I'm thinking that 2A is going to end up before the SC. At that point, 2A will be upheld ALL ACROSS THE COUNTRY, to the point where open carry is the norm. Then the kids will be protected while in school also.
Roe v Wade overturned in U.S. In Canada, the thought of overturning Canadian laws which are in favor of abortion is always used AGAINST any Conservative running for office. On top of that, PM Castreau just said that Canadians do NOT have the right to defend themselves with a gun. New phrase for Canadian tourism....."Come to Canada. Where you can take an innocent life, but not defend it."
Does that mean all the 300+ lb women(?) will be going on a sex strike? How will we survive?
that with todays decision we are moving towards Gilead (Magaret Atwoods Handmaids Tale). My thought....you took women out of the home and eventually convinced them marital sex between a husband and wife was rape. Women are choosing NOT to have children at all. You pushed abortion up to, and including, after birth, for any reason up to, and including "just because". You are telling little boys they are girls, and vice versa. You are pushing puberty blockers on kids stopping them from becoming men and women. You are pushing your LGBTQ...RST etc agenda to the point where you are grooming and recruiting kids. If Gilead is the future.....YOU BROUGHT IT ON YOURSELF.
BLM shall stand for BABY LIVES MATTER. So let it be written, so let it be.
any officer who was within a mile of that school in Texas needs to hand in his badge in disgrace. Afraid of being shot? REALLY?? You've got body armor, and hid behind vehicles , while the parents were attempting to do your job of rescuing those kids....UNARMED!! You cowards need to hand in your badges and walk away.
but couldn't stop this Texas shooter. I know what you're thinking, "How were the FBI supposed to know about the shooter?" Well, apparently every shooter has an online presence of some kind, and you KNOW that within a week or 2 we'll find out this guy was on some watchlist. Makes you wonder.
Was just watching Toronto evening news, and they were breathlessly reporting on Ukrainian civilians being rescued from the beseiged steel plant. My question....rescued by who? No one can get close to the place. Perhaps rescued by (gasp) Russian forces?
Apparently a train station was bombed in Ukraine yesterday. What's missing? Photos of dirty and bloody survivors being led out. Photos of bloody bodies in the rubble. Damn you Q, you have me questioning EVERYTHING!!
And Russia hits back.
The news (CityTV in Toronto) was breathlessly reporting Russia breaking a cease fire....AGAIN. And they did it by (gasp!!) bombing a maternity hospital. Here is what had me screaming. These past 2 years here I have learned to question everything. There was something missing in this report (besides truth).....there were NO bodies. And knowing the MSM, if there were bodies they would be put on display for the world to see. A typical "look here, not there" distraction from reports of US biolabs being found.
Just watched the evening news spend 15 minutes talking about all the groups, legacy and grass roots, that are taking donations for Ukraine. Like it's even get out of the country, let alone to those who "are in desperate need".
remember. The same media that is telling you of all the death and destruction in Ukraine right now, is the same media that told you a bunch of truckers with bouncy castles were Nazis.
Putin says he is supporting/protecting 2 breakaway regions in Ukraine. Where are these areas? I'm thinking they are in the south. If so, this begs the question, if Putin is protecting provinces in the south, why enter in the north to go through Kiev? Either A/....real invasion, or 2/...he's not, and this is a U.S. run false flag. Somebody want to try to explain this to me?
No sauce needed. On all news channels. Putin's done it now.