Diana21 10 points ago +11 / -1

I agree. I’m in Ireland, and while more are waking, our government is just doing what the EU says. We’ve had horrific lockdowns, businesses are closed so people are reliant on the state handout, and our national debt, which was always high, is skyrocketing. The state is planning on passing legislation to sell assets/land to a private body. Hate speech laws are under review. As is a euthanasia bill. Not to mention EU vaccine passports.

We will be gone by 2028.

One possible positive - our government is slow as hell with the vaccinations, but maybe that’s to extend lockdown to increase bankruptcies and business closures.

Diana21 2 points ago +2 / -0

Paper from 2017 found higher mortality in kids who received the DPT vaccine than those who didn’t...


Diana21 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just to add - the three vaccines being used in the EU (Pfizer, Moderna & AZ) don’t have full licenses either. They are “Conditional Marketing Authorisation” only - the EU equivalent of the US EUA.

Diana21 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are still not fully licensed anywhere, afaik. FDA has given emergency use authorisation. EU has given conditional marketing approval. This is why alternatives, or repurposed drugs, are not being considered. Emergency or conditional approvals are contingent on no other FDA approved therapeutic being available.

I intend to decline ‘vaccination’ (mRNA injection) until fully licensed with medium-term safety data available (i.e. a few years worth). Aka never.

Diana21 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry to hear that. I’ve regrets in life - who doesn’t - but as I sit looking at the stars tonight, I’ve made those choices myself for the most part (subject to some manipulation). So never b en as trapped as that, although the vaccine passports have me worried.

I switch between thinking o shit, or thinking that they’re boiling the frogs too quickly - more and more people here are waking up. Our government are doing some stupid stuff...

I still work somewhere where I have to be careful. Both because they have a lot of overt influence, and because the more I learn the higher I realise the stakes at the top are.

I really was very blind to all this 4 years ago. Would have been begging for the shot myself.

Diana21 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hello - handshake user here. Long time lurker & occasional anonymous poster elsewhere, last three years one hell of a learning curve. Guy on another forum I started posting on directed me here recently.

I’m Europe, not US - and yes your system so broken, with doctors trapped and burnt out. When you’re 6 figures in debt and admin and bosses to answer to... you burn out and your critical thinking goes out the window. Doesn’t take many influencers to control people. Most students I see are altruistic when they arrive - but that grind, and the fact that the ‘career ladder’ and paying off the debt relies on fitting into the system... hard to go against it. Plus there’s just so much content to learn and then churn out. Doesn’t take much for people to be worker bees following pre-set management algorithms instead of actually looking at the patient, or data. Just too tired.

I’m not in frontline healthcare anymore, but in most of the doctors and nurses can’t wait for their jabs, and I’m seeing more and more people I know take it. Mostly AZ I think.

So, mostly useful idiots, a few in it for the money, and even fewer at the top influencing and shaping the narrative.

But that’s more dangerous imo. Most of the doctors trying to get you to take the vaccine genuinely believe in it, and will go along with t. In the EU they are talking about vaccine passports. For a medication less than a year old, that isn’t even fully lisenced.