Here at the 31:48 mark as I have saved in this video Jim Jordon scorches the Leftards and FBI-tards. About a 2 minute clip of ass whooping.
McClintock asks the right questions to expose Hillary, Obama, Biden, et al. At the 17:25 mark where I saved this listen and spread this message and testimony.
It was at a theater that seats between 5k - 10k and they sold the 16oz aluminum cans so you could clearly see who was drinking beer. We stood in line with hundreds of others to buy a soda and nobody was willing to buy the Bud products. The entire evening, I saw a total of 3 Bud products sold and/or being consumed in the entire theater. Everybody in line was mocking Bud Light and sharing memes. There were a ton of people wearing Trump hats and shirts and many more coming up to us and complimenting us on our Trump gear.
I am trying to Red Pill a 30-year retired military veteran who claims Trump has lied about the election fraud. He claims that Trump is perpetuating a lie since every election fraud case has been proven false in court and there are no active cases.
Giant Vats of people dissolved in chemicals is how I want lefties to end their lives the sane as GW Bush enemies. Equity for all.
I think we are in that time frame and wonder if Anons can share.
I have 2 cats with one being skinny and extremely active but the other is fat and always a pig. Skinny cat started vomiting and fat cat ate non-stop never getting full. Skinny cat lost 20% of his weight while fat cat gained at least that much. Skinny cat was nearly dead from starvation, so he went to the vet. $600 later blood test showed he was eating a very high fat diet with Pancreatitis. Fat cat was eating non-stop because he was only getting fat from food. I had noticed gel on the food since WEF stated pets need to go.
The people who were responsible for removing that information are cold blooded killers. They didn't just kill one person, 100 people or 1,000 people but rather they murdered tens of thousands of people and need to be held accountable.
Sorry for the typo but I was way too excited. MTG stated that they interfered in the election and read them the United States Code prohibiting it. She made it clear that each of them was guilty of violating that code.
This was awesome to watch a US fighter jet take the shot on an enemy aircraft while standing in my driveway. I was out there with the neighbor when the four fighter jets swung away wide, and one made a hard turn toward the balloon. The jet took a straight path toward the balloon, and we saw the missile split off from the jet. It took several seconds for the missile to hit the balloon and it deflated and started drifting down.
Claims about the size of the balloon at the length of 3 school buses make it impossible for this to be flying at 60,000 feet. Even if it was 35,000 feet it would be no larger than a speck in the sky like an airliner.
One article mentions the difficulty of shooting a hole in the balloon since it is large enough to fit a football stadium inside. If it were that large it would still not be able to be photographed with a cell phone camera at 60,000 feet.
Just wondering if there is a good site to track this live. Also hoping there is a plane tracking site to see activity around the balloon.
I have a Red Pilled friend who is looking to share Red Pills with some sports fans. Can anybody provide me with the numbers and receipts so I can forward them?
While we all knew that Ivermectin and HCQ was the cure she told the world those cheap drugs would kill you. She was also advising the countries to use sedation and Remdesivir for those in hospitals. No surprise that she was behind much of the HIV/AIDS mass murder around the world.
Her own family outed her for the entire masking and isolation scam & lockdowns. Never forget those behind the murder of millions worldwide.
I need a set with all the Q posts, Q Proofs and the final synopsis of each piece of the operation. I want it leather bound with the gold foil hot stamps like the old hard bound encyclopedias only better. Future generations will be able to study them and when the internet is censored or offline the operation will be available to read and study.
Yes 8 rats in trials and they all died. We tried to warn you, but you said we were crazy.
What company offers this type of insurance and why do they still exist.
They even took it off the board of vaccinations offered while they still show 9 other Vaccinations available. All of the C19 home tests are gone from the shelves as well. They have a sticker on one pharmacy window saying the vax was available. There is an 8-foot-wide decorative shelf that is empty, but they put a small display of water flavoring drops on it covering the window Vax sticker.
I guess the Twitter Files and died suddenly info has changed things.