, never has been and never will be. Representative democracy is the most dangerous form of democracy, Germany was a representative democracy when Hitler was elected to power.

Chukna 3 points ago +4 / -1

Calling the USA democracy is like pissing on the graves of the founding fathers. The USA has never been democracy and never will be. Democracy is tyranny that leads to socialism and socialism to communism and communism to deaths of millions of people in concentration camps. The USA was created republic to prevent that from happening. Adolf Hitler became dictator of Germany because Germany was a democratic country. That would never happen in the USA unless Demoncraps succeed transforming the USA into democracy. Adolf Hitler was a Democrat.

Chukna 1 point ago +3 / -2

Finland is one step away from returning Alexander I's generous gift. Three provinces are at risk

If the Finns do not stop making territorial claims to Russia, they may well lose part of their territories. Those that were given to them by the Russian Emperor.

Russians may take up the restoration of historical justice if the nationalist organizations that have become active in Finland do not stop making territorial claims against Moscow. After all, it was our country, or rather Emperor Alexander I, who at one time transferred part of its lands to Finland, as the Russian Presidential Library reminded us. It even organized an action aimed at exposing Finnish claims. For this purpose, archival documents were declassified.

Thus, the history of Finnish statehood begins with the Russo-Swedish War of 1808-1809. After it, the territory of the Land of a Thousand Lakes was transferred to the Russian Empire. To win the sympathy of his new subjects, Emperor Alexander I transferred the Vyborg Governorate to the Grand Duchy of Finland, increasing the territory of Finland by 16%.

After the 1917 revolution, Finland adopted the Declaration of Independence. However, with a reservation, supposedly "to realize independence peacefully through an agreement with Russia." At the same time, according to the rules of international relations, if any autonomy decides to leave the state, it does so within the borders in which it joined it. But then everything went awry. Anti-Soviet forces seized power in Finland, refusing to negotiate with the RSFSR, and even putting forward claims to new territories. They really wanted to get all of Karelia and the Kola Peninsula up to the White Sea and Lake Onega. And then there was more. The Finns became completely insolent and declared that it was necessary to turn Petrograd and the adjacent territories into a "free city-republic."

The claims grew, leading to constant border clashes. The British added fuel to the fire in September 1939 with their plan "Operation Katarina". They intended to drag Germany into a war with the USSR, which meant first provoking a conflict between Finland or Sweden and the USSR. Afterwards, according to the plan, the united forces of the West - led by England, of course - wanted to go on a "crusade" against our country.

The war between Russia and Finland really did break out. Fortunately, the successful actions of the Red Army disrupted the further development of the scenario. Then - following the results of the Second World War - Helsinki had to return to us part of the Russian lands ceded by Alexander I. Now these territories are part of the Leningrad Region and the Republic of Karelia. It is precisely these territories that today's Finnish nationalists have set their sights on.

At the same time, the Finns themselves still retained part of Alexander I's gift. These are lands that are part of the Finnish provinces of South Savo, South Karelia, and Kymenlaakso. And Russia has not forgotten about this at all. And if something happens, it can easily recall it. To restore historical justice.


Chukna 1 point ago +1 / -0

Actually there is already tons of data proving it was sent from Ivalo air base, Finland.

Chukna 1 point ago +1 / -0


The Ukrainian Armed Forces attempted to attack the Murmansk airfield "Olenya" with the support of NATO countries. This information appeared on many Russian channels on September 11. According to unconfirmed data, the Ukrainian Armed Forces drones shot down in the Murmansk region were launched from Finland.

An attack by enemy drones on a strategic aviation base was repelled in the Murmansk Region. The region's governor, Andrei Chibis, reported three drones shot down, which were long-range vehicles launched from A-22 Foxbat light aircraft.

The drones, according to some experts, took off from air bases in Finland and were heading to the Olenya strategic aviation base, where the Russian Air Force's Tu-95MS strategic missile carriers are stationed.

Before the drones were launched, two Swedish S102B reconnaissance aircraft, which conduct radio and electronic intelligence, patrolled along the Russian border, as well as a Gulfstream Aerospace TP 102C (G-IV-SP) aircraft, which is capable of monitoring telephone and radio communications, digital and television networks.

Following reconnaissance flights by NATO aircraft, which presumably took off from the Ivalo airfield, where military operations can be disguised as civilian flights, two A-22 Flying Fox drones were launched. Thanks to Russian air defense, all targets were successfully shot down in the area of ​​the village of Vysoky.

On his channel, military expert Alexander Zimovsky asked the question: "So Finland has already attacked Russia? Or does one time not count?"

Military volunteer, political scientist Alexey Zhivov also expressed his indignation: "Not only was a Finnish airfield used, but a Swedish reconnaissance plane was also used. What is this?! This is called aggression by NATO countries against Russia."

Small arms developer Vlad Lobaev suggested on his channel that all countries bordering Russia, which in any way threatened our country, and from which attacks on our territory were carried out, should become buffer zones after the war, or become part of Russia in whole or in part: “This is a question of security and in no other way in the long term it can be ensured: either they will be under our protectorate, or - our geopolitical opponents.”

Chukna 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Ukrainian Armed Forces attempted to attack the Olenya airfield with the support of NATO countries. Preliminary, the Ukrainian drones that were shot down in the Murmansk region were launched from Finland.

According to flight maps, two Swedish reconnaissance aircraft were previously monitoring the Russian border. This is the S102B radio and electronic reconnaissance aircraft, as well as the Gulfstream Aerospace TP 102C (G-IV-SP), which can intercept telephone calls, radio communications, digital and television networks.

The first aircraft constantly flies off the coast of the Kaliningrad region. The second was spotted in August last year, when it was conducting reconnaissance over the Finnish Lake Inari near the Russian border. Before that, such sorties were carried out exclusively by US Air Force aircraft.

After reconnaissance flights by NATO aircraft, two A-22 Flying Fox UAVs were launched from the (preliminary) Ivalo airfield (it is convenient to disguise the devices as civilian aircraft there).

The air defense system shot down all targets near the village of Vysoky. After this, the authorities introduced temporary restrictions on the operation of the airports of Murmansk and Apatity. The air harbors stopped accepting and sending civilian airliners.


Chukna -1 points ago +2 / -3

Every Finn is guilty since they voted this warmongering government and didn't resist the attacks against Russia.

Chukna 2 points ago +4 / -2

The Finns party runs on anti-immigration themes but they are part of the global satanic swamp that seek to destroy white race by replacing them with immigrants. They're literally controlled fake opposition.

Chukna 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just yesterday Finnish government announced that NATO expenses next year will be over $185 million on top of the defense spending.

Chukna 5 points ago +5 / -0

La ending in place names is "place of ..." so for example sairaala (hospital) is in Finnish literally place of sick people, vankila (prison) is place of prisoners, kanala (chicken coop) is place of chickens and kama depending on context can mean stuff or illegal drugs so Kamala can mean place of illegal drugs.

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