If you wear prescription glasses, be sure to have old pairs prepared. I get a new pair every year and have the older pairs in hard cases where I can grab them. Have them in your emergency bag, tape a pair to your emergency food buckets but just be sure you have them where they are easy to grab. They also serve as protective glasses since they are all polycarbonate these days. Places like Americas Best does 2 pairs including exam for $90.
6 Year Delta of Q Post #1 https://qposts.online/?q=1&s=postnum
The Full Hunter's Moon https://www.space.com/full-hunters-moon-lunar-eclipse-october-2023-photos-video
I was shocked to learn this. Had the shooting public known of this sale we would have ponied up the cash to buy it ourselves. CZ is top of the line but America.
He was a college student who appeared to be very clean cut and conservative. Americans for Prosperity are Never Trumpers who claim if Trump is the candidate Joe Biden will win in a landslide. I spent about 5 minutes talking to him and I bet he no longer works for them. I will detail our conversation in the comments.
Here is the link and the time that it happened is at 3:59 pm EST in the clock in the lower right corner.
Now check out Q Post 4832 with today's Delta https://qposts.online/?q=4832&s=postnum
I know this is not just a perception thing since I have transom windows 10 feet high in the living room and an enclosed porch on the back of the house. On Sunday I even searched to see what planet was next to the moon in the east which was Jupiter. So the moon was rising in the East which allowed me to see it through the transom window and when I was on the porch, I was checking it out since it was nearly full and completely lighting up the green on the golf course out back. So tonight, I was looking for the moon and discovered it was rising in the North out the front window of the house instead of the East.
On October 4th, 1582, 10 days were removed from the calendar, so it went from Oct. 4th to Oct. 15th overnight. So, to tie this into Q could something like that be considered 10 Days of Darkness. What could account for such a drastic change in the position of the moon. Here is a link to the change in the calendar in 1582.
I was surprised it would be before the stated time.