EpicBroccoli -1 points ago +2 / -3

Did anything ever transpire from these plane threads? People always get excited, think "s*** is coming down", then nothing happens, everynone forgets about it, next day it's rinse and repeat. Perhaps this is a useless method?

EpicBroccoli 2 points ago +2 / -0
  1. I'm not quite sure what your point about the two women in pink and white is. They are part of the Biden family, grand daughters I think (but not quite sure). There is nothing mysterious about them appearing in the clip. They are just outside the frame in the bird's eye perspective at the beginning and then appear in the frontal shot. Depth information gets lost when projecting 3d onto 2d, that's why they appear so close in the frontal view. Check one of the countless other videos of the ceremony from different perspectives, as here at 1:42:00: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDjX98qOc7s&ab_channel=DERSPIEGEL
  2. Not sure what Biden says here, only that it ends in "marines". Note that Biden is still president elect at this moment when entering the Capitol. I'm not sure, but would the president elect be really expected to salute? The president for sure, but the president elect does technically not hold any office, is not commander in chief or anything. If someone knows, please educate me.
  3. The pages are not blank. Printed paper looks like this from a low angle at poor resolution, Check here, there are definitely letters printed on the paper, better to see at a steep angle or in zoom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5GuQenmonE&ab_channel=CNBCTelevision