CrsCrpr 1 point ago +2 / -1

Well dis es cucked AF ..... TruthSocial has taken me post down

CrsCrpr 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's actually pretty simple and ultimately is decided by the STATE ..... Trump like Florida

CrsCrpr 0 points ago +1 / -1

Cuzz to TPTB the US has become an annoyance with their rights and their guns. Their attempts at gun grabs have been met with surprising political backlash and despite the censor-bot running at full speed with CNN bodyguards, their losing the information war. Even if they wanted to keep America on top, they want a one-world-currency though. Probably something digital that can be controlled easily but, the point is, they want a new currency they can control and it ain't the dollar.

Muah ..... Russia ....

While the US and the EU have been levying MSM sanctions, Russia has quietly gold backed their rubel and a few days ago it nudged higher than it was worth before the sanctions. The longer this goes on, and Russia just started cutting gaslines off, the stronger the rubel (a gold backed currency) gets and it won't take long before other countries follow. It's my understanding some already have but I'm not very well versed about it.

The bottom line is we start seeing the dollar slip on the global market real soon

CrsCrpr 3 points ago +4 / -1

Actually it hadn't but I figured those would have quit long ago and the timing of the sports and the airlines had me thinking vaccine related as opposed to walk-offs

CrsCrpr 2 points ago +3 / -1

Could be .... I really don't know enough about all the 5G stuff to really form an opinion one way or another but I did think it should be mentioned

CrsCrpr 14 points ago +15 / -1

I'm working on a few theories ....

The first being that these cancelations seem to coincide with the FIFA and Tennis athletes having to drop out of their respective sportsballs because of health conditions assumably brought on by the vaccines. What if an excess of physical exertion or changes in atmospheric pressure somehow stress the body and the bioweapon disguised as a jab is producing the desired affects in pilots and athletes quicker than what it would in the normal public? That would explain the sudden shortage in pilots that could result in the flight cancelations.

The second being a good old-fashioned fuck-the-little-guy scenario due to fuel being more expensive now. Quite frankly, it's cheaper to deal with the customer backlash than it is to fuel the damn plane.

The third thing I'm stewing is some tin-foil hat shit about the 5G that I don't really understand but I've heard the murmurs. If you follow the timeline, in alte February the FAA issued a warning revolving around 737s specifically and 5G interference. A couple weeks ago a plane goes down in China and Friday the black box is sent to Washington for help decoding. The following day passenger flights start getting grounding.

The fourth and most doomy thing that comes to mind is a false flag similar to 911 that TPTB can blame on Russia as an excuse to enter the conflict.


CrsCrpr 5 points ago +5 / -0

Coincidentally Truth Social (Trump's social media platform) debuts on February 21st and TMTG (Trump Media and Technology Group) will be launching TMTG News and TMTG+ to directly compete with MSM news and streaming services

CrsCrpr 3 points ago +4 / -1

Atleast wif a Nazi ya know what yer getting.

Some of us have actually suffered behind this pandemic. Had to change jobs and scramble to support our families because we refuse to bend the knee. Those are the people we need to celebrate. These passive cucks that pretend their silence is affecting anything is what's wrong with this country.

You're either complicit or yer not. When Nuremberg 2022 kicks off that's how they're going to look at it too. History proves that.

Not gonna high-five the nurse that continues to allow medical tyranny to be pushed and doesn't open her mouth.

CrsCrpr 6 points ago +6 / -0

I mean, am i supposed to celebrate a nurse that knows better still pushing the agenda? I don't get it. A nod-nod, wink-wink from the nurse doesn't absolve her from the atrocities she's condoning by "playing the game". Da bish is gonna play the game to keep her job while fellow Americans suffer behind medical tyranny?

Fuck dat, fuck her and fuck Joe Biden.

CrsCrpr 2 points ago +2 / -0

E-Trade and Fidelity

Stay away from WeBull and RobinHood

CrsCrpr 3 points ago +3 / -0

I skimped enough to pick up 30 on Etrade dis morning but i had to smash the buy button fer 10 minutes to catch it between halts

by Quelle
CrsCrpr 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well ..... after i call them and give them a piece of my mind, I'm gonna sign them up for auto insurance, health insurance and a new home warranty .... I hope they start dreading answering the phone

CrsCrpr 1 point ago +1 / -0

I respect what you're doing OP but I wouldn't even dignify them with a response of why .... I did a very lengthy post on this when the COVID hysteria was just setting in and I feel this is an area where you don't have to explain why.

When I did the research on it, come to find out, there is no burden of proof for religious exemptions. You don't have to explain anything.

That's a ruling made by the United Nations and upheld in every country that is a member.

Say nothing of why and they have no rebuttal ....

CrsCrpr 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with you 100%

CrsCrpr 4 points ago +4 / -0

You must get a religious exemption to vaccines signed and notarized by a notary public and then sue the shit out of them for violating your religious rights.

You can do this online for like $30 and it took me about 10 hours of research to find a template to use for the state of Virginia. I basically altered the same form you would use to exempt your children from a required school vaccine because of religious reasons.

There is no burden of proof so don't bother explaining why it's against your religion to anybody, all that's required is that you believe it.

It is then up to the employer to make a "reasonable accommodation" for you just like if you were wheelchair bound and they didn't have a handicap bathroom.

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