If everybody were vaccinated, then any potential side effects could be put off as "chronic or genetic" diseases.

Could help build blind faith in future vaccines with potentially deadlier outcomes, or pave the ground for selective annihilation.

The reason I don't think the current vaccine will depopulate the earth is because the cabal certainly does not want the sheep to go extinct, with all of us remaining in tact. The above would then provide one potential way to close the gaps in what seems like an over the top push for getting vaccinated despite well knowing that so many of us will never take it.


Pompeo tweeted today at 3:56

“Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken.” Psalm 55:22 #SundayScripture ✝️

Q356: Trip test.

A few hours later:

17 died and 400 were wounded in an explosion in Equatorial Guinea.

Q400: Trip entered but not showing.

What are the odds of Pompeo referencing "Trip test" only to be followed by "17 deaths" with a potential (which I thought extremely unlikely) link to "Trip entered but not showing" a mere few hours later?

What could the relevance of Psalm 55:22 be?


All those "suicide by hanging from door knob" of pedophiles and human traffickers got me thinking.

Could Q have known about the suicide weekend because the reports about hanging from a door knob are some sort of code by the cabal that Q knows about?









FTX is worthless since it blocks most of the world from accessing its futures.

Predictit doesn't have anything.

Any other places that allow EU, UK or US?

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