by BQnita
ExtractOfAnalFistula 2 points ago +2 / -0

The impeachment attempts seemed constitutionally flawed.

I only counter your optimism because his 180° turn on COVID makes me think they currently have his testicles in some very tight vices (possibly with their (albeit spurious) January 6 accusations and absolutely any indiscretions they can find from this term as POTUS)

by BQnita
ExtractOfAnalFistula 2 points ago +2 / -0

Corporate America is America's entire "governance". It's tragic that so many ordinary people are oblivious to their lack of control or simply influence over policy.

Like any corrupted regime, your best bet to have your views heard is to bribe and incentivise career politicos; a distinct class of self-enriching elites.

Corporate America and the people who call themselves "American" billionaires control a sizeable proportion of policy in pretty much every country around the globe; every country that either does business with them, depends on their supply chain or, by proxy, deals with the corporation's allies.

Many of us realise that the true American citizens are basically as enslaved by these elites as the countries beholden to punitive American foreign policy. What's harder to fathom is how any of us can overcome this almost ethereal elite who control the media and information highways when the Panama papers, Wikileaks and Edward Snowden have only created ripples instead of tsunamis.