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The lawyer tells him it was 2020 when COVID came out and he said it was announced in 2020 but he knew it was coming in 2019.
Charleston, SC February 14th and Waterford Township, MI February 17th
Comms, Proofs and Clever Wording to Awaken Normies are accelerating at the rallies. During the Primary Season President Trump will be exposing more of what has been going on and what's to come. Don't miss the opportunity to be part of the Great Awakening and the largest movement in this country and most likely the world. Expect rallies to reach most of the country prior to the Primaries and be part of history.
President Trump's Official Event Page:
We need to accelerate this Great Awakening. Let them see what the rest of the world went through while they made hundreds of thousands of extra cash during the Covid years.